IBM (tea ADS. mmt NEWS .BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BT READING THE COOS JAT? TIMES. ALL THE NEWS ALu THIS TIME TENSELY l OLD t: :: : n ti 4 i THAI 1A IW".t MO AWM- v SUCCESSFUL UUBI. falfiCS EVERYWHERE t: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED ,1'RESS Established In J 878 ns Tlio Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1910 EVENING EDITION- I JSIH. ClflUT DAfiCC A Consolidation of Times, Const Mill! 11. 107 -EIGHT PAGES. nm) Ci)m Uny Allv(lwp No. 137 mm 0 Kii DEAD IN PHILADELPHIA HUE T 01 Firemen Victims of aster In Quaker City Early Today. TNUMBER OF VICTIMS IS UNKNOWN HUNT DUCKS IN A MONOPLANE fifiy V.'-'.ed While -sBa ijFIips In Intense Cl!cI. .vvvO tlFTKCN KNO.: DEAD. Hubert Latham Goes A'fter Game In Flying Machine Today. (By Assaclated Press to Coos Iln i Times, n LOS ANOELES.'.Cul., Doc. 22.- Hubert Lntlmni. tho Krannh nvlnt'.r. Lnj Associated Prose.) I went hunting In his monoplane to- mLADELPHIA, Dec. 22. .day. He flrod ton times. klltrirbne an nro known to bo dead, 4, duck and crippled toveihl othors. Ho ..., fir. iniMi nnd 0110 1)0- 1 mii'miml dunks fnr tuniti Minn linlf AVU - i . - - - - an, and moro thnn llfty nn hour nnd landod succossfully at . .. nr - lll JL. ... ..... i M oi wnoni riu uiu Bint t iiiu ciuu uoiiso I... t tospuui. ' ) ISASTER WORSE III REPORTED Now Believed That 360 Lost Their Lives In Explosion and Fire at Bolton, England, Yesterday. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOLTON, Eng, Dec. 22. Tho FLIES IN FOG OVER CHANNEL WMlatcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) llADELPHIA, Doc. 22. -After t tight search of tho ruins of fcrtorr of D. Fried lander at l!0 Uodln street, dostroyod by ut nlglit, It Is thought the it of firemen nnd policemen It; ttio falling wnlla In undor pet difficulty In nscortnlnlns liabcr of killed nnd ' Injured miu tho nmbulnncoB and po- itrol woRons scnttoiod tho In- imoiiK the many liQspltnls, but Mitred tho nunihor of dontUH ;HCh twmty. Tk work o! i in me eixonio i wet mini belli a solid muss i i coldest mo'i ' win very difficult a ro stiffering keen er flromen m1 po a i uoerly fifty, o' I i'Io Collepiln t of the deaths anf :tln tMtN r t l rti 1 OI I J 11 It rev I I lie ti eh . ai ' to FiEAKWATER IN EARLY TODAY TWO f "Ol H IN' YIlAIt. i Tree at HhciUui 151 abilities Vi lU'ciud. t Coqui l. Horald says: "While Steamship Arrives From Port land With Large Passen ger List. The Drenkwnter nrrlvod In oniiy today from Portland after a fairly a "large Hit of passengers hntlfw freight was rat her ( light, probably (in a to the close uvoxlmlty of the holldsys. The Breakwater will Mil at G o'clock Saturday morning for Port land. Among those arrlrlng on her were the following: C. J. Millie. E. S. Gear, Mr. Caul man. David Jenks.H. Atkinson, .1. Noble, M. Welder. Jack Noble, W. Trllle, Mrf. Saunders, ealle Saun ders. Miss Balona. Mr. Gear, J. 1. Npdtke. Mrs. Npdlke, II. A. Franklin. Makes Perilous Trip From England to France Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tltnos.) DOVKIl, Eng., Dec. 21. Cocn Grace, competing for tho Deforest prise, (low ovor the English channel from Dover In n thick fog today and was reported passing oter Calais, Franco. "N disaster at tho Llttlc-IIoulton col liery was greater than flrst thought. It Is probablo that at lonst 3C0 lives woro lost. It now npponrs that tin men supposed to havo been rescued enmo from nn adjoining pit which wns badly damaged. Apparently not a soill escaped from tho Llttlc-IIoulton shaft. GETS HEARING DOVER, Eng., Doc. 22. Baron Do Forrest has offered n prlzo of $20,000 for tho longest flight Includ Ing the crossing of tho Entfltsh ci .la nd made In 1010 by nn Englishman In on English built machine. Craco wns roportnd as lauding this nftornoon, on his rotiirn trip, nt Doa England. CALAIS, Doc, 22 draco flow ns far as tho Ilolg'nn frontlor whoro meotlng ndverso wl.uls ho turno.1 baok without doscondlng nnd lnt.r nirlvod at tho nvintlon groundB to tho went of Calais. Ho stnrtod on hie -Heturnw tHti -to Dover at S.:M o'clttk this afternoon Mra. Franklin. Jno. Lamb, B. Gas .- - ... .... ., . VI lermn ,1 l.wt nr (Vw. .vaolr Ihi Mnl. 11 p. KOOIIll. MISS IMJOPll. ", Job of a representative of the j Hartman, Jno. Wlcka. A- Leraanskl, i wai c ii . d to a plum tree of A. Johnaon. U. Bnalgn, G. IUemuv i-"n R m of that nlace whlcnlson. W. AaplunU, c. iiooKeu, . i- - . nis nn extraordinary son. Mrs. Reynolds, Mlm Gehrke. C. in tV way of growing mnny.E Broadbeut. O. W. Canty, Mra. 'this r r limldaa tho ro- Kinney, Mitt AsWJurn, w. amiuhih. trop tho oarly aummor, It II. Hunter, L. MoUIn, Mlsa Ilortop. Its llmhs on tho nbovo mon I dov, Iiocombor 17. plums Wero Jut ilnoulni:. othow tbalf Rrrwn 'jesldos blooms ful- and to all appoarnncos fully OMd and rrmlv tn stnrt tllO i distinct crop of plums for this . Thero nro n numbor of pear i Is Conulllo which mnko nulto Hort In tliA tvnv nf KtnrHnc .1 Klcrop nearly every season, but Plum tree goos thorn n couplo W" TIMERS HACE UP COAST. wtcr Bents Her Rlvnl, tlio , nnd Cnntnln Is Jubilant. Portland Oregonlnn saya: Whg Coast Tlnv two linnra nnnrt. leamors Breakwater and Alll- P. tompetltora for traffic between ItBflfl .l n i... ,... S n.viii Hill. D. Portor. C. Bnndsclia lor, M. Inolck, Mrs. Inclck, N. Wright, Jno. Thomas, Miss Hoover. J. Bnhlander, Miss Umn Marsh, F. G. Bunch, Mrs. Knorr, Miss Knorr, Miss Z. Knorr II. G. Smith, II. C. Mlllor, N R. Rl'ohnrds, G. D. Weed. Mrs. Weed. Guy Weed, Mildred Wood, Donald Npdlko, W. J. Peterson, O. Tlska, E. Laklano, A. Johnson, F. Morton, M. VJrnkan, M. DJork, C. B. Hnwltt, Mrs. Broadloy, F. Kot chum, Mrs. Ketchum nnd II. H. Mlllor. $ 4 CUT OFF QUEUE. PEKIN, Dec. 22. By a vote 4 of 102 to 28, the Pokln sonato passed an edict removing tho m. -o.ntinnnl nuouo from tno WMW.V-- f . heads of all residents oi wi SANTA GLAUS CAUSE OF ROW Salvation Army Workers at Spokane In Lively Scramble Over Christmas. (By Associated Press to Ooos Da Times.) SPOKANE, Wnah., Do. 22. John Doe warrants for tho nrroat of six teen Salvation Army "Santa Claus" and "kettle-men" soliciting funds oil the streets of Spoknne, wero Issuod today. The warrants ohnrgo vagran cy and nro on oomplnlnt of "Slstor"' Flora M. Ullklss, nn occontric street missionary, who, last Saturday at- taokod sevoral Santa Clans. Miss Bllklss assorts thero nro no "Santu Clnus and it Is n shnmo to fool children. Chief of Pollco Doust hns refused to servo tho warrants and "Slater" Btlkls3 threatons to mnn damus him. HOLLAND JURY ACTSPCKLY Port and Portland, sailed a race heads of all residents or in. ended Sunday with tho Break- Chinese representatUes In for r tne victor, and Captain Mac " no commands lior, jubilant. -w,u,nB t0 tno Merchants- kx- reports, tho Breakwater ar- t Astnrln n R nVlnnk Sun- lllornlnty M AiAj .. .i. kIvii- -"hi ww Buiieu up iuu ii"" Olr laOf Tha Alllonnn ilM tint rt Astoria uutll 10:46 o'clock ' morning, and sailed up th9 f t 1:30 o'qlock In tho after- 90 f J- Mulls, tho superintendent of pany owning tho Breakwater, ' Passenger "on the steamer when Wred Sunday, Ct'OCRUY STORES CLOSE, 1 Marshflold grocery stores havo i ""'iu ciubuu uii uuy aiuu- t Wml,. . . , v"uor v, in uuBervnuuu ui L. -- Mi... 4Jaiu,i(, Rig ichuwi. rV.OVide for that Anv hv orders ,. - -- -' in omintrles n month ago was regarded as an Intimation of what was to follow, and tho edjet occasioned no surprise. Every Chinese subject, from tho ,nu.i fnmliv to the lowest coo- Ho, will be expected to shave . . .....I fni.thnffh. nis neuu iui." THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, IU-. Dec 2 X. Wheat closed as follows: December, fll ipjMy. 95 3-Sc; July, 92 7-8c. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 21. Wheat unchanged. TACOMA, Ore., Dec. 21. unchanged. -Wheat Ritzville Man Convicted of Murder of Spokane Teacher In Washington. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 22. Pat rick Holland on trial at Ritzville, charged with tho murder of Joso phine Putnam, formerly a Spokane school teacher, November 7, was guilty of murder In the second de gree. Tho jury was out six hours. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlaln'3 Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays (he cough, relieves tho lungs, opeqs tho socretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands havo testified to its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. Congressman Hawley to Pre sent Reasons Why It Should Be Removed. As n rosult of tho executlvo com mittee of tho Marflhflold Chamber of Coinmorco iiBklng Congressman Haw ley nnd othor members of tho Ore gon delegation to uso their Influence to hnvo tho government onglnoe.'s reconsldor their decision ngnlnst tho removal of Guano Rock nt tho on tinuce to Coos liny, a hearing hti3 been grnntod by tho engineers. This news wns contained In n let tor received this morning by Miss Violet Henderson, secrotnry of tin Chamber of Commerce, from Con gressman Ilnwloy who roquosts that nil ovldonco bonrlug on tho cano h" forwardod to him nt onco. A. 11. Wobnr, tho nstlBtnnt engineer, has untitled Mr. Ilnwloy that tho hearing will be some t'mo in January, tho exact dnto not having boon flxod yot, The Chamber of Commerco will Immodlatoly forward to Congrosi man ,Ua,wley the evldonro nt tholr command as to why tho Impodlmont to unvlgatlou should bo romovod. tagomOU A J. F. Fuhrman tf National Bank of Commerce, Placed Undor Arrest Today. (Dy Awoalnted Proas f Coos Bay Tim os.) TACO.MA, Wash., Deo. 22. Jos eph Frank Fuhrman, paying toller ht tho National Bank of Commerce, has ooufeesoilp ombozzllng funds of tho bnrflftoenrry op lunibor nnJ logging busInosH and wns arrested today. Fuhrman nppnrontly oxpoct ed to bo nrrostod as ho was dospnn dont. Tho securities In which Fuhr man lnvostod hnvo boon turned ovor to tho hnnk and it Is bollovcd thoro U enough to moot the loss which la $92,000. TWENTY-NINE FIREMEN KILLED IN CHICAGO HOLOCAUST TODAY FOUR YEARS FOR ESPIONAGE English Officers Punished by Germany For Spying On Kaiser's Forts. (By AnHocIntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) LEIPSIC, Germany, Dec. 22. Captain Bombard Frederick Trnoc l of tho British Roynl Marino Infan try, nnd Lloutonnut Vlvlnn II. Brnn don of tho Roynl Niivy, today wero found guilty of osplouago on tha Gorman fortifications nt Borkiim nnd sentenced each to four yonrs Impri sonment In tho fnrtross. Canopy Falls On Two Com panies Fighting Conflagra tion at Stockyards. MORRIS & COMPANY LOSE OVER $125,000 Blaze For Awhile Threatened to Wipe Out Entire Stock Yard District. i o LOSS IS IIKAVV. TAX LEVY IS EIGHT MILLS North Bend City Council Agrees On Same Rate As Last Year There. BREAKWATER IN Tho North Bend city council has flxod tho tax levy thero for tho ensu ing year at eight mills, tho sarao as last year. Th's action was taken after a rather extendod discussion, some fa voring a lower assessment. Others wanted to raise it and clean up tho outstanding debts so that city war rants would sell readily nt par. s a compromise, tho samo levy as last year was agreed upon. It is claimed that this with tho saloon licenses and other, revenue will bo sufficient to meet tho regular council had the -waterfront streols In North Bend Improved at the clty' expense and this took a big sum out of the general fund. By Associated Prosa.) CHICAGO, III., Dec. 22. Flro Marshal Jiiiuoh Hornn and twonty-elght llremon woro kill ed oarly today In n tiro that oausod $l,2d0,000 damage to the warehouse and stock of Morris & Compnny, pnekors, and for hours throntonod tho whole itork yards district. (Dy Associated Pross V V . j to Coos Bay OHICAGO. III.. Dec. 22. Flro Marshal James Koran nnd between twonty-Ilvo nnd thirty flromen woro killed nnd forty othor Injured today In n flro which, nt nn onrly ohur, had caused $1,500,000 and nt ton o'clock still threatened u wholo In tho stock yards d'etrlct. A wnll fell crushing an overhanging wooden panoply on tho hoof house or Morris & Company, whoro tho flro Btnrtod. lianeath the panoply woro two com pantos -of- llrtmeu find tho olilof. These men were crushed death The debris made n furuaee to which the firemen were unable to dig tor several hours. The blase was discovered about four o'clock. An ammonia pip) bursting, started t!u combustion thut spread so ulcli' thut the watchman barely had turned In the alarm h' fore the llmnon who bursting out of the building. Flu Marshal Hornn found his SbsUtiints ondeavorlng to. UIJHMBES Coos Bay Sportsmen May Meet to Consider Them Cal Wright's Views. A mooting of local sportimon w'll probably ho hold soon to take notion on pioposod changes In the gnmo Irwh which. will bo taken. up by tlit next hossIoii of tho Oregon legisla turo. A numbor of matters have al ready beon proposod nnd It Is not un llkoly that sevoral changes that hnvo licoii ndvooatod to meet eouUi- tlmifl In this soctlon will Ira presented to tho loglslaturo. In dlieiiMiliiK tho matter yesterday, Deputy Gnnie Wardon Cal Wright, who hns given the matter much thought, nald: "Tho open Ronson for dueks, share nnd wml lug birds nnd upland ulrdsjlnead off tks ruh of the tire toward should open the same day, Septem ber 1, and eloso for dueks not later thnn January 15. Two mouths open suason la long enough for upland birds. Qrey squlrrela should be protected for live yonrs. 'The salo of mud liens should bo permitted during tho open uoason. "Shooting from powor bonts of nil K'IikIh or from scows or bonts towod by power bonta should be ab solutely prohibited. I am Inollned to favor pormlsslou of shooting duokn from row bontH. ''A roqiilromcnt for getting n hun ter's llceuso Bhould bo un onth not to vlolnto tho gamo lawn. "I approvo of Stoto Gamo Wardon It. O. Stovonson'B suggestion on gamo law amondmonts as to elk and deer except tho deor sonson from July 1 to Octobor 1, "It should bo mndo n mlsdomenr.or for nnyono to shoot protected gamo birds moroly for tho fiako of killing thom. Somo shoot mud lions moroly as targotfl, novor picking them up, and this should bo prohibited nn many nro now eating theso birds, "I would llko to havo ovoryono In terested in tno protection or our gamo express their opinions about the law now so that tho loglslaturo may havo tho advantngo of them when tho amendment of tho laws comes up." I. O, O. V. ATTENTION, Members of Sunset Lodge, No, 51, I, O. O. F. nro requested to moot at tholr hall Saturday morning at 10 o'clock to attend tho funeral of our deceased Brothor Thos Blalno. Fine for non-attendanco will bo strictly enforced, Sojourning Brnthors Invited. By ordor R. E. GOLDEN, N. G. I. LANDO. Seo. other buildings Flames wore com .Ing frSnj seveial xtmctures near by TttffaVn'uK. which later beennm tbe .destroyer of a score of lives, seemed to oftVi r, lie Iter tifrom tho (lames. Under thin, the crews Ill to escape the terrific heat. On top of the canopy auother group f fire men played atreams of water Into the heart of the lire. Suddenly Lieutenant Mnckey. leader of tho lire flghtera on top nt tho ennhpy, felt tho wnll wns going nnd shouted n wnrnlng to thoso la low Ho Jumped, with his mon, nnd os oapod denth. But, bolow, tho cnuopy found Its victims. Mennwhllo, tho nromon who know nothing of tho disaster, wore standing In tho pnth or tho flnmos. Thoy stood their ground at building aftor buUdlns only to bo drlvon back. Assistant Marshal Scyforllch, who now was In commnnd, realizing tho futility of saving tho property then, nblnzo, drow nil his men back aud at 10:15 o'clock acknowledged tho wholo stock yards district was in danger. Wo'vo got no wator hero, ani wo cannot do anything offeqtlvoly," ho said. "Tho thing really Is boyoud our control right now." Sevon bodies wero recovorod. At ono o'clock this nftornoon tho flro had been hedged In and Us sproad checked but tho efforts to saVo any of tho buildings originally attacked by flames woro In vain. Tho build ings destroyod Includo two ware houses full of dressed meat, hemp, etc., a tallow houso, and other structures, Do you know that fully nlno out of every ten cases of rhourdatlsm nro simply rheumatism of tho muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rhoumatlsm. and require no Internal whnn,,- a nnnM. ma.ii.ino fr- treatment Whatever? ' Apply Cham- children bear In mind that Chamber-' borlaln's Liniment frooly" and seo how qujckly it gives rollof. Fa; Iain's, Cough Remedy Is most effec tual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harm ful drug. For sale by all dealers. sale by all dealers. CHKISM4TH I'OSTALS at ona cent each at, PRENTISS CQ.'s,' : 1 r t i t( wt.