WTPTWr-w' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELP, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1910-EVENING EDITION ""MOWWW 1 lli nt et i m HereVComfort for THE DIG MAN THE HARD-TO-FIT MAN THE UNEASY MAN THE ATHLETIC MAN Ltia huh HERMANN GO Dutchess Trousers nro mndo to nt well and hang well. Thoy nro not cut tJ savo cloth. Enough material Is used to moot tho require montB of fashion and glvo comfort to tho wearer. Thoy nro unsurpassed for strength; henco tho wnrranty 10 Cents u Button; $1.00 a Hip. "Woolen Mill Store MUI-to-Man Clothier Heney Has Land Fraud Case Against Him Dismissed At Portland. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2G. "No man ought to bo called upon to an swer n chargo which Is not mads against him until nftor tho lapso of 83 long a time," In tho opinion of Special Prosecutor Heney, who mov c.! for tho dismissal of all charges against Dlngor Hormann, ex-Repro- SOtltntlVn In f!nnirns nmt nv.Pnm- mlssloner of tho General Land Ofllcn. Federal Judgo Wolverton dismissed nil tho cases. "1 am convinced that no furthor uenoflclal effect tmon bo- doty can bo secured by Mr. Her rmann's prosecution and conviction, or, In other words, by his punish ment, and particularly by his Imnrl- sonment In tho ovont that ho should bo convicted upon another trial," I said Honey. "Mr. Herman 'was In dicted In this caso on February 13, 1005, and owing to somo causes over which ho had no control and others over which ho did havo control, ho was not tried until tho month of Jnnunry lii this year a period of fenso was murder. "All the foregoing considerations woro In my mind at the time of Mr. Hermann's trial last January, but I believed that he was entitled to have n trial which might bo a vindication If his guilt was not shown by tho evidence, becnuso ho had occupied high pifbllc office and had been hon ored during a long period of years by tho people of this stnto. More over I believed that tho people of uus sinic anu of this nntlon woro ontltled to know what tho evidence was which Induced a grand Jury composed of Oregon citizens to re turn an lndlctmont ngaliiBt n man who was occupying high public ofllco at tho time. Then, again. 1 had heard tho testimony of tho'so wit nesses who nppeared ucforo tho grand Jury at tho tlmo of Mr. Her mann's Indictment, when tho facts about which they wero testifying woro fresh In their respectlvo minds, nnd I bclelvcd that tho ovldenco Jus tified his Indictment nnd would lus- tlfy his conviction. Iteti'llMitlon Not Intended. "I still so believe, and I further believe that tho 11 Jurors who are reported to have voted for his con viction upon tho trial which occurro I In January of this year woro fully Justified by tho evidence which was produced at tho trial In voting as they did. "Mr. Hormann Is n man of qulto advanced years, howover another year has elapsed slnco his trial ono of tho Government's most Important witnesses Is out of tho country and abovo nil, I am convinced that tin conviction nnd punishment of Mr. Hermann, under nil theso clrcum A MEMORABLE WATGHMEETING NEW YEAR'S EVE came right In tho middle of a series of "protracted meetings" which had been started in n little church In the northern part of Indiana some twouty-tlvo years ngo. The faithful few bad been gathering night after night for u month, nnd uot more than a dozen persons had knelt nt the mourners' bench. Including tho chron ic backsliders. When tho opening hymn wns nunounccd nil the seats had been taken, and a dohso crowd of boys nnd young men occupied tho space be tween tnc door nnd the Inst row of seats. As tho hours slipped My and tho end of the old year uppronched tho sorvlco chnnged Into a season of prayer nnd testimony. Tho little clock which hung on the wnll behind the pulpit Qnnlly pointed to 11 o'clock, nnd the flUgjJgtfS COOS BAY TIDES. practically five yoars. Tho humano provisions of tho stntuto of limita tions In rolntlon to criminal offonsoi iviMluilll UUUVI U.I llll-OU VIIUUII1- fixes n porlod of thrco years aftor a stances, and after this long Inpso of crime has been committed ns thn tit-!.i... .....i.i . .... most limits within which nn lndlct mont may bo brought, unless tho of- Watch this Space for The Arch-Line THE BUSY CORNER, Agents tlmo, would-servo no useful purpose nnd would bo of no benefit to so ciety upon nny of tho theories which I havo mcntlonod. "Mr. Hermann's attorney Informs mo that tho aged defendant will gladly wolcomo tho dismissal of this Indictment nnd I nm stiro thnt nn person desires to sco him prosecuteJ nny further on tho crronous theory that It is tho province of tho crimin al lnw to cxecuto, vongcunco or retri bution agnlnst tho offender." nt onco. Address R. W. Squire, Prospor, Oregon. raKnn l am &BP rS vxvym.v.n. High water I A.M. Date. Date. Monday... 26 Tuesday.. 27 Wcd'd'v. 2S Thursday 29 Friday... 30 Friday... 30 Saturday 31 Low water Date. Monday.,. 2C Tuesday.. 27 Wed'd'y. 28 Thursday 29 Friday... 30 Saturday 31 P. M. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. 8:39 8.0 9:57 C.l 9:22 8.2 10:54 G.2 10:02 8.3 11:42 G.4 11:42 C.4I 11:44 G.5 11:12 8.5 0:58 G.5 11:44 DEOE.MBER A. M. P. M. h.m. ft. h.m. ft. 2:24 2.8 3:43 1.2 3!21 3.2 4:29 0.G 4:12 3.4 n-nn ni 4:58 3.8 5:4G 0.3. 5:37 4.1 G:19 0.G I C:09 4.1 0:500.7 Personal Notes ARCHIE PHILLIPS Is hero from 'orth Bend on business. T. O. KUSSELL was In from Beaver Hill today. E. A. BECKET nnd son of Coqulllev nro MnrBhflold visitors today. NEW HAZARD returned to Coauillo this morning nftor spending Christmas nt tho homo of Mrs. F A. Hazard. W. A. REID arrived hero Inst week to spend Christmas with Mrs. Hold and baby nt tho Judgo Schlbrcdo home. Mr. and Mrs. Reld nnl bnby will lenvo next week for Alaska. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. TITLE GUARANTEE AND AB- STRACT COMPANY WILL .MOVE INTO THEIR NEW OFFIVE IN COKE BUILDING OPPOSITE CHAN DLER 1IOTE1, ABOUT JANUARY 1ST, 1011. For twenty-four hours ending FOR SALE Thrco Humphrey as lamps cheap. In good condition. Pnlnco hotel, North Bend. The Northpend Manufacturing- Go.- IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH ShowXases and Store Fixtures Best Quality Woikmanship and Prices ESTDIATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. FOR SALE Cheap, 100 ncres tint bor land )n Curry county. Apply .' Hnll & Hall. FOR RENT FlTCi-room house (n West Marshfiold. Hall & Hall. WANTED Woman to do family washing nt homo for small family. Address 'F' caro Times. LOST Red hound with whltc-tlpped tall looking llko Shopord, from 2nd nnd Hall, Thursday. Finder, plcaso notify Chas. Curtis. FOR SALE Blooded fox hound pup Sherman Ave, N. Bond, A Hoolllng Coos Bay-Roseburg Stage Line Daily omgo between Hosebuig uixl ALii-miiicM. Stage leaven dally and Sunday nt 7 p. ni. Faie, 80.00. OTTO SCI1ETTER, Agent, ISO MARKET AV Marshfleld. . " 'MiVMUI. PHONE 11 Agent. ROHEIU'RO. OIW, NOTIC1-; If you want Landlcs tho window and enrpot cleaner, just call up Perry-Montgomery, Phono S-J. Good work. Reasonable prices. FOR SALE One llftcen-horsc-powcr Faiibanks-Morso stationery gnso lino onglne, nev, A bargain If sold FOR SALE Veterinary tools medlclno enso, 110 Front St. and WANTED Competent girl for gen oral housowork. Good wages. Address P. O. Box 101, Marshfiold. FOR RENT A fl-room house in So. Marshfiold $10 per mo. Apply Coos Bay Cash Store. WANTED To rent small house pre ferably in West Marshfleld. Ad dress "Capo Blanco." WANTED Waitress and pantry g'rl. Apply Immediately Chnndler Hotel. WANTED Girl at Stafford's BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES! THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES AND BUSINESS MEN irmcimiprn ivrm ttavtjt.w nnnns THAT fiAV I1E GUARANTEED AT FAIR PRICES MEN WUOSE WORK MAY BE DEPENDED UPON. IT WILL PAY YOU TO PATRONIZE THEM IN OR Mother's Restaurant Is better prepared to servo yoa than eyr befcre. Commercial Avc.f bet. Front and Broadway, Marshfleld. Oft To WILLEY & SCHROEDER 'for Plumbing and Heating MarabfUkl. Ore., Phone 778 fr , . . I, j i I,. ,-i . . ' I rm vwto vrn nnivnprvrs DONE AT THE TIJIES OFFICE. 1 Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Enve lopes, Calling Cards, etc. STADPEN All kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak An- fchlng. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office J. J KOONTZ Machine and Repair Shop GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Front! street, Marshfleld, Ore. . "OCT down on roun kmbbi ok i'lij skin TOU ALIVKl" preacher nroso to make one Inst su premo effort to reclaim some soul from cternnl tornieuL At his direction the most zealous members of tho congrega tion left their seats und mingled with mo nuuioncc. looking for n cbanco con vert. It wns nt this critical moment thnt nn unlooked for Interruption disturbed tho passing of tho old yenr nnd marred tho pcacufulncss of tho meeting. Dcu. cons Wiley and Mills bnd been so bold ns to npproacb thot codless crowd around tho door nnd suggest that there was too much laughing nnd tnlklng. They had even dared to tell two or tlirco of the lending spirits thnt a fall uro to prcsnrvo order meant ejectment from the church. The sound of loud' talking suddouly reached the ear of tho worshipers, nnd all heuds turned toward the door. Loud curses nnd nngry words, uplifted lists and stamp ing feet told that u tierce struggle was taking pluco. Out of the tangled mnss presently enmo Deacons Wiley nnd Mills, each In triumphant possession of a panting, disheveled. lighting prlsoii cr. Tho culprits were the sous of tholr captors, and against all their kicking nnd squirming they were forced slowly along thV aisles on each sldp of the church to the mourners' bench, fighting every Inch of the way. "Get down on your knees, darn your picture!" commanded Deacon Wiley, selzlni; his son by tho hIkiiiIiImi-m nmi allowing his Indignation to gain the mastery, "Qet down on your knees or ru sKin you nllvo when I get you homol" "Keep your seats, brethren and sis ters," exclaimed Itev, Ebeneier liar kyr. "This young mau Is sorry for whnt he has done, und wo may yet save him from the wrath to come." There wns n suppressed titter from those who took tho preacher literally. Sura Wiley, tho wildest scamp that over robbed n wntermclon patch, look ed nt his futher's stern, unyielding iuco ana reit tue grip tighten on his shoulders, no cast a furtive glanco townrd the women's "nmen" corner nnd snw his mother's eyes filled with tears. Ho turned to his right nnd saw his companion in misery. "Dlddy" Mills, crying llko u baby Just for a moment bo stiffened with prldo. and then ho felt his father's strong arms forcing him down on his knees. At the sumo tlmo "Dlddy" .Mills wenf down under the pressuro on his shoulders. "Who will bo tho nost to como for ward?" shouted Itev. Ebeuezer Harkcr, dauclng back and forth before tho pul pit with a Joy ho could not conceal. Tho Lord bless these young men who havo seen tho error of their ways. Lot us all unite In pniyer" Everybody pruyed. Deacon Wiley leauing tne low, murmuring chorus with n fervent entrentv to h! mum m forego the wickedness of tho world and unite with tho church. When Deacon Wiley ceased Deacon Mills began to pray uloud for his wayward boy. it was very funny to tho crowd around tho door, hut after awhile something seemed to choke their laughter. Sister Mills' high pitched and quuverlng volco nroso In prayer, und there was n pathos In her appeal that started tears Into tho eyes of tho roughest rowdy In the crowu. Mster Wiley, unable to restrain her emotions, Joined her cries with thoso of Sister Mills. Suddenly a wave of Increased excitement swept through tho congregation. Two of tho tough est young men of tho town wnikori slowly down the aisles nnd knelt nt tho low railing. They wero hardly down when two more enmo forward. 8uch a revival wns never known be fore in the hUtonr of the church na thn one which started with the wntch meet ing that night. Rev. Ebenezer Barker said to himself that it was due to bis pQwers as an exborter. Two mothers believed In their hearts that the effica cy of prayer bad been demonstrated in a wonderful manner, But suppose those muscular fathers bad remained Inactive. Would the protracted meet ings have lasted another weekT nt 4:43 p. ni Dec. 25. by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me teorological observer: Maximum 52 Minimum 31 At 4:43 p. m 44 Precipitation OS Wind Northwest: partly cloudy. Is Arrested. J. II. O'Donncll was nrrestcd Inst night for creatine n disturbance at tho Breakwater hotol. Ho furnished 50 cash bnll for his appcaranco boforo City Recorder Butler tomorrow. Loiik Auto Trip. Dr. Geo. E. Dlx nnd Fred Powers will lenvo Snn Frnnclsco todny In Dr. Dlx's nuto for Los Angeles nnd other southern points. Thoy will spend two or thrco weoks touring that section. Held Services. Pacific Comman do ry, No. 10, Knight Templar, hold Its St. John Day's sorvlccs In tho Asylum this morning, nenrly nil tho mombors bolng In attendnnco. Fol lowing tho sorvlcos, n group plcturo of tho members was takon. Council Meets. Tho Marshfiold city council will meet Tuesday night to tako up various matters. It Is expected thnt n commlttco from tho Chnmber of Commerco will bo pros- ent to discuss tho tnx lovy nnd tho question of buying n flro cnglno. Cool Weather. Tho Inst dny or two hns brought somo of tho coolest weather of tho yenr, tho heaviest frosts of tho season bolng In ovldonce yostordny and this morning. Tho thorraomotor only got down to 30 nbovo xoro up to 4:30 this morning. On Dry Dock. Tho Rodondo will go on dry dock at San Francisco this week for a partial overhauling nnd will not reach horo until January 5 or C. In consequonco, tho Nann Smith will again bring up frolgh. this weok, leaving San Frnnciscj about Friday. Capt. Olson exports to sail from horo tomorrow, ho nnd tho crow hnvlng enjoyed n holldny hero Sunday. Settles Case. Tno personal Injury cbbo of Daughert vs. tho Denver Hill Coal Company which wns to havo been tried In federal court nt Port land last weok was sottled Just bo foro It was called for hearing. Daugh ert sustained a fractured thigh n couplo of years ago. Ho is now liv ing in Scattio. Coostoii Election. A special oloc tlon will bo held In Cooston nt 9 o'clock tomorrow morning to vote n spoclnl tnx lovy to build tho Sothnr streot dock. There Is n factional fight over tho matter, somo Insisting that tho dock If built at all should bo on tho Wlllanch Inlet channel nnd thero Is talk of court proceedings be fore tho mattor Is settled. Never Weary of the Hearing. "I overheard him telling her a story Inst night which she hns beard fifty" times, but she didn't stop him." "She Is long suffering, surely." "Oh. I don't kndw. He told her she wns the prettiest girt ho had cvef seen." Bullock Skin Boats. There are few more nrttnirim mnih. od8 of transportation than those In use touay uy natives of northern India who mako their homes In tho vicinity of tho swift dowlug SutleJ. Tho boats of theso nborlglues are nothing more or less than bullock sklun Inflntcd by the breath of tho natives themselves. Two natives may bo seen hard at work Ailing tho skins with nir. rr.irino in. dated thorn to their satisfaction, they will leap aboard and paddle them selves ncrosa tho river, great skill nnd strength being necessary to sustain their equilibrium during tho passage. But even should tho boats overturn they nro easily righted, and the na tives nre without exception expert swimmers. The Doctor's Bad Memory. This story Is told of Dr. Plrrie, the great Scottish surgeon. In "Recollec tions or Firty Years:" "Onco when a lady patient eatered his consulting room be received her with effusion, crying: " 'My dear madam, I have done noth ing visa but think over your case. I could uot get n wink of sleep all last night for thinking of you!' Tho lady accepted it nil as 'gospel truth,' nnd after somo professional questions nnd nnrfwers she Innocently remarked: "'Was it not a dreadful thunder storm last night. Dr. PlrrleT "'So I am told,' ho naively an swered, 'but I'm such a sound sleeper that I dldnn hear n clap o'tl' " , Tottl'a Thanks. Slgnor Francisco Tost!, tho famous song writer. Is very Impulsive and quick to resist tho slightest nssump tlon of patronage. Ono dny a lady called on him and announced her In tention of singing two of his songs at n concert. "I thought I would Just run round and try them over wltn you." she said. Tostl remarked that bo was not in tho habit of giving lessons In that man ner, whereupon tho lady retorted: "Very well; I will not sing your songs then." Tostl's face beamed as bo ndvnnced townrd her with outstretched hnnds. "Mndnm." ho said, "I thank you very much for that favor." The "Herd Laddie." Somo discussion Is taking place over the birthplace of Wyllle, tho famous "Herd Laddie," probably tho greatest checker player thnt tho world 1ms known. According to ono authority, tho late Mr. J. Iledley, who wroto a biographical sketch of Mr. Wyllio's ca reer In 1S0D, ho was bom in Piers hill Barracks, Edinburgh, or "Jock's Lodge." as It was known locally, In the year 1622. nis futher was a ser geant in tho celebrated Scottish regl tuent of horso. "tho Scots Groys," nnd this regiment was stationed in tho nbovo bnrracks shortly after their me morable engagement nt Wnterloo, nnd remained tiiere Tor n number of years London Graphic. Eocene the Best Lamp Oil Does Not Char the Wick or Smoke All Grocers Have It 4$ 4-JUm A .. k-u-Xut-ulT