KM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1910 EVENING EDITION. UJ f M J !5 - "----a- -aaainiaMiiiiMim "" "" " l,, " """""iiiii"i""i"i Mi"llJiiiMi BBafManw naippaial We Take This Occasion to Extend Our Many Patrons a Merry Christmas and Thank You for the Substantial Holiday Business Which We Have Enjoyed Marsfefaeld Oregon MAGNES ATSON Marshfield Oregon On i i U areefei You can DRESS WELL LOOK WELL DO WELL Wrlto to Gevurtz & Sons Portland, Ore. The Home Furnishers i a-a--K---::----- - You Can Lower the High Cost of Living j By Buying Your Meats , at Tin: ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET i i t i :: i x: i tt "' Wst'Zsv'A ' HI :w? i ! a i 8 i n u i n a i tt i t tt THY IT AM) SEE GOOD MEATS AT Reasonable Prices PHONE B2-J t: Kl I JJ I U I tt I tt I tt Gen. W. Kine PROPRIETOR j',! GOW WHY BUILDING, MAHSHFIELD A K-tMt-s-n -n-n-tt-n---tt-tt- HOME LAND Co. 8ee ue tor Investment? on Coo Bay. We guarantee owner's prlco to be our price. Phone 74L. 804 Front St. Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this U THE 'aundry where you got tho best wrk, ana prlcos nro In every one' ach. Call up and one of tho drlv- " will call and explain all details to Tu. All telephone calls are quickly ttended to, becauso'wo are running wo wagons. l'll GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISFACTION. UnsiIFIELD HAND AND STEAM jLAUNDRY. Uanzey Bro Prop. Phone 220-J. G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshfield, Oregon. Porlow, 180 SoaUi 8d St., Telephone, Day or Night, 1PS-J THE MjOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEIi Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and Sl.Ofl mar o nn - in nn TTnuse- keeplng apartments with gas ranges '10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE DATHSF. JY. SULLIVAN, Prop. j f&k j? ssgS5g jb5" c Efe' iBS V?" V- u-an'O of a Perfect Match "Yes, Madam, this fabric shows identically the same details nnd color as would be shown in broad day light. You see I'm displaying the goods under the clear white rays of this wonderful new General Electric Mazda Lamp. It's really the equivalent of daylight, and that's why all up-to-date stores arc using it. Of course there arc also other vital reasons, one of which is this: the G-E Mazda Lamp gives twice the light of the ordinary car bon incandescent lamp and costs less to burn. The invention of the Mazda Lamp lias caused thous ands of people to have their houses and stores wired for electric light. If you are not now using it, come in for a moment to-day and let us prove to your entire satisfaction that this wonderful new lamp has made electric light as cheap as it is convenient. Coos Bay Gas & Electric Company CHRISTMAS GREETING i I m Prof Wo wish to extend you our slncoro Clirlstnins greeting. May penco nnd prosperity bo yours now and throughout tho years to como. Wo wish nlso to thank you for tho buslnojs entrusted to us during tho year, which wo hnvo tried by satisfactory aorvlco to merit. May nil tho Joys of tho season bo yours and not n slng'n throb of troublo mnr your holiday Benson, but may It bo for you nnd yours n very Mer ry Christmas. NORTON HANSEN FOR A PRESENT Suitable for your children, wife or husband, a Policy In tho Mutual Life of New York, assets 561 millions, Is NO MISTAKE. It will never break, wear tear, tarnish, fade or get tlro somo, nnd will protect and make n happy family. See Title. Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager MERRY CHRISTMAS .'t To our frlonda and patrons In particular and to ovoryono In Coos County In gonernl wo extend tho moat cordlnl greetings of tho soason and wish thorn n full menauro of nil tho Joya that this Holy and Happy Holiday season bring to tho sons of mon. Wo thank you for your patronago nnd wish you aiVERY MER- ry christmas. tgrnssmBsmfflsmm (JULLINGH OF COQUILLE. Coos County Sent New As Told By The Sentinel. Tho InBt of tho debris rosultlnp; from tho boiler explosion In tho local saw mill Inst summer hns nt last been cleared nwny. Some threo week ago, upon tho request of tho Coqullle Mill & Mercantile Company, Anson Brothers put n crew of moa nt work clearing up nt tho mill nnd tho result Is that nil tho wreckngo has boon gotten out of tho way nnd tho rcfiiso dlsposod of In a satisfac tory mannor. MDHRV CHRISTMAS Married at tho Judges study, In this c'ty Tuesday evening, Docombor 20th, .1010, Mr. Snnuiol Whetstono and Mrs. Jcnnlo F. Hnga, E, G. IX. Holdon ofllclntlng. MERRY CHRISTMAS Tuesdny n deal was closed whoroby P. E. Drano became tho owner ot tho grocory stock of tho C. A. M. & M. Co., which hns been conducting n store in tho First National Rank building for sovcrnl months. On Wcdnesdny ho begnn moving hla dry goods stock from hln regular storo to tho bank building. MERRY CHRISTMAS Chnrlos IlnnEch, tho man who wart assaulted on tho streets of thin cl'.y n few wookn ago by tho Elliott fam ily, loft on tho Hrenkwater Inst Sat urday for Portland whore his mothor rosldos. MERRY CHRISTMAS A convention nt Motion Tliontro Iniiir took plnco lu this city ypstor- day for purpose of formulating pinna for tho betterment of tho sorvlco for tho yonr 1911. Apiong thoso In at tondnnco woro Hob Mnrsdon of tho Royal nt MarnhUold, Honry Schroo dor of Myrtlo Point, Sollmor of tho Grand nt Ilanilon nnd Messrs. Slnglo and Loronz of this city. Tho con vention omlod In tho grill room nt tho WIckham Iioiibo whoro tho visit ors woro tho guests of Mr. Single. HR1EFS OF HANDON. Coos Bay-Roseiwrg Stage Line rT,. hctweeu Roseburg and Muniuleld. SUgo leave, dally nnd Sunday at 7 p. m. Fe, 80.00. ,viwn c-iinrrrER. Agent, 120 MARKET, AV Marshfield. PIIONB 11 O. P. DAIINARD, Agfnt. nosEnrrno. cwit OIL5I . SUPPLIES mv. nnna nv OH and Suppl) J.UO JJr - " Company under the management ol in ..ln..v in linn J. W, Flanagan win uuuuD .v. dlo the Union Oil Company's gaso n i,nintn. benzine and coal ol at their oil house across the Day tc . .. A llmlr which place they nave movcu .-.. office. Phone 302. Let Us light Your Christmas Tree With electricity. No dangor from fire. Decorative lighting for hallfl, churches and residence. Charges within tho reach of all. See our window for demonstration. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and. all kinds of builders material. HUGH NcLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PIIONB 801. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. The North Bend Manufacturing Co. IS NOW PREPARED TO FUIlNISn Show Cases and Store Fixtures Best Quality Workmanship and Prices - ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED. News of CHy-Hy-tlie-Seii Ah Told Hy Tho Recorder Tho now ofllcors of tho G. A. R., ns eloctod Inst Saturday night arnd J A. FnuldB, Com.; O. W. Ren, Sr. Vlco Com.; R. F. Shannon, Jr. Vino Com.; 0. A. Rodgors, O. of Dny; ,T. J. Allon, O. of Q.; J. W. Foltor. Quartormastor; A. M. Sumner, Chap, lain; C. R, Zeok, Surgoon, A. D. Morso, Dolognto. Tho W. R. C. elected offlcora 89 follows: Doborn Young, Pres.; M.i Q. W. Rno, Sr. Vlco Pres.; Mrs. O. W. Rao, Sr. Vlco Pros.; Mrs. Anna Jones, Jr., Vlco Pres,; Mrs. Lovmn Rockwell, Chap.; Mrs. Ada Still, Treas.; Mrs, Sadlo Shlolds, Con ; Mrs. Thos, Contos, Guard. MERRY CHRISTMAS W. R. Stowart has Hold his four aero ranch Just nt tho south end "f town to Win. Dark, who comos wltn his fnmlly from Knnsns. MERRY CHRISTMAS A very pretty woddlng was solom nlzod nt tho Methodist parsonago Saturday evening nt eight o'clock; when Hnrold F. Nolson and Misa Delta Hobn woro united In mnrrlago by the resident paBtor, Rov. II. L. Graflous. MARRIAC.E LICENSES. Marrlago licenses wero Issued by tho county dork to tho following persons during tho past week: Fred E. Sandberg and Mtsa EfQo V. Motcalf. Lars Llllebo and MIbs Mario Joh- annsen. Gunnar Johnson and Miss Anna Cnrleon. William G. Simpson and MIs3 Min nie G. Snnford. Sam Whetstone nnd Mrs, Jennlo F. Haga, VI .- I