feM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910 EVENING EDITION. PfFW 7 i wrair. vwunriwsa'mwY'mxTzxvxvTjnra'JiiMi.m Take vantage of a Most Opportune Saving Men's Neckwear, 7oc to $1.00 quality 50c Men's Neckwear, 50c quality 3oc Men's Fancy Vests, $3.00 to $0.00 quality '. . 2.50 REMEMBER-WE AliE CLOSING OUT OUR CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS STOCK. ALL HIGH GRADE MERCHANDISE SUCH AQ "HART SCIIAFFNER AND MARX CLOTHING - NETTLETON AND BANNISTER SHOES - CLUETT AND MONARCH SHIRTS.. Men's Fancy Vests, $3.50 to $4. 00 quality $2.00 Men's Fancy Vests, $2.00 to $2.50 quality .$1.25 Bath RoVcs, Smokinrj Jackets, Fancy Suspenders, Arm Bands, Caff Links, Pins, Etc., Etc. Respectfully M ER.CH ANT b K AMMERER Marshfield' re- Good Evening HAVJS VOU ANY LAUNDRY? If ho, do not forgot that this Id MB laundry whoro you got tho best work, and prices aro In ovory ono' reach. Call up and ono of tho drlv- rs will call and oxplnln nil dotnlls to jou. All tolophono calls aro quickly ttendod to, becattso wo aro running wo wagon b. oun guarantee is voim sat. ISFACTION. MARSHFIELI) HANI) AM) STEAM LAUNDRY. Jtouzcy Ilnw.i Prop. I'lionc 20 -J. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho llvory busl noss of L. II. Holsnor and aro pre pared to rondor oxcollont sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Bny. Careful drlvors, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for a driving horso, a rig or anything needed 1p tho llvory lino. Wo nlso do a trucking business of all kinds. Rbuichnrd, Rezln & RJnnchnrd Livery, Feed and Sales Service. Ill First and Aldor Stroots. Phono 138-J Christmas Cards and a lar-go nssortmont of post CAHDS Just received from tho cast. JUso a flno assortment of P1PKS and CIGARS sultablo for CHRISTMAS presents: august frizeen, C8 Central Ave. Marshflild. Ore, Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J For the Holidays Only FOR THE PURPOSE OF REDUCING OUR STOCK OF GAS AND ELEC TRIC APPLIANCES PREVIOUS TO MOVING INTO OUR NEW OFFICE IN THE COKE BUILDING, 2ND AND CENTRAL AVE.,.WE HAVE DECIDED TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING: ' DO GOOD NOW. If you do not now the good which you can, tho lime will come when you cannot do the Bood which you would. Frederic H. Hedge. Electric Flat Irons Regular price $4,50 . . 1 i Now $3.50 Electric Toasters Regular price $4,50 - Now $3.50 Electric Chafing Dishes - $8.50 Electric Grids for Hot Cakes, etc, $12.50 Electric Coffee Percolators $12.50 Electric Radiators $16-00 Vulcan Gas Heaters (including tubingforconnecting) Reg, price $5,00 Now $4.00 Gas Toasters 25c Gas Waffle Irons ,- $1-50 Ackroyd Gas Heaters $4-00 Gas Radiators No, 604 $3-50 Gas Grates - .-$350 THESE ARTICLES MAKE THE MOST ACCEPTABLE ABLE XMAS PRESENTS OBTAINABLE IN TOWN. AND VALU- HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has teen ro modelled and Improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stage passengers and for lieoplo desiring a rest at the seashoro. "Vou'll Who the Place." .1. E. SCHILLING. Proprietor. BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Marshfleld. Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has heen thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month. Mr. J. H. O'DONNELL. Prop. The Coos Bay Gas 8c Electric Company G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshfleld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 'M St., Telephone, Day or Night. IPg-J On $1 aWeel You can DRESS WELL LOOK WELL DO WELL NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drlvors aro now at tho dis posal of th6 Coos Pay public at REASONABLE RATES. Riga or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horsot boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearse and special nccommo datlons provided for funeral parties W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables DO YOUR OWN THINKING. Duilneu Men Ouoht to Get Out of Their Mental Rutt. Some men seem to think their heads fulfill tho purpose for which a bene ficial Providence Intended them when they nbsorb three meals n day and nfTiml n menus of displaying tho Intest Itli'iiH In ImtH. Like the dog with tho chronic "tired feeling" that .used to loan ngalnsl tho fenco to bark, tho process of thinking hi so cxhnustlng that with many It la only Indulged In nt long Intervals. Pooplo let out their thinking. In politics thero aro few men whd enn give a reason for being on ono side or the other beyond echoing tho senti ments of Homo wily politician or loud mouthed demagogue. Religious opin ions and convictions In n majority of caoes nro the absorbed product of other minds. A cood deal of Intellec tual swallowing Is done by those who would doubtless resent tho Imputation of credulity. This Is an ago of brilliant mental effort, but tho brilliancy seems to bo largely borrowed. What tho world wants Is moro Independent Individu al thought. Let business men quit tho ruts and cut out thinking paths for themselves. An hour of careful thought and wlso plnnulng Is worth a whole day of aimless plodding. "Pon der tho paths of thy feet and let all thy ways bo established." Canadlnn Shoo and Leather Journal. SUSPICION JUSTIFIED. Writ to TIIE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL Rates loduced to: Day 50c, 75c andj ?1.00; week ?2. 00 to 5.00. House-, keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to J18.00 per month. FREE UATH3- 1 W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Gevurtz & Sons Portland, Ore. The Home Furnishers Let Us Light Your Christmas Tree With electricity. No danger jrom flro. Decorative lighting for hall?, churches and residence. Charges within the roach of all. See our window for demonstration. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. BY WAY OF SUG GESTION . JUST 'FORI! CHRISTMAS - Wo cannot bogln to enumorato tin many beautiful articles shown in our display at tho Brussel's Lace House All wo ask Is that you como in and see for yoursolf and you will bo suro to find somothing hero that wt'l please YOUR MOTHER YOUR WIFE YOUR SWEETHEART, Geo. Hadshedy 1128 FRONT STREICT, Opposite Lloyd Hotel STORE OPEN EVENINGS. It Wat Not a Mouie tlje Matter Heard In the Kitchen. Tho lato Rev. Dr. Wlghtman, sitting one night later than usual engrossed In the profundities of a great tome. Imagined ho heard a sound In tho kitchen Inconsistent with tho cautious, ucss of n mouse; so, taking his cnudlo, ho proceeded to Investigate tho causo. Ills foot being heard In tho passage tho servant began with much nolso to rako out tho llro as If preparlug for bed. "Yo'ro up late tonight, Mary." "I'm Jlst rakln' tho fire, sir, and gaun to bed." "That's right, Mary. I like tlmeouR hours." On his way hack to tho study he passed tho coal cellar door and, turn lug tho key, took It with him, The next morning at an early hour thero was a rap at his bedroom door and a request for tho key to got soyio coal. "Yo'ro up too soon, Mary, (lo back to your bed." ' Half an hour later thero wns an other knock and a similar request, In order to prepare for breakfast. "I don't want breakfast so soon, Mary. Go back to your bed." r In another half hour thero was an other knock, with an entreaty for tho key, as It was washing day. This was enough. Ho roso and bnnded out tho key, saying, "Go and let tho man out." As the pronehor sbrowdly suspected, Mary's sweetheart had been Imprisoned all night In the coal collar. London Family Herald. CARE OF TOILET SOAP. ( ! How to Avoid Trouble ard Lots by Careful Use. Even when a toilet soap Is puro be yond reproach It does not suit all skins. Got soap from a rellnblo dealer and consult lilm on which ho thinks the purest one. If ho Is n competent drug gist mid not given too much lo profit making you will get tho truth. J If you have n chemist friend ho enn be asked about the purity of n favor ed soap; also Its effect on dry and oily skins. A glycerin soap, for In stance, will chap ono skin, will yellow another Vuid make a third soft and smooth. Secure half a dozen different soups of equal purity, then oxnorlinon to llnd which agrees best with you. There Is much carelessness In tho uso of Hoap. Tho presence of soap powders In ninny public wash rooms has cllmlunted much of tho dnngcr of a commoh soap cako for travelers. In dividual soap wrapped In n scaled caso Is a boon In hotels where a patron has forgotten her own. Tho woman who would scorn to uso soap In n public wash room thinks nothing of using a family cako. This Is not sanitary. Resides tho fact of different soaps being needed by differ ent skins, various mouthers of tho family may havo undeveloped skin troubles that aro contagious. If possible each child should have her own cake of soap as much as her toothbrush, comb and towel. If wash ing urraugoments aro too cramped to permit this the child should bo taught to hold each cako by tho tip under scalding water for n niluuto beforo us ing. It may mean tho loss of on ex tra layer of soap, but It may savo trouble. A soap manufacturer says that flno toilet Roup need drying nnd ripening as much as coarser soaps. It Is there fore economical to buy n number of cakes nt once and let them dry by placing on u shelf. This should bo In some room or closet where thero Is not much dust or soot. Flno soap will Inst longer If It Is drained off n minute beforo being put back in the soap dish, which should tlret bo carofully wiped out until no moisture is left. A perforated dUlj or top should bo selected. Children should bo taught not to let boap llo In water. Resides being wasto ful, It Is bad for tho skin to uso too much even of n good soap, and If not carefully rinsed It makes tho Bkln shiny and clogged. Got what you wnnt when you want It through Tho Times Want Ads. RECIPES FOR BLACKING. How to Make a Liquid and an Oil Paste Variety. A fine liquid blacking Is made as fol lows; Put one gallon of vinegar Into a stoia- Jug; add ono pound of Ivory black, well pulverized; half a pouud of. loaf sugar, half an ounco of vitriol aud one ounce of sweet oil. Mix by stir ring. This blacking is highly recom mended as producing u flno Jet polish and Is less injurious to leather than most of the pastes and liquid blackings In common use. A tlno oil pasto blacking is mndo thus: Take a quarter of a pound of oil of vitriol, ten ounces of manor's oil. four ounces of Ivory black and ten ounces, of molasses. Mix the oil of vitriol and the tanner's oil together and lot stand for ouo day. Then add tho Ivory black ami molnsses and tho whites of two eggs and stir well to gether uutll tbeie Is a thick paste,. "It i i 1 '-t8.l J ' ...Afci-,. feutt l i rty j