ri !'f-". LA&iKS&K&s K 8 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910 EVENING EDITION. '4? MM? 'S m wmm m Christmas Shopping Made ba: sy Presents forAny Member of the Fatnilv Slippers Toe to $2.50 Umbrellas 75c lo $5.00 oi,n iiufliors siik'm WMi::::::::.-gj;sg Any sizes not right cheerfully exchanged after Christmas. Useful Gifts for Men Individual boxed Suspenders, 50c to00 -initial Handkerchiefs, Silk or Linen, 25 ' aim uuc. Spaulding jerseys and Sweaters, $2.00 to $5.00. Gloves, 50c to $2.00 per pair. The largest assortment of Neckwear (direct from the Mas!) on Coos Hny. Individual boxes, 25c to 1.50jv All goods Plainly Marked at Cash Prices Do your trading at this store. IT PAYSl "Money Talks" Suits $10.00 1o 30.00; Overcoats, $1-1.00 io . $35.00: Raincoats, $10.00 to $30.00. Silk or Wool Mil filers 50c to $2.00 Silk I Tose, all colors, 50c; Hose (boxed (5 pairs) $1.25 and $2.00 per box. Underwear, cotton, silk or wool, $1.00 to $5.00 suit; Pajamas, $1.50 to $2.50. Cluett Shirts, $1.50 and $2.00; Monarch Shirts, $1.00. f: V ' lcnfainln.Clfith U ' CVl(M tIO Bandon Iiib Clothing & Shoe Co. rn ii ! 9111b rnUMW Ally FOR GITY CHURCHES Preparations for a fitting celebra tions of Christmas In most of. thu churches linvo boen complotodf Bo sldes the special rollglpufi torvlcoi, spec nl musical ami ioalclnK pro grams linvo boon nfrnnged and many will havo special Chrlstmns treo e. orclsos. So far ns could bo socured today, tlfo programs for thoso ovonts foljow: BAPTIST CliritCII. Tito Chr'stnins oxorclses of tho Mnrshflcld Baptist church will bo bold nt tho church Saturday evening whon tho following program will bo oujoyed prior to tho distribution of Blfta; Song Congregation. Invocation. IU't'ltatlon, "Greeting" Oonovn Gosney. Song, "Star of Glory" Chorus of girls, Itocltntlon, "Tho Night Doforo Chrlstmns" Max'no Fenslor. Song, "Now don't you Toll" Mai Jorio Drews and Gonevlovo Oosnoy Itocltntlon, "A Good Plnn" He len Colgan. Song, "Merry Hells" Primary Department. Itocltntlon Pncquln Brndflold. Pantomlno, "Nonror My Clod to Thoo" Seven girls. Recitation, "What Grandpa Says' - Hugcno Kelly. Song, "Just a Little. Baby" Ber nlco Patchott. Recltntlon, "Santa Clans and tho Mouse" Juanlta Ellorby. Solo -Miss Mablo MilHs. Tableau. Arrival of Santa Clans. Tho decorations for this ovenlng nro very nrtlstic being In chnrgo of Miss Floronco Graham. They will remain up for tho Sunday sorvtcos. Cnteitalnniont. Tho parents and other mombdrs of tho church nro In vited to bo present. Mrs. Win. Ilorsfnll, Jr., organist and loader of tho Episcopal church choir, has arraugod tho following program for tho Christmas morning services: Processional Hymn 49, "O Come All Yo Faithful"; reading. Vonlte Emerson, To Deum Bnumbnch. Jub Into Deo Deeeveo. Introlt, Hymn r7, "Sing, O Sing, this Mossed Morn" Roper. Kyrle Elolsou Tuckormnn. Anthem, "Shout tho Glad Tidings" Schneckor. Offertory solo, "Tho Prophet King" Camp Mrs. L. K. Balllnga.' Sunctus Gounod. Agnus DelGounod. Communion, Hymn 220 Sullivan. Gloria In E, ncoIbIs Tours, Poll Anion Tours. Nunc Dlmlttls Clemens, Recessional, Hymn CO, "Angola from tho Realms of Glory" Smart. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Tho Sunday school of tho MarsU Held Episcopal church will hold Its Christmas ontertnlnmont on Monday ovenlng, December SCtli, nt 7:30, In tho Lutheran hall. Tho entertain ment will consist of Christmas carols sung by tho children, and rocltatlonn, Mrs. Bradfleld and Miss Charlotte Murch havo been arranging for tho PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Thoro will bo n Christmas treat given nt tho Marshileld Prosbytorlnn church Saturday ovonlng, December 24. All members of Sunday school and church nro Invited to bo present. J. D. McNeil, superintendent of thu Sunday school, will bo In charge. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Tho congregation of tho Mnrsh flold Christian church will enjoy their Christmas treo festlvlt'os at tho church Monday night. Tho pro gram to be glvon prior to tho distri bution of gifts Is In tho hands of Mr E. McCray. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday ovonlng, December 25, tho Marshflold Swedish Lutherni church will hold its Christmas ser vices at tho church. A flno musical and speaking progrnm has been ar ranged by Rev. J. Rlchnrd Olson for tho occasion. Following tho pro gram and benediction will be the distribution of gifts from tho Christ-nil.-- tree. The program Is na fol lows: Opening Hymn l)y tint Sunday school. , Scrlptuirf Roftdlux nnd prayer By Superintendent Rev. Olson. Song Sunday school. Introductory romnika I)y S. S. Superintendent. Choir selection, "A Xmns Sere nade." "Wolcomo"-i-IJotty Frlzeon. "Hall tho King" L'nus Johnson. "When Xmns Morn Is Dawning" Violet Johnson. "Tho 'First Xmns" Albert John son. Recltntlon Ruth SandQulst. "Good News" Sponcer Carlson. "Xmns Morning" Elslo Hlllstrom "Ronald I Bring Tidings" Ruth Hlllstrom. "That Wondrous Night" Elvie Grant. "Wolcomo" (Swedish) Nolllo Olson, Rooitntlon Clifford Thorwnld. "Christmas" Frcdolph Holm. Song Estrld and Ireno Holm. Recltntlon (Swedish) Otto Olson "Pencoful Rest" Roubon Snnd-qulst. Recltntlon Agnes Johnson, "Morry Xmns" Stolla Storgard. Song, "Slug to mo Soft In Uo Twilight" Ellen Grant, Elvlo II11U- trom. Recitation (Swedish) Precln Ol son. "Onco In Royal David's City" Vnsolm Johnson. Recltntlon Bethel Andorson, Declamation Elvira Lackstrom. Recltntlon nnd song Mnrgnret Lund, Elvlo Grant. "Constant Xmns" William Joi cphson. "Happy Bells" Irono Holm. Recltntlon Arthur Holm. "Hnrk, tho Horald Angels Sing" Ruby Carlson. Recitation Algort Johnson. Song "Llttlo Stars" Hllmora Giant.' Declamation Stolla Hnglund. "Softly Thru tho Sllont Midnight" Runnr Katka. Dialogue Frod Hlllstrom, Altoa Grant. Recitation Conrad Anderson. "Good Will to Men" Estrid Holm Recltntlon (Swedish) Irene Holm. Song "Lullaby" By eleven girls. Recitation Albln Lackstrom. "Xmas Hymn Carl Sandqulst, Clifford Carlson. "Tho Happy Xmns" Stella Grant Soug, "Sof.ly tho Stnra Woro Shin lug" Either Holm. "Tho Bojt Birthday" Stoll-i Eilekion. "Only tho sumo Old Story" El inor Johnson. "A Xmns Curol" Lonn Mattson. "Pease on Em-tit" Arthur Hlll strom. "I Wonder Why" I.lzzlo Erluk- 3011. Song, "Ring, Happy Bolls" Five girls. "Tho Promised King" Bosslo Sandqulst. "Tho First Xmns" Rudolph Hlllstrom. "Xmns Wishes" Anna Storgard. Song Margaret Lund. "Tho Hornld Angels" Geo. R. Rourko. "Tho Angols Song" Esther As plund. "Tho 1st Xmas Gift" Stolla Jut- Htrom. Song, "Wondrous Star" Flvo girls. "Hnrk, tho Burst of Heavenly Music" Emmn Hngqulst. "The Heavenly Guost" Hnnna Hagqutst. "Doris' Christmas Story" Ethel Josephson. Choir, "Heaven's Melodious Strains." Song, "Jesus Loves Mo" Sunday school. Benediction. Distribution of gifts to tho Sun day school children. MENU FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER METHODIST CHURCH. The Marshileld Methodist congre gation will hold tholr Christmas tree and progrnm nt tho church Saturday night. Tho program which begins at 7:30, Is In charge of Miss Mary Hansen and is as follows: Chorus Sunday school. Recitation Wnyno Harris. Exorclso, "Christmas Candles" By ilvo llttlo girls. Recltntlon Emma Lou Douglas, Wllla Bonebrako. Song, "Jolly St. Nicholas," Joseph- Ju6 Savage. Reading Bessie Thomas. Reading Lucy Bessie. Quartet and chorus Blblo class. Recitation lima Langworthy. Exorcise John Hendricks, Tom Crosthwalt. Song, "Long, Long Ago" Prima ry class. Recitation Dora Brown. Dialogue, "The Now Fashion San HKAL-SHII'T OYSTERS. Wo huo thoso fainoiiH Enatoru Oysters, fiosh nnd lino with soul unbrokon until thoy roach our storo, Solid oysten. No water. CKLERV OLIVES GREEN ONIONS, HOT HOUSE LETTUCE CABBAGES OAVLH-'LOUTU SWEET POTATOES BRUSSELS SPROUTS CANNED VEGETABLES II. 11, ASPARAGUS TIPS, PEAS, COHV, STRING HEANS, TOMATOES, TRENCH l'MS V It U I T S ORANGES, TANGERINES, BANANAS, MALAGA GRAPES, CLUSTER RAISINS, VANCY BELLFLOWER APPLES, SPECIAL $1.85 I'Wl 110X' FIGS, RATIOS. A comploto lino of II. B. Table Fruits nt 25c por can. A full assortment of Nuta of nil kinds and Flno Christmas Candies. The BAZAR STORE OF QUALITY'- -PHONE 32 tn Clans." Song, "Bolls of God" Girls chor- Reading, "Story of tho Other Wlso Mon" Mrs. Dillon. Duot, "O Llttlo Town of Bothlo hom" Mary Hanson, Evelyn Lang- worthy. Dlsbrlbutlon of presents. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Following Hio regular Christmas sorvlcos, a Christmas treo for tho distribution of gifts to tho youngor members will ho held Sunday. Thoro will bo no program. You will find tho lowest prices on toys nt PRENTISS & CO.'s. Havo you tried that STERILIZED SWEET CIDER. If . not call up Phono 277, and order some. Sold In pints nnd quart bottles or by gallon. BOYS' BASEBALL suits for $1.50 at MIL-NEK'S. SUGARS and creamors at MILXER'S CHRISTMAS DINNER Will tasto hotter and bo more like tho fenst It should bo If you will eni "Santa CInua" oround to our store nnd pick out some of the goodies w have for It. Hero are some of them: All kliuls of Fruits All kinds of Nuts . All kinds of Canned Goods All kinds of seasonable VejptaW Clirlbtiiuu Candy i or "" ,,. , . .it ns ncr do"1 Wo will he closed nil day Mond so bo sure and give us your orac Saturday. OHRISMATS POSTALS at one cent each at PRENTISS & CO.'s. Anona Cash Grocery j. w. UMSTATTD, Prop. NORTH BROADWAY. . V .,, , ., ..L 4m m-p VBjt