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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION. i i -i, I I BS fflfiMDME 0 n ky? ' & Acceptable and Useful Gifts For Men A Man's Store For Men's Wear Millicoma Hats, . .' j $3,00 Mallory Cravcncttc Hats, . . . $3.50 John B. Stetson Hats, . . . $4.00 "Bacmo" Dress and Street Gloves, $1.50 to . $2.50 Neckwear in Christmas Boxes, 50c to . $1.00 Suspenders in Christmas Boxes, 50c to . $1.50 Sweater Coats, $2.50 to . $5.00 Initial Handkerchiefs, silk and linen, 25c and . .50 Of course wc have many other things, including Suits, Overcoats and Rain Coats, which any man would be proud to wear. The Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothier Marshficld, Oregon m TIIK WEATHER. OREGON Fair ln'cast with ft. fM-v'jB ipp 1 VIA' to Portland. ail.w. N. E occasional rain In west tonight nml Friday. ' LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending , nt 1:13 p. in., Dec. 14, by Mrs. Mlngus, special government me- '. toorologlcnl observer: Maximum -1C Minimum 30 At 4:43 i). m 45 Precipitation nono Wind; Southeast; cloudy. ' Whs Klnniu'lnl'SiUH'CMi. Tho Preo- jbytcrlnn Ladles Aid auxiliary clear ed $120 nt tholr bazar last Friday. I Alliance In Friday. Tho Alllanco will arrive Friday morning from Eu rckn and sail about noon for Port- lnud. A. .1. NESS will lcavo Saturday for Portland on. business. MRS. C. S. IIILHORN of Millicoma, was n Mnrshlleld shopper today. J. O. LASKEY of Coos River, Is n Marshllold business visitor today. J. F. STANDISII of North Ilond, wqb n MnrBhlleld business visitor today. S. II. CROUCH of Hnyncs Inlet, Is a Mnrsliilold business visitor to day. IVY CON'DRON Is down from his North Coos IUver rnnch today on business. C. D. LASH nnd D. W. SHORT re turned today from a business trip Gulovson and their daughter pre ceded him hero n few weeks. It. A. WERN1CH of North Pond, pnssed through hero today en "onto iionio trom a trip to tho Co (lullle vnlloy. V. S. McFARLAND will lcavo Mon day for Cottage Grove to Join Mm. McFnrland and Elma for tho Clirlstmns holidays. Later, he will go to Oakland to visit h;j mother. HERUERT HUME of Weddcrbur arrived lioro today from Portlnn whoro ho ha3 been a fow weel on business. MISS MAUDE PAINTER will lea; on the Rodondo next week for h old home In Oklahoma where s will spend tho wlntor. Refined Oil Reduced i! -a-a-tt-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-3-a--a--a- -a-a-a-:?-a-$ u I t: i a a t a i a i a i i n i a i a i a K I B I t: i b tt i t: tt i B I B IS a-a-a-a-a-a-o-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a a-a-a-tt-r-- Eocene, the best Lamp Oil Retails $1.30 per can Bulk Water White retails five gallons for 85c All Grocers Have Both I ' To the Merchants of oos Bay Do you know that Nat'onnl Cash Registers nro lower in prlco than over before. No man In buslnoss today can afford to bo with out tho complete Information afforded by n cash register system suited to his requirements. You lusuro your good against loss by fire, nnd only ono merchant In 3C0 burns out. You count, weigh and measure your goods vory carofully. You aro careful to placo your monoy In tho siifo nt night. You count It very carefully when you tnko It to tho bank noxt day. Xo. illt), Prieo $100. Total nddor with all tho latest Improve ments; Including detail strip, printing at tachment. 27 keys, Ge to $G.95, Chargo, Received on Account nnd Pntd Out kovs. &'i? WAmounl 'i 1a. Purchased M L.i im. '- 1 in 'j hdwsmM ii;'.ijini hi""' j, No. a I a, Price $33. Total nddor with all tho latest improve mentq, 1C keys from 5c to 51.95. Yet you noglect tho most Important thing In your business YOUR PROFITS nnd tho HAND LING OF YOUR SALES If you nro without a Na tional Cash Register. A National Cash Register provides tho ONLY STORE SYSTEM that PREVENTS MISTAKES, provonts FAILURE TO CHARGE and PROTECTS EVERY PENNY OF YOUR MONEY. KULAD expects to lcavo Saturday for Portland on buslnesa nnd pleasure. C. E. I1ROADUENT of Myrtlo Point, Is expected hero tomorrow on routo to I'ortlnnd on business) ANDREW WICKMAN of Empire, re turned this afternoon nftcr spend ing a day looking nttor buslnoss in this city. G. It. GULOVSON arrived horo to- day from Portland to upend Christmas with rolntlvcB, Mrs. I ! WANTED To vent with option of buying 5 to 10 ncres with build ings. Must bo partly In cultiva tion nnd closo In. Address Timos' FOR RENT Thrce-roopi Rouse on Broadway, Phono 1Q4-J. FIXTURES FOR SALE Show ciwes, hat cases, enfo, cash roglstor, countors, tables, nlckle-plated win dow flxturos nnd nil othor appur tonnncos of tho bankrupt atoroof L. A. Froy in North Ilend must bs Bold nt once. Apply at Btoro in North Dopd. , FOR SALE Puro lrvl RIkmIo IhIiiiiiI red cockerels, ono and two yenra I old. L. J, Simpson. FOR ItEXT Two nlco front rooms in Songstackon Ruildlng, Just vac ated by Public Labrary. Hont ?12.50 por month. Tltlo Gunrnn teo nnd Abstrnct Co. Write for Complete Catalogue Our prices range from S0 up and REMEMUER THAT AVE GIVE YOU THE BEST CASH REGIS TER ON THE MARKET FOR Th'E LEAST MONEY The National Cash Register Co. D. M. STEVER, Sales Agent, P. O. Box 4S0, Salem, Oregon. All prices quoted aro at Dayton, Ohio. Transpor tation from Dnyton to destination to be paid by tho purchaser. No. -M2, Pike $200. Total adder with all the latest Improve ments and C clerks initial keys, Charge, Re ceived on Account and Paid Out koys, with detail strip and check printing attachment. VI XCEXT'S THAXSFUR, CALL 2K K. V. VIXCENT irnuls ovorythlng, any time, at rea sonable price, satisfaction guar-nntcod, M-a-H-a-a-a-a-n-8-a-n-H-a- i AV A CLEMENT will be at the Hotel Chandler, Marshfleld, for a fow days with a full lino of samples. Let him show you bow a cash register syatem, adapted to tho business, will Increase, your profits INVESTIGATION COSTS YOU NOTHING AND DOES NOT OBLIOATE YOU TO BUY, i a a a 1 1 a V a a a i a i a a i a For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and Ice Coos Bay Ice oC CoW btorage a Ik FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. wd a P. M. Phone 78-J. Ihe Brussels Lace House (IX MARSHFIELD) Now open for buslnois with n largo and beautiful collection of high grade European hand-mndo laces nnd Mndolra needle nrt embroideries, also trim ming for lino dressy gowns of Mnltcso laces and Per sian silk kimonos. Call and sco tho now store. GEO HADSHEDY VM FROXT STREI7T OPPOSITE LLOYD HOTEL. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. ! r Give Your Sweetheart, Wife or Sister a Christmas Present A DOTTLE OF i Rieger's "Flower Drops" THE MOST EXQUISITE PERFUME EVER PRODUCED. ONE DROP DIFFUSES THE ODOR OF A THOUSAND DLOSSOMS AND LASTS FOR WEEKS, MADE FROM THE FLOWERS; CONTAINS NO ALCOHOL. EACH ROTTLE IN A UNIQUE TURN ED AND POLISHED MAPLE IiOX IN C ODORS. LIU)- of tho Valley ItOhO Violet Crab Apple Orniigo Illossom Wlhtnrla Price $1.50 a Bottle Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company THE JtrSY COltXEIt. WHAT YOU WILL BUY f OR MOTHER Sho ought to have a Christmas gift worth whllo receiving. You cannot fnll to plonso her If you prosent her with nu Electric Flat Iron. It will savo her ninny wonry Btopsl nnd will out tho houm of work ovor tho Ironing bonrd In two. A ohild can uso It. Lasts n life time; ohonp to operate. For the Holidays Only $3.50 and $2.50 i ONE IS ENOUGH FOR THE. JIOUSEIIOLD, IT LOOKS LIKE AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ANY WO MEN AND IT IS. The Coos Bay Gas & Ejectric Co. M i 31 H-8--8-K-8--a-K&--R-M-H