tt tt n :: .n i n i a n i tt t n :j j tt .utttnutnjt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. 046 - -i . Ill J ftVt :n::mmunmmmmtmtmtmmmnmmtm:mtmmmr4mm nai iU. ft k V M ) r -JCSss.7HraV ." iJ K9 ; j : .. . , , , . m K Suggestions For Ladies FURS SUITS WRAPS SILK WAISTS NECKWEAR GLOVES HOSIERY DRESS GOODS SILKS HA NDKERG1IIEFS LINENS SILK PETTICOATS SILK UNDERWEAIi 7 Bays More in Which to Make Your Selection of Christmas Gifts If they iiro to bo any thing in Dry Goods or Lndies wearables, Gents' Furnishings, Shoes, Clothing or some thing suitable for the youuger members of the family we beg to announce that your wants can be satisfactorily filled from our specially selected stock of Suitable Holiday Gifts. A WORD ABOUT QUALITY AND PRICES It always pays to buy good goods and especially iC they are to be presented as gifts. Every one under stands the quality of our goods and as to the newness and exclusiveness in design8;, no other establishment can make better offerings or lower prices. This season we have marked everything exceedingly close making the prices in strict keeping with the times. In many of the articles wo offer decided bargains as you will rea lize after an inspection. No matter what you wish to buy a simple inexpensive picccor a largo article you will certainly be well repaid in buying from our stock. "Wo want you to feel free to come in at any time and examine our goods. If yon will do this carefully and note the low prices wo are not afraid of your decision. 1iri.nri.m.iilit frtn rf Oun Mat- i VirilClI lIlgAUHUb v"o v vm aiv- Suggestions For Gents STEIN DLOCH CLOTHING IIANAN, OR WALK-OVER SHOES SHIRTS NECKWEAR GLOVES HOSIERY UNDERWEAR HATS SLIPPERS FANCY SHIRTS KNIT POODS UMBRELLAS chahdise Orders Will Solve the Problem 3::m:mtmm:mtt3mmim MAGNES & MATSON ::::::;::t:m?::::::::::n:::m::j: This Store Will be Open Evenings Until After the Holidays What a Pleasure It Is I SIOUH MILLS CO, IT (FLOUR jfL. .snow pmjFgy,. To know that every tlnib you bako you arc absolutely suro your bread, biscuit ami pas try aro going to bo JitBt as good as you Know how to mnko thorn. Tnoro Is only ono way to bo euro. That Is to bo suro that tho Hour you uso Is nlways tho snmo. Eve ry sack of Snow Drift Flour Is Just the saino as ovory other sack. A tmlclng or bread Is niado at ttio mill's bako shop or ovory batch of Hour made for Snow Drlrt. That baking has to show that tho flour 1b up to standard. If It Isn't It Is thrown out. It never goes Into a Snow Drift sack. Snow Drift Is not a bleached flour. It Is naturally white. Made from tho finest, 80lp'od. Northwestorn grown, Bluo Stom wheat. A trial of ono sack will convince you of Its advantages over othor brands. H. W. PAINTER Marshfield Oregon t-n-tt-M--n-H-H-n-tt-tt-n-tt- i -t-tt-tt--s-u-a--K--a-'in-a-,?",rtt-0-,,-n-"",,":,"d" Pacific Monumental and Building yorks -H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORB. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically exe cuted. Call at our works on South Broadway. R-n-x:-H-n-K-n-B-----n-r;:-----H-w-H----"-- Eagles' Dance Hall NOW FOR RENT Dancing Clubs and Others who desire particulars can see the secretary. For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice ,& Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES , ' 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. Phono 78-J. -tt-tt--8-8-8-tt---tt-t5-tt-H lie figuring ) ON THE CHEAP WIRING CAM PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THE n i im mitlm tfr 4 tt owl t tti I'ilUl 1IU11 vu fine ouuuinur FIXTURES AT A DIG DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE FLAT IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A PEW LEFT. DER. JOT THE j HUJKUHJ (Ministers and others aro request ed to hand tho Sunday( church no tices not lator than Friday evening to Insuro insertion Saturday.) nnd 10 o'clock. Rov. Father Sprin ger officiating. THE LUTHERAN CHURCH. M Rov. J. Richard Olson, Pastor, ti 9 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. English services. Fourth Sunday lu Advent. Toxt. John 3:22-30. Choir music to sup plement. No ovenlng sorvlce. ' At North Bond 2 P. M. Sundny school. 3 P. M. Sorvlces conducted In tho Swedish language .'r FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, Residence 592 Sixth street Phones: Residence, 2G0-J. DETTER PLACE YOUR OR- Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage, PHONE 2:t7-J. Good Evening HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY.' If so, do not forget that this Id 'Hi; 'sundry where you get tho best work, and prices are In every one' reach. Call up and one of tho drlv- rs will call and explnln, all dotalls to you. All telopnono calls aro quicwy attended to, because wo are running Wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT. I8FACTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. &iuzey Bro., Prop. Phone 220-J. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J Study, 289-L. Sundny school, 10 a. m. 11:00 Worship with sermon". Eustsldo sorvlco, 3 p. in. D Y P. U. 0:30 p.m. 7:30 Public worship. "Warming Around tho Wrong Flro" will bo tho thomo for Sunday night. Wo like to havo strangers VlBlt us. EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHURCH. Rov. Rout. E. Drowning, Rector. 0:30 A. M. Sundny school. 11 A. M. Morning prayer, litany nnd sonnou. 7:30 P. M. Evonlug prnyor nn.l Bormon. Rev. Browning will conduct sor-' vices In tho Episcopal church nt Ent plro, 2:30 o'clock Sundny afternoon. tho'.r now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 n. m. preach ing Borvlco 10:45 a. m. You an cordially Invited to nttend. NORTH DEND PRESIIY. TERIAN CHURCH. Preaching sorvlco In morning at 11 o'clock and In ovenlng nt 7:30 by Rov. E. R. Rlackman of Seattle. 10 a. m. Sunday school. C. E. Meeting nt 0:30 P. M, Mir pnh Class room. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 p, m. , CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A. O. Walkor, Minister, BIblo school, 10 a. in. Preaching sorvlco, H n. m. Christian Endeavor, C:30 p. m. Preaching service at 7:30 p. m. MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Father Moran, Rector. Mass will bo held at 8 and 10:30 a. m. by Rev. Father Moran. Even ing service will bo hold at 7:30 o'clock. NORTH HEND CATHOLIC CHURCH. iJIoy. Fathor Springer, Rector. $ Mass will bo celebrated at 8 a. m. H CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Sorvlces will bo hold In tho Chris tlnn Sclonco hnll, 327 Third strooi north, Sunday at 11 a, in. Subject: "Is tho Unlvorso Includ ing Man, Evolvod by Atomic Force?" K PRESIIYTURIAN CHURCH X K&0&$0W$$00500 Sundny school, 10 a. m. sharp Y. P. 8. C. E. at 0:30 p. in. No other services will bo hold, GSS$0iOOCOV?$0 METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rov. II. I. Rut)edge, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 n. in. Morning sorvlco, 11 a. m. Epworth Leaguo, C:J0 p. Evening sorvlco nt 7:30. in. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. K M L. RABMUSSEN, Pastor. X Sorvlces Sunday morning nt 10: ID. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. In North Rend thero will bo sor vlces at 2:30 p.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS F. G. BUNCH, Mlnlstor. Seventh Day Adventlst service aro conducted every Saturday at NORTH HEND METHODIST CHURCH. ! Rov. ALBERT S. HISEY, Pastor! ! Sundny school 10:00 a. in. Proachlng 11:00 a. m, Junior League, 4:00 p. xu, , Epworth Leaguo, 7:30 p. ni. ! UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH ! OF NORTH BEND. ! Sunday Sohool nt 10 A. M, Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P. M.J Proachlng service at 11 A. M. and! 7:30 P. M., by tho pastor, Rov. Albright. METAL POLISH for all uses 1 THE GUNNERY. f COOS BAY LIVER1 Wo havo secured tho llvory busi ness of L, II. Holsnor and are pre pared to render excollent sorvlce to tho peoplo of Coos Bay. Cnroful drivers, good rigs and everything that will monn satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo nlso do trucking business of all kinds, Itlunclinrd, Rezin & Blnnchnrd Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets, Phono 138-J ' ONCE TRIED ALWAYS PATRONIZED Is tho vordlct of all our customers. That's becaiiso wo do much good work and do It at such roasonable prices. You'll bo surprised to see j tho transformation wo can mako In your old clothes. Just glvo us a trial job. Muralitlcld Cleaning nnd Dye Works, Phono 270X. 18G So. Broadway, Lndies Garments n Scclnlty, LADD, HUNT and Co. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. All kinds of repairs and shop work promptly attended to and netitljr doae. Phone 16 IX. ;BI 7T77 ::i j:i.ji-'H " r'.liV .. -A