THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, EVENING EDITION. fjgftJtatrun'tffeiu - '"'' flrnrirr ttj. SHBUSiiTOtV"'-- IT I I IV.liK tJ( 27; choose Christmas Presents even at the last minute at this siir. Km)m look there are suggestions for every member of the family. Von will f,m e,?..0" that is needed and a combination of utility and beauty that will be equally pjj1 the giver and the recipient. The lime is loo short for long advertising si o'ries h"9 for very much. People now want to do their choosing on I he spotami to h! of that they will (jo first to the store that is most likely to satisfy their needs. ""v The suggestion that you come to this store is based on more than hope of sell' you somelhiny. " 11 is based on the belief thai this store will serve you well. The ample stocks and their high character and fair pricing, the well organized fo of store helpers, the good arranyement of the store make the service superior. SlT service and large selections count when ii comes to the lasl day. GIFT CERTIFICATES Ami Final Solution of I he problem of what to give we have issued Gift Ccrtificclti Made licdeemable for any amount at any time and from goods of any description in the store. This is the quickest method for really satisfactory giving. -fs .&3Q!& at ' t&yk Cluff ! 1 S ; . iWt' l p-.' f- it 1: hi-- II ir J . r tw C o 3 rem M: There are many things hero that will muka l heir lit lid hearts (dad and serve them for mmw frs lo come. Suits, Silk Handkerchiefs. Uuf- t . I flew, Shoes, in fact .Everything for Boys' or Her or . Him The store is crowded with (he thihgs that will be a source of satisfaction pul will give added nest when yon-wish "A Merry Christmas" on Christmas Morning Marshrlold, Oregon. Lmfi g MATSON Marshfield, Oregon. - JIJISP1 Mi I if1' ? P m Wr 'f i'u-'. SB Kl i' l! !;&-.. -Mali f j I If ImmLW COOS BAY TIMES Kntorod at tho poatofflco nt Marsh tlold, OroKon, for transmission through the mulls aa second class mall mattor. M. C. MAT.OXKV IMltor mul Pub. DAX i:. J1AI.OXHV Xohs IMItor An Independent Ropublloan nows pajior publlshod cvory oronlng oxcojit Bunday, and Weolcly by Tlio CMs Hay Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tlio sorvico of tho pooplo, that no good cause shall lack a clinmplon, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. Tho Coos Day Tlmos represents n consolidation of tlio Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos Hay Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Hay and Tho Coos Hay Tlmoa' Is its Immedlato suc cessor. SPHSCHUTIOX lt.VTKS. PAHA. Ono year $C.0(1 Per month 50 AVhon paid strictly In advanco tho oubscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Hay Times Is $5.00 por year or $2.50 fo'r otx months. WIXKLY. 'Ono year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. OFFICIAIi PAPPAl OP Till? cm OP MARSH PIP.IA). Address all communications to COOS RAY DAILY TIMRS, Jtarshflold :: :: :: :: Oregon TH1XIC OF CHRISTMAS. IT IS time to think of Chrlstm.u and tho Christmas present. Not because it is necessary to liavo n stocking full of presents to liavo a lieart full of poaco and good will, but Jjoeauso through tho years a very jprotty custom has grown up of e 9UMl0 I pressing the spirit of Christmas by a material symbol. I The Christmas prosout has not oa- raped tho locunt opldemlc of tho muckrnlte. I A movoment was stnrtod not long n-xa to abolish Snntn Clnus on thfl J Kfomtil thitt he was a Bort of mythi cal Dr. Cook, and of recent yoars there has boon a gront doal of crit icism of tho Christmas prosout and tho burden It Imposes, but through It all tho genial features of our rubicund Santy havo endured and to thoso who havo l;opt tho ossonso of tho yulotldo Benson in their hoarts the giving of prosontB has never pnl'.ed. And why should It? It is only thofco who lose the Christmas spirit who aro bored wltn Christmas tlmo.' It is tho man who thinks he has to glvo tho Jones a $5 prosout this yoar becauso they gno' him ono worth $4. 9S last yoav who Ilnds tho 23th of Docombor a bore. It Is tho lady who finds her Christmas spoiled because sho re ceived a hand-painted parlor lamp Instoad of a sealskin coat who wants hor ehlldron to worship some civic hero fathor than Kris Krlngle and his roludoers. In short, only thoso who havo spoiled Christmas havo lost their en thusiasm for It. It Is uotnblo that none of tho chil dren want Christmas abolished or ; Santa Clnus detbronod. And to ob- sorve llttlo Wllllo savo up his pon tiles to buy hl3 father a necktlo or Suslo fovorlshly hldo her work bas ket which Is to produco a nock scarf for Aunt I.u Is to porcelvo tho otor nal secret. Thobo who keop soniothlng of tho spirit of ohlldhood And each rocur tlng Christmas season truly a season f-f peace on earth and good will to men. TOPICS OK Till? TIMKS. Toilet cases, PAXCY ROXKS. Ho liday stationery at groatly reducod prlcos at PRKXT1SS CO.'h. SATiAR sets Chocolate sots, plate sets and tea sets at MILXKIVS. The W'omnn'w Ilcnwn. Last night as I lay sleeping, j Tlioro camo a dream so fair, I stood upon n prairie With floworB everywhere. Tho treos woro thick with Jowols And many a willow plumo Waved wanton on tho branohos, Hodowod with sweot perfumo. A soalskln sacauo plantation Hoso lordly from tho dirt . And shrubs of tropic texturo Producod tho hobblo skirt. A mansion roso rosplondont, With maids In ovory room, And flxod electric cleaners RRoplaced tho lowly broom, Tho food was sorvod by soraphs, Who novor learned to cook; HecaiiBo delicious lunches Woro ordered by tho book. The children dressed In fabrics That grew In mnglc spells; While coolng-volced cadenzas Roplacod tho lowly broom. Tho "help" woro never haughty, Tho husbands novor cross, While o'or this smiling prospect My lady-love was boss. "What was this peaceful vision? Where find wo such a llfo?" I asked and then I listened "Twas Heaven," said my wife. A IjITTM: HOY'S I HKISTMASWISH I lllto to bo a little boy Almost all of tho yoar, And all tho Joys of other boys To tno aro very dear; And one pair of shoo and stockings Can bother ono a sight If thoy'ro put on ovory morning And tnkon off every night. I Hut, ah! when Christmas comes along, With all Its cold and snow, And good Santa Alls our stockings All hanging In a row, I'd lovo to be a coutlpodo; 'Twould suro bo Jolly fun To hang a hundred stockings up Instoad of only ono! St. Nicholas. DON'T. TJON'T malio costly presents to a worn- an. Tor If you do She. being human. Will 'think a darn site more of tho pros, ems than sho will of you. Act, then, the sage'a part, Modest nrlceil and taw. Then her sunny heart win nutter round the presents for a minute, then lly to you. John Urnest Warren. Also, why not do your Now Year resolving early? Remember! If you did not regis ter You can still do your Christmas shopping early In tho morning. Tho "buy-'om-early" plea does very llttlo good at this late day. THE STICKER. TUG man who's liked Is the ono who hiked On the rough roadway to success and smiled A smile of cheer As the goal drew near, tVho has plodded ahead year after year, Who neve; dared As he forward fared To an adveise luck to be reconciled. A man like that. Who's right, stands pat On the cards he'B drawn In the game of life And calls each bluff, For he's built of stuff That w Ins, no matter how tierce the strife. To him the lctory, forging along With an upper Up that Is stiff and strong. Ho whistles a melody, Blngs a song And scorns to notice the countless throne Of quitters who pass In a mad retreat, lie has won his tight, and the triumph's sweet, Por he never has known the word "do feat." -C. P. McDonald. Punching HAGS at TIIK GUXXERY. OUR Plum Pudding and Fruit Cake Aro mndo nftor n prlvato Gor. man reclpo and contain noth ing but tho vory host matorlal. They aro bottor than homo made If you don't bollovo It try ono for your Xmas dlnnsr Coos Bay Bakery TIIK PLACE FOR GOODIES. MYRTLK IIOXKS tho dollar slzo for 55c at PREXTISS & CO.'s. Last Minute Buys Can bo made of us to bottor advan tage and with more satisfaction. Wo havo something for everybody toys, dolls and articles that will moan leal Joy to tho giver and receiver. Ono of tho big bargains nqw that will benefit ovory homo where there aro llttlo folk Is our dressed dolls ranging In value up to $1.75 which wo aro now selling at $1 to close out tho lino, Scores of other bargains equally as good. Drop in tonight or tomorrow. Trado here and savo money. Coos Bay Cash Store GEO. N. ROLT, . . Manager. Front Street, Mnrshfleld. Boxing GLOVES at THE GUXXERY. I Shotgun SHELLS at THE GUXXERY Wo aro hero with our MERRY XMAS MAIIKHT BASKET With tho Uest of Uverj thing to nib. your Christmas Dinner a ucce. um.i.V l.'OK DKCOltATIOSS. i i, i,nc nt nnintoes ralseJci iimu mw "viv -.- , high sandy lend. Tluy are tbe w on Coos Hay. SWEET tlDKH O.V TAP ROILED CIDIIlt IV 0"lEi PICKLED PIGS' FEET. SAl'EIt KRAUT, MAMMOTH Ql'KEX 0LIVE3, RIPE and GnEEX OMVES, SWEET, SOUR and DILL PICKLES In M j UMBRELLA PRESSED Fl ORANGES, LEMONS. C1TW& 'pear. CROWN layer raise j CHRISTMAS CANDIES of kinds. . ... ! Our list of FRESH FRUTS J VEGETABLES for SATURDAY lows: Fresh Vegetables. . ..T irtnWER. CELERY, lAl "!' PUMPKINS, HOTHOl'SBLETTOtt GREEN UMU.M), .iria BEETS. PARSNIPS, TA CABBAGE. CRANBERRY Fresh Frulls. NEW CROP ORANGES. FRESH PINEAPPLES, BANAM LEMONS, FANCl Ar . - COCOANUTS, BAWNOfWgJ COOKING APPLES, QRAPB J"1"' Tho best of FRESH BUTTER EGGS. ,. tn 50c ORANGES all sizes from .5 W por dozen. jiOOV APPLES from 5 c toil 00 box. RUBICON, """""erO, LEFLOWER. SPITZEM KINGS, BLUE PYRAMIDS. 0LLI VANT & WEAVER The Pure foodG Have your Job printing dont ai The Times office. i. TintrODvS CSnwn TTinnHV UJ ... --- Times adTertIr' ' . m I itmr- imi-- t -"-XfLTimmimmm, lin..mi -- i. - . ,-,.,- Jvrm,,., i, ... ,, .. issssssssssssssssssssssssssssH '(SJSJSHSJBRJSjSlSjIIHMSISIMSJVSJi