The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 21, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Entorcd nt the postofflco nt Mnrsh
llold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls ns second class
mall matter.
thlniH lo reform are tho homes of cause It has no appraised cash val
u!e peo!,lo. Many of them need no uo? No, for It Is a valuable asset.
reformation, but many or u on ...
J.I1U tttlBl'B Ul DIH lO UVUW.
M. C. MAL0XKV IWllor uiul Pub.
DAN" K. SIAIiOXlJV News Editor
An Independent Ropubllcnn news
paper published every evening except
Sunday, and Wcoltly by
The Coos Hay Times Publishing Co.
Dcduatcd to tho servico of tho
peoplo, that no good causo shall lack
a champion, and that evil shall not
thrlvo unopposed.
Tho Coos Day Times represents a
consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall
and Tho Coos Day Advortlser. The
Coast Mall was tho first dally estab
lished on Coos Day and Tho Coos
Day Times is Its lmmodhito successor.
Ono year JO.OO
Por month BO
Vhon pnld strictly In advance tho
Btibscrlptlon prlco of tho Coos Day
Times is $6.00 por year or $2.50 for
nix months.
Ono year $1.60
Official Paper of Coos County.
Address all communications to
Mnrnhfleld :: :: " a Oregon
Holy Poverty! teach mo to endura
-without complaining, to Impart with
out grudg'ng, to seek tho end of
llfo higher than In plcnsuro, farther
off than In power. Thou glvcst tho
body strength, thou makest tho
mind moro firm; and, thanks to
theo, this llfo, to which tho rich at
tach thomHolvcs as to a rock, bo
comes a bark of which death may
cut tho cablo without awakening all
our fears. Continue to sustain mo,
O thou whom Christ hath called
Dlcssod! Selected,
To tho victors belong tho tolls!
Try Times' Want Ads,
Men From "every "rank,
Fresh and freo and frank;
Men of thought and reading,.
Men of light nnd loading,
Men of loyal breeding
Tho nation's welfare speodlng;
Men of lofty aim and action;
Glvo us men I say again,
Glvo us men!
Glvo us men:
Strong and stalwart ones;
Men whom highest hopes inspires,
Mon whom purest honor flros,
Mon who tramplo solf beneath thorn,
Mon" who mako tholr country wreath
As her noblo sons.
Worthy of tholr sires!
Men who nevor shamo their motherJ,
Men who novor fnll tholr brothors,
Truo, however falso nro othors;
Glvo us mon I say again.
Glvo us men!
And when wo know that a neighbor'
homo Is not watched over, that hU
children nro not taught self-rospcst
......., IW nflinrn. then It If
.i,. nu-nv from such a Tho SIYKIW STOKES In Marsh
MT"flIll- 1(1 Ulllll ; -. i,. hold him and his nt arm's field and North Demi nro OPEN evc-
'"-'""'" . . ... ' . ..fr1 M.l 1.
in,,.n, m,.i lii tint wny beat uw ry j-.ii. una uu.
-..i, into his mind thnt If ho wou'd
assoclato with decent people, he and
his must bo fit to bo rccognlzeii
Tho next thing is to Insist that
....... i. .,, niwi pfitinhtn men bo
UIll liuuuov iw.i. .
romtnntcd for tho local ofllccs. The'
-,t Miinir tn to watch our local gov-'
o.Minu ni and when anything crooked
?oPip to hnvo been sprung, to de-i
uv.uu n Hhowlng. when any public.
duty is neglected to cry out against
It. The snmo vigilance Is needed
who. i h'ghor ofllcors nro to be nomin
ated. Thus wore a town or city to
h oi nductod on this plan, Its repre
sentatives would reflect tho spirit of
ihi't town or city, and wcro every
town nnd city In a stato so conducted
tho leprescntr.tlves of thnt stato In
. AI......1 nfT1tlH tt'ntflll
tin! nigncr iiiiuuiiiii UUH.M ...,.
best lencct tho spirit of tho state1
they hailed from, and complalntB
would cease. A free peoplo, to ro
maln freo, must so conduct tholr
homos nnd their small local gorern
uonts thnt they will mnke It oar
thnt they want Justlco dono that
they want tholr llbortlos guarded by
hist laws, and that they nro always
rendy to do any needed thing to In
sure theso results.
But when tho ruling pasBlon of a
community Is to get money, no mat
ter how; when they nro ready to
condone nny offonso If tho offondor
linn tho money, thon thcro nro sure
to Do defalcations, suro to bo n mul
titude nf divorces; then rogues nro
suro to obtain olllccs; then cltv
councils will tnko bribes, legislators
will sell tholr votes; then tho papers
will bo filled with stories of two
elaBsos of criminals one, thugs In
rues, tho other of thlovcs nnd grnf-
tnra In fine ralmont. and It nil comes
bccniiDC tho citizens in tholr homes,
nnd In tholr dally contact with tholr
r11nu, nmn. loflIRO to DOrfomi tllO
IUIIU11 .. .-
duties which their stations In llfo
If tho peoplo of this community
are prepared to supinely submit to
ilnnrnvlty and dobauchory thoy win
lator reap tho rownrd of tholr craven
cowardlco In ruined homos, and dis
honored daughters and sons.
Editor Times:
Tho Orklngtons nro tho coming
breed of chickens for tho farmers
nnd fanciers. They win In nil tho
ofllclnl laying contests. They nro
lnununo from cllmntlc chnnges and
they nro much hnrdler thnn nny
niiini. breed. They nro much larger
than nny other clenu logged breed
nnd nro moro handsome and stylish
nlso very tnmo and do not fly around,
Thoy do well In confined runs or freo
rnngo. They lny a largo egg much
larger than a Plymouth Hock or
Wyandotte; nro tho best table fowls
as tholr meat In moro full of flavor,
and they do well on any aoll ,nnd
location, nro tho best all around fowl
that exist. Tho Orklngtons nro a
rross between whlto loghorn cocks,
black Hamburg pullets and wh'to
Dorking cocks -ri
oil by wiiii.., er'
..-. v,UOK I- .
11 took :" no yoa;r;
Pure whlto,.... ..
- iz :i
" y ii.iiiiimI ii,, .. Vl 1
O.ichiP inecryui
-"" u nas
Oil' (if llinni
V'nirs truly,
0E0, M
North 1
What Shall I Give Hei
For Christmas???
Men can easily answer this question by visiting owstori
in the Coos Building, and they can answer it satisfactorily
We have a whole store full of suitable things to
women arid girls. We invite you to come and see 01
many handsome gift articles all packed in pretty individ
ual holiday boxes without extra charge.
rllEN anything In public affairs
,li,..niliAf,liUllliAil All's tlllltll.
V iff villi! fcjUWIU lllllll IIJIUU ItiU jututtw
W nrra lexnnr tunn nnn lirntin In
olllcors. If It Is n stnto matter thnn
tho governor and legislature- nro
charged with It; If It Is a nntlonnl
matter, then tho president and con
gress nro blamed, and wo aro prouo
to say nt tho noxt olectlon wo will
soo that they nro retired. Wo for
got that tho govornor and legislature
lut symbol tho peoplo of tho stato;
tho president and congress but sym
bol tho charncter of tho nation.
It Is olenr, then, thnt tho first
nriHE noots long ago averred that
I "beauty Is Its own excuse for
being," and thnt "a thing of
beauty Is n Joy forovor." Now tho
Judges declnro that beauty Is usoful
and-lovely sconorj' bcnoflclnl, and
thnt both aro entitled thoroforo to i
tho full protection of tho law. i
Tho lognl adjustment of boauty'sj
prlvllego and vnmo camo about In j
Colorndo. A city near Pike's peak
derives Its chlof natural charm from
tho luxuriant growth of flowers and
trees in tho valley of a stream flow
ing from tho mountain. A commer
cial company wanted to uso tho
stroam abovo tho falls, thus draining
thorn dry. This would havo robbed
the vogotatlon of tho moisture that
makes It grow so richly, and havo
changed tho vordureclad canyon Into I
a dry and bnrron waste. Tho town
argued thnt tho waters of this streom
"had already been appropriated to
benoflclnl use3," sued tho company
nnd won tho suit.
Tho fedora! circuit court held that
tho uso of tho stream to maintain the
falls, tho vorduro nnd the beautiful
scenery Is such a beneficial uso ns
tho Colorado constitution Intends.
Tho Judgo rensoited thut agriculture!
commercial and Industrial useful
ness are not tho only forms of bone-
flclal uso. "Parks and playgrounds
aro boneflts nnd their uses beneficial..
Must sconle beauty dtsnpponr be-
We Are Going To
Move Jan. 15th
and we do not want to move any holiday goods, Eve
rything in the line of gift goods will be closed out at
very low prices. '
When looking for Xmas presents it will be to your ad
vantage to come here first. - &
Pretty Furs
You will bo delighted not only
with our splendid assortment of
first-class furs, but with the
prices as well.
if . . .-.'
Among tho furs most used this
season aro tho "Russian Minlc,
Persian JMnw, Black Lynx, and
black and Brown Coney, Black
and White Wolf, Sable, etc.
In our splendid assortment
you will find furs to fit any purse
From $2.50 to $75.00.
Pretty Furs Make Desirable Gifts
. Glove Orders
ftl.50. &1.75 and &2.00 buvs a Glove Order. Pr
our. fliis ordov ns vonr criftlliul tllC l'CcilHCllt WW
call at our Glove counter and be fitted iu her size an
Glove Orders Make tho Most Satisfactory Gills
Daintv Muslin Wear
ProHih' hnvfwl. nlwnvs niiikos accoijtnblo cifts. W
are showing a complete line in matched sets nn
individual garments, at reasonable prices.
Women Always Appreciate Dainty Muslin Wear
Christmas Hosiery
Wo pack any order for Hose, amounting to i
,. ,.,. : . T.T,OiM,i-i- "Rnvncs frpo of ClwrgC
full Jine of Hose cotton, lisle and silk, nt from-l
Hosiery Always Make Acceptable Gifts
Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dressei
Our sDecial nrices on Ladies' Coats and Suits, Dresses
Ftc. continues until Christmas Eve., ffivino- vou an oprortun-
ity to purchase handsome gifts in this line at about half price.
Suit Specials
Just a few or those splendid bargains left
at , ..,...$7.50
A fine assortment of: well tailored suits, all
leading colors and a good range of sizes,
values to $25.00 n'pw $14.50
Another Lot, including handsomely tailored
Suits in the best winter styles., values to $35
at ; '....$19.85
Wool Dresses for both ladies' and misses can bo
hud ready made for less money than materials will
cost. See our lino beforo buying. Price range
from $7.50 up.
Warm Fleeced short Japanese Kimonos worth
$2.00, while thoy last 98c
Long Heavy Fleeced Kimonos in light and
dark patterns, each $3.00
Silk Kimonos, long pretty Japanese and Em
pire styles and handsome Liberty silk, Tea
Gowns at from $8.50 to $35.00
Coat Specials
Black Kersey Coats, ill Fizes to 40, worth $lo
mi i i i..;iWli onnts. satin
lined, formerly selling $18.50 to $20.00, now K
m -n,.,.. ,wi XT.,,,., Tv'nvaiu' floats for 1S"
' ses and Little" Women only, $16 values for
Black Broadcloth Coats, lined throughout vritU
Skinners Satin, handsomely tailored, Wl
...,.,,? rtnni o f nvnier-
near littmg and tight nmng wiuw .
lv m-iced to $30.00. now '
SPECIAL just receivQd a few handsomo chr
fon weight broadcldh coats, lined
either black or light shades of handsomo art
; ,i. io4-:i ,i,ncc niul ovening WiP
in, iimai; ui;iiiiii.iii uitsu " -
i., . i.i ,,'niiv oriced at
ine very newest siyiua, Ditv..v
from $25.00 to
Brown Drug Co.