THE COOS BAY TIMES, MABSHF1ELD, OREGON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1910 EVENING EDITION '"V? - r MMMHMSHmMaHHMM (Continued from page 2.) Conlcdo No. 19. Judges. W. W. Faust, 2 meats. Walt Holmes. W. L. Chore I Clorka. W. T. MofCott, 2 moatB. Jasper Yoaknin. J D. 'Hamlin. . f ! G.30 G.30 G.50 C.riO C.50 C.50 Burton No. 20. Judges. 11 Bi 3!i Is the time to .inspect your BOSOM ''- Mrvtrrfn.n ... - . . BW ' :u JFKliaiWb line ot Holiday Novelties .WsSilSKSfia 3k2S5s: W: tfi 1 r" K $$L, tif iwt s i j :r"ii-j!fc WAfflBP fl The Has unloaded its entire cargo of Togs for Men at my shop so you had better pay headquarters a call f 5' J:&?& y- j,' ' C ,' .. ? AjrK jDEyf Holiday Su ggesfions I know what men need and appreciate, so am offering the following and many others that will surely please. J. L. tinrkor. .' . IJ Holvorstott. J. A. llntchor. . G.OO COO COO COO COO COO COO coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo CO" coo lathing Department complete with Sails and Overcoats of nil the new creations at . ...i? 1 7.50 to Jjiil.f.oo liMir Boxes of Hose, Suspenders, Tin, Gloves, Collars. Full Dress htti. fojg MAItSHFIELD OPEN EVENINGS Pajamas, Smoking Jackets, Mufflers. HAT SHOE DEPARTMENT Yea I hnvo whnt you want for your head and feot. gmB6fflmmmamte&BB im i... GO5BW.fflie:G&N. im'immmm itI sm audit Wr : 5WAKCA -gZf&r BY " CM BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. DEALERS J& AGENTS. COAL . COLONIZATION. J)AIW. FARM. FRUIT. MIHEML d tjmrfd rarfns. OrsahiziHs or industrial COMPANIES A SPUlAlTYsv tbai proven thnt Investments In emnll aero tracts near growing the men profitable. The C. B. R. S. has buch to offer. Chas. J. K, Msrshflold, Oro. Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. II. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORB. AH kinds or monumental work promptly and artistically exe- Mi. Call at our works on South Droadway. os Bay-Roseburg Stage Line Wn Ksge between IlnaAliiirff n.i Kfaraiiileld. Staite leaves dally maa rt 7 p. m. Faro, $0.00. WTO SCnMTTRn Admit. , . amm UBKET AV Maraufleld. O. P. DARNARD, PHONE 11 Agent. ROSEBURa. Osm SRS i Miss Dixie Loftin will appear at THE ROYAL Thurs. Dec. 22 In a Comedy Sketch entitled "DILLY'S - DINNER" MISS LOFTJX will also appear In n clover mono logue A boautlful Brlnkloy Girl sketch will also bo presented by Miss Loftin. NEW LIVERY Fancy new rlgn, good borsca and careful drlvera are n6w at the dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hoarse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDKON'S J livery & Feed Stables Whon you hnvo a cold get a bot tlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I will booii tlx you up nil right nud will ward off nny tondoncy townrd pnoumonln. This remedy contain? no opium or other narcotic nnd may bo given nB confidently to a bnbyns to an ndult. Sold by all dcalors. HOME LAND Co. Boo ue for Investment on Coos Bay. Wo guarantee owner's prlco to bo our price. Phono 74L. 944 Froot SU OIL SUPPLIES The Coos Bay Oil and Bupplj Company under the management ot J. W. Flanagan will continue to han dle the Union Oil Company's gaso line, dlBtlllato, benrlne and coal ol. at their oil houBo acrow tho pay tc which place they havo moved tbolr office. Pbonn 302. Christmas Cards and a large assortment ot post CARDS Just received from tho east. Also a flno assortment of FIPES and CIGARS sultablo for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 4 AUGUST FRIZEEN, 68 Central Ave. Marshfmd, Ore. Clerks. Win, Bettys. . . II. V. Holvorstott. W. O. Mntthows Dora Xo. 21 Judges. E. X. Harry. 0. G. Swan. L. A. Lnwhorn Clerks. S. L. Mlnnrd V. A. Bnker E. P. S. Abernothy. . . Missouri No. 22. Judges. I T. Weekly. . . .'...;. J. D. Bennett. Do Witt Clinton. Clerks. K. II, Hanson. . .", Goo. Grirtln M. M. Mlnnrd Leo No. 23. z Jtidgus. J C. Hcrvay. . . . ..-..;... , .(Leo W, It. Harnmln-U. l . . . f Oio.J Webb Mnst G.OO Clorks. D. R. Lewis. . C.00 II. W. Mast. . .' (5.00 V. H. Horvey C.00 Coqulllo East, No. 21, 2nd Bd. Judgos. L. Hnrlockor :. " 0.00 A W. Johnson. . . ...... 0.00 C. It. Barrow . . . 0.00 - . Clerks. . O. C. Snnford. . '. '.' ,v.'. .,. 0.00 S M. Nosier c.00 J W. Lonovo 0.00 Coqulllo East, No. 21, Bd. J. S. Barton." . ". V .r.77!' 3.00 A. A. Leach , 2'QQ J T. Noslor .....s. j3.00 Clerks. C O. Drytlon 3.00 A. 11. Collier 3.00 A. W. Cope 3.00 Coqulllo Wost No. 25', 1st Bd. . Judges. J J. Lamb c.00 W.J. Chnso c.00 J V. Schrocdor c.00 Clorks. Claud L. Kidder G.OO Geo. O. Leach G.OO Nola Osmundson G.OO Coqulllo Wost, No. 25, 2nd Bd. Judges. B. II. Burns 3.00 W. L. Klstnor 3.00 Leo Goodman 3 00 Clorks. M. O. Hawkins 3.00 D M, Fox 3.00 C. E. Baxter 3,00 .Rlverton No. 20. . Judges. J 11. It. Sholton G.OO Joseph Ferry, Sr COO Jcscph Elvy COO Clorks. C. A. Kelly. ., COO C A. Peterson G.OO Jiunos T. JenklUH COO Parkorsburg No. 27. Clntms for monls $1.00 each reduced to50c cnoh. Judges, Ed. Rose -. . . G.50 Tims Devcroux G.H0 F. Flam C50 Clorks. A P. Sweet 0,50 Willis Neely. . . . ' Cop Jr,o. Dovioroux C50 Prospor No. 2S. Judgos. H. W. Bullnrd COO C A. Goodmnn C00 J.A.Morrison COO Clerks. E W. Fnhy COO F. F. Eddy G.OO I A, Hnmblock C00 Bnmlon East, 1st Bd. No. 20. Claim for meals $1,00 each allowed 50c cacti. Judgos. R. H. Hosa C.50 J S. Tllton G.50 losse Lonovo G.50 Clurks. V G. Thrift CG0-.' A. I). Monte G.fii) Albert GarflohU . v 0.50 . . BamtQij EatNni20,'2im Bd. ) Clnlm for 'InlnUrBtfo oaoli sllowuilf 25c oaoli. . f .Indies. ,.,,. tl. E. L. lledllllon $ S S. Shields . ......... .ar W. It. Mavlty tM J r ' ClorkH. Lloyd L. Rosa 8.45 ' 1C. li. Oaken L.J . Frank Pomorqy l.u, Bnndon West, No. 30, 1st Bd" . Judgos, ) ' Chris Rnsmusflon G.OO" John Lnnglnls c.OO W. F. Morrison 0.00 Clorka. . , R. A. Foltor. .' .' ,'.S. ..." COO W. F. Perry. ...... ,. . g 00 M. Brewer. . . .' '. . . .00 Bnndon West, No. .30, 2nd Ud. Claim for meals 50c each ntlowod 25c oaah. Judgos. A, McNnlr. . . .,......,. W. D Marshall. '. John LnnglolH. ClorkH. C. Y Lowe. B. N. Harrington. J. W. Mast. . H . Four Mllo, No. 31. Judges. M B. Pressoy. R P. Hunt. . A. Davis Clorks. J. F. Alumbaugh. Alex Tumor. . . t t t easts s ".3"i 3.25 3 Jj 3.25 a.2i coo 0.00 0.00 coo coo B. J. Wilson 0.0ft (Continued on Pngo C f ti n 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Of RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES ? WLLOWIKQ IS A LIST OP RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES ND BUSINESS MEN IN KARSBFIELD WHO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAN BE GUARANTEED AT pAro " " WHOSE WORIC "ly BE DEPENDED UPOX. IT WLL PAY YOU TO PATRONIZE THEM FOR OAflEFUL OIJJANINg" Ladlos should bring their Drosses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS RAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 180 South Broadway, Mu-shfleld. tiler's Restaurant tef prepared to servo you l?er before. ?elal Ave., bet. Front nnd ""idway, Mnrslirteld. Go To FJftEY & SCHR0EDER i for Wumbinn antl Hontinn rztia, ore.. ' rhorio 773 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Enve lopes, Culling Cards, etc. STADDEN Alt lilnds of photograph wort, broinldo enlarging nnd koihik fm-lshlng. Butter Wrappers Printed at The Times Office J. L. KOONTZ Machine nnd Repair Shops GENERAL IAOHINIST Steam nnd Gas Englno Work At Hofl&nd'B boat shop. Front street, Marshflold, Ore. ; THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR PA3IILY HOTEXi Rates reduced to; Day 50c, 76c and 11.00; week $2.00 to 5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULUVAN, Prop. OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijjffljra Trade Marks Designs Copyriohts &c. Anrono tending a tkelch and deicrlpllnn ma? onlrklr ocerlain our opinion free vrbetuer au lur cm Ion II probably patenlahle. Comraunlca. UimiinctirconUiJoiitCal. HANDBOOK onl'ateuu asm free. Oldest asencf fur aecunn patenta. 1'af uta taJteu tfjrouifli Jlunu 4 Co, receive, tpielat notlct, wltbout cbarse, la tna Scientific Jlmcricnit A handiomolf lllmtrated wceklr. iJireett clr. calatlon of anr acientillo loarnal. Tmi, IJ a Teart lour monthi.lL buMufall neradealer. MUNN&Co.30'0' New York Uranclt Office. C2i V Bt, Wajuicvtoo, V. C. aL HatedVVareUI 1,lfB W Made m I. - IWSfMi re? $S$$l ' ML. v r W HY not Community Silver for a Christmas Gift? No woman can have too much of it. The new Sheraton JesiVn rivals sterling silver in . distinction, and harmonizes with the richest of tahU settings. Plated heavier than triple, wears a lifetime. w I Pioneer Hardware Goi