tssd GImijS ADS. tttt0 NEWS I.MLVESSIS BLOW, Al THAT IT l'AM IS EVI- .. ...tnirs.qFUL I1U8I- GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS JAY TIMES. ALL Til 13 NEWS Alio THE T1MK TERSELY 1 0LD. t: :t : :: t: KptttWO" i, MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1878 ns TI10 Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER21. 1910 EVENING EDITION. bxni. EIGHT PAGES. A co..iitatioM r Time,, const Mnii N 136. mid Coos liny Advertiser. HNAJI FACTORY DISTRICT SWEPT BY $21010 IE m Killed and Six Fire- Injured In Conflagra- Early Today. LARGE FIRMS HARD HIT BY BLAZE It to Have Started In Ine Room High Wind Fans Flames. Iioclitcil Press to Coos Day Times.) ittATI. Die. 21. l'lro In !nn F. Cory d'strlct of this ,itoda t vised (Inning os'l- it two million dollars, the -I two nun mid tho Injury of an. At tho tlmo tho lire it a Iilgh wind wna blowing in tho flames flnnlly wero It under control, ton flrimi hnd I oat and eight lnrgo buildings KrtlrorcJ. An entire block Kith and Sycnmoro streets to ky was swept by tho (l:uno. a burned out woro: andorf & O'NoIl Shoo Co. x Poolo Lcnthor Co. 90 Co. :Lock Co. Isoro Street Stnblo Co. it Pflegor Lcnthor Co. IrSafo and Lock Co. hiousa of A, &. J. Nttrro Co. Duncan Paper Box Co, Aire llox Factory. Iltlj 'lelleved to hnvo start- 111 onglno room of Kr'.ppen- O'.N'cll. 1H0SL BLAINE IS STRICKEN Coos County Pioneer Since 1864 Passes Away at Mercy Hospital. Thomni Dlnlno, u resident of Co on county, nlnce 1801, died at Mercy hmpltnl today after n pro i trncted Illness. Ho hnd been very low for dome weeks niut the end was not unexpected. i Mr. Rlnine whs born In Missouri nhout sixty-one years ago and cross ed the plains with Henry Illnck, com Iiik to Coos liny whoru he hns since jtunde his home. IIo divided hla time between Mnrshflold and his north Coos Itlvor -ranch. Mr. Blnlno Is mirvlvod by his wife mul four children. Tho chll tlren nre Mrs. Laura Oiistnfson of Loon Lake, Mrs. .Tcttlo Kondlo of Mnrjhfleld, Mrs. It. W. Mnrstors of Rosoburg, nnd Mrs. As H. Hnuscr. Tho funernl nrrniiBomentB hnvo not been completed. COOS BAY AS M ICOXGIllLSS ADJOURNS. (Bj Assoclntcd Press.) I'ASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. Congress has ndjotirnod IMlday recess until January . HE WHEAT MARKET. Kitted Press to Coos Day Times.) plUND, Dec. 20. Wheat un- pCO, Dec. 20. Wheat clos- lollows: December 91 3-4c; Kt; July, 93 3-4 c. . 0MA, Dec. 20. Wheat un- OFFICERS ROE ARCH No. 2 of Marshneld, : Annual Election-1-" I Wall Monday Next. , .u6 jivjai ,vrcH vuun- 1 6fBMarshfleld, hold. Ha an- won of officers which re- M'followfl; Priest J. Albert , Matson. h. A. Whereat. M. O. Stemmler. !t'n of Host It. Walter. 'Geo. P. Winchester. !try. F. E. Allen. 'inual Inntnllntlnn nf nfflrnra i held next Monday evening, ar 26. whon li r"nmmnnillrv i,Iso Install Its officers which eited that evening. CHRISTMAS I'nESRXTS. ;Ub'e for your children, wife or H a Policy in tha Mutual Llfo iVYn-l, . -. .....-. . --, UBSUIH Dili IIU1UOUB, IB "STAKE. It will never break, ieaf. tarnish, fade or get tiro- and Will nrnfoof nnil mnl-n n r family. Wh HENRY SENGSTACKEN N cases, FANCY BOXES, Ho- rilonery at greatly reduced ,lt PHEN'TISS & CO.'e. LAST CHANCE Declared That This Harbor Af fords Only Opportunity to Duplicate Great Growths. A resident of Mnrshnold who ra- rontv visited Seattle Portland. San 'Francisco and Los AngelCB hna been considering tho enormous growtn oi theso four cities In the Inst ton years nnd tho fortunes which hnvo been mndo by reason of tho Increased valuation of proporty caused by the Incrcaso of tho population which wns brought about by railroad facilities. In discussing It, ho said: "Seattle has a population today of 237,000; Portland has a population of 215,000; Los Angeles a popula tion of 310,000, and Ban Francisco a population ot -110,000. "Dcforo theso places had railroad facilities thoy had a few hundred in habitants, probably not more than the City of Marshfleld, on Coc Bay has today. "The country surrounding mem aia nf .fford the same natural re sources for development which Coos county does. .ti Mimita In Seattl snd Port land and Bin Francisco do not be gin to compart with Coos coumy, and while tho winters In Los An geles may have more sunshine, the ''disagreeable summers more than ever come the eanUfol winters and taking It all around, Coos county's location makes it mora desirable and more oven tempered than any other section of the coast. In order to construct Seattle enormous expensive hill sides had to be removed and now mo oesi Vmuu is located on almost a level grade, whinh at one tlmo was a hillside. Portland fared better in this re spect. Tho principal portion of San T?,nnMpn nnd where the business places are located, in the neighbor ed of the Call, enrontcio uuu i- amlner buildings, was once a sand .in .!,.., rnna nnv lias a natural urn, " www- . townsito on tho peninsula extending from nnd Including Norm uenu uuu Marshfleld. Tnif n man'of tho coast nnd looK over tho undeveloped hnrbors nnd you will And but ono left capable nurnnimodatlnc tho large vessels which entor tho Columbia nnd Pusot Sound. That ono location is Coos Uny. In its present condition wtb the project for Its Improvement In complete, it has a depth of 24 feet of wnter between tho dip of tho .(Contlnuod on page 8.) TAFT'S PLAI IS CAUSE OF ANXIETY President Desirous of Gettinrj Legislation Enacted Be fore Change Is Made In Body. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. Tlicro Is much discussion nt both the White House nnd tho Cnpltol over the outlook for the administra tion's legislative program. President Tnft In conferences with Sonntors nnd Representatives hns Indicated his strong dcslro thnt ns ninny as possible of tho measures ho recom mended In his annual mossngo bo pressed through congress without delay In view of tho coming chnngo lu tho political complexion of tho House. It Is lu accordance with this policy thnt tho appropriation bills hnvo been rushed miproccdanl cdly. No conclusions hnvo been reached ns to tho order In which tho program will bo brought up In con gress but tho regular republicans hnve warned tho Insurgent members of their party thnt they must ncccpt the 'onus If they put nny obstructions in tho way of proposed republican legislation. Many subsidy, tho tnrlff commission plnn for collecting nnd assimilating tnrlff dntn, Pnnnnm canal fortifications nnd tools, nnd bill to regulate Issuing Injunctlonn In canity without notlco nro nil mut ters upon which Tnft especially wants nctlon. LIS OF 100 IBS ME WEDDED TODAY IN PORTLAND Nuptials of W. N. Ekblatl and Miss Lillian Hall Solem nized There. Today nt the homo or tho brldo In Portlnnd wns solemnized tho mnr ringo of Win. N. Ekblnd of Mnrsh flold, nnd Miss Lllllnn Hall. Imme diately after tho ceremonies, the young couplortvlll lonvo on n honoy moon trip to northern points of In terest nnd will return hero hooii nft er Jnnunry 1 to mnko tholr homo on Sixth street. Tho brldo Is well-known In Mnrsh fleld, hnvlng formerly lived hero. For tho last year or so, sho hns boon making hor homo nt 441 East Twolfth street, South, Portlnnd. A very nttrnctlvo nnd winsomo young woman, sho hns n lnrgo clrclo ot friends horo who will warmly wcl como her back to Mnrshflold. Mr. Ekblad Is ono ot tho loading young business mon ot Marshfleld, being proprietor of tho Ekblnd4& Son hnrdwaro store His host of frlondi In Mnrshflold will unlto In congra tulntlons nnd wishing him nnd his brldo nil tho plonsuro nnd success. that futuro years can bring. DELAY ACTION ST IE Arbiter Weill and Chief Stone of Engineers Again In Conference. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Dec 21. No ac tion relating to the threatened strike ot the engineer on the -rail-raids m. north'Snd south ot Chi- w v ,- caKO. la expected . before tonight. Grand Chief Warren D. BtoneoLthe Brotherhood of Loeomotive Engin eers, conferred with hla executive committee but previous to a meeting with labor commlssloper Charles f. Nelll, late this afternoon, 'ho said they had no announcement to make. PART OF CITY IPS ITER NEW MEXICO TO LOSE OCT Fire Follows FirstDisasterNear Bolton, England, and May Claim Many. I SECOND SHAFT IS AFFECTED BY IT South Marshfield Main Breaks and Residents Have Trou ble This Morning. Little drops of wntcr Every ono wo prize, It's nwful when n feller .r Can't oven wash hla eyes. Not Rubor runs to neighbor Any water horo7 Can't cook nor wnsh tho baby, I'm crnzy, pretty nonrl Tho fog thnt's or. tho wnshtub Will answer Just nbout Horo, children, como nnd wash yon Foro this rng dries out." UNANIMOUS. Owing to a broken wnter mnin, tho people of South Mnrshllold, Bonth 'of Central nvonuo, hnd n lively scrnmblo this morning nnd today for water for household purposes. Tbo main broko during tho night nnd whon tho pooplo nroso this morning, somo who had not stored water In vessola or who woro distant from a woll had to go without their morn ing ablution and somo oven without coffee for breakfast. Tho Coos Bay Wator Company had mon at work on tho repairs ns early ns possible but as the break was a bad one, It wns doubted this morning if It could bo repaired to day so that all would bavo water, President Taft and Senate Op poses Change In Texas Boundary Line. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 21. In n special message to congress President Taft 'today ndvlwd ,tha adoption of n Joint resolution auth orizing annulment of that portion ot tho constitution of the now state of New Moxlco. attempting to chnng tho boundary lines between Now Mexico nnd Tcxns. Tho Sonnto quickly ndoptcd n Joint resolution authorizing tho annul mout of thnt portion of tho Now Mexico constitution attempting to chnngo tho established boundary lino between Toxna nnd Now Moxlco. It also provided for- remarking tho boundary ns established by tho Cleric survey mndo In 1859 nnd 1SC0. Tho Hotiso has not nctcd on tho resolution. CJ. IS MA 1 !1 BOSTON 1 IS DC HAS GOLDEN FLOOD. 4 . NEW YORK, Dec. 21. John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Incomo Is $19.32 a minute, nc- cording to tho quarterly dlvl- dend of 10 per cent, nmountlng to $10,000,000 on all tho stock which haB been authorized by the directors. It was ostlmated that Rockefoller, slnco 1882, has received $180,000,000 In Stnndard Oil dividends in addl- O tlon to $100,000,000 his equity In tho profits of the concern. Slnco 1882 the company has disbursed $709,812,C20 out of Its profits of $1,129,442,004, leaving a surplus of $419,079,- 4.44. Rev. Norman K. Pless Among Those Held For Working Scheme. Sy Associates Frees to Coos Bay Tines.) BOSTON, 'Miuw.,' Dec' 21Rer Norman K. Pless, former president of the Redeemable Investment Com pany, Charles H. Brooks, manager, and John P. Trappaden, agent, wero Indicted today by the federal grand Jury for UBlng tho malls for a schema to defraud. It was stated In tho llteraturo of tho company that It controlled as a holding company, mining, farm and timber properties in tho North west and British Columbia, "Tho apparel oft proclaims tho man" and sometimes It, denounces him! We still havo plenty of goods to show you In 1 I A M O N 1) S WATCHES JEWELRY Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and otc. RED CROSS JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. Tho MYERS' STORES In Marsh fleld and North Bend are OPEN eve ry EVENING this week. i Former Portland. Man Chosen Head of Illinois Cen tral Railway. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Doc. 21. Charlea II. Markham, recently Identified with oil Intorosts ntvPlttsburg todny was electod president of tho Illinois Cen tral by tho board of directors to succeed James T. Hnrahdn. Mark- ham was formorly vlco-prcsldont and gonoral traffic manager of the South ern Pacific nnd was previously locat ed at Portland with tho Harrlman lines. ' BEVERIDGE TO EXAMNE Committer Report Filed In Senate and Indian Member Says he will Investigate. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. The report ot the Senate Committee on Privileges and elections In the Lorlmor case was presented to Sen ate today by Senator Burrows. The conclusion reached by tho committee la as follows, "That in their opinion the title ot Mr. Lorl Only Eight of 290 Entombed Had Escaped Alive Late This Afternoon. (By Associated Pross f- Coos Bay Tlmos.) BOLTON, England, Dee. 21. ' An explosion followed by Are canning: many futnlltlea ocaitrrtxl nt tho Little-Fulton colliery this morning aft er 290 miners hsd goua below Uio surfneo. Following tho explosion, smoko mid gases tilled the initio. At two o'clock this afternoon only eight of the 290 Impurlllod mon had ' oHonpod, nnd tho outlook for tho ro eouo of tho others wns dubious. At thnt hour' ton bodies hnd boon rocovered. For n tlmo tho llvos of sovon hun dred mon woro jeopardized. An nd Jolnlng mlno wnB dnmnged by tho shock nnd It wns some tlmo botoro Its 400 occupants could bo reached nnd brought to tho surfneo. Tho explosion wob terrlllc. - y BARBER (JETS JOB. Nominated by President Tnft for Lenlstoii Position. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 21. President Tnft hns sent to tho Son nto tho iiomlhntlon-ot BonjnmlnjO. Bnrbor to bo receiver , of Public "Moijoys nt Lowlston, Idnho'. v- HORNET HAS NOT SAILED;. Alleged Filibuster Steniner Still nt NewprI4UiH. (By Associated PtpsstoCooB Bay Times:) V. NEW ORLEANS, LaDoc21.--Tho Hornot, tbo allegod filibuster stoamor, started dowif the river to day but again dropped anchor this tlmo near Algloru Point. SALAD sets Chocolato sots, plato Bets and tea sets nt MILNER'S.. LAST GIFT IS ' G ION Rockefeller Wants 10,000,000: Donation to University ot Chicago Used That Way ' (By Associated Press to- Goes Bay Times.), , . . . CHICAGO, 111., Dec. 21. Pri dent Harry Pratt Judson .of the -University of Chicago, mado puiiljo today a letter from John D, Rocke feller In which tho latter mado sug gestions how hla last donation ot ten millions dollars to tho University bo Bpent. Religious Instructions with a mor to a seat In tho Senato has not university chape to cost $1,500,000 been Bbown to be Invalid by tho use or employment ot corrupt methods or practices. In rolntlon to the charges that thoro was a corruption fund used in tho Illinois legislature, the roport says thoro la no evldenco that it was used for tho benefit of Lorlmor. On tho floor of tho Sonato Sonator Boverldgo stated ho was not able to concur with or dlssont from tho findings because, of tho volumi nous chnrnctor of tho testimony. IIo Btntod ho would furthor Inves tigate and dlgost tho proceodlngs during tho holidays." Tho MYERS1 STORES In Mnrsh flofd and North Bend aro OPEN ov ry EVENING this weok. Read the Times Want Ads. MYRTLE BOXES tho dollar size for 56c at PRENTISS & CO.'s. HOYS' BASEBALL suits for $1.5? at MILNER'S. was the chief object tho donor provided, Ho that Bcokoth to straddlo a dif ficulty hangcth on to tho mano ot a mustang. Our idea of a man who tries to kid himself Is ono who bollovos that "nionoy is tho root of all ovill" Whon In doubt, doll up nnd look tho part It'll holp you In making a decision. Wns there avjor n vnlloy thnt didn't look butter tliuu n hill? Your CHRISTMAS money furthor nt MILNER'S. gooa. 8Ua.RSNnnd crenmers at MILNER'S j i 1 "3 ma il m L.L u J i u. ib ...J i5in I, iftiiiiiilSrt. -r iitsihsw-. aw;