- fty "- ADS. flag (itattaa NEWS L BUSINESS IS . SLOW, Al KlSE. THAT IT PAYS IS EVI- GET IT WHILE IT , IS NEW HT READING THE COOS tyVY XlMft'9. ALL THE NEWS ALu TUB TIME TENSELY TOLD t: :: :: it it rIISE. .rn BY outvi'ooi' uu uoi HifinrnDi.iii. iinor ,OUSi:S EVERYWHERE M.EMTiER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS -... Ajii. -yw-g- Qlnoa LXXXHI. Established In 1878 ns TIio Coast Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1910 EVENING EDITION-EIGHT PAGES, a con9oiiition of Time., cn,t .mii No. 138 IIIIIMI IIIWIP k of engineers 01 ID B iiLE mm feared N. Lliations For Settlement of l?age Controversy Hancj In Balance. 1 ISSUE NOW INVOLVED IN IT t, Cu'cs Thinks Other Is ililemrtinrj to "Slip Something Over." Assorlatoil Picsb to Coos Day Tlr.cs.) llll.'AGO, ML. eo. 23. Th.i eMs.-J'" between tlio Drothoi- 1 of Lrraniotlve Engineers nnd r-ono rallroniln Wont, North and lib of Chicago todny Ik critical, ill wns admitted tlmt a itiltlu-i ii In the negotiations! was not ipectcd. Nono of tlio nnrtloa to conference would Bay nnytliliiK the ilttintlon. Elsowhoro It was -aed, however, desptto tlio fact It the conferees aro only n trying Mntago apart on tlio matter of U. each sldo saw In the efforts lite other a matter, of grnvo Ini- lunco which ovorshndowod tlio h dollars and cents Involved. CANDY BANDIT GIN "LIFE" Leigh Rhodus, All Around Bad Man, Given Foui: Sentences to Insure Punishment. . (By Iln: Associated Press to Coos Times.) CHICAGO, III.. Dec. 28. Lehh Klindui, the "Candy IJnndlt," who whun HrrerteJ for nn east St. Louis buiRlnry n month ago. confessed to two murders In Chicago because he said he preferred a murder trial In Chicago to a burglary trial In Ent St. Louis, was sentenced today to life Imprlsonmont. Ills victims were Dr. William S. Michaolls and Anton Holliltr, n contractor, both of whom resisted tlio robbory. In addition to the life Bentenco ho wns sontcnco'l to serve tlireo Indctcrmlnato terms I of Imprisonment, each for ono year to llfo Imiirlsonment. This was to forestall applications to parolo him, It wns later announced. DDIES OF I 1 Chicago Stockyard Fire Still Burning but Is Now Under Control -Started. (Uy Associated Relief Fund Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Dec. 23. Two more bodies woro recovered this morning In tlio ruins of tlio Morris nml Co. yards. This brings the total death roll, according to tlio police count to 20. Twenty bodies havo In all so far been rocovere'd. It Is be lieve I others aro still In tlio debris! Knr!y today the fire, though still burning, Is considered tinder control. Pellof committees will moot today to formulato plans to rnlso a fund to .ltd the widows and orphans. Fifty thousand dollars Is already pledged for rfllof work. Business nion today planned ' to enlnrgc the roltcf fund so ns to create a permanent .endowment fund of $350,000 to care for tlio wIdoV3 and children of the dead 11 re men. FOURTEEN AHE DEAD. Number of Victims of Philadelphia Fire Is Given. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPHIA,, Dec. 23. Tin numbor of dend as n result of the leather factory flro Wednesday night stands nt fourteen. IS 10 II ! II SHORT TIME i Drug Company Will In- Itall Fine New Store Gas and Electric Co. ft tas announced today that tin nn Drug Compnny had loaned tocm In tlio Cooh building on 'let avmue, now occupied by the s Day Gas and Electric Compnny, k trill move In on or boforo Janu- 15. The now location affords addl'lonnl room needed by tho r to nccommodato tholr Incrons- business and Messrs. J, Lea in and Robert Swanton, tho fetors. Intond to mako It one handsomest and finest drug la Southern Oregon. The Coos Bay Gas and Electric apany will movo booh after Jnn- 7 1 Into tho now Coko bulldlni; the corner of Socond and Contrnl nuei whero they will have hand t offlco ounrtors. Genornl Mnn- r Jennings Is fixing It up In flno W. C.J. 1LLIS IS SEVERAL HURT L 0. BILLINGS BY A IANIAC IS STRICKEN NEW DIRECTOR ! NORTH INLET ITEMS. 1 i lUojrd Enlund Is homo from Gra- 1 ord for tho holidays. h special school meeting has been l"l for tho 29th to lovy a tax for pool purposes. "lis rtodtno of Allegany, will havo PW of our school tho coming Fa. IPt. Olson and Mate Martin have to San Francisco, Itwo Bills" Logging Camp Is run f steadily and putting In a flno pw cedar logs, piling and Doles. to One need ba without a winter ' thls year as thero IS A 1110 HE- l'ON SALE at Mrs. DONALD- '' illlllnery store. 110 Front St. tC-8 to Blllf nil m,rcM t1(l Jl' 'f H hats for $5. Also ?G and ' u for ?2, Also $5 hats at U5., I. O. O. V. ATTTRXTIOV. Members of Sunset Lodge, No. 51, 0. f) t J 4 ,nf nt Ir tall Saturday morning at 10 Unanimously Elected to Suc ceed W. S. McFarland on Board Last Night: C. J. Mlllls was last ovonlng elect ed to succeed W. 8. McFarland as , director of tho Marshflold public schools. Tlio election was hold at tho new high school building and was unanimous, no othor nnmo bolng suggostod for tho plnco. Tho mooting was fairly well nt tended despite tho fact that many had forgotten tho dato of tho special election. M. C. Horton presided ns chairman of tho meeting and Judgo John F. Hilll was clork. Mr. Mlllls was nomlnntcd by Dr. Losllo and no other names bolng presented, tho nominations woro de clared closed and Mr. Mlllls the un nnlnious choice. Auot soventy-flvo woro In nttendnnco. Another snoda! election of tho voters of tho Marshflold school dis trict has beon callod for December 28 at tho now school houso when tho tnx levy for tho onsulng year will bo fixed. Data on tho cost of operating schools In other cities of this class has been gathered by M. C. Horton of tho bonrd nnd tho school system In gonoral will como up for discussion. Patient at Cincinnati Hospital Suddenly Becomes Vio lent In Ward. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CINCINNATI, Ohio, Doc. 23. Tho serious Injury of two nurses nnd two patlentB with minor hurts for several other Inmates of tho city hos pltnl resulted today from n llfo and donth fight with nn ltiBnuo man wolghlng 2 IS pounds, armed with a knlfo. Ferdinand Hoffmnn beenmo vlolont yestorday nnd was Btrnppod to n cot. Ho obtalnod n knife In somo mnunor nnd cut his bonds mid hurled hlmsolf on T. N. Smith, the night nurse; 13. F. Mltcholl, n dnv nurse, nnd Will llowo, n patient, wcro cut badly whon they wont to Smith's aid. Hoffmnn wna flnnlly Biibduod whon ho was struck over tho head by n heavy cano by u nurse. . . . AGED MAN IS L OCATFD HERE JOHN D'S SANTA CLAUS. NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Doea John D. Rockefeller bollovo In Santa Clnus? Tho question must go unanswered, for ho -nfitsna in toll. It WHS DUt 10 him point blank as he was on his way to tho Flfth-Avonuo Baptist church. A young news paper reporter was his ques tioner. At first Mr. Rockefeller was m- dlgnant. Then his face cracKeu Into a smile. 4 "You gentlemen of tho press aro certainly Indefatigable," ho said. "God bless eacn ana evo- 4 ry ono of you. It Is no use in nnv subject from now on, how- ever, for I havo fully mado up my mind never again to make a statement for publication in tho press." Mji-Ksrjsr w. w ........... -- - .,-, . .. nrtVAT.it.lnf Vow Vnrk. nEHGta QUI millions, is ra Brother Thoa Blaine. iductiua saw- iu .-. -; 'me for T,nn.nfton,innr will bo SON Millinery siurc ..-.. --. .. ............. ... ,, in ii nt,y enforced. Jotlrnlnn- T1fl1ioi.ii Innltoil. lJ order R, E. GOLDEN, N. Q. Mrs. Dunbar, Aged 80, Who Ran Away From Colorado, Found to Be Insane. After having run nwny from tho homo of a daughter In Canyon City, Colorado, where sho had been living, and coming to Coos BTfy without giv ing nn Intimation or her Intentions, Mrs. Georgia J. Dunbar, nged about eighty, who arrived at Plat B tlireo weoks ngo, was declared of unsound mind yesterday and ordered commit ted to tho asylum. Tho caso Is rather n pitiful ono but tho ngod womnn, It was feared, would becomo violent nnd do Injury to horsolf or others. When she arrived hero to visit nt tho homo of hor daughter, Mrs. Evans, at Plat B, thoy wcro not aware that thero was anytuinb wrong and thought of courso tholr relatives In Colorado had beon nwnre of hor departure. Mrs. Dunbar did not say anything about having run away. Howovor, a weeic or so nit er her arrival a lottor camo from Colorado saying that sho had mys teriously disappeared from thero and that tho entire surrounding country had beon searching In vain for her. A telegram was immediately sont apprising them of hor safety. Somo days ago, aho began to havo hallucinations about robbers, and expressing tho belief that her grand daughtor and son-in-law should be killed. Consequently sho wns taken before the commissioners and or dered committed to tho asylum. Weil-Known Marshfield Man Passes Away Early Today After Long Illness. L. B. Billings, n well-known resi dent of Marshflold, died this morn Ing after n prolonged illness of n complication of diseases. Ho was sixty years of age. Ho was born at East Mlddlcbcrry, Vermont, and pre vious to his romoval to Marshflold flvo years ngo wns n resldout of Rhhiolauder, Wis. Mr. Billings Is survived by his wife In this city nnd n daughtor In Chicago. S. A. Conro nnd Jnmos Conro of Mnrshfleld, nro also rela tives of tho docensod. The fuuernl norvlces will be hold from Wilson's Undertaking parlors nt 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, tho Rev. R. E. Browning officiating. FEAR AVIATOR GRACE IS LOST 1H TH 0 EE W HARD BATTLE Disappears In Fog From Calais and Has Not Been Located Since. ; FRIENDS STILL HOPE FOR RETURM Dill Cnrliirlrlmri Rnlinmlic fit'- Ulll I UIUIUUIIIVJ 11V...U.UUO ui , ders In Spain Passes Cham ber of Deputies. (By Associated Press, to Coos Bay Times.) MADRID, Spnln, Dec. 23. After a stormy nil night session tho Chnm bor of Deputies today pnssod tho govornment'B "Padlock Bill" by u voto of 10S to 20. This notnblo vls tory for Promior CannloJaB Avas ob tained nftor n light Involving not only tho opposition In Spnln but of tho Vatican, whoso seal of disappro val was sot upon tho log'slatlon even boforo it had boon submitted to the cortes. Tho effect of tho bill re strains tho establishment of religious orders, etc. BIG INCREASE IN WAGE ASKED FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Suitable for your children, wife or . ...i. n . m 12 Frices 10 euu un J'"."--, y--, -r--and $14 hata for $5. Al.so,T0and of Now York, assets 661 millions, is NO MISTAKE. It will novor break, wear, tear, tarnish, fade or get tire 3 hats for T2. T1.25. Also ?5 hats at some, and will protect and make n happy family. See HENRY SENGSTACKEN. Spokane Train Dispatchers Start Petitions to Railroads For Large Advance. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) SPOKANE,' Wash., Dec. 2.3. Spokane train dispatchers, thlrty-slx In number, nro preparing to potltlon nil roads oporattng horo to Incroaso their wages to $175 per month, ef fective January 1. Tholr wages at present aro from 12C to 1140. Thoy stato this Is part .of n great national movement backod by similar peti tions from all part of tho country and If a satisfactory Incrcaso Is not granted boforo next Juno, It Is pro posed to bring tho matter boforo th convention of train dispatchers ns an association at Baltimore, an or ganization which up to tho presont tlmo has taken no action on tho wage question. EIGHT KILLED IN A CAVE New York Workmen Buried In Excavation For New Building. (Oy Associated Press to Coos Bay TImoB.) NEW YORK, N. J., Dec. 23. A number of men estimated at eight woro caught In a cavo-ln In an ex cavation of n building. Two bodies wcro rocovorcd. THREE ARE STRICKEN. Coqitlllo Herald Tells of Passing ot Tlireo Then. Married In this city, Decombo 17th, 1010, Mr. Gunnnr Johnson and Miss Anna Carlson, Judgo E. G. 1). Holden ofllclatlng. Word was received horo that Miss Hilda Danlolson, aged H years, had died at tho family homo noar Park orsburg. Thero wcro no particulars glvon. J. A. S, McDonald, a lato arrlv.il from Montana, was In town with his fnmlly tho first of tho week. Mr, McDonald hns arranged to tako chargo of tho Rlvorton Hofol and re-open that placo to tho public. Claim That He May Be Trying For the Distance Flight On Trip. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) LONDON, Doc. 23. -Thoro wit no news this nftornoou of thd futrc of Cecil S. Grace, tho American nfln tor who disappeared In tho fog whilo nttomptliiR the return flight from Calais to Dover yostordny. It is feared he fell In the North Soa. Tho report of his landing at Deal was a canard. A lleot of motor carB la Hweeplng up and down tho coast roads for somo trnco of tho missing man anil tho North Soa is being swept with searchlights of warships, and other vessels who havo been ap prised of the facts. Qraco was sighted seven mHos" cast of Deal but was soon lost In jl dense fog and now is bolloved to -hnvo perished. That ho lost his' courso Is evident. Somo of his moro optlmistlm frlonds oxprosB tho bollot that ha--was trying for the distance flight nnd' will land In tho northern pnrt of England. . TWO SHOT IN PISTOL. DUEL Kentucky Special Policeman1 and Federal Officers Ort OppositeSides In Battle (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.') . MOUNT STERL1N6, Ky,.Dec. 23V Clinton Allen, deputy UnltodStn- tc8 Marshal and his brother, Alien wnro shot to donth by James Tipton? a special pollcomun, nnd Michael Gibbons, n saloonkeeper, In a pistol bnttlo thnt took plnco In front of Gibbous' saloon ns n result of a qunrrol. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. Skeels return ed from their extended trip to Port land, whero Mrs. .Skeols , underwent oporntlons, and has been In n critical condition nt times. Thoy vlsltol their daughtor, Mrs. Georgo Baxter, of Creswoll. ALLIANCE NOT IN YET. Steamship From l'ortlnut Overdue Several Hours. Tho steamship Alliance, which crossed out from Astoria for Coos Bay at 10 o'clock yestorday, had not been sighted off Coos Bay bar at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Tho fog wns very dense. ' Tho non-arrival of tho vessel Is tho cause of much chagrin, tho Pa Vllla troupo which was to havo play ed at tho Masonic Opera Houso last night and tonight being aboard. Agent McGeorgo thinks sho will bo in lato today or early In tug morning sure, Buy tho football at THE GUNNERY. Air-plant and nir-plant brass hang ing baskotB at PRENTISS & Co.'s. Havo your J"b printing done n Tho Times office. Football PANTS at THE GUNNERY. Mrs. J. F. Burgess of near Nor way, passed away at tho farm homo on Tuesday, December 13, 1910, aft er a long tedious Illness, and tho body was laid to rest In tho Masonic comdtory at this placo on Wednesday. Miss Eva McNalr of this city, dlol at tho homo of hor stop-father and mother In this city early Sunday morning. Sho had beon HI for about two weoks, bolng a sufferer from In flammatory rhoumatlsm, but nt that tlmo tho dlseaso seomod to go to hor heart and tho end camo suddenly and with llttlo warning. Tho deceased was born In Colorado, and was 17 years, 9 monthB, 17 days old nt death. Tho family has lived In Co qulllo about a year and a half. LUTFISK Saturday at cade Restaurant, cooked ready to cook. ' Ar-and Sprains Ankle. Albort Haines,. son of Mr, nnd Mrs. A. T. Haines, had a squirt gun nnd was showing his brother how a real "Naval Ro- servo" did biislnoss, After squirting wator on Ocorgo onco or twlco, Al bort slipped and foil off tho porch, spraining his nuklo and bruising hlmsolf, Howovor, ho was nblo to como down town today to got hlv now uniform. ARE AFTER HORNET. Alleged FillhiiHterliig Steamer Loiiveu New Orlemis. (By AssociMcd Prosa to Coos Bay Times.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Doc. 23. Following tho doparturo lato yester day of tho alleged filibuster steamor Hornet, complaint will bo mado to day by tho Honduran mlnlstor that It Is tho lntontlon of tho Hornet to' nttack ono of tho gulf portB of Hon duras and this government will bo asked to Intorcopt tho alleged ma rauder. . LIBRARY NOTICE. Tho library will bo closed at eight o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) ovo nlng. Tim ntnrv hour tomorrow lllomln at cloven will bo for tho older boys and girls, and will bo occupied wltU Christmas legends, storlos, and n poem. Flno CHINA nt HALF PRICE at PRENTISS & CO.'s. JAItDINIERS at MILNEIVS. '11 till K; VrV 1 1 V u M I'l l ,9i HM i ,ll o 1 T m 'i , 1 ui !1 1 I. LANDO, Sec. . niWVWMlHiU- ..kAvWn-;. ,. MfiMili.v , anJafeU.J-'