Qtotwa ADS. NEWS tfflE BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al rEHTISE. THAT w? rAxa i nvi- Jgg HOUSES EVERYWHERE tt Established In 187H nt Tho Count Mull. XXXIII. i r- bstias passengers OF WRECK II Eight Killed Outright and Twenty-Five Injured In Disaster. FAST EXPRESS HITS A DERAILED ENGINE Fire Breaks Out and Some of Victims Were Burned to Death. l ; v .-... , I: ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny L Tlmos.) KIRKRY STEPHEN, Eng.,. "Dec. HI. Eight pnBSCHBcrB woro klllqd and, Jwonty-flvo lujurod, hr a wj-.cck 5f tho Scotch Express nonr Hnwos unction todny. Tho oxpreiw car tied GOO nor'sonu ' homohound for Christmas. It collided with a pilot . u enRlno that was uorniiou. 'iw,llch wnB blllu at n cost of $13,000, oroKO oiu nun buihu wuju uuumu iu death. MEUHV CHRISTMAS SNEAK TIF Marshal Carter Rounds Up Stranger Who Pillaged D. Kreitzer Home. J. Reod, n young stranger who claims to bo a cook, was arrostod by Marshal Carter last ovonlng and on him woro found sovoral nrtlclos sto len by a Biieuk thief from Dorsey Kreltzor's rcBldonco Thursday night. Ho Is now confined In tho city Jail. Reed's arrost was duo to his al leged pilfering of rooms of work men In tho Gow Why building. Ho was seen rummaging around tho rooms and was "fired out" by somo of tho other lodgors thero. They didn't think ho had secured any thing. Lntor, however, ono of them missed n bank book and Gow Why put Marshal Cnrtor on tho trail. A fairly good description was obtained and last ovonlng, ho was found hang ing around ono of tho saloons on North Front street. In his shoo -wore found emblems of tho Elk and Masonic orders which wero taken from tho Kreitzer rosl denco. , Later today, tho suspect said hla name was Joseph Kelley Instead of Reed and said his homo was In Pennsylvania. Ho claims ho Is In nocent of tho alleged crime and al leges ho secured tho emplems In Washington sometime ago. He came to Coos Bay about ten days ago from Rosoburc. He will bo arraigned before Jus-. tlco Pennock this afternoon. Justice Pennock after hearing tho evidence of Mr. and Mrs. Kreitzer Marshal Carter and Mrs. E. S. Bar gelt bound tho suspect over to the grand jury under ?500 ball wnicu iw probably will be unable to furnish and in default of which ho will be confined in tho county Jail. MERRY CHRISTMAS No one need be without a winter hat this year bb there IS A Bid RE DUCTION SALE at Mrs. DONALD rov xuninnrv store. 110 Front St. ' y-i" -- .,. (10 Vtlcw to, t suit a anK M ata fo Price' to , i suit all purses, nv, -- for ?5. Also " Also $5 hats at IS CAPTURED MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER .,, . f I ..! .roT.-.l.l.lll M ..II.IMMMM. I II HIIIIM II III ..HIM I.. II Ill III I II I 1 1 HI ' ' g" VICTIMS DRDPPEB nn Tnrtsw EM6LA Finishing Touches Being Put to W. S. Chandler's New Structure.1 Tho Coko building, tho handionw now three-story, building nf tho cor ner of Central nvonuo and Sccon'l street,' will hnvo tho finishing touches put' on t within a dny or two nnd every room In If will bo rendy for occupancy. ' Tho structure Is ono of tho best In goutliarn Oregon. Tho building, oxcluslvo of tho site, was designed by Will Chandlor and was built by day labor under his supervision. Everything was built of tho boet ma terial and tho work was not slighted In any way. Tho walls and foundation woro constructed to carry six or seven stories and should thbre bo any need of tho Inrgor building, tho additional storlos can bo oaslly put on top. A shaft for an elevator was also lo?, so that It -can bo Installed whon tho additional storlos will rotlulro It. Tho olovntor shaft Is now located ro thnt tho two elovators can bo utlllzod for tho upper stories for tho First Trust nnd Savings Bank build ing as woll as tho Coke building. W. S. Chandler, tho builder, Is highly pleasod with tho now bulld Inir. Ho Is tho recipient of many compliments for Mnrshflold peopl nro rightly proud or tno nnnusoniu cdlllco. Tho first floor rooms will bo oc cupied by tho Coos Bay Gas, ami rcioetrlo Company, Norton s nan- sen's now store, tho Title Guarantee and Abstract Company. On tho second floor Is tho ainran- flold public library, and Judge Coko will hnvo n suite thoro as win . r. MnKnleht and soveral others, all of the leases not being closed yet. MERRY CHRISTMAS Httvo you tried that STERILIZED SWEET CIDER. If not call up Phono 277, and order somo. &oiu in pints nnd quart bottles or by gal- Ion. MERRY CHRISTMAS PIT DESERTED SHAFT coiii.rii AVITII FOUNDRY, INJURING A NUMBER OF WORK-MEN. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, Penn.. Dec. 24.- a ni mine abandoned fifty years gavo way today and carried down a largo foundry of zaunuer uruo. u. Sten on west Chestnut street in this city. John Sten, vice-prtHuem, flvo workmen were severely iujum-. hnt none will die. A score of other employes wero unhurt. Some sec tions of tho building ien mv ni. the base of the old mine. Tho loss amounts to 175,000. 1 I DOR I i i PlM"; IS G0K3PLETE0' DROPS INTO AN lllfl MINE MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS 500 FEET IITO II Four Miners Precipitated to attorn of the Shaft When Bucket Overturns In the Cne. illv A auclnted Progs to Coos Bay Times.) F.rCI.KS. W. Va.. Dec. 2 1. Four PETITION T BE FILED I0W Sufficient Signers Secured to Refer Street Car Franchise ' to Voters. Tho petitions asking tho Marsh Held city council to refer tho exten sion of tho street car 'frnuclilso of Jacob M. DIako to to votors nt a I special oloctlon March 10, will prob ably bo filed with City Recorder But- w thia afternoon. Attorney C. H. ' Solby, who Is representing tho pooplo leading tue movemoni ior ruiurrniK thn frmnchlia to tho VOtOl'S, stntd . today noon that there woro about 161 BlKtinturos to tho petitions or moro than twlco tho number requir ed by law. The matter will probably come up before the city council nxt Tueadav evening nnd thoy will olthor ordor tho speclnl oleot'on or lot tho olty recorder do so undor tho provisions of the Initiative and referendum law which roqulroi the submission of such quostlons when potltlonod b moro thnn ton por cont of tho logal voters. MERRY CHRISTMAS LOCAL OPTION CASE ARGUED JUDGE COKE TAKES TEMPORA RY INJUNCTION AGAINST COUNTY BEING DECLARED "DRY" UNDER ADVISEMENT. Last evening boforo Judge Coko nt Coqnlllo, tho temporary Injunction restraining Judge IlnH'Croni declar ing Coos county "dry" in accordance with the results of tho November election was argued. Upon conclu sions of tho arguments, Judge Coko took tho matter under ndvlsomont and will determine In a day or two whether tho Injunction will bo dis solved or made permanent. Tho "principal attack by tho "wet" attorneys was on tho petition for the local option election. Thoy claimed thnt whllo 494 names wero on mo petition filed, only 333 of them woro registered votors, making 101 Ille gal petitioners. Ten or iweivu uuu signed It twice, and eight had been counted twice. Deducting these nl- legod illegal petitioners, it was rialmed that tho petition was far lacking In the requisite number re quired to secure the submission oi thn nuestlon. !-... Pnlrn tnrinv nrilolirlied the U UUtlO wv. .-- .- December term until further call. MERRY CHRISTMAS No one need bo without a wintor dead In two rooms of a building In -atm TH.V..I.. tl.A fnrn TTnilBA Tllel hat this year as thoro IS A BIG RE nrrrriON SALE at Mrs. DONALD SON Millinery store, 110 Front St. T..ino tn milt all nurses. Jio. i 14 hata for ?5. Also 0 and nnrl hats for $2. Also ?5 hats at $1.25, MERRY CHRISTMAS Buy the. football at THE GUNNERY, 24, 1910 EVENING EDITION HE mlrfors doscomllng'Iu n bucket In tlio Now Rlvor Collieries Company's shaft No. 5 woro precipitated flvo hundred feet to the bottom whon tho bucket was ovorturnod 10 TRACE OF BRACE FOUfiO Search For Missing Aviator Vigorously Prosecuted' By Land and- Sea. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) LONDON, Eng., Dec. 24. Tho march for Aviator Grnco Is still vigorously prosecuted by land and son patrols but without success thus for. Oraco disappeared whllo nt- inmiillim in rai-rnBn thn EiicIIbIi cmnnoi from Calais In a donso fog WILL ELECT PRESIDENT. Plan of Government for Portugal Ik Adopted Todny. (By AsBodnted Press to Coos Bny Times.) LISBON, Portugal, Doc. 23. Tho plan of government for tho now Portuguoso govommont has boon olaboratod by tho provincial govom mont. It is based on tho parllnmonc systom partly with cortnln modlflcn I'mii minntml from tho United St&- i., rri.n nrnidlnnl nt lin rotlllblle ivn. in" nviiivi. -- -- in to bo choson by tho parliament for n term of flvo yoars. OF ENGINEERS FINAL SETTLEMENT OF WAGE CONTROVERSY OF RAILWAYS OF .MIDDLE WEST EFFECTED TODAY, (fly Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. III., Dec. 24. Tho final settlement In tho wngo controversy between tho Brothorhood of Loco motlvo Englnoera and tho railroads to tho number of alxty-ono operating out of Chicago was effected today. Pronosltlons woro submitted by both sides and from theso tho mediators and Charles P. Nell! drafted a baBls sottloment. It Is expected tho torms will be glvon out this nftornoon. F IN TWO WOMEN AND THREE MEN ASPHYXIATED WHILE ASLEEP IN ROOMS AT KENTON THIS MORNING, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) KENTON, Ohio, Dec. 24. Two women and 'four men wero found t.A ronr of tho Onora House Tho dead aro Mr. and Mrs, Clark Latham, Pearl Kennedy, William Kennedy, Harry Nowcomb nnd Miss Eilzauom Bailey. It is supposed that fume from a gas stovo killed tho OCCU' pants of the rooms. MERRY CHRISTMAS Punching BAGS at THE GUNNERY AVOO STRIKE FDR OUND DE DRIO - EIGHT PAGES. i Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nncl Coos liny Advertiser. SIX KILLED 10 III WRECK Christmas Day Falling On Sunday Will Not Lessen Number of Holidays. Christmas falling on Sunday will not dcprlvo pooplo of tho extra holi day bocnuso Monday has been offi cially ilxod for tho legal obsorvanco of tho grCnt holiday. In conso quencd, many business hoiiHcs will bo closed pnrt' or nil of tho day. All of tho -Mnrshflold grocery storos hnvo Indicated thnt thoy will closo all day Monday bo that houso wIvob will hnvo to lay In nn extra supply to'day unless thoy flguro that tho leavings of tho Christmas feast will bo sulllelont for tho family that day. Tho banks will bo closod nil dav and tho poBtofllco will obsorvo holi day hours being opon nwhllo In tho morning for tho genornl dollvory of mnll and tho force working sufriclont In tho nftornoon to Bond out tho day's mall. NOT MANY POOR. Clmi'lf iililit I'nlltH HllVfV Dllllrillly lit . - - Finding Poi-miiih Needing Aid. J That It Is cortalnly a "Happy Chrlstmns" on Coos Bay 1h nttostod by tho Inck of needy folks horo. Sometlmo ago, nt least ono lodgo and a fow othor pooplo docldod to do n Uttlo charity work and brlghton tho day for those, who needed It. Aft - or a consldornblo Bonrch, thoy wero nblo to And only a fow families who ..nn.to.t p.ioli nlil mill tlioso WOrO nromntly cared for. it was Bald by ono man who lookod Into tho mnttor that thoro woro fowor horo knowing tho pangs of poverty thnn of nny' placo of tho Bamo population thnt ho had over known. BIG HOLIDAY MAIL. Mnrshflcld Postofllco Handles Much Larger BtislnesH Tlutn In 1000. Thnt Coos Bny folks sont away moro presonts this year than thoy did a year ago Is attested by Post master W. B. Curtis. Ho saya tho stamp ealos this year for tho holi days havo boon much largor than a year ago and moro packages have been handled. Ho will not bo able for a day or two to glvo tho oxact increaso but It is marked. Tho In coming Christmas mall was also heavier so that tho postofllco forco has an opportunity to fully renllzo that Christmas la horo and that they aro glad tho rush Is over, MERRY CHRISTMAS WHITE GIRL WEDS JAP. Snn Francisco Mnn nnd Seattle Wo- mmi Mnrry. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) RENO. Nov.. Dec. 24. II. II. Tro- kawa, a San Francisco Japanese, and MIeb L. A. Frederick, formoriy or Seattle, wero married last ovonlng in this city by tho Rov. W. S. Kolley, of tho First MothodlBt church. Tho marrlago was witnessed by tho pas tor's family. Rev, Browestor James of tho Baptist church, who was vis iting Kolley at tho tlmo refused to witness tho coromony. Tho couple left for tho coast. MERRY CHRISTMAS Football PANTS at THE GUNNERY, OBSERVE IAS NEXT MONDAY GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW HT HEADING THE COOS TJAY TIMES. ALIi THE NEWS ALu THE T1MK TERSELY lOLD t: :: t: :: u No. 139 SIX HUR IN 0010 TODAY Passenger Trains On Pennsyl vania Line In Head-On Collision. MOST OF VICTIMS WERE TRAIN MEN Disaster Occurs at Nevada, Ohio, Early This Morning. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay TImoi.) FORT WAYNE, Intl., Dec. 24. In n hentl-on collision at Novadn,. Ohio, early today botwoon a wost boilnd pnsscgor nnd nn onst biund oxpross on' tho Pennsylvania six woro klllod and hnlt a dozon Injur ed. All but ono or tho killed woro momberH of tho train crows, MERRY CHRISTMAS ONJLLIANCE Steamship Encountered Storm On Trip From Astoria to Coos Bay. Tho Alliance nrrlved In early this morning from Portland nftor a. vory rotiult trln down tho const. Sho on- countorcd r. storm soon nftor passing , out from Astoria and had to battlo with tho olomontH nil tho way down, Sho was delayed nt Astoria loading Hour mid 111186011 KOlllUK out BOUU nftor tho Bronkwator as sho expected. Tho dolay rcsultod In tho Alliance bolng Into onough to catch tho storm. Sho had a good passcngor list and a fair cargo of freight. Sho will probably got out todny for Eureka. Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho Al liance woro tho following: 0, R, EadB, Mrs. G. R. Eads, Mrs. L. Moroland, It. Robortson, J. U. Pavllla, Mrs. J. R. Pavllla, Miss O. Pavllla, Miss D. Pavllla, Miss L, Pa vllla, C. R. Colo, Mrs. C. R. Colo J Sonlg, J. Sorplch, J. J. Finch, W. J McCullou, Jr., B. Pavllla. MERRY CHRISTMAS COOK'S NEW WORK. Will Try nd Convince People ho- Tliouglit Ho Reached Polo. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Dec. 24. Dr. Cook from his tomporary rofugo at tho homo of his brother In Brooklyn, telephoned his lntorvlew that ho In tended to dovoto his llfo convincing tho American people that ho really thought ho had reached tho North Pole. THE WHEAT .MARKET. (Ey Associated Press to Coos B?" Times,) CHICAGO, III., Dec. 23. Wheat closod as follows: Decombor, 92 1-8 May, 9C 3-Sc; July, 93 c. PORTLAND, Ore. Wheat unchangod. Dec. 23. TACOMA, Ore, Dec. 23. Blue plom whont. 83c, 84c; Fortyfold, 82oj Club, 81c to 82c; Red Russian, 8Sc. MERRY CHRISTMAS JARDINIEHS at MILNER'S. ' ARRIVE ODAY ii 1 I ' . t. -O - Lk