THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION. aa(flMHM'MIHalMBn'HM(MHMUHWcaHHnMiiM rri ...mliiiiUullUI'V 'WU ga iSSBSt "Stiffi l&tMm&MtoS BANDON CASE MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIER: 10 BE TRIED tK7rr'u3&s- life' f$5l vlkMi'WikW""" Rvflv.vr i TvJfei trjvvtfn rft.v.K.1 .-rt.ttrt'r XW J. 1 1WA VW A k w w$m lit F531 P7 w-. ".x a ill f Eg? !nnAit Peace On Earth" HPHrYTS the Christmas Spirit. Arc YOU at peace? Haven't you been wondering where you should buy the Suit or Overcoat you will need for the Holidays? We sell the most peaceful Clothes in America they never cause you any trouble, because they arc honest Clothes, built to PLEASE and to SATISFY. Every Suit and Overcoat, whether $10 or $25, bears a guarantee which protects you against disappointment. You couldn't remember yourself any tetter at Christmas time than by presenting yourself with a new Suit or Overcoat. The Woolen Mill Store Marshficld 1 flffi'' &mWh H 1 MlM if lKI ill ' kLOTHCRAFT r5 ' iurn,v MT ' til 1 d -' t W H ES . tossy J vSfpijA VB.- Oregon No bargains but just good honest merchandise at prices that cannot be undersold anywhere. ft YV-SvIr k HRBpvvsSk feu VhH MILL-TO-MAN CLOTHIER: -1 Mi P?vovEDR!v3HP'lrl ItijiiilJiii if ill 1 1 vrry.' w Tu;AT.jrMTkYAJ tow; iiw IPAMEtAMI R. 0. Moppin Indicted For. Slashing Rube Gardiner In Fight. COQU1LLE. Ore. Doc. 1C To morrow, It Is expected, tho enso ot the state of Oregon vs. R. O. Moppin, frmlllnrly known at his homo In Hnndon ns "Tennessee" will como up for trlnl. Moppin was Indicted for assault with a dangerous weapon ns i result of his slashing Rubo Gardi ner, former nlghtwntch nt Bandou, with a knife In ono of tho Dandon Inwdy houses. Gardiner was sovoro- ly slashed but nono of his wounds wero of a nermancnt nature. A i-coio of llnndon pooplo have bosn subpoenaed for tho trlnl. Tod iy, tho caso of Dr. Murroughs o' M.irshllold, vs. J. D. McNeil, oxo cutor of tho will of Mrs. John Nns- burg, Is being heard. Th'o grand Jury fallod to roportj any Indictments today. PROJECT TURNER DOWN. THE BUSY CORXER ChristmasSuggestionsfor the Boy A Conklin Pen TIIK SELF-F1LLIXG KIND. , JUST THE THING FOR TUB IIOY'S XMAS PRESENT, AND AS NECESSARY TO MAN AND WOMAN AS TO THE ROY. EVE RYONK SHOULD OWN ONE. IF YOU CAN'T THINK WHAT TO GET FOR YOUR FRIEND SEND A CONKLIN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN PEN; THEY COST ?2.00 UP. FOR SALE AT THE 1IUSY CORNER THE HOLIDAY STORK. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company TUB BUSY GOBNEIi. COOS BAY TIDES. DECEMBER High water A.M. Friday... 10111:311 7.0 Saturduy 17 1:00 7.1 SUNDAY IS 1:58 7.2 Low wntor Dato. Friday... 10 Saturday 17 SUNDAY 18 DECEMBER A.M. li.m. I ft. 5:301 3.4 0:20 3.5 7:13 3.0 P. M. 10.0 12:18 10.0 1:00 0.7 P.M. h.m.l ft. 0:371.8 7:271.8 8:101.0 WANTED To rent with option of buying 5 to 10 acm with build ings. Must bo partly In cultiva tion and closo In. Address Times' TOR REXT Throe-room house on Broadway, Phono 104-J. FIXTURES FOR SAW-: Show cases, hat cases, pare, cash register, counters, tables, nlckle-nloted win dow fixtures and all other appur tenances of tho bankrupt storoof L. A. Froy In North Bend must n sold at onco. Apply at store In North Bond. TOR SALE Puro bred RIkhIo Island red cockerels, one and two years old. L. J. Simpson. TOR REXT Two nlco front rooms In Sengstackon Building, Just vac ated by Public Labrary. Rent $12.50 per month. Title Guaran tee and Abstract Co, 3'OR REXT 20-ncro ranch In city limits of Myrtle Point well Im proved. Good bearing orchard, loganberries' and raspberries, ,i acres bearing strawberries, half rallo from postofflce or high school. Rent reasonable. Apply L. Amadon, 178 Broadway, Marshfleld, Oregon. TOR SALE Blooded fox bound pups Sherman Ave, N. Bend, A Hoelllng IlaTA your Job printing done at Tho Tlmea office. Origin of Spoons. Two natural objects seem to have furnished the model for the spoon to primitive man-the river or sea shell nM i.i leaf of plautu. In southern Clua nht'11 spoons ure still used that r.iv I'ii' l.v reproduced In the familiar poixelu u -pool! of thut couutry, whllo metal hw ns are fouud In ludla ou which uif reproduced even the veins of the lenvps from which they were copied. Not Guilty. is your 'luslnuid u blbllomanlacr' asked Mrs OhU'iistle ns she was belug penulited to view the treasures lu the lllirnr.v of die uew neighbor. Mercy cakes, uo!" replied Mrs. PucUfiiham. "He never blbbles u bit. Oh. of course I don't say that be wouldn't take a little at his meals If tho rest was doln' It. but that's as far as he ever goes In them kind of things." Chicago Record-Herald. Remington PUMP GUNS at GUNNERY. THE WEATHER. OREGON Fair In east with occasional rain In west tonight and Friday. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RE- PORT. ! For twonty-fouq hours ending at 4:43 p. in., Dec. 14, by Mrs. ! Mlngus, special government mo- teorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 46 Minimum. . 30 At 4:43 p. m 45 Precipitation nono Wind; Southeast; cloudy. To Merge Hunks. Tho national bank oxamlnor Is hero to look after Itho merging of tho First National Bank of Marshfleld and tho First Trust and Savings Bank. Tho mor gor will probably bo completed soon. tuo Give Banquet. Tho Marshfleld ,hlgh school pupils will glvo n ban quet Saturday ovonlng at tho high school bulld'ng complimentary to tho football team which mado ouch nn enviable record this year. Tho teachers and pupils and conches and assistants will bo tho only guests. Kastnlde School Census. Mayor Jordan, tho mayor and caro taker of Eastsldo, Is rathor pluming hlm solt on tho fact that whllo other dis tricts In tho county showed a do oreaso In school population, Eastsldo Increased from 100 to 107. That's certainly ono on Mnrshficld. Onpr. Wheeler Weds Capt. W. S. Whcolor of West Marshfleld, n well-known pioneer of this section, surprised his rolatlves nnd friends by returning hero yeatorday from an east ern trip with a brldo. Ho Is 77 and his brldo 53 nnd thoy woro married n few weeks ago In Maryland. Ho was visiting nt his old homo In Mary land whon 'ho mot her. tjmmjmmmtnmmmmtmmutwwi Personal Notes mmro8ttttmmtttrorott8mronn WM. CANDLIN Is horo from CoqulMo on business. MIKE BOONE Is horo from Sumner on business. HILLIS SHORT Is In from Ton Mllo on business. II. B. MENEFEE has returned from a business trip to Gardiner. SHERIFF GAGE enmo ovor from CoqulMo today on business. GEO. McADAMS of Beaver HU1, was n Marshfleld visitor yesterday. bo absent a week or ton days. J. V. SMEATON, gonornl manager of tho C. A. Smith mill, roturnod yes terday from a business trip to San FrnnclBco. T. C. RUSSELL of Beaver Hill, ro turnod yostordny from Portland whoro ho accompanied Mrs. Rus sell who will spond a. fow weoks at her old homo In Wyoming. Government Opposed to Umpqua River Improvement. Tho Rosoburg Rovlow In an ac count of a Chnmbor of Commerce meeting thoro, snys: "A lotter was road from Senator Jonathan Bourne on tho ndverso roport of tho engin eers on Improvement of tho Ump qua River for navigation botweon Scottsburg and Rosoburg. it was de veloped, howovor, that tho engineers found tho movomont entirely prac tical, but hold that tho probable f i amount of trnfllc to bo handled would not Justify tho nccossary ox pti'BO of Installing nnd maintaining tho nlno sets of locks and dams need ed, nt as mnny dlfforont rapids, to cpon tho river to steamboat naviga tion. Hero, ngnln, nt least ono com- Q merclal body of Portland opposed tho development of this movoment for tho bottorment of Southern Ore gon, ns river navigation would mv torlally lower freight rates and Port land Jobbers would no longor bo ab'o , IU VUIIUUI IIIIO imiumji W. M. BLAIR of Portland, roprosont Ing tho wholesalers, arrived on tho Brenkwator to superintend tho oroctlon of tho beautiful mauso leum to bo built by Mrs. Hirst. Tho work Is In chnrgo of Mr. Wilson of tho Pacific Monumental Works. A P. DAVIS leaves today for Canyon City, Oregon, whoro ho will spond tho holidays with a brother. Ho will also visit In Senttlo and Wash ington points boforo his return horo In Fobruary. GEO. F. SHERIDAN, a son of T. R Sliorldan of Rosoburg, who has succeeded J. II. Keating ns man ngor of tho North Bond Condon snry, was In Marshflold today on buolnos8. Ho will loavo Sunday night for San Francisco to spend tho holidays with his parents. ,R. C. CORDES, Frod Bonn6tt, Ray Bowron and Cecil Holland return ed last night from n "claming" expedition to tho lower Bay, bring ing back n boat load. Tho clams and crabs aro bettor now than thoy have boon In a. long tlmo. ADVERTISED L13TTER LIST. I' W. U. DOUGLAS will loavo tomorrow ! for Snlom on business. Ho will I Just received fresh barrol of Co lumbia BATTERIES at Tho Gunnery Rend the Times Want Ada List of unclnlmod letters remain ing In tho Marshflold, Oregon Post ofllco, Decombor 13, 1010. Person cnlltng for tho samo will plcaeo say advertised nnd pay ono cont for caoN advertised letter called for: Jim Arthur, Capt. Black, Mrs. Harry Bruco, Miss Oraco Bakor, Scott Brltt, John Bushknlln, E. V. Burgess, Mny Clark, Miss Rona Chnndlor, S. Cavorsf, Tony Darro. Low Dyer, Mrs. P. L. Doan, Mrs. J. R. Dodgo, Ells Fordoll, John Gross, Trovlss OulBeppo, Rov. A. C. Halll day, Mrs. Anna Hanson, F. W. Ha milton, Roso Hammond, F. E. Houso, William Joslyn, Julius John boii, John Johnson, A. K. Leo, John LInthold, Arnold McLny, Robt. Mc Namnrn, Michaol McCarty, Frank Morseroau, Angolo Montygo, Jack Murphy, AndroaB Natvlg, J. B. No- dine, Eugene Parker, Louis B. Pray, Fvo. Popovlch, J, Fuakolln, Mrs. Anna Rador, Georgo Schroodor, Lovoparda Spozzor, O. Stofano, Hol mor Tursan, Mrs. Beata Wltlk, J. E. Wilcox. W. B. CURTIS, P.M. BOXING gloves and punching HAGS at THE GUNNERV. AIR GUNS at THE GUNNERY. Brass POLISH at THE GUNNERY Read Tho Times Want Ads. Our Coffee HAS MADE MANY FRIENDS. FIRST OF ALL THEY WERE COFFEE CUSTOMERS ONLY. THEN ONE DAY THEY DECIDED TO TRY SOME OF OUR TEA. HEY LIKE BOTH, THEN THEY ARE OUR STEADY TEA AND COFFEE CUSTOMERS. THEN THEY NOTICED THAT OUR BACON LOOKED PRETTY GOOD. TRIED IT. DELIGHTED AND SO IT GOES. IN ATTEMPTING THIS WE GET JUST ABOUT AS HIGH AN AVER AGE OF GROCERY GOODNESS AS ANY STORE IN THE CITY. YOU MAY AS WELL BENEFIT, Ihe Brussels Lace House (IX MARSHFIELD) Now opon for business with a largo and beautiful collection of high grade European hand-mado laces and Madeira needle art embroideries, also trim ming for fine dressy gowns cf Malte2e laces and Per sian silk kimonos. Call and see tho new store. GEO HADSHEDY 128 FRONT STREET OPPOSITE LLOYD HOTEL. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. -H-n-tt-a---tt-M-H-a-M-- -------- tt-tt-n-t-8"-: rr a i u a a K t R J 'a i '? a t a n Refined Oil Reduced V Eocene, the best Lamp Oil Retails $1.30 per can Bulk Water White retails five gallons for 85c All Grocers Have Both v. I ? ? ? K t ; m r COOK'S GROCERY 4TH AND CENTRAL. PHONE 189. -K-o--i-Kna-K-i-----w- n--a--rm-'H' Read th Time Want Ads.