HIMW-T- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER21J910 EVENING EDITION. North Bend News Personal Notes AtHti 1.5 htnntf i . i.t n- ' uo. r. v.. mu. .s rupurjeu qui.o, Am i.ackdnn,( wno wn8 9llol teaf 111 nt hor homo today. days ago, Is Improving nicely. injttmjMWIrrM iE-frT vn . hi.i...lii...u...i.i..i rt ? v a tt . M lxm muT) m mr) ?Vt Mm f8&$ f fen i:!i2miJ- wPssA Ax i -- . ip u: COOS BAY TIDES. DKCKMRKR D. K. HOOD of Coos River, la n Marshflold shopper toiltiy. High wntor Date. Wcd'd'y. 21 Thursday 22 Frldny... 23 Saturday 24 SUNDAY 25 A Man's Store For Men's Wear A. M. P. M. li.in. (t. h.m. ft. 1:20 7.4 3:40 7.7 C:1S 7.5 4:52 G.9 C:ll 7.7 C:08 C.3 7:03 7.8 7:31 CO 7:54 7.D 8:51 CO J. S. MASTERS of Catching Inlet, was a Mnrahlleld visitor today. rip fPT' Useful Gifts s iH Kj Fr Men p 111 km 1L m 1 L5tM m(7 w Millicoma Hats, .... Mallory Cravcncttc Hats, John B. Stetson Hats, "Bacmo" Dress and Street Gloves, $1.50 to Neckwear in Christmas Boxes, 50c to Suspenders in Christmas Boxes, 50c to Sweater Coats, $2,50 to Initial Handkerchiefs, silk and linen, 25c and $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $2.50 $J.OO $1.50 $5.00 .50 re5y w Of course we have many other things, including Suits, Overcoats and Rain Coats, which any man would be proud to wear. The Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothier Marshficld, Oregon KTwjP I SBm$88Sl8w JL The Busy Corner IN LEATHER; FOR XMAS GIVING SHAVING OUTFITS fp HANDBAGS A glanco In our window brings nn Impression of nownoss and distinctiveness, tho kind thnt nro nrtlstlcnlly niado and finished of dependable leather that hold their shapo. And theso nro tho kind that ono wants ot glvo or ro colvo. Tho mountings" too, gilt and gun niotnl, aro tho best and most artistic. Doth slnglo and doublo strap handles. Eve ry loather and color. 4 '. .'. Prices: From $2.00 to $25.00 Other Things of Leather which Suggest Likely Xmas Gifts are Manicure sets from ?.00 to 818.00 Traveling Sots front 9.0 $10.00 Playing Cards with Vather rases, from ?1. to 8 00 Leather card cases, from $1 to J?I, Purses from HOc to ?S.OO Military brushes In leather wises, from 82.00 to 83.00 Leather Straps (U. S. Cavalry) , 81'75 Leather straps good leather, special "flc Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company THE BUSY COItNEF. DECEMBER Low water Dato. Wcd'd'y. 21 Thursday 22 Friday... 23 Saturday 24 SUNDAY 25 A.M. ' P. h. m. ft. h. m. 10:10 3.4 10:38 11:23 3.1 11:28 1.112:35 0:22 1.8 1:43 1:20 2.3 2:48 ft. 0.3 3.1 2.7 2.3 l.S THE WEATHER. (ny Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Thursdny. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 p. in., Dec. 20, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government mo- toorologlcal observer: Maximum 49 Minimum 41 At 4:43 p. in 40 Precipitation 14 Wind NorthwoBt; cloudy. (Jowl livening! Havu you bought It yet? ! Alva Grout, a Unlvorslty of Ore gon student, Is spondlng the holiday with his parents. 13. A. WILLIAMS of Catching Inlot, was a Mnrshlleld visitor yesterday. Mayor L. J. Simpson leaves today to Join Mrs. Simpson who 1b spond lng the holidays In Washington. A. O. KJELLAND of North Mend, wnB a Marshflcld business visitor. WM. 13. HOMME ot Cooston, was a Mnrshflold business visitor today. Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. Maybco and I son, Harry, will lenva tho last ot tho week for Myrtlo Point to spend CI rlstmas. REV. FATHER J. A. MOHAN, who has ben 111, was nble to bo down town today. II. W. PAINTER and wlfo will lenvo via Maudon for San Francisco whero they will spend tho holidays. WM. MARICAS and wife, who have boon visiting nt Mio Thos. Mlalno homo, hnvo returned to tholr homo In McMlnnvlllc. S. S. ACKLES of Enstslde, who un derwent nn oporntlon nt Mercy hospital tho other dny, 1b reported getting along nlcoly today. C. E. HULINQ, N. G. W. Porklm and Dr. M. O. Stommler of Myr tlo Point, wore in Mnrshlleld Innt night to attend tho meeting of Royal Arch Masons hero. Clone Hnnkrupt Sale. Qco. Good- rum nnnounccB that tho bankrupt snlo of tho Froy stock In North Mond will closo on Saturday night. Hiiys LotM. August Hedborg has bought two lots at Muukor Hill in tho McCollum division of tho Flnnv gnn estnto from August Frlzeon. Wagon lilt Again. Tho Coos Day Laundry's wagon whlc.h wnB recent ly hit by Jack McDonnld'a auto, was crashed into ngaln today by D. I.. Foote. Moth woro going down south Broadway and Footo nttomptcd to pass to tho right of tho wagon wlton tho .lattor Bwung ovor. Tho dnmngo was Blight. Recall Franchise. Plana nro be ing mndo todny to exorclso tho ro call on tho franchise extension re cently granted to Jacob M. Mlnko by tho Marshnold city cquncll. Tho peti tions nak that tho council call n special election for March 10, 1011, for tho votors to pass on tho fran chise Following tho outcomo ot tho North Mond olectlon, agitation was started for a reconsideration of the extension but tha council could not act and now tho potltlons are bolng circulated. Make your Fathori Mothers Sons Daughters ,nnd Sweothenrta happy by a beautiful XMAS PRE BENT from tho Jowolry Department RIM) CROSS Drug Co. Tho MYERS' STORES In Marsh flold and North Rend nro OPEN ovo ry EVENING this week. HONING gloves Punching Dags and FOOTBALLS nt MILNER'S. Turkish Bafcfos 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J OVER 68 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ilSEES Trade Marks nraiONB rnDvmoHTS Ac. Anyone .ending .kelch ""IJ'VftPJJ mcklr acertln our optnl??.fre"S"i.e.r." Pitenu ateuu. iDTeniton . WW. Mlf .WffiftniJ'X!? lion tiriotiT connaenii.,ninuuuun -- ent free. iwMiinwwwHiiuw.Jsu-sri;,-.., .n.a t.k.n .(irriuirh MUUa a CO. TeCClTe . "i".u". .l.';. i"'.V1t..;. In h Scientific American. IUHH&Co.se,Brtld,,r' New York VIXCK.VTS TRANSFER, CALL 208 E. V. VINCENT Hauls everything, any time, at rea sonable price, satisfaction guaranteed. THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week J2.00 to J5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to J18.00 per month. FREE BATHS F.. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Christmas Cards and a large assortment or post CARDS Just received from tho east. Also a fine assortment of PIPES and CIGARS suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. AUGUST FRIZEEN, GS Central Ave. Marshfleld, Ore. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has boon re modelled and improved and is under new management. Special accommo dations for stage passengers and for people desiring a rest at the seaBhoro. "You'll Llko tho Plaee." J. E. SCHILLING. Proprietor. BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Marshflcld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason- lble, by day, week or month, Mrs. J. H. O'DONNELL. Prop. G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshflcld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South JW St., Telephone, Day or Night, 198-J When given ns soon as tho croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Romody will ward off an attack of croup and provont all dangor and causo ot anxiety. Tiiouuanus or mothers uso It successfully, Sold by all dealers. N. RASMUSSEN, 13. 13. Straw and Arthur McICeown loft today for tho Rasmusscn ranch on Hayncs Inlot where they will enjoy somo flno Bhootlng. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Capt. Hark Dunham reports that tho Rnndon bar now hna fifteen foot at low wntor. Capt. Poulson, formerly of tho Roanoke, Is now commanding tho fltenmor Eurokn which Is running south from Snn Francisco. Tho Btcnmor Mandon broko her propoller blade, at Mandon tho other day nnd wnB towed to Snn Francl ico this week by tho'Flflold. Every family has need of a good, rollnblo liniment. For sprains, bruises soreness of tho muscles and rhoumntlc pains thero Is nono bottor than Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealors. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. R. Simpson and son, Hallle, will lenvo Friday to spend Xmas with tholr daughter, Mrs. Faliy, at Milliards. h Mian Hlan WlnVlntwl lino rntirnnil' Dr. and Mrs. Holllster, who wontB' , to Los Angeles and San Francisco ! h nro expected homo tho last of thet, vim PA VILLA COMEDY 1 COMPANY COMING! Rlilor ill 1 Three Xlghti of Fun and Tiaiight by Company Which Scored Such n Hucc Two Ycnrw Aro, Return of tho Pavllla Comodi Company for a thrco nights onjnv.-l nient at Mnsonlc Oporn Houso bogln- ning Tuursuny, uoccmuor -- The opening bill will bo a comcdy In Hiron nrln nntltloi! "Thn Wlin.nl'' of Wall Street" togothor with many merry Incidents and mlrth-provoklng episodes characteristic ot thla clover compnny. It Is to bo romomboro4 thnt on tholr last visit thov Drcscut- ed nn abundanco of those element ot entertainment which tho poople hero llko tho best, and wo nro given! to understand that tho performances to bo presented this tlmo will be, just na onjoynblo as thon. Tho con-: census of opinion hero Is that this bunch of entertainers is ono ot th very cleverlst and most satisfactory that has over paid this town a visit.' Tho young lady flexlblo acrobat whef pleased and aBtonlBhod ovoryboUjpi with hor graceful and daring oxploltM on n column of tables .will bo preM euted on tho opening night. Lovers of vocal music will hava tho opportunity of again hearing Miss Louise Pavllla, tho little singer who chnrmoil tho untlro audlonco. i Mr. Pavllla also assures us thai tho laugh provoking episodes, tha comedy, singing, eccentric dancing.1 etc., will bo nn abundant as over. There aro to be no tenra savo thowj produced by morrlmont. Cnango ot bill each night. FOR SALE Cheap, HJO hcivb tlm hor land In Curry county. Apply Hall & Hall. FOR RENT Five-room homo in Wost Marshflold. Hall & Hall. EXCHAXGEI) In postolllco, on 19th, silk umbrolla with gold and smoked pearl handlo-bearlng mono gram E. F. C. Finder, plea3o leavo at Times'., olllco and got theirs. WAITED Woman to do family washing at home for small family. Address 'F' caro Times. FOR SALE Wooded fox hound pup Sherman Ave, N. Deud, A Hoelllng WANTED Competent girl for gen eral housework. Good wages. Address P. O. Mox 101, Marshflold. Refined Oil Reduced Eocene, the best Lamp Oil Retails $1.30 per can Bulk Water White retails five gallons for 85c All Grocers Have Both TIME IS GETTING SHORT Only n few more days and the great day of days will bo here. It Is time you wore getting that present. Wo enn sorvo you satisfactorily at a small price, See our window, Come In and Look Over These : LADIES AND MEN'S UMBRELLAS, CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS IN SPECIAL BOXES MEN'S SLIPPERS KNIT MUFFLERS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Select Your Gifts Early The BAZAR i W Ii t 'V