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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
I ADS. -v BUSING IS BLOW, Al 8IB .... aftrT!rSiriITi 11ITHI. fc ., mti.mVVIIR11IS . .musi.a "" dflOB 3Jtttt0 k xxxm. Established in 1878 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATE!) PRESS NEWS GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW JUT HEADING THE COOS MAY TIMTCfi. ALL THE NEWS AL.j THE T1MK TERSELY lOLD t: :: :: :t u 118 iiiiiiil-ii in join lilADounn n nn " " " , i Tim omit miih. wiHKbHUbLD, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1910 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Co,"Jn" ' Times, coiwt Mnii mq 132 mm v.os liny riiivcrimrr. EY SCOPED FOR KEEPING IH MILITARY APPROPRIATIONS DEMOC Igressman mci-aumaii ui alifornia, Condemns At titude of Chairman. LARES IT IS ALMOST LIKE MURDER L Scorching Speech In ijply to Charges of Effort to Stampede Congress. Associated I'rcBB to Coos Dny Times.) llSlllXOTON, D. C, Dec. 1C I ring to tlio cliargo of Chnlrninn ' ... i . -.... itj ot the IIoubo Committuo on noor or tlio llouge, January 10th, to ITS TO ACT 0N TARIFF Party Leaders Plan to Draft New Bill to Be submitted at Next Session. (By -Associated Pross to Coos Bay . Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10. i cm was issued many for h citn- ciis or tlio democratic members of tlio next Homo to bo hold on the 'ESPLE TO ELECT 0. S. S Sub-Committee of Senate De- i cides In Favor of Constitu tional Amendment Permit ting It. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 16 By n vote of two to ono, a sub-corn- mltteo of tho Sonnto Committee on Judiciary today authorized a favor able report on tho resolution for a constitutional nmendment to provldo for tho election of United States sen ators by tho direct vote of tho peo ple. Senators Borah and Rayncr voted for it and Senator Dillingham agnlnst tho roport. Tho question will bo submitted to tho full committee next Monday. TWO HARE WINTRY TODAY ELECTROCUTED IN'NFJ YORK ENGLAND S COUNTRY UFFERS WORST FLOOD 30 YEARS W Incessant Rain Since First of December Responsible For It. ! icriatlons that a conspiracy ov- j It stamp do congross to larger tnko up such mutters an tho caucus may choose. Tho plan In for the Im- lirr appropriations, iingi-oBs- uiuuimu I'lucuon oi me uomocratic : UcLacIilnn of Callfornln, Issu- mombors of tho ways and mentia' iititcmcnt In which ho said that committee to bo acted on with a fd patriots havo kept tho na 'li utter Ignornnco of its hclp- condition until war has como tu then ph.ccd. ilatorcd men armed with nbsn j worthless weapons in tlio fluid :;ao!d the nntlonnl honor." MMwor Tawnoy's cliargo that hfcowardly to make known" our mi national weakness," Mc tjyureplleil: "Tho most wicked in cownruico i can picturo is uding of our pcoplo to como to utlonal defenso and then sond Cttm forth nn unequipped mob Ifilljr fover camps or against a ired enemy to bo murdered." ichlan is the author of tho reso Stalling for a roport from tho Department on tho stato of nn- til defense. vlow of frnmlng a tariff bill for sub mission to tho noxt congress. BANK IS RELD KIUUI) IS CHAHGED. If Deportment Accused of Violat ing Lmv. rjluoclatcd Press to Coob Bay F1SHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 16. km were mndo in tho IIoubo to- V Representative Fltzgornld of 'ork, that tho Navy Depart- ltnout authority of Inw in witructlon of tho two nowo Wp had proceeded on Its own ! to plan vessolB thirty nor Ptater than wcro called for lv authorizing their construc- d that tho contracts rnnlrt tin Pi for tho six million dollars "M for tho Vessolfl Mr Vltr. L,l declared that man nf thn riMl charges in tho ostimatos construction of tho battlo- re merely bookkeoplng en- U John J. Smuthe and Negro Ex ecuted In Virginia For Recent Murders. (By Associated Pross tu Coos Bay Times.) RICHMOND, Va Doc. 10. John J. Smuthe, a bnrtoudor who shot and killed his wife and daughter in Nor folk last August, was electrocuted today. Jim SItlington colored, who robbed and murdered n 70-year-old white womnu In Rockingham Inst August, was also put to death. BETTER ROADS Oklahoma Bandits Cover Cashier at Prue With Revolvers. (By Associated I ess to Coos Bay 7lues.) TULSA, Okln., Dec. 1C. Robbers held up Cashier J. H. Comer of tho Stato Bank at Prue, Okln., at tho point of a rovolvor today and (ook what money was avallnblo and escap ed. Tho citizens have formed a posso to pursuo tho robbers. Empire State Is Swept By Cold Wave From Northwest and Gotham Shivers. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Doc. 16. Now York Is experiencing Its shnro of tho in convenience caused by n sweeping cold wnvo from tho northwest, which today holds of cntlro northenstern section of tho country In Its grip. It is nine degrees nbovo in this cltv but up-stoto sections report as low as eight below zero. COOS BAY LINE IS LIFE TERM IS GIVEN WOMAN I i Mrs. Delia Totten Sentenced For Washington Murder Immense Stretches of Country Devastated Water Twelve Feet Deep. LARGE AREAS ARE COMPLETELY INUNDATED Mother Also Punished. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Doc. 1C. Found guilty of murder In tho first dogroo for slaying Jamos E. Sutton last August in a dlsputo over a right-of-way, Mrs. Delia B. TotUn wn Bontoncod by tho court nt Wo nntchco today to llfo Imprisonment. Her ngod mothor, Mrs. Ilninin'i Boobo, 73 years old, convicted of manslaughter in tho sanio connec tion was given a sontouco of not 1cm thnu ono year and not more than two years. IS TO N STAGE SUIT HEARD. TO RRTTLK TROUD.LE. 'till LeftTt in mv ...i ..., T! Wago Controvewy. -il Press to Coob Bay Times.) HINOTON T n r ,r , , wt jvV, Au vne p. Vniii ,,. nd one of tho mediators " we Erdman act. lnf t inA nr Hu. f " VM w J. unaerUko o adjustment - niroversy between tho west- Whre mL .. , ino irouoie "JTW fn nh.l . - Iil """Miuiui ivaapp oi . 'fatate Commnrxo nnm.i.ninn Br, Neii, '" t' lcon on the part of the PPerating south, west and ' wmcago followed a refusal gineer8 to accent an offer nd one-half per cent in- KXcTTmLL STANDS. foteln c... .. . . i-rovents It iJeliiR Stricken Out. Eclated Press to Coos Bay 'GTON, D. C, Dec. 1C- Prtketi, ' a mot,on tne French spoliation claims " :mn,b'is claims bill lost in '"ate tn,ln in ,.,--L rtiM.i ";, viuu-jirvsmeni I- as nhsnn. it ii,, " I'revonioa tne tie v'uen. Druln Lino Sued For Big Sum For Accident. PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 16. - A stngo Journoy, begun at Drain, Or , In March, 1907, ended In tho United States Court, when C. W. MayuarJ sued to recover $G1,000 damages. Tho stage, with Maynard, inside, top plod over a steep bank and Maynarl declares ho Buffered injuries which havo mado his left arm useless. The complainant is a resident of Olympla, and was formerly Stato Treasurer of Washington. He was en route to Marshflold, and ongagod passage at Drain on tho stage line operated by the Umpqua River Steam Navigation Company, Ho allege that the atago was in the hands ot an incompetent drlvor, and that when he reached the end of his Journey ha was in such condition that be passed a number of weeks in a hospital. Hearing of tho case will probably require thrco days. FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN State Convention at Portland Declares For -State Aid For Highways. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. lC.Aft or recommending tho oxpendituro of S2.O4O.000 for state-aid roads, the 200 dolcgates from nil parts of Ore gon in attendance upon tho good roads convention, adjourned. Of tho largo sum monttonod, $080,000, or 33 1-3 per cent, la to bo takon from tho stato treasury and tho remain der comes from tho counties taking advantage of tho stato law. A resolution waa passed requesting the Legislature to pass a bill which would put a llcenso tax upon auto- Julius Kruttschnitt Says That Southern Pacific Directors Haven't Authorized It Yet PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 1C Con struction ot a now railroad from Redmond, tho tormlnus of tho Dos shutcs lino, to Odoll, on tho Kla- math-Nntron cutoff, hns boon author ized by tho Southorn Pacific direc tors; tho lino from Grants PnBs to a point on tho northern const of California, probably Crescont City, may bo built, and tho Coob Bay lino Is being considered, woro announce ments mado by Julius Kruttschnitt, mm VI (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Timos.), LONDON, Doc. ,1C It ban boon thirty yoar slnco England hii known mich a flood an Is now dovns tatlug immuiiio stretches ot country. Tho dolugo linn practically boon in cosfinnt slnco tho first of Docombor, only two days out of slxtcon being without rain. Fnrmora havo suffer ed heavy losses. Largo areas of territory aro inundated and wator In some parts of tho country la twclvo feet deep. DREDGE WILL mobiles of 2G cents for each horse-1 director of operation and malnton- Ftef, New Lawa Aro Urgwl By Deputy Labor Commissioner of Wa-slilngton (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Doc. 15. State law providing that no employer can re quire a woman to work more than eight hours a day and six days a week is recommended in the report of Mrs. Blanche Mason, deputy stato labor commissioner. Sho also re commends tho passage of laws rais ing tho compulsory age limit to 16 years, forbidding tho employment of boys under 19 years of ago as mes sengers and a statute regulating the employment of newsboys and other children in the streets. Sho also de sires tho legislature of Washington to urge upon congress tho establish ment of a national bureau for tho Investigation of all question concern ing tho morals of children. LIBRARY NOTICE. The story hour -tomorrow at ele ven will bo for tho tiny folks, and the librarian hopes they will como ---. -t. iu. t.niw Thflffl urlll hrt wo can tell precisely ai wie num. .. ,. - and visit RED I many little Christmas tales and Jin- E8tor(co, v ""'fiiHEST we can "" setter than :' m linn power up to SO horsepower. On auto mobiles having CO horse-power tho charge is to bo 60 cents per horse power. A committee ot flvo, consisting ot John H. Albert, ot Salem; M. J. Lee, of Clackamas; H. W. Thompson, M. R, Ryan, ot Douglas, and F. F. Eddy, of Coob county, wero appoint ed to prepare a bill regarding the regulation ot the width ot tires to vehicles. A committee ot two from each county In the state waa ordered ap pointed by the chair to go before the Legislature to secure the passage ot tho bills adopted by the association. Douglas county will spend $200,- 000 In the Improvement ot ita public highways in 1911, announced M. R. Ryan, one of the county commission ers. TIMBER DEAL CLOSED. Big Tract In Coos and Douglas Counties Transferred. COTTAGE GROVE, Ore., Dec. 16. John F, Woodward, of this city, and C. H. Chiok, ot Portland, havo just closed one of the largest timber deals mado In Oregon this year, whereby $500,000 worth of tho bet yellow fir In Coos and Douglas coun ties Is transferred to Eastern capi talists. Tho timber wbb owned by F. J. Haynes of Port Huron, Mich., and William M. Porter of Eugono. nnco of tho Union Pacific and South orn Pacific systoms, after a day ot Inspection of tho proporty In and about Portland. "The directors of tho company havo authorized tho road from Red mond to Odoll," said Mr. KrutUch nltt, "but it Is Impossible to deter mine tho time when work will com mence; The road will ultimately be built; that 1b certain. -It will open a rich country that at present has no railroad facilities. "Wo have started surveys on the line from Grants Pass to the sea, tor which, purpose wo have Incorporated a company. This Incorporation does pot mean that wo are to start opera tions at once, oa It was necessary to take such action In order to have the surveys made. Whether or not the line will be built and how soon it will be- built depends entirely upon tne reports of tho engineers Judge Coke Dismisses Indict ment Against Wm. J. Rob ertson of North Bend. Tho Robortson oxtortlon enso which attracted considerable Inter est In North Bond and vicinity tho Inst few months enmo to an abrupt end yesterday whon Judgo Coko dis missed tho enso, holding that there was no cause ot action against Wm. J. Robortson. Tho Intter had boon Indicted on a cliargo of "iattompting to securo monoy by threats" from his brother, Jas, R. Robertson. Tho cobo Involved a quarrol bo tween tho Robortson brothers. Jai. R. Robortson Is said to bo qulto wealthy and sont for his brothor to como from tho east to llvo horo. Troublo followed and tho matter was soon in Justlco court and wont from thoro to tho grand fury.' Chas. I. Relgard and J. M. Upton wore defending Wm. J. Robortson, and secured tho dismissal of tho case against him. It Is intimated that thero maybo further litigation beforo tho troublo is ended, WOMEN VOTERS MEET. Uo First Natural Convention Will Held la Taooana, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 15. The first national convention of women voters will be held hero January 14. according to plans perfected today. The convention is called by Governor Brady of Idaho, who has sent letters i,to governors of tho other four equal FILL LOWLAND Pumping Dredgings On to Mud flat Has Been Ceased. Tho dredgo Oregon hns again caus ed qulto a furoro by pumping dred gings from tho channel back ontbo mud flats near whnt la known ris "Dredger Island." It pumped thoro for a day or two boforo It was no ticed but yesterday Secretary Song Btacken took tho mattor up with En gineer Leofo, who la, In chargo of tho work and tomorrowit" will begin--pumping tho drodglngs In behind tho bulkhead built on tho west sldo of tho Bay north of Ferndalo. Engineer Leofo stated that tho rea son for pumping on tho mudflat was becaueo tho bulkhead along th wator front was not completed and that tho dredgings would wash baok Into tho chanuol. Howovor, whoro they woro pumping them would ro- sult in tho dredgings being washod over into Coos River channel by tho flood tide and back Into the bay channel by tho ebb tide. The drodgo Is tied up today for repairs and tomorrow will bogla pumping back ot tho bulkhead. No decision has been reached I suffrage states Utah, Wyoming;, with reference to tho Coos Bay pro ject, That road has been suggested any may eventually bo built, but our board of directors baB not yet authorized It." The LADIES SEWING SOCIETV of tho Knights of Finland, will hold an AUCTION of HANDMADE arti cles, suitable for Christmas presents, nt the Finnish hall, SATURDAY NIGHT, Decombor 17. Dance and supper after auction. SPECIAL SERMONS. "Warming Around tho Wrong Firo" will be tho themo next Sunday evening at the Baptist church. Rev. Hall Is following on Sunday eve nings tho last days ot Christ on earth, giving each Sunday a sermon on somo striking event which hap pened during His last week, Everything for Christmas at NOR. TON & HANSEN'S TWO STORES. Guaranteed POCKET KNIVES at THE GUNNERY. NEW DATES HAVE ARRIVED AT STAUFF'S GROCERY. Thero is absolutely no moro use ful or appreciate presents FOR X.MAS than A WATCH. Examlno our Immense stock. RED CROSS Drug Store. BOXING gloves Punching Bags and FOOTBALLS at MILKER'S. Cqlorado and Washington, represent Ing about 270,000 women's votes. Tho delegates named by the govern ors are: , Idaho Margarot S. Roberts. Utah Mrs. Susan Young Gates. Wyoming Mrs. Zell Hart-Doming. Washington Mrs. Virginia Wilson-Mason. Colorado Delegate to bo naimd later. Tho promoters of tho now organiz ation propose to call it tho National Council of Woman Voters and plans have already been perfected for tho publication horo of n national organ. The national convention will bo held in conjunction with tho first stato convention of Washington womon votors and an olaborato program has been prepared. BAD FIRBIN ALAflKA. Nine HuildliiKN Hum In Fairbanks With 120,000 Lorn. (By Associated Press to Coo Bay Times.) FA1RBANK8, Ala., Doc. IB. Fifo early today destroyed nine business houses. Tho loss Is in excess of $120,000, Tho temperature waa fif ty below. Water was obtained by pipes heated by eteam parallelling,. principal mains, . r- THE WHEAT MARKET.' (By to Coos Bay JARDINIERS at MILKER'S. Don't stumble around in tho dark but get ono of thoso FLASHLIGHTS at tho GUNNERY. Associated Press Times.) PORTLAND, Doc. 16. Wheat unchanged. CHICAGO, Dec. 16. Wheat clos ed as follows: December 91 3-4o; May, 95 3-4c; July, 93 c. TACOMA, Doc. 16. Milling whoat niuostem, 84c; Club, 82c; Rod Russian, 78 c. ' ( SALAD sets Chocolato sots, plato sots and tea sets at MILKER'S. Don't miss Norton & Hanson's two stores full of TOYS. Mako that boy of yours happj with an INGERSOl.L dollar watch at THR GUNNERY. MONOGRAM lubricating oil THE GUNNERY, n 0fe buyins. gles and Christmas pictures. m k -uJ&iL.irfs'i-i' -i