THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910 EVENING EDITION. hor brothor-ln-law, W. J. Robert son, has decided to rem a In here. Nels OLSON of Enstsldo, employed at tho Smith mill, has been kept at homo this week on account of Illness. Ho Is gradually recover ing nnd will return to work In a few dnyB. fornia and southern points on ncj count of tho health of Mrs. Robl ortson, which has become vg" much Impaired, but she hopes to soon recuperate. Mr. RobertsotL wltl return hero In March to all j1 tend to business mntters. Mrl Acceptable and Useful Gifts Robertson'3 oldest son, W. LoRovl Robertson, will reninln on-tho BaxJ J. ROBERTSON nnd family leave TDK WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) on tho Rcdondo Sunday for Cali till his rather returns. i -i OREGON--Fair tonight and For en . BIMNDW . -p ti. . - it . v w S?li A Man's Store For Men's Wear Millicoma Hats, .... $3.00 Mallory Cravcncttc Hats, . ... $3.50 John B. Stetson Hats, . . . $4.00 "Bacmo" Dress and Street Gloves, $1.50 to . $2.50 Neckwear in Christmas Boxes, 50c to . $1.00 Suspenders in Christmas Boxes, 50c to . $1.50 Sweater Coats, $2.50 to . $5.00 Initial Handkerchiefs, silk and linen, 25c and . .50 Of course we have many other things, including Suits, Overcoats ancf Rain Coats, which any man would be proud to wear. The Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothier Marshficld, Oregon Christmas Gifts ItlXOS HRAGELETS LOCKETS DIAMONDS iji3 .' . 4a j ' r . WATCHES souvenir spoons silver novelties. opera glassesJ 'Vi? . 'f Red Cros s Drug Store umbrellas rookwood pottery PICICARD HAXD-PAIXTED OHIXA. COFFEE PERCOLATORS BRASS GOODS STATIOXEHV CHAFING DISHES SAFETY' RAZORS . - ' r FOUXTAIX FENS t KODAKS 'O FIFES AXD CIGARS CASES LEATIJER GOODS MIRRORS , ROOKS 1 v-i i ' k ', Christmas Gifts W rf M&$Z7$Z0) ''giff .J VAi . i" L. A. Frey in North Bend must bs sold at onco. Apply at store in North Dend. vivpittirs ron SALE Show cases, hat cases, safe, cash register, rnnntorn tables, nlckle-plated win dow futures and all other appur- FOR REXT Two nice front rooms in Sengstacken Building, just vac ated by Public Labrary. Relit IJ2.B0 per month. Title Guaran tee and Abstract Co. dow fixtures and all other aPPur;i npVrl-BOcro ranch in city tenances of the bankrupt store of j FOR RE.Nr -u-acro rancu a , limits of Myrtle Point well im proved. Good bearing orchard, loganberries and raspberries, 'I acres bearing strawberries, halt mile from postofllco or high school. Rent reasonable. Applv L. Amadon, 178 Broadway, Marshfleld, Oregon. FOR SALE Blooded fox tiound pup Sherman Ave, N. Bend, A IlMllln'g Sundny. Meet Doci'inbcr 27. The Marsh field city council will hold its next mooting December 27, no meeting being hold next week. W. X. Ekblntl Loaves. W. N. Ek blnd loft on tho Brcnkwntor today for Portland, whore nccordlng to ru mors, ho will get the greatest Chrlst nins present of all a bride, a for mer Marshfleld girl. Sails In. The. Omogn snllcd In ovor tho bar yesterday. Sho had Just arrived from San Pedro and took nil vantngo of tho favornblo weather to mnko tho trip In under her own snll Instead of waiting for tho tug. Sho will load at the Simpson mill. Riijm Business. Perry Dodson to dny purchased Chns. Leach's Inter ests in tho Marshflold Cleaning and Dyo Works on South Drondway and will continue It with Arthur Dlnn chard under tho firm lianio of Dlnn chard & Dodsou. Ho is nn expert enced man in this lino of work. School Ih Out. The Mnrshllold schools closed yestordny for tho holiday vacation of two weeks. Bun ker Hill and Enstsldo schools will have only one week vncatlon and wlllcloso next Friday for the vacation. Tho North Bond schools will nlso havo only ono week's vacation. Xow Minister I lore. Rov. Dr. J. T. M. Knox of Long, Beach, Cal., Is hero considering a call from tho MarHhflold Presbyterian church. Ho comes highly recommended and mndo an excellent impression on those whom ho met todny. Ho wilt preach two sermons nt tho church tomorrow, ono nt 1 1 o'clock n. in , and tho other at 7:30 p. m, leaves Town. Jns Monohnn, ar rested for creating a disturbance In tho north part of town, did not put in nppcarnnco when his caso was called at 10 o'clock this morning by Recorder Butler. Marshal Cnrtor understood that ho had loft town and his $25 cash bond wnB declared forfeited and ho now fnceB nrrest on tho snmo charge on his return. Married Todny. Miss Elllo Mot calf and Fred E. Sandburg wore married today at tho home of Mr, nnd Mrs. C. 11. Codding nt Milling ton, the Rev. J. Rlchnrd Olson of ficiating. Tho young couple are woll-known and will hnvo tho best wishes of scores of frlendH. Mr. Sandborg Is employed at tho C. A. Smith mill. Fmvoi-h Flro Engine. August Fri- zcon has received a lettor from Doo ly nnd Company, goncrnl flro Insur ance agents nt Portland, in which ho says that It would bo false economy for tho city to fall Jo purchaso a flro onglne. Ho says that ho Inspect ed tho flro fighting apparatus here and was anything but favorably Im pressed by It. , Fix North Front Stive!, North Front Btreot property ownors nt a meeting Inst night decided to build tholr own bulkhead nnd put It bank Blxty feet on tho proporty lino In most places. They also decided to havo all float houses removed nt onco so thnt that section of tho city enn bo clonrod up. Tupy aro ready to go ahead Just as soqn as they nvo certain tho dredgo Orogon will fill tho lots and streot. Returns From Coqullle. Justlco Ponnock has roturnod from Coqullle whoro ho wns a witness yestordny In tho caso of Dr. Burroughs vs. J. D. McNeil, executor of Mrs, John Nns burg's will. Tho Jury returned a verdict against Dr. Burroughs. Whllo thoro, tho grand Jury reported that they had sovoral mattors under con sideration on which they woro not proparod to definitely roport. They recommended that now chairs be bo'ight for tho Judge and Jurors and n snnltnry matting bo put on tho courtroom floor. a-a-:t-a-a-a-a--a-a-a-a-u a-oa--a- --::--:- a n i a I Refined Oil Reduced n i a i a Eocene, the best Lamp Oil Retails $1.30 per can Bulk Water White retails five gallons for 85c All Grocers Have Both ' i a fl n-a-a-a-a-a-u-a-u-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-tt a-a-a--.-aH ' Q T T T T? ' W ' A -ill til?! I PERSONAL MENTION. huo STANLEY' P. BARTLETT Is from Randolph on business. C. J. MILLIS loft this morning for Portland whoro ho will spend a week or so on business. - MATT ANDERSON of Beaver Hill. wn3 In Marshflold today on busi ng ". PROF. HEWITT of tho High School, 1b confined to his home by n sevo? cold nnd n threatened attack of tonsllltls. MISS SIGNA HOLM, who Is attend ing the state university at Eugene, Is expected homo today to spond tho holidays. MRS. JAMES R. Robertson of Chi-1 cago, III., who has beon visiting E. D. GEIIRJCE. WHY not Community Silver for a Christmas Gift? No woman can have too much or it. The new Sheraton design rivals sterling silver in distinction, and harmonizes with the richest of tabic slf4-irtrYtf VnA lfirt lifivt vtrm styofit a n lifiifimtf 'I Pioneer Hardware Co. FOURTEEN LOTS WITHIN FIVE MINUTES WALK O REST UUSIXESS CORNER IX MARSHFIELD. PRICE $1,000 LESS THAN $:o PER LOT. n TWO LOTS OX BROADWAY, PRICE 81,100. FIVE ROOJI, THOROUGHLY MODERX RUNG ALOW FOR SALI OR WIIiL TRADE FOR UNIMPROVED LOTS. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. HIGH GRADE WOOD WORI of evory description at THE SHOP OF QUALITY Choice Christmas Snaps ABOUT Ui ACRES WITH FRONTAGE ON NAVIGABLE WATER.! 12 ACHES OF FIXE PEAT BOTTOM ALL DYKED, BALANCE! LOW LEVEL BENCH. YOUNG ORCHARD. PRICE 82.8001 710.720 SOUTH BROADWAY ) (II 1 ill m i iAMtfto.'ik-.. ,...-.(. . .& C .. rAt .JkeasJi