i. ers for Christmas Goods If The Following Are a few Suggestions to Pick from: THE C00S BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910 EVENING EDITION. "" " ' " i ii We are Headquart for Rockers Dressers Buffets Rugs Library Tables China Closets Glassware Couch Covers Center Tables BookCases Dinner Sets Table Covers Tables Silverware Lace Curtains Pnrf iprinc Tovs Dolls' Iron Wagons Rocking Horses In fact we carry everything useful for the larger folks and toys for the little ones. Our Prices are always the lowest consistent with quality JfCESl WAT fHf Store nUi' 490PN EVEHIMS (HIS ra' s 11 GOING m HARVEY CO. MEET US fAgf T0 A; Merry Christmas aad a Happy New Year " MARSHFIELD, OREGON.- ?5.00 report or thi: condition op tub First Trust and Savings Bank lOVEMIU'It 10, 1010. Resources. mi and discounts . . . $127,400.57 itrdrnfts , 1,571.51 uii and securities. . 25,771.07 asking houso furnlturo ud fixtures 57,023.15 nh on hnnd nnd duo from banks 71.0S9.73 ' OF CO OS DAY MAHSHPIELI), OREGON, Liabilities. Capital stock paid In. .$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits D.32C.C3 Doposlts.' 177.532.lil .5282,S59.)i3l Total 2S2,859.a3 OFFICER: AMI HllCKCTOHS iOlIN 3. ('OICE. Presldout. DORSKY KRElTZKR, Cashier. lOIIN P. HALL, W. 8. CHANDLER, ItENTtY flENGSTACICKN, WI'-LIAM GRIMES, tlEPHEN C. ROGKHB. DR. U W. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, VIco President nnd Manager. I10F.S A GENERAL 1UNKINO AND TRUST RUSINESft. YOUR HUKINESS SOLICITED. Safo Deposit. Hunch for rent In our ted lined, ilro nnd burglnr prool Vaults ut yil.OO ii ml up per annum. The First National Bank of Coos Bay STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK. Well Fnrgo Nevada National Hank, San Francisco, Col DRAWS TI "-'nlU'd Stntes National Hank, I'o irtland, Ore. Ml UTS N'u Nntloiiiil Park Rank, Now York, N. . '. yriio Corn Hxcliuugo National Rank, Chicago, III. Tho Rank or Scotland, London, England, ri'lio Credit Lyonnals, Polls, Franco. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking contors In Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia. China, Japan. North, Control nnl On A. ,..!.. t. ....... ,l ,! nnmi-inrMnl nrenlllltH KOIlt BUOJCCt tOCIleCS 1 ' Certlflcntos of Dopoalts Issued. Sofo Deposit Hoxos for ront. v Flanagan 8b Bennett Bank of Marshfield, Oregon Oldest Rank In Coos County, Ehtnbllshcd In 1HHI). Pfd up Capital, Surplus, ant Undivided Profits over frlOO.OOO. Assets Over Half Million Dollars. ..... . nn.r Does a gonornl banking business nnd draws drafts on tho pan of California, San Frnnclsco, Cnl.; Hanover National Rank, N. Y., First National Bank, Portland, Oro.; First National Ian k, no -burg, Oro.; The London Joint Stock Rank, Ltd.. London, hnhlnnd. Also sells oxchnngo qn nil of tho principal -cltlos of Europe. Individual nnd corporation accounts kept subject to chock. Sato deposit lock boxes for ront. O Ti P F f F H S 3. W. 1IENNETT, President. ' J. "i'Jj'1.":).1)'' Y'.'.Y'r'iali R. P. WILLIAMS. Cashier. GEO. E. NCI " " C,lsl'' INTEREST PAID ON TIME P1.POS1T.S. Your Sunday Roast AVE HAVE IT READY FOR YOU. SWEET AND JUICY. 'ROAST BEEF ROAST PHONE US YOUR ORDER. Union Meat Market PHONE 58. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wap3 or Gloves to us. Satisfac "on guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. W, Josophson, Mgr. ,fi0 South Hroadwny, M irshfleld. HOME LAN Co. See ue for Investment on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. Phono 74L. 20 Front St. iTimes Want Ads Bring Results Closing Out Sale Fixtures for Sale ONLY ONE MORE SHOPPING DAY LEFT UNTIL CHRIST MAS Do not miss this chance to buy your gifts at prlcos leso thnn our actual cost. Wo liavo n good assortment loft which will pay you to look over boforo buying your gifts. 33.00 Family RlbJo $t.2X 00c and 70c Roys' and Girls' Hooks .:,"c r0,c. Standard Rooks IMo $1. 00 Standard Fiction -Ic $1.50 Popular CopyrlKht Fictiiiti H)c Rlliles, Prayer Rooks, GRt Rooks, Padded Pouts, Children's Roiiks, Xmas and Fanry Stntlonery at prices that will astonish you. . 2 Section shslvlugs, onclMi! foet long. 2 Tables -t foot long. 1 Countor 5x0 to bo sold u onco oxtra ohonp. CR.OSSY & HOMER. Ml CENTRAL AVENUE 111, CENTRAL AVENUE TIPS FOR SEA BATHERS. jjii jwiwh mi, immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm s IS iMjp Hated-Ware J-ffl : M Made mly. II; pit How Hair Injurod by Salt Water Ma , Ob Reitored. First nn application of grease niul then u most thorough Hhampiiolug ami umssnglug are the two agents must bcncflclul for restoring color mid Jex ture to liulr that hits been Injured by unit water. Unfortunately the treat ment Is not unlike Hint given when effort -Is being mmle to restore eolor after blenching, for In both cases the condition Is similar. Natural oils of the scalp have been dried, mid It Is many weelcs before they are brought buck to normal. Wheti unit water Is the cause of. In Jury It becomes necessary lief oro do lay anything else to remove all Ihi stickiness which sen water makes. IU effect upon the hnlr Is very peculiar being almost "inemy." so gummy ih the locks become, and, while It mnj seem easy to wash this out. It Is verv dllllcult. Soup cannot he used. It oul.i makes n bad mutter worse, so ihei must be repelled rubbings In fn-sl worm water, changing It frequently s that the salt may not he worked Ihu I to the sculp. Hnlr which Is iletiu lint a crenky feeling between the tlin;er when wet, and the test Imnlil ti made when trying to remove all salt The touch to the lingers Is not uullla that of silk, nnd when this Is pro nouueed It Is safe to think the locks nro clean. Drying should be doiu1 both by exposure to sun and by rub bing with soft towels, when the scalp Ih ready for treatment. Particularly well suited totlu condi tion Is a cream made from one and n half ounces of white vaseline, three quarters of an ounce of cold drawn castor oil, seven-eighths of n dram of gallic ncld and II ft ecu drops of laven der oil. This Is uuulo Into a smooth paste, nnd tho hair Is divided on the scnlp, rubbing tho application In the lino left bare. The finger tips are really best for putting It ou. Divisions should bo mndo closo to gether, rubbing well until the whole scalp bus been anointed, after which ten or tlftceu minutes' innssuge Is to bo given. This treatment should be had every night, nnd if tho grease Is put ou carefully It will not show through tho hair, If an oily look be gins to appear tho ointment may ,be omitted for a night, but massage n'ml good brushing dally nro to he kept up. It Is so much easier to prevent In jury from salt wnter than to remove It that effort should bo made lu tho former direction. Treatment for blench ed locks Is tho siime, suvo that quanti ties of oil must bo used dally If uuy benefits uro to be derived. WHY not Community Silver for a Christmas Gift? No woman can nave too muck o it, The new Sheraton design rivals sterling silver in distinction, and harmonizes with the richest of table settings. Plated heavier than triple, wears a lifetime. Pioneer Hardware Co. Self Interest. Tho platform and the principles Tho party chiefs put, through Look mighty hooU unto tho man Who has n Job In view. IIo thinks they are the only 3ww To save his native land, Itocau4 wull, If the truth b 'old. It's money In his hand. A pleasant little public job Will so nffeot his mind That to the fallings of his orowJ Ho will bo deaf nnd blind. Nor oan the fellow over mm. No matter what you say. Why those who do not net the Job Qolleve tho other way. No matter what he used to think rtogardlng this and Unit, Ills party goes the other way, And up will so his hat. Though old beliefs It controvert. IIo does nut oaru n rap. For what are prlnclpUs bosldo A lovely public map? The party that will place him right In the financial ewlm, Will fix htm with a salary, Is Just the one for him. Tho candidate may dance a jig On measures once held dear, But he cares not a cooky If The public crib la near. His Treasurer Knew. ' no who goes Into politics must re member what he Is recorded to hnvo snld, for It Is the habit of tho sharu nosed public to search out past utter ances and hold tliu cnudldato responsi ble for them. John Rums, says Mr. Grubb In his life of that Inbor leader, onco mndo tho slip of remnrklug that uo man was worth mora than fuOO a yenr. Accordingly, when he beenmo a cnbluct member with a salary of 2, 000, ho was ohvlous(y open to attack. When he first met his constituents at Rnttcrsca nftcr he was made presi dent of .the local government board a candid friend recalled tho statement: about n man's wurth by culling out in tho middle of his speech: "Wot nbnht that 'ere snlury of 2, 000?" Mr. Rums was equal to tho occa sion. "That Is tho recognized trado union rnto for the Job'," was his apt reply. "If I took less I would be a black leg." "Wot'ycr goln' tor do with tho 1.C00 over?" pursued tho Inqulsltlvo qucs Honor. "For details," answered Mr. Rums, "apply to my treasurer, Mrs. Rums." One of Dr, Halo's Jokes. When ho was (pilto a young man tho Into Dr. Edward Everett Hale played n practical Joke on some girls who wcro mombcrs of n party with whom ho was summering on tho Massachusetts coast. All theso girls wro reading tho samo oxcltlug novel, nnd ono day at dinner It was a lending topic. Knowing that none of them had finished It, Hale, un known to them, carried It away with him the next morning whou ho wont to tho city. Ou tho train ho wroto nn absurd conclusion to tho novel, laying the final scene at the summer resort. Carrying this bogus conclusion to rt publisher, a friend of Ids, ho had It put In typo, nnd then, carefully remov ing the bona Udo conclusion, ho pasted In his own. Ou his return ho placed the book on tho piazza nnd waited, The look which spread over a girl's faco as she rend- that lust chapter was, Dr. Halo declared, worth going far to see. Woman's Homo Companion, Tho Flylna Dutchman. Tho Flying1 Dutchman was n ship which was sometimes visible from va rious points of land, but moro partic ularly from tho Capo of Good IIopo In very stormy weather. Tho story runs that her captain onco sworo so fearful nn onth that as n punishment for his blasphemy ho wns condemned to bent about tho oceans until tho day of Judgmont. Tho Flying Dutchman was never k.iown to get Into port and was generally seen sailing under full canvas boforo n strong wind. Tho myth Is gonernlly understood to hnvo had its origin In tho waterspout, which In the distance resembles u sailing vessel. tJewaro of These Knoekersl- The men who do a town more harm than good may bo olassud as follows: First, thoso who oppose improvement; second, thoso who run It down to stran gers; third, those who never Hdrorlino tholr business; fourth, thoso who dis trust public spirited men; fifth, thoso who hIww no hospitality to any ono; sixth, those who hate to see othere make moiuTy; seventh, those who op pose ovury movement that does not originate with themselvos; eighth, those who put on long faces when n strnngcr siwuks of locating In their town; ninth, those who oppose every public enterprise which does not ap pear of porsounl benefit to themselves. Rovorly (O.i Dispatch. , Try Tho Times' Want Ads. 'Ii 1 m m . ki-J