SSSSti im THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. "- 1 B J Ml - . I BT1 '' . 8!y. VV"""""$5w K. B 1 jyWPlm "Vr: I i 1 IIPW I 7 ilia If'-'' UHH ''. Davs-toC II JW MtfmS . iPJMH ?- - : If I H PH Villi" Bl i Hiiin kSt3 i ( filM v 1 1 t Willi n if I I i i I. jff&n, il ' J 1! II " . lWiP S' I U vn lVlllV li Tftmjfz? ' I wipt pit - I lrM - Hiih m . Bui)M!iiC-hi lrtdBenJ.nvtnoGJJiLv; - SIR ' C,rri0t 110, i in ' i jm ,tf i i -- -- .'----"--- 1'. ., : . A Pair of Shoes or A Hati.... WITH A SUIT OR A RAIN COAT BOUGHT ON SATURDAY OR MONDAY. WE WANT TO SELL AS MANY SUITS AND RAINCOATS ON THESE TWO DAYS AS WE DID LAST WEEK WHEN WE MADE THIS OFFER. ' THEREFORE, WE ARE GOING TO REPEAT IT. DOES'T MONEY TALK? klr T"itHl fr9 -Hfe hristma WHY NOT, WHEN MAKING YOUR CHRISTMAS PUR CHASES, MAKE EACH DOLLAR RECEIVE ITS FULL VALUE? YOU KNOW HOW THIS IS DONE B Y PAYING CASH THEN TRADE AT A CASH STORE. "MONEY TALKS. IT IS OUR.PURPOSE TO FAITHFULLY OBSERVE AND wwwwPERFORM OUR EVERY CLAIM. COMPARISON IS 7VZ FAIREST TEST TO YOU TO OURSELVES AND WE . HEARTILY INVITE IT. THE ENTIRE STORE IS FILLED WITH USEFUL SUGGES TIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING. WE INVITE YOU TO SEE 'THEM. Clothing & MARSHFIELD AND BANDON Society News (Conttntxsd from pace 2.) North .Bond. Bridge, whist and cinch wora tlio principal dlvorslonri of tho avenlng. A "Dutch lunch'- was served nt tho closo of Ihu uyn-i nine. Tho oluhtv-flvo nrescnt over Waxed tho capacity of tho club lion bo jjVnd Dr. Dartlo'B launch hud. )o bQ .utilized for tho ovornow, Tho nffalr was In chargo of Wm. Dost n'nd wife, fR. J. Coko nnd wife and 0,' II. Brouil- Hard and wife. Next Monday ove- lilng, tho club will meet to consider ft proposition from Kruno and Bnnks or tho construction of another float Ih'ouso 18x40 to bo moored alongsldo iof tho club houso and fitted un for Mgymnnslum but so arranged that It JJctn bo used for dancing or qthor iip&rtiee. t t lite. E. E. Straw will leavo tomor- row for Uklah and San Francisco to visit friends for a few weeks, l Mrs. W. S. Chandlor loft this week ffor British Columbia whero she w'll spend tho holidays at tho homo of ler sister after which sho will pro filed to San, Francisco. Will Chnn- j.dler will leavo lan weok or so for in rrniciso ui)u win vibu uih Drother, Ben, a the Statu University at (JJugene. Mrs. R. F. Williams and MUs Francis Williams will leavo shortly Lfor Snn Francisco where they will spond Christmas with Joe Williams rwho Is attending school there. ! Dr Geo. E. Dlx nnd Fred Powors pvlll leave soon for an extended tour of Southern California. Dr. Dlx will (uhlp his auto to San Francisco and they expect to motor from there (to Los Angeles and probably back. 4 I Tho Tuesday Nlgut Whist club rwlll bo entortnlned by Mr. nnd Mrs. E. F. Morrlssoy nt their homo next Tuesday night. This will bo tho Christmas session of the club. Arthur Drews' Sunday school cluss Sof the Mnrshflold Methodist Eplseo- I tial church, was entertained last ovo- jjilng by Albert Burroughs at tho .1ome of hlB parents, Dr, and Mrs. Burroughs. Tho evening was plea- mtly spent with -various games and Ihc e Brussels Lace House -IMrAllS1lji'IELD) n V- Now open for buslnoinwltll a largo and beautiful collection of high gru'!oEuropcan.hnnd-mado laces and Madolrn nccdlo nTFJmbroldorles, nlso trim ming for flno dressy" gowgit Malteso laco6 and Per- alnn o 1 1 lr Ifl n nnAa ' W JV v. oiitii Ptin niiiiuttuo Call and sea tho new storo. y GEO HAI)SHEPY JUS FKOXT STBEET OPPOSITE LIX)V) HOTEL. r- STonu OlR.V EVENINGS. Kvw , atversions. Among tnoso preseni woro Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drows, Jens Hanson, .Stanley Myers, Ivan Tuttlo, John Cook, Albort Haines, Albert Burroughs, Douglas Bur roughs, Hector Stovens and Eddto Bolt. Tho A. N. W. club was pleasantly entortnlnod Thursday afternoon by Mrs. F, A. Hazard at hor homo. Among tho business brought up was tho request that tho club assist In tho Red Cross antl-tuberculosls cam paign by disposing of $10 worth of Christmas stamps which It will do. Tho club adjourned until Jnnunty 5 when they will meet nt tho homo of Mrs. Chas. Stauff. f D,orlc Clmptor, Order or tho East orn Star, is planning for an elabor ate Installation of ofllcers, December 27, when thoy will hold a Joint ses sion with tho Masons who will nUo elect nt that time. Mrs. J. E. Schilling of Gardiner, Is spending n few days hero as' tho guest of rolntlvos and friends. Tho North Bond Presbyterian Chrlstlnn Endeavor Society has ar ranged for a more active Beason nnd nt Its last meeting named tho follow ing committees to prosecuto tho work; i Lookout committee Mjarlon Roy nolds, A. W. Myers, MlS Mitchell, Wjfy Wood anlf Miss Cathorlno Men do, Prayer meeting committee MUs Josophlno Griftln, AUco Carlson and Naomi Smith. Missionary committee Prof. Beaumont, Gllbort Stanton, Roy Til ton and Clarenco Covey, Social committee Amy Reynolds, Holen Menders Harold Reynolds, Es thor Imhoff,atd Glon Grout. Musical cotnmtttee Sdlth M. AU gor, Lillian Ahianda McCann, Marlon Hevenor, Besslo Immll and Archlo Taylor. Emorgoncy commltteo Clyde Smith, Win. Roundtroo, C. II. Put nam, EUn Gurnea and Vlolot John sou. Miss Lena Ashman entertained tho members of tho D. Y, B. club nt her homo on Fourth St., Friday eve ning. Tho club olected new ofllcors to servo for tho coming year as fa!- i lows: Pres. Lucy Juznv VIco-Pres. Edwin Dolan. Sec. Eruott Harrington. Trens. B033I0 Ayro. Tho romalndor of tho evening was spent In games and other amuse ments, At a Into hour a dainty luncheon was served by tho hostess. Thoso presont were; Mr. und Mrs, N. H. Ashmau, Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Swanson, and Mrs. LoRoy . Hall, Misses Lola Montgomery, Mable Smith, Bessie Ayre, Joan Fitzgerald, ELr Christmas Presents THERE IS NOTHING EQUAL TO SOMETHING PRACTICAL AS WEljji AS ORNAMENTAL. WE HAVE JUST THE THING& SOMETHING THAT MAY HE USED EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR AND HE A CONSTANT RE MINDER OF YOUR KINDNESS AND THOUGHTFULNESS. SEE OUR WINDOW. i For the Ladies A Savory Roaster A pair of Scissors A protty Ponknlfo '" A Sot of Knives nnd Forks And many other articles too nu morous 'to mention. TlieAlarmTliatGots'EpiUp ACCUMTE MTjk DEPENDABLE For the Men THE WIRELESS INTERMITTENT. Guaranteed to Keep Correct Tlmo (or Two Year. f A Pocket Knife A Safety Raior A Fishing Outfit A riflo and many other articles. Remember a Zenith Razor never bucks. CALL HERE FIRST. AUco L. Cox, Catherine Carlllo, Lucy Juzn, Isis Marsh, AUco Tlckell, Al pha Mauzoy, Daisy Richardson, Lucy Kont, Magglo Robertson, Talleno Wlldo. Stella Peterson, Hope Whl: more, Lena Ashman, Ethel Davis and Vivian Whltmore; Messrs. Dr. G. W. Leslie, Roy Abbott, Edwin Do lan, Dean Adams, Chas. Rehfield, Tracy Johnson, Earl Strlplln, Harry Law, Halbert Carlisle, and Ernest Harrington. , Tho Young People's Society of North Bend Swedish Lutheran church met for Its monthly meeting at tho church parlors last Wednes day evening. After discussing Im portant 'business-matters -and "the rendering of the program, delicious refreshments wero served by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strang and Mr. nna Mrs. John Anderson. An Interest ing and bonellclal meeting. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW miner flour Is good. ,' aodd'thlngWoPifrewnts-at Vf ker Studio. , ...- M