THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1910-EVENING EDITION. f Vre..' HfM T t-tf-trtJ:t n Acceptable and Useful Gifts For Men A Man's Store For Men's Wear A TOAST. A health to tho girl that can dance llko a dream, And tho girl that can pound tho 1 piano; .fcu'iii " "eaiu lo ulc B'"i l1"i writes verso fiiiiliilli , by tho ream, p"vS1 Or toys with high C In soprano; To tho girl that can talk, and tho girl that dues not; To tho saint and tho sweet Uttlo sinner But hero's to tho cleverest girl of tho lot, Tho girl that can cook a good dinner! WILLIAM CARY DUNCAN. km k W60A KkHaM Millicoma Hats, .... Mallory Cravcncttc Hats, John B. Stetson Hats, "Bacmo" Dress and Street Gloves, $1.50 to Neckwear in Christmas Boxes, 50c to Suspenders in Christmas Boxes, 50c to Sweater Coats, $2.50 to Initial Handkerchiefs, silk and linen, 25c and i i Of course wc have many .other things, Suits, Overcoats and 'Rain Coats, which would be proud to wear. yl2 .50 including any man The Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothier Marshficld, Oregon j ; To the Merchants of Coos Bay Do you know that Nat'onnl Cash Registers are lower in prico thnn over heforo. No man In buslnesB today can afford to bo wlth outvtlio completo Information afforded by a cash roglBtor Bystem suited to hla requirements. You Insuro your goods against loss by fire, and only ono morchant In 3C0 burns out. You count, weigh nnd incasuro your goods very carefully. . You nro careful to place your money In tho snfo at night. You count It very carefully whon you tako It to tho bank next day. .No. ai, Price $100. Totnl adder with all 'tho latest improve ments; including detail strip, printing at tachment. 27 keys, Dc to $G.95, Charge, nocelved on Account and Paid Out keys. rhjyMwyewrjJ. No. Sl!l, Price 93S. Totnl addor with nil tho latost improve ments. 15 koys from Co to $1.95. Yot you noglect tho most Important thing in your business YOUR PROFITS and tho HAND LINO OF YOUR " LES if you aro without a Na tional Cash Register. A National Cash RoglBtor provides tho ONLY STORE SYSTEM that PREVENTS MISTAKES, prevents FAILURE TO CHARGE nnd PROTECTS EVERY PENNY OF YOUR MONEY. Thoro IS NO doubt you nro losing money by not buying from Haines. Read tho Times Want Ads. 1'OIt RENT Two nlco front rooms in Sengstnckon Building, Just vnc ated by Public Labrary. Rent $12. GO per month. Tltlo Guaran tco nnd Abstract Co. FOR SALE Blooded fox hound pups Shorman Avo, N. Rend, A Hoolllng LOST Between O'Coniiell building nnd Mclroso Restaurant, Saturday, ojio ladles' English walking glove" "English mnko" stamped on clasp. Finder please call 289-J, or noti fy this omco. Reward. WANTED Woman to do family washing at homo for small family. Address 'F' core Times. 6 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and Tuesday except occasional rain along const, easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. 9 For twenty-four hours ending at 4 :-13 p. m Dec. 18, by Mrs. MlngtiB, Bpeclal government mo- tcorologcnl observer: Maximum C2 Minimum 34 At 4:43 p. in G4 Precipitation. . , nono Wind Northwest; pnrtly clou- dy. llrnvy Rainfall. Tho total ra'n- fnll on Coos Dny from September 1, 1910, to December 18, 1910, was 24.17 Inches, according- to tho rec ords of tho official weather obsorvcr, Mrt. E. Mlngus. day thnt tho church can seo its way clear to extend this call. Uniforms Coming. LioUt. Stone of tho Marshfleld Naval Reserves, Saturday evening received n tolo-ltf" ginm stating that tho uniforms for tho Marshfleld divisions had been shipped from Bremerton to Portland and would arrive horo on tho first boat from tho Rose City this week Sixty-four uniforms nro coming. WANTED Competent girl for Ken oral housework. Good i wages. Address P. O. Box 101, Marahflold. J. Mny Cnll Mlnlsler. Thoro will bo a special mooting of tho members and congregation of tho First Pres byterian Church Wednesday overilns; next, to cotisldor oxtuhdlng'n call' to Jtovbrcnd Dr. Knox, who preachod lit tho church yostordnr. It is hoped Tjv tho 'many who hoard 'Dr-. Knor" Bun- Tlmes As Christmas Present. ' During tho last few days, a dozon or so peoplo havo ordered Tho Timo3 sunt to relatives or friends as a Christmas present. Thoy declared it waR the easiest solution of tho porploxlng question of what to Bdnd and said that It would bo a constant reminder of them for a yoar. Thi Weokly Times is only $1.G0 per yoar and Tho Dally Times Is $5.00 per year whon pnld In advance Many Year Concert. Instcnd of playing In tho Oporn Houso yestor day, tho Coos Day Concert Dan-1 took ndvautago of tho flno weather, and played in tho open nlr. Thore was a good crowd and tho progrnm more thnn pleasing. It is soldom that even Cnos Bay wenthor will pormlt an open nlr band concert In December and nows of it would probably bo ttnbollovnblo In tho mlddlo west and cast. Mother In Dead. Word has be$n received horo of tho death of tho mother of arcgory Canty, steward of tho Millicoma club, which occur red noar McMlnnvlllo. Mr. Canty venchod there a few days ago, NEW WEkY Fancy now rigs, good horses ahil careful drivers nro now at 'tho dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready far any trip anywhero any time. Horses boardod and rigs cared for. Now hoarso and spoclal accommo dations provided for funoral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables Christmas Cards and n largo nssortmont of post CARDS Just recoived from tho cast. Mso n flue assortment of PIPES nnd CIGARS Btiltablo for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. AUGUST FIUZEEN, 08 Central Avo. Marshfleld, Oro. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring tboir Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS HAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr. IKO SoiiGi Broadway, Mxrslifleld. t 1 Refined Oil. Reduced Eocene, the best Lamp Oil Retails $1.30 per can Bulk Water White retails five gallons for 85c All Grocers Have Both 1 mt THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'8 POPULAR FA3HLY HOTEL Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00: weok $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. PREE BATHS H. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Write for Complete Catalogue Onr prices range from $20 up and REMEMBER THAT WE GIVE YOU THE BEST CASH REGIS TER ON THE MARKET FOR THE LEAST MONEY The National Cash Register Co. D. M. STEVER, Sales Agent, p. O. Box 4 SO, Salem, Oregon. All prices quotod aro at Dayton, Ohio. Transpor tation from Dayton to destination to bo paid by tho purchasor. SM No. 142, Prico $200. Totnl ndfi . w th all tho latest improve ments nnd e'erks In'tial koys, Charge, Ro colvod on Ac unt and Paid Out keys, w'th dotall str!p nrd check printing attachment. I Whon your feet are wot and cold, and your body chilled through and through from exposure, tako a big doso of Chamborlnln's Cough Reme dy, batho your feet in hot water bo foro going to bod, nnd you nro al most certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by all dealers. The Busy Corner The Holiday Store .Gifts for Everybody at Prices to Siiti Your Pocketbook Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company TUB BUSY COBNE11. JUST W rLEMF.VT will bo at the Hotel Chandlor, Marshfleld, for a few days with a full lino of saranles Lot him show you how a cash register systom. ndrpte' to tbo business, will increase profits INVESTIGATION COSTS YOU NOTHING AND DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU TO BIY L- SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Suit aM Overcoat De partment Complete with what you need ARRIVED! "f3?gllBHHiES""l Now, peoplo It is up to you H ffWTiSKSkm whotllor or 110t 'ou want I A ilWk Classy I HFiP JM Merchandise I rz 'ijilWifi JBlS3 nt tll 8nmo ,)r,co ou pay I 50c t,o $1.50 I suBpondorB, smoking Jackets, 1$M OPEN EVENINGS. m Bg shlpmont of Kolsor Ties nt arrived this day and are on display Do not forgot wo also havo tho most beautiful lino of box, sweater coats, gloves, silk mufflers, In fact everything for mon WUS. TfiiESADS."BWNG QUICK 'REl:VLTSGET BUSY msmmmmm E22!!3'