THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910-EVENING EDITION SS l J ..... zzzzzrzn-- " " ' i i i hi up I. iiui'mjwuhwii MgiiijMw mm : -sgffl ragr) rggj mm reiggy &v fctfg v rv m MPcV r 7a JIM Hi MluiiU I m ojhniings pjy 1'uhl juei ims miss ion Jf t;vjr vivj JBB& S22" Here, at a Man's Store, Is the Proper Place to Buy a Man's Gifts COOS BAY TIDES. December High water I A. M .T vfrv. rl fjji.Ca' laC I it The old bug-a-boo of what to buy for a man, will immediately lose its dread once you step into our store, We've the best of every thing a man wears, and, speaking from personal knowledge, wc know a man is always best pleased with thclSToTChrlsTmas things wc arc ready to show you. The Woolen Mill Store Marshfleld, Oregon A PARTIAL LIST: Overcoats and Suits Hals ami Caps llncmo Gloves Xccktle.s Sweater Coals Su.speudcr.s Shoes .Mufflers Initial Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Hosiery Cuir Mules Scarf Plus pkxdletox ixdiax roues MA Date. h. in. Friday... 23 0:11 Saturday 24) 7:03 SUNDAY 25! 7:54 ft. 7.7 7.S 7.0 P. M. h. ni. C:0S 7:31 S:51 m ft. C.3 CO CO December Low water Date. Friday... 23 Saturday 2 I SUNDAY 25 A. M. li. in. 0:22 1:20 ft. 1.1 l.S 2.3 P. M. 12:35 1:43 2: is ft. 2.7 2.3 l.S I V. r ft 1 Miil-to-Man Clothier r""""" " ' ', l!!J!- " ' ' - ' J .... li 1S 'A l m THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated P.ress.) OREGON Occasional rain to night and Saturday. Personal Notes THIS COW IS CHAS ENEGREN of Coos Illvor, Is In town today. LEW 1'ItICE of Sumnor, Is Marshfleld today on business. In W. P. MURPHY, who has boon con fined to his home, Is able to be up nml nrotind today. VICTOR STAUFF was In from Cooj ton yesterday on business. CAPT. EOCMIl SIMPSON Bond, was a Marshfleld visitor yesterday. of North buslii'iss DAIRY QUEEN THE WEATHER REPORT. "-""OOLEIt today, with threatenlrifl B clouds." , So says tho weather socr. VWImt blast coulil chill tho world today Or draw tho shadows near? Fnlso prophet! Warm tliu iwcot winds blow From Uttlo llpn on mine. And two brlclit eyes, llko drcainlnu suns. Open nnd unlle nnd slilno. "Cooler today, with threatening clouds." Tho sun may hldo his face, Uut weather cannot movo tho llamo Of lovu that takes Its place, For two weo hands thnt eom to hold Tho warmth of all tho skies. Llko balsam torohep, tremble tip To light my hart and eyes. "Cooler today, with thnMtenlnit cloud," i Tho seor predicts hkhIii. i A balmy tireezo mes by the door: , Too fair tlio skies for ruin. illMalien prophet I Ah, but truo 1 bend nbovo my boy, My shadow fulls upon his sloop It ralns-my tsnrs of oy! ) Yes, WeVe Going to Move AVc'll tell you more bout it noxt week. Bei'imso ol' the MOVE, wo arc anxious to sco everything in the line of holiday goods MOVE out oi tho store by Sat urday night. AVe have reduced prices to such an extent that they will simply have to MOVE. You'll be sorry ii! you don't get a MOVE on and take advantage of this opportunity to secure "qual ity" goods at bargain prices. A sprig of genuine English holly given to every customer on Saturday, while they last. Brown Drug' Co L (JHADUATI3 CHEMISTS ,fc "THE QUALITY STORE North Bend News Library Closes. The MnralifMtl r ibllc library will he closed from tnulKht until Monday noon In ordor to permit workmen to put tho llnlsh Iuk touchOH to tho nttw Coko liulld- (Inj?. Tho ProKruM Club Iuih donntrl ?10 to tho library townrds tho pur ohnsB of now boohs. Chestor A. Snow, who arrived re cently from MlniKwotnhas bought the L. W. Topo rosldonco for ?2,000. Ooo. W. Artls liaB resigned his position nB caretaker of tho Coos Hay Motor Dont Club to ho offectlvo January 1, and II. B. Fujton will probably succeod him. C. 0. Hockctt, roturnod yosterday from n trip to Portland. j Floyd Coffolt, who roturnod to tho Hay rocontly with his family from Smith Hlvor, sold his rnncli there for ?12,000. ' John It. Smith has K'ono to San Francisco to spend Christmas with his family who nro Bpendlnsj tho wlntor tlioro. SANTA CLAUS WILL BE HERE Almost boforo you know It. Cnly Two Paya nwny. Wheu tho Stockings aro emptied you will bogln thinking of tho CHRISTMAS DIXXER. That's our particular hobby. Supplying tho necossary oatablos for tho Christmas feast. Wo aro Just n little bit particular about tho cleanliness and quality of our groceries. If you nro particular you will placo your order here. Everything to bo had In groon vegetables, fresh fruits, candles, nuts, cldor, staplo and fancy groceries. Phono In your order, GEOR.GE COOK PHOXE 181). STORE CLOSED ALL DAY MOXDAV. Funeral Saturday. The funeral of tho Inte Tlioa ninlne will "bo hold from his rosldonco on South Fifth Htrcot nt 11 o'clock Saturday morn ing, A. O. Wnlkor olllclatlng. Tho sorvlcos nt tho gravo will ho In chnrgo of the Marshllold Odd Fel lows lodgo. Wed LiiHt XIkIiI. Last evening nl tho Coos hotil, .Tudgo John F. Hall ofllclated nt thcflrBUnf tho ChrlHtmas wcddiUKS, the contrctlng pnrtlos bo lug Win. Simpson and Mlsa Mlnul Sanford. Tho groom Is n son of Alox Simpson of Iluyues Inlet, mid tho brldo n dnughtor of C. W. San ford of Ilnynos Inlet. They will re- sldo on n rnuch on Hayuos Inlet, Miss Graco Runch of Wnlpole.hear llfll'nlir. (a nt tn.nn nl ha jcoivlng treatment for Injuries bus i tnlned from a horse's kick a short Jtlmo ago. Sho Is gottlng along nicely. Tho mnrrlago of Chas. Eckhoff and Miss Anna Wyntt, It is announc ed, will tnko placo Decombor 2S. STAFFORD'S CANDY Is as much a part of Christmas as Santa Claus, or the Christmas tree. Thero is no substitute for Santa Claus nnd there is no substltuto for Stafford's when It comes to candy. Tho Ingredients aro absolutely Pure, the flavor delicious. Wo hnvo some n!co Christmas boxes and baskets. Placo your or ders early. Always something now at ILrfif Uamndk TWO STORES 230 Front St MO Central Ave Havo your cilllng cards printed at The Times offlc. A FOR SALE Tlnvo Humphrey nan lamps cheap. In good condition. Palace hotel, North Ilend. FOR SALE One flfteen-horse-power Fall banks-Morse stationery gaso lino engine, now. A bargain if sold at once. Address R. W. Squire, Prosper, Oregon. FOR SALE Cheap, 10 acres flu. her land In Curry county. Apply Hall & Hall. FOR HEXT Five-room houso In West Marshfleld. Hall & Hall. WANTED Woman to do family washing at homo for small family. Address 'F' care Times. IX)ST Red hound with wlilie-tlpped tall looking like Shepord, from Raker Post No. 8, G. A. R., has olectod tho following ofllcors for the onsulng year: Commander W. E. Thorp. S. V. Commnndor S. Mlllor. J. V. Commander W, A, J01103. Surgeon I. Leo Webster. Ofltcor of tho Day S. n. Cathcart. Ofllcor of tho Guard E. W. Schrock. Adjutant nnd Q. M. F. II. Brig-ham, Hume In Pillaged. Last ovonlug botwoon 7 o'clock nnd 10 o'clock whllo Dorsoy Kroltzer nnd wlfo wore down town, somo ono got Into tholr homo nnd plllagod It protty thor oughly and ono or two nrtlclos bought for ChrlBtmas prc3onts takon. Tho hurglnra mndo their exit through a rear window although tho doors woro unlocked. Sonm Jewolry nnd othor articles wflro not touchod nlthough In plain sight, tho plllagors ovldontly being In quost of Chrlstmns prosonts only. It Is he Moved that tho work was that of boys and n cluo Is bolng cnrofully Investigated. Fancy CELEHV, New Turnips, Cnbbnge, CAl'LI FLOWERS. Como In early SATURDAY' morning mil got tho NICE bunches. STAUFF'S Grocery. Y'our CHRISTMAS money further at MILXlHt'S. goos 2nd and Hall, Thursday. FIndor, plonse notify Chas. Curtis. FOR THAT cleaning you want done Just send for Landles. Phono 8-J. Rosldence phono 3127. FOR SALE Blooded fov hound pups Sherman Ave, N. Bend, A Hoolllng FOR SALE Veterinary tools and medicine case, 110 Front St. WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Good wages. Address P. O, Box 101, Marshfleld. Hoy Wins Suit. A Jury In Justlco Ponnock's court yostorday brought In n verdict In fnvor of Chas. Galloway in his suit agnlnst Constnblo Emory of North Bond, for tho wrongful de tention of a boat. Emory acting on nr. attachment sworn out by the North Bond Mercantile Compnny against W. O. Emory, tho boy's fathor, solzod a boat and fishing nets which bolongod to tho youngor Gnlloway. For tho detention, Youni? Galloway was allowed $35 damages against Mr. Emery who will probably fall back on the North Bond Mor cnntllo Company. Tho Jury con sisted of II. A. Wells, F. K. Gottim, J. T. Merchant. E. S. Bargelt, C. D." Lash and Wm. D'ndlngor. MALAGA from Spnln, Grapos just In nt CHAS. STAUFF'S. No ono need bo without a wlntor hat this year as there IS A BIG HE DUOTIOX SALE at Mrs. DONALD SOX Millinery store, 110 Front St, Prices to suit nil purses, $10, $12 and $14 hats for $5. Also $0 and $S hats for $2. Also $5 hats at $1.25. MISTLETOE in bunohes at Stauff'M. BOXIXO gloves Punching Bags and FOOTBALLS at MILXER'S. C. J. MAHONEY nrrlvod from Port laud v'a Drain this afternoon to spend Chrlstmns. MISS ELIZABETH DONNELLY la reported quite 111 at her homo In Wost Mnrshfleld. JACK SWANTON has boon laid up tho last few days with somo of "Job's Comforters." AUGUST LAKSONEN of Ten Mile, wns a Marshfleld visitor yesterday. N. It. REICIIERT roturncd yesterday from St. Martin's Springs where . ho lins boon spending n few weokH. J. N. NELSON oxpectn to lenvo soon for San Dlogo where ho will spond most of tho winter. MISS MAUDE AKKRS or Tho Chan dler, leave thin eyonlnjc to upend ChrlHtniM with her mulhor at Hotel) urg. MISS LUCY II0RT0N nrrlvod homo on tho Bronkwntor today . from Seattle to Rpond tho holidays at tho homo of hor pnronts, Mr. .ml Mrs. M. C. Morton. "JOSEPHINE," AX EIGHT-YEAR-OLD IIOI.STEtX FRESLAX, HOLDS MILK RECOHD FIXELY' CARED FOR. Some cows may glvo bettor milk, but no cow In tho world gives bj much of It as Josephine, mi clght-ycar-old Holstcln-Fres'nn, tho queoti of tho herd of tho Missouri Stato College of Agriculture. Just now Josephlno Is undergoing a tost to determine how much milk sho will give In a yenr. Having already bro ken nil the other lacteal records Ic Is a pretty iafo hot that Josophluo will establish n clear title to the hoavy-wolght milk producing chnm ploushlp nnd hold It safe for somo time. Colnutho Ith Johnnun, owned In Hosendnlc, Wisconsin, used to bo tho prlro cow, hut Josephlno hns beaten every ono of hor records. In tho flrst six montliB of tho present test Josephine produced 1C.S3I pounds of milk ngalust 1 5,541 pounds fo Colnntho. In ono dny Josephlno produced 110.2 pounds of milk ngalust Colauthe's IOC; In ono 'month Joiophlno produced 2,900 pounds Hg.i"t the Wisconsin cow's 2,7S3 and tho hns beat en tho Wisconsin cow's averages for two, thrw, four ,flve, and six months. The vernge fnrmor Is intlslled It his cows give tm quarts of milk n GREGORY CANTY, steward of th J ,mt Jlhl . lves enough Mllllcomn olub, has retumod from to fl ntty-roiip quart bottlos. Glv MoMlnnvllle where ho was onlled)'" ,ho vot person two-thirds of by the IHneM mid donth of his." l,llt ot ,nllk ' otl111 mothor. n,y " ',0'"1 wltn lcfi '""""dors. Tho I buttar from hor m'lk would bo enough to supply forty bor.rdnrs throe times a day. Naturally with stioh a high production, tho milk given by Josephine Is Inferior to that given by tho avorngo dairy cow, al though It meets mid exceeds the logal requirements of butter fat. It Is es timated thnt hor milk will produce a revenue of $1,200 to $1,500 a yenr. And yet with nil theso honors, Josophluo Is quite n modest cow. Sho hns hundreds of visitors ovory wee'e, but fnnio has not turned head nor switched her tall. Naturally sho hns everything thnt tho bovluo heart do sires, so far as a mcro human can understand. When sho Is not graz ing on tho broad lawn thnt surrounds tho collogo of agriculture at Colum bia, MWiourl, she Is kept In a stall perhaps room would bo bottor which Is furnshod as befits hur rnul: na queen. Two or throe Inches of tho softest sawdust cover tho floor on which sho lies whllo contentedly chewing her uud. An electric fan In ono cornor hoops cool breozoa flow ing over hor nnd netting on tho win dows keep tho lltes out, Evory ounce of tho thirty gnllons or so of water that sho drinks ovory day la wnrmod to a temperature of sovonty dogroes, and tho dry feed that she gets Is (ho choicest. Joso phluo rises each morning nt 4:39 o'clock for, hor bath, and nt flvo o'clock sho brenkfasts on various grains, bran, com ohop, ground oaU, linseed meal or cotton seod mo.v, mixed with boot pulp. Sho Is milk ed whllo sho eats. At 10:30 o'clock sho Is given nnothor meal and Is milked ngaln, and the process Is re peated nt 4:30 o'clock In" tho nftor noon nnd 10 o'clock nt night, no tweon the second and third milking sho Is allowed to exorclso on tho lawn. Novor undor any clrcumstnn cos Is she allowed to bocomo excited and sho Is never struck. I. T, Van Note, the collogo dairyman, hor "lady In waiting," ho might bo cnll od, Ib tho only person who over j touches hor, HARRY C. HUNTER, n well-known Portland ronl ostalo man, mid ono of tho mnuagorH of tho Orogon ex hibit at tho land show In Chicago arrived on tho Ilronkwator to spond Christmas with his wlfo who la visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Julius Larson, There Is to bo a family leunlon nt tht Larson homo this Christmas. A. S. HAMMOND of Coqullle,Sv;is III Marshfleld last ovonlug, Tho 'In junction enso brought by him mu Judge Sparry to restrain County Judge Hull from declaring Coos County "dry" undor tho recent lo cal option oleotlon, has not boon hoard by Judge Coko yet nlthough It Is oxpocted to como up this wook, Two Days to Xmas DEC. 23 Last Call For Christmas Shopping Eocene the Best Lamp Oil Does Not Char the Wick or Smoke All Grocers Have It IT ii &- .tslmea Want Ads. -.. ,A-, . i f tS iMU:toi-JtJ. smw. lm).ii .; -,