?. .'. 'OTWHWVnfr STcJft: w THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. M t3 Two &, . WW tt Two 1 Stores TnT&vsm JFHiQ lJlili j JVVVttMlA Stores opposite Qiy tol Wyfr M M m ra M m m &&. "S (L3 ?& SFn mm I $$ 19 M fefo&Ww o,,,,,sito niaiMiior - vara m Vt m m J&m S stiMRXl ELja ,a H R$ W AflTR MElBSfHfIfOTKS HS tt& S8 C n.Mmiicr. &n'TE&&.CTI A& E&jftk Xi7 4Vilft WraOkNbrfV JK Sft "tM Shd?! 'maw-W.l WEKUfcVftS a. AH, BM X1&U&' JOk VJ?? ii.,i..i (j, Opposite ygHWMncrasre.ttaCTj:nrayrm( jrarTjmirCTrrswMPCTgBrwirii i.liinco Hotel 13 L- . : Opposite Chandler Hotel Opposite Rlnuco Hotel mnssDaxasvsiaismjmmJLka r.TMBra Our two stores this war arc hotter supplied than ever with Christmas Gifts for ail members of the family, end our 2H YEAIfS JtiXPlMtfltiXGJ'J has jivei us a good many different ideas in suggesting gifts for him or hcr,or all members of the family. In order to save you a little time and worry we will suggest the follotvimj for all ages. Mother Books Stationery Bible Toilet Sets ' Hand Bags . .' Umbrellas Father Books Cigars Ash Traj's Shaving Sets Pipes "Fountain Pons Military Brushes Sister Books Stationery Work Box Umbrellas PISIIER'S tai BEAUTIES HAKR ISON immmn S3KtS.? M LHHHIIIIIIIIIIW,' tB Brother The Baby Books Ash Trays Shaving Sets Pipes Fountain Pens "Watches Books . Bolls Battles Wagons Everything in the Toy lino. Sweetheart Hooks Stationery Box Xmns Candy Toilet Sets Hand Bags Myrtle Wood Souvenirs Are Suitable for Any One Your Holiday Shopping Is Not Complete Until You Have Visited the TOY DEALERS of Coos County BsES' NORTON HANSEN Stationery Company MS (MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. -h of Upper Cuqulllo Valley Ah Told Hy Tho Eiitei-pilco. II. Mathony loft last wcok for Angeles, Cnl., whoro lio will id tho winter. Mr. Mnthony sp-Hit winter in California and 1b ni- ited that wny again as tho winter Ion closes down In Coos county. lies Jeniilo Roberts, who has Ii compositor at tho Enterprise o for sovornl years, excepting a months last w niter, leaves today ICroswoll for n visit with hor nls- Miss Anna Hoberts, and from i will go to Portlond for a visit hor brother, J. C. Uoberts. frs Alice uuno, aged l'U, tiled nt Ihome at Rosoburg Monday morn- Tho deoeasod Is n daughter of E, Rarher of this county, and jrvlved by six brothers. KILLS REAR WITH CLl'll. Irs. Frank nirgoss, who has been sick for some time at her homo Itho river below Norway, died Iday night of this week. nil Roilgo, father of Mrs, Ross Joyoe of Riverside, Cal., vecolved tter a few days ago giving an mint of a serious runaway nccl- on tho 3rd, In which Mr. and Deyoe and tholr llttlo daughter victims. Mr. Doyoo nnd tho girl escaped without sorlous In but Mrs. Deyoo sustained n hired limb, nnd tho dislocation nnklo I.ane Parrlsh nnd Miss Julia bv wcro united In mnrrlogo Wod- y evening nt tho homo of tho fating clergyman, Rov. Tho. flow, In tho presenco of sovoral s and friends. Mr. and Mrs. iBh will niako tholr homo on tho UU placo ou tho North Fork. (iccugo Linnviico of Curry County, litis Inciting Eporlenco. OOLI) REACH, Ore., Dec. 17. George Lawrence wenrB tho bolt for braery amons nil tho numerous honr-huntora in Curry. Whllo out for a bear hunt with Elinor Mlllor and John Ostrnudor last Saturday, (loorge had all the tun ho anticipat ed. Tho dogs started n largo boar and inn It sovornl hours fluallv bringing It to bay In Pistol rlvor. George, who was fleeter than his companions, bent thorn to whoro tho dogs were baying It. Ills norv), howovor, steady It was, was bottor than his judgment, for ho missed the bear and laying tho fault to tho gun, decided at onco that tho rlflo would bo a better club than gun, so ho waded out to whoro his Rearshlp w.as and denlt him a deadly blow over tho head with tho gun barrel. Mr. Rruln succumbed to tho blow, and George carried his gun homo In his haversack, thoro being morn pieces than ho could carry In Ills hands. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First Trust and Savings Bank WILL CONTEST LAW. Iluiiio Estn.o Will Fight Stopping of Hokiio Rlu'i' Fishing, Tho Gold Roach Globe says: "It Is reported that tho Ilumo ostnto will begin action In tho Fodoral court agalust tho State of Oiegon to have the vote, on tho closing of tho Ro guo to commercial tlshlug, annulled. The Federal court should annull this vote and not allow It to become a law, as It originated through person al spite towards the latoR. D. Ilumo. Thoro would bo as much justlco to stop tho Mod ford people- from raising fruit for tho commercial market ai to closo tho Roguo tor commercial flshlngi" . i OF COOS RAY NOVEMHER 10, 1010. Resources. Loans nnd discounts ...$127,400.57 Overdrafts 1,574.51 Ronds and securities. . 25,771.07 Ranking houso furnlturo and llxturea 57,023.45 Cash on hand nnd duo from banks 71.0S9.73 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. .$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided Profits 5,320.03 Doposlts 177,532.04 Total $282,859, d3 Total $2S2,S59.S3 OFFICERS AM) DIRECTORS JOHN 3. COKE, President. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. JOHN F, HALL, W. S. CHANDLER, HENRY 8ENGSTACICEN, WILLIAM GRIMES, STEPHEN C. ROGERS, DR. O. W, TOWER, M. O. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL RANKINO AND TRUST RUSINES& YOUR RUSINESS SOLICITED. Safe Deposit Roes for rent In our i teel lined, flro nnd burglnr proof Vaults nt SJJ.00 i nd up per annum. -n-a-n-n-tt--n-n-n-tt-n-tt- n-a-n-a-n -a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-& Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIARLO AND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH RROADWAY. PHONE 201. .. - a .&-t----'&- THE FIR.ST NATIONAL BANK Draws Drafts on OF COOS DAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL HANK. Wells Fargo NcvAdn Nutloiml Hank. Ban Francisco. Cal. Tho United SUtes National Hank. Portland. Or. I Tho National Park Rank, Now York, N. Y. i The Corn Exchange National nauk, Chicago, 111. rrho Rank of Scotlnud, London, England. THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FA5IILY HOTEL Rates roducod to; Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week ?2 00 to $5.00. House keeping npartnieuts with gas ranges $10.00 to $1S.00 per month. FREE BATHS K. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re niodolled and Improved aud Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stago passengers nnd for people desiring n rest at the seashore "iou'll Like tho Place." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. 1 Tho Credit Lyounals. Paris. Franca. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking centers In Eoropo, Asia, Africa, Australia, China, Japan, North, Contral and Couth America. Personal and comraorclal accounts kept subject to check. Cortiflcntos of Deposits Issued. Safe Doposlt Boxes for rent. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Oldest nunk In Cooa County, Established In 1880. Paid tip Capital, Surplus, nnd Undivided Profits over $100,000 Assets Over Hnlf Million Dollars. Does a general banking business and drawB drafts on tho Rank of CaMfornla, San Francisco, C .; Hanoyer National Bank, N. Y.; First National Dank, Portland, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; Tho London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchangoou all of the principal cities of Europe. Individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. BENNETT, President. It. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. II. FLANAGAN, V.-Prcs. GEO. E. WINCHESTER,' Asst, Cash. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Real Estate Snap a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-u-a a-a-a-a-a--tt-a-a-a--' t a a i a ! a a a i a F RESIDENCE CORNER 84x100 In Sengstacken's Addition Good Bay View, for $375.00 See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN. mmm -a-a-a-a-a-a-m;-a-a-B-H-H---n-8-tt-B--8-H-B--H-nx1, T a i 7 a i a i a i a i a i a t ? ? a i a ? a i a i f IT- a- J .L. T v