THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION. B T' nrRfn' 4 .81 His One Mistat se Bv F A. MITCHEL Copyright. 1310. by AmiTlonn Press Atsnclutlon. 1 " ' ' ' GOWNS AND HATS THAT Will BE SEEN IN SMART CIRCLES THIS AUTUMN Srt-JCl "Do you wish to see mii.v onv hero?" "Snvln' yer ii-Mliii'f. Oi come to get n siiiliit nt tlio exprUldlnt." "Why do you wish to sec the e.v president?" "Hconuao Ivory oiu wants to sco 'lm, to bo mire because he's tho greatest uinn on nlrth." "Why Is In- grout?" "isn't he the frlnd of the worUln". man. besides eoutitln' unions his nc Mtialntuneos the crowned holds of Urup?" A Bttirdy gentleman In glasses Ftnill cd. "I'nt." he snld. "you nro right In placing tho ex-president's friendship for the worlilngnmn ahead of his ac quaintance with the crowned heads. Come with tne. I'll show you nroun'd the ex-president's plnce, and perhnps you inny get n sight of him." I'm accepted the Invitation, and tho two strolled uliout the grounds. "Orin wonderln." said Pat. "whore he l;apes the wild animals ho brought from Africa." "lie didn't bring any wild nnlmnls nllve from Africa. He brought their sUIns. They are to be stuffed for dif ferent museums. Hut tell tne more nbout why you admire him." "Well. O'lin thlnklir." I'nt replied, scratching his head, "thnt-that, ns 1 told ye. he's the frlnd o' tho workln' man. and Ol loll.c lilin becaso ho don't inolnd tellln' thlm forynors what ho thinks of 'em. Hut he made wnn mis take In tnlkln to the Britishers." "What's thnt?" "lie toultl 'em to get out o Egypt. It would 'a' been all rolght If ho'd innde It Olrlnnd." The gentleman smiled. "What's the vnly o' them Egyptian lingers anyway? And OI'm henrln' their country's notliln' hut siuid nnd hot enough to roast eggs In. avln' the spalpeens liaven't gui the egg, lint Olrlnnd! The beautiriil land that It Is, and the folne population of clllgent men and women, And them Imvln' the feet o' England on their necks. If the cx-prMdetit had said, Wither govern Olrlnnd rolght or git out,' It ml 'a' been lolke snyln' 'git out o Olr lnnd,' 'raze an Englishman can't gov ern any one but lingers." "You've a good bend on you, Tat," snld the gentleman. "Whnt other fault have you to Dnd with tho ex president?" "Well. sor. I was tonkin' while tie was In the White House for 'em to take off the duty on tny. Tay's a folne dhrluk. and the only people thnt gits It freo are the Clmney lingers." "Hut the president doesn't put tho duty on tea; congress does that, and the president has no power to take It off." Put thought a moment, then snld: "Tliln what's the use o' timktu' such n fuss at t'lrelln' VmV" "Toll tne some more fnults of the cx-preldenl." "Well. sorr. OI'm thlnkln' lie wasn't born In the might count hry." "Wlwt country should lie have been born In V" "Olrlnnd. 01 tilver think of 'lm but 01 see In me molnd a beautiful plctur of 'lm Nt an Olrlxh fair, braiidlshlu' n shlllalnh over his head. Junipln' up and' cmi'klu' his heels logether, swear In' he kin whip the blgyest man In the crowd, lie's mighty-what d'y' call It sirun'ua-t mt's the worrd. siren' us. "Another way I lolke to plctur' Mm Is stlrrln' up nil them kings, tellln' the i t Hpnipeens now to govern ttieir uopie Jim lolke nu American prlsldeiit "ud do It. 01 enn see 'lm If he had the power jumpln' around among 'em, knocUIn' off tholr crowns and glvlu' the poor devils they've oppressed" n chance to live In their pnlnces u while." Tho gontlouinu led the way to tho house on the top of the hill and mo- tloticd Pat to go In. "I'll lutroduco yon to the ex president," ho said. Hut Put demurred. "It Isn't for the lolkes o' me In these dirthy clothes to go Into the houso of tho groat num. llosldos, 1 dou't need uu introduction." ' you don't?" "No; I've been tnlkln' to lm.'' "llow did you know mo?" "Hy the windy glass over yer ols nnd yer biMiutlful white teeth 1 seen In the newupnpor pictures " "tJood for you! Vou Irish nro n clev er race!" "Not so clever as you Ameryklns." "How do you make that out?" "Well. sorr. when I seen y' wnlkln' nbout hero, the cock o' the walk. I hnd enoutsh plctur's of ye In me molnd to cover the cellln of n cliureh. It wns no credit to me to know ye. Hut didn't Je cull uie by me nanie-wlthout Iver bavin' wen even a photograph o' me? called me Pat at nnet. Now, 01 wonder, sorr. If ye kin guess mo ole woman's unuie." 'llrldget." "ltolght yo nro,' Ony mnn ns smnrt in yees should be elected prlsldent for loife." "Tell me. Put. did you come In hero from curiosity, or had you a purpose?" "A purpose is It? An' yer askln' me mo purpose? Had ye a purpose whin ye wns prlsMcm In not rcmemberln' the olllee s.iYkers"'" "1 couldn't remember them all, Pat." "Well, sorr, I had n purpose In coin- in' In here. It was to tell ye yo mnde. a mlstlmUe In tellln' 'em to glt out o' Egypt Instead o' Olrlnnd." Pat hnd another, nu Inferior purpose; ho wanted something to buy "tny" with, and ho got It k mm H ssEvyjrcwiwsn OWEVER they mny differ In rcg-ird to other matters, all tho fnshlon authorities of the moment agree In one respect that is, tho skirts of tho present nnd coming sonsoiiB nro to bo nnrrowor thnn over before That docs not mean, of course, that tho much discussed "hobblo" is to bo tho thing not nt all. In fnct, the "hobble" tins como nn4 bns boon seen, but it tins not conquered. Snvo for tho favor of tho womnn 'who delights In tho outre, tho "hobble," or "wnbhle," ns somo snrcnstl?, horrid men call it, has hnd its little dny. The newest skirt Is known ns tilo "glove." jfrom which it mny bo Inforrod. that It will lit tho flguro ns iv stove Anger fits tho digit of the hand. The short cont will bo tho smnrt cont this winto" nnd fnll. It hns con- tquered nil prejudices nnd has proved its smnrtacss nnd its becomlngness. Tho Intest tnllor mnde costume?, unco n that" shown in tho picture, show tho short length Jacket. Among tho other smnrt fenturs of tho costume lllus. trntcd nre the frilled Insldo gores nnd the deep hem effect of the Bklrt. The strnp trimming Is the Intost nnd Is seen everywhere, especially In tho higher priced suits. The indy In the picture is wor.rlng one of the now lint shupos, quite broud nnd dented in deeply nt tho sldc. Among the popular fabrics seen In tho shops are the zlhcllucs nnd the dlngonal scntes. Serges In heavy weight will be well liked In the cold weather. Hairline striped suitings nre nlso slated for favor, as tho.v lend themselves easily and effectively to tho car.'.l iv i"t of the simple Ibles of the suits thnt will Is favored by tho leaders of the mods. A henvvwelglit white wvite tnllor mnde costume thnt has been fN'vv by n few f tho beat cotnuiers is o.iected to find great favor late In the fall beforo the .wouthor calls for the use of furs nnd when n material n little heavier In wlght thnn those formerly used Is needed. This suit will bo mnde with n skirt very Hat nnd cloe fitting In front, falling into shallow plnltn nt the sides. The Hceompnu.tliig the skirt will Ih of nu (Hum length or n llttlo shorter, with a somltlttlUK back nnd fronts drawn Into a slight pouch, lllaclc nnd white retail) thlr itopulnrlty. The two huts shown In the Illustration were seen n short time ago nt n gathering of some of Now Vorlt'B faslilonabls woman. The lower Imt. an especially fetching model, wns made simply of gray preen strsw ornanmnted with a long white breast shaped to correspond with the curve of (ho Hide of the shape. Tho other was constructed of black straw and velvet with it crown of white not nnd rosos. AMANDA RIDDLE. t (" "-- -IlC ALL ABOUT THE HOUSE. Half a lemon dipped lit salt will clean copper beautifully. A lomou from which the Juice has boon squeezed does Just ns well as a froshly cut ouo. After rub bing with tho lemon and salt rluso the copper In clean hot wa ter nnd dry nnd polish with n clean soft cloth. On cold washing dnys to pre vent the hnuds getting cold and chapped when hnuglng up the clothes wipe thorn thoroughly, then rub n little powdered starch Into tho skin. Uukcd beetroot served with a llttlo melted butter sauco. snlt and popper makes n delicious vogotublu course. A cheap substitute for putty suitable for stopping cracks In tluors ami other woodwork is made by milking newspaper in a pnstc made by boiling n pound of tlour In three quarts of water and adding n tonspoouful of alum. This mixture will be about the consistency of putty, and It should bo forced Into tho cracks with n knife. It will harden when It dries and thou may bo painted to match the boards, if tho cracks be neatly stopped they will when painted be hardly perceptible. Tablecloths will last much longor If whon thoy are washed they are folded one week In threo nnd the next In four. If they are folded exactly tho same way each time the folds will wear Into holes whllo tho rest of the cloth Is quite good, Applo pies can bo grently im proved by the addition of one or two nice oranges. Peel, dlvldo Into quarters and mix with the apples. f -- -- HAND BA6 WATGH. w E have had tho wnteh dan gling from the bodice, the watch on tho wrist, ilie ring wnteh, even tho watch worn on tho nnklo and the wnteh on tho brooch, whoso wonrer litis hud to fcet In front of n mirror to toll tho time and then mentally roverso tho hands. Now hero is one of tho latest watches the timepiece nt: tho hand bag. Tho idea of insortlng a tiny tlmorloc'o in ono's purse bag Is not qulto now; Women Novelists Outranking Men. This has been n busy season for tho woman novelist. Of tho six best sell ers throughout tho United States, ns reported Ui a Into number of the Uook- innu, four nre by women. - - - - -- - i . .-ii...- tmsmtmmmm Hol'Ida So "w ? 'Wj33S& nmmm tnnm Casli wittttitt tlti CleaflUp One-Fourth Off on All Broken Lines of Cloth nig $3.50 SUITS $fji33 $10.00 SUJTS $7.30 $.12.00 SUITS ....;. $9.00 $10.00 SUJTS $12.00 18.00 SUJTS $.13.50 $20.00 SUJTS ...... $15.00 $25.00 SUITS $18.75 Opposite Breakwater FIXUP North Front Street 4Aa46aAfta6Aooti64e4t44i40t ?i646464409 mnfflfflfflfflfflffimmmj ItEPOltT OF THE CONDITION OK THE First Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS HAY XOVKMIIKIl 10, 1010. Itcsoiirccs. v Loans and discounts ...$127,400.57 Overdrafts 1.D74.51 Honda and securities. . 2 flanking house, furniture and fixtures Cash on hand and duo from banks .1.07 57,023.45 '1.0S9.73 Total. ...... ,?282.850.!J3 OT'IMCIJHS JOHN S. COKE, Prwflldcui. JOHN P. HALL, HENRY SENGSTACKEN, STEPHEN O. KOGEUS. Capital Surplus profits Deposits, MAIlSHriELl), OREGON, Mobilities. stock paid in. .$100,000.00 nnd undivided 5,320. CO 177,532.4 I)OK. A Total $2S2,S59.3 AND DIRECTORS DORSEY KREITZER, Caahior. W. S. CHANDLER, WILLIAM GRIMES, DR. O. W. TOWER, M C. HORTON, VIco President and Managor. OENKHAI. HANKING AND TRUST HUSINESS. YOUR HUSINESS SOLICITED. Snfo Deposit Doves for rent In our Steel lined, 11 ro and Vaults nt $:).)( mid up per annum. burglar proof u--u--::-iMi-Bn For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice ,& Cold Storage TH& mST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY . MI'.ITV 1'M.MHRCIAL HANK. '. ifjn .,.;.( NuiioiiMl Itniili, San Frr.nclaco, Cal. I'be IniiMi h.m- -Jn-'onnl Hank, Portland, Or. Mie .v.-.'ivu..! r, Now York, N. Y. 1'ln- ttrn Kt.'..tiii.-- N itldiial Hnuk, OblcuK'i, III. I'bf hunk ui ! iim.j, t.undou. EuclaniL fln ri; I ..).. Purls, Frnnuo. Hddlllio '.v ttrw'f(m;io on nil prlnolnul bankinK enntnrt in ?rict. .t.T-..ii. China, Japan, North, Control and Draws Drafts on tu Kurope, .Win. ; Uouih Amurtm Personal nnd oomni,-' . Ai-'ountn kept uubjci to oheck. Cortillentoi of Doit""!' HnH Safe Doposlt Doxos for rent. 1 I a i I FLANAGAN &. BENNETT BANK MAIISHFIELD, OREGON MUlfs Hunt: in f'noi CoitDty, EstnMislied hi 1HH. Paid up Capital, Surplus mid I'ndlvliHd IVollts over $100,000 sHcts Over 1IU Million Dollars. Does a gueral 'uanltii-.r; bus'.ii(i8n nnd draws drafts nu tho Haul: of Cn'.lfornl-., San Frnnct co, O 1,; Hnuovor National Uank, N. Y.; First NntlC'ial Donk, 'orU "id, Ore ; First National Rank, Roue burg, Ore.; 'I -jo London J at Stock Rank, Ltd,, Loudon, Englnud. Also Bella exchange ou all of tho principal cities of Europo, Individual nnd corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxos tor rent. OFFICERS: J. W. DENNETT, President. R. V. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. II. FLANAGAN, V..Pm. GEO. E. WINCHESTER, Anst. Cusli. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. U I tt I n i t: i tt tt i a i tt u t: i tt i n u I tt I u I tt I tt I u I tt I tt I FREE DKUVDltlKS H A. .M. nnd S P. M. V JtA MM f Sf jr,J fc. "i i f iff I f )! i afiTfiKsr'-'- p?v!?-ni5n-TLVT':iKOTa y-M-n-tt-tt-u-a-a-K-tt-3-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n-a-e Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIARLO AND JOSSON CEJIENT. Tho beat Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster,, Llmo, nrlck nnd nil kindB of hulldors mntorlal. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH HROADWAY. PHONE 201. Phono 7W. -a-tt-a-a-a-tt-tt--ua-t!-sH .'Wliile Figuring ON THE CHEAP WIMXG CA! PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK Tl! FACT THAT WB ARE SELU.V FIXTURES AT A DIG DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE FU IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A FE LJ3FT. RETTEIt PLACE YOUR 0: DER. Coos Bay Wiring Cl EXPERT ELKCTJHU.WS. Roapectfully osk ycur patroout. I PHONE 237J. Good Evening HAVE YOU any Muxwiv: If so, do not forget that tW ' rilE laundry wlicro you get tfiew work, nnd prices are in every w ronch. Call up and one of the rs will call aud explain all dettW' you, All to!oi!muo eal'J r laCI 1...1 ... imnniiso we are rw"5 wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS V0n Ul icw.irTiON'. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEi LAUNDIU. Wnuzey nros., Prop. W hand n.a with watch. however, since the Idea occurred to the enterprising manufacturer some time ngo. Rut the shnpo of tho bag shown in the uccompnnylng picture Is one of the latest. Rags In the fall and winter will be large, than ever before. Oue of tho most favored of materials Is wnlrut skin, the blnck, wrlukled lenth er which is very durable. Others, of course, are also seen. To Boll a Cracked Eqo To boll n cracked egg wrap it firmly In n pleco of waxed paper nnd secure ly twist tho paper nt both ends. Noue of tho inside will como through tha fillOll. a-a-tt-8-a-tt--a-a-n-::-tt-a-u-aa-a-a-a-:ua-a-a-a-u-'H a A . ?a --. flk. - - I 9 ti I ' tt IT t. i tt i tt l a i tt i tt a i a i a i a i tt i a 1 w . ,c u rs a . Jta a An .--. &? cK5 JUSLaKe Asvan RESIDENCE CORNER 84x100 In Sengstacken's Addition . Good Bay View, for $3?5.00 See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manage a a i a i R J a i a a a a i a a t a i a i a i COOS BAY LIVER ,., ,.., c,M,rM tho liver t ti TiMsner and are n S.;',or;;,ifrc.-a tho peopto oi i.Ui thu drivers, good rigs ano ' -thnt will mean satisfactory tfio public r'""10"3,1;"! horse, n rig or '"T tho livery line. We also trucking business of all AJJJ IRancl.urd.RezlnAn'.- Livery, Vvea n f- ' e(rAets 141 First anu i"" .Phono 13S-J Streets -a;-a-a-a-t;-aa-a-a-a-a-a---a-a-a-a---a-a-a-a-a-a-xV 'Times Want Ads Bring Results TRIED ALWAYS PATRW I8 tb0 verdict of all our jj That's because - l0Siv work and do it at . , -ia vnn'tl be 8urprUM ... tho transformation gag,T6 ci " your oil ctuiu. trial Job. . nre Mnrshfleld Cleaning wd Phono 270X. "VSacUV. Ladles Garments BP" i im '