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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
"Hi THE COOS. BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDA, DECEMBER 15, 1910 EVENING EDITION. recomes moke popular, wnvv iiecause wk aim; oiteiuxu you ( leax, rivru-nvrr: mi iuunihqh Mlii: PltlCE. THE AXXOUXIKMKXT IS TRUE TO THE LETTER AX1) VOL' WILL KINO KVHItV HTATltMlSr t 4 phkskxtkd. "'" WE ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE YOU A SATISFIED CUSTOMER AND WILL EXEItT EVERY ENDKAVOIt Tr. ... DISTINCTION. 10 ATAl: i $25,000 Stock of high grade Clothing, Gent's Furnisn Goods and Shoes to be closed out at big reduction 9 IJlnP ik. w WATCH OUR RIG WINDOW DISPLAYS WATCH OL'K ADVERTISING COME IX AXI) UK CO.NYl.VCFI) Hart Schaffner & Marx High Grai suits and Overcoats to be Closed Out at Big Reductions $1.7." to $2.00 Cltiett Shirts Irfirjie uv.ortincnt, 81. IB Each 81.2B Monarch, Plain mill Pleated bosoms, with or with out cu(Ts H.'c Kitch Arrow llrnuil Collars, Including now slmpi'., Jl for 2B cents. SiJ.OO anil 811.30 Men's Divsi Hats, no restrictions, $2.10 .Men's Canvas Gloves, best quality "flu to $1.00 XnitiN Neckwear for men... I 30e Xnias Neckwear for men $1.00 unri $1.30 Men's lino Drevs Shoes $0.00 and $7.00 Nettleton lino Dress Shoes I WE MAKE YOUR SHOPPING EASY COME WHERE YOU CAN SELECT FROM THE LARUEST STOCK OF XMAS OFFEl ON COOS DAY. VERY RESPECTFULLY, Copyright 1908 by Hart SchatTncr & Marx Merchant & Kammen COOS BAY TIMES Entorcd at tho nostofflca at Marsh flold, Oregon, for trnnsmlsalon through tho malls as second class mall mattor. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES, Mnrshfield :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALONEY Kdltor mid Puh. DAN 13. MALONEY News Kdltor . (i'ood evening. Tnlte ono shlo or tho othor thoro's something unhonrty and unwholosomo about tho man "on tho fonco." Solectcd. TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Probably tho most dlsagrecablo thing In tho world Is being caught. Money pursues sonio mon so re lentlessly that they havo to dlo to circulate their Income. Wo'vo notlcod that when a forty-horse-powor automobile becomes stunk In tho mud two real horsos can pull u out. A hnndnomo man soldoin amounts In mueh. ThI Horn should not of fend many Coos Dayltes; thoro arc a fow said to bo very hnudsomo men. Your Credit Is Good ". h k. m h h r- v ." r j. ii in mi n .( t -v j m. ' m At - .rr& oja j mi ( v K fcraifcHv rs. ' ' ' " iv.s-V;r. .jMbi&,L .-cifJiS l W S mLvstwrti? ix vvs. x. rv .. - rfiHK)Tii m; n a t:tn:::::u:vnt-iu:t::ntii Holiday Cash CleanU One-Fourth Off on All Broken Lines of Clothini $S.50 SUITS $0.3.") $10.00 SUM'S $7.00 $12.00 SUITS $9.00 $16.00 SUITS $12.00 18.00 SUITS $13.50 $20.00 SUITS $15.00 $25.00 SUITS $18.73 Opposite Breakwater FIXUP North Fron Street ittstisssi2nt!tittintinstitsi3tiinnti:H?;:?n??wi WHY not Community Silver for a Christmas Gift? No woman can have too much of it. The new Sheraton design rivals sterling silver in . distinction, and harmonizes with the richest of table settings. Plated heavier than triple, wears a lifetime. Pioneer Hardware Co. Christmas Cards and a large assortment of post 1 CAIIDS Just received from tho ea3t. Also a fine assortment of PIPES ant) IrifidlS Qliltnliln tnr nil U I C'I'M C PUESEXTS. AUGUST rUIZEKN, CS Centrnl Ave. Marshfleld, Oro. Gevurtz & Sons 1 1 aar?arfxxneKvwwzxifmjrnvttin Portland, Ore. for Kiuiiltiiio Clll'ttM Hugs tll'UKN IU'di lrfieo Curtains Men's ClothliiK 1-ulk's' Clothing Jewelry Crockery, etc., etc. The Home Furnishers HOTKIj CJARDIN1CU, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been ro modolled and Improved and Is under new m&nagemont. Special accommo dations for sUgo imBsengors and for people desiring a rest at the seashore. ' ' "Ytm'U like the Ple. J, B. SOHILLJNa, Proprietor. THE FAST AXD COMMODIOUS learner Redoodo (KtJUIPPi:i) WITH WIHKIjKSS) WIM. MAKE HIHilIiAU TKIPS CAIUtYlXU P.SSEX(.l AXD rnEHiHT DKTWEI.X COOS DAY AXD SAX FDM CO. ALL UKSKHVATIOVS KOlt PASSEXGKHS MADE AI.MAXCi: DOCK, MAUSHI'IEI.D AXD IXTKU-OCIi TIIAXSP. CO. UNION STKKKT WHAISF NO. '2, SAX Fit CISCO. FOH 1XFOUMATIOX PHONE M-J OU 2K."J. AVILL SAITj FOU SAN PEDRO 11 A. M, DECEMHEU 1 CALLINO IN AT SAN 1 ItANCISCO. 1NTEH-OCEAN THAXS1 OUTATIOX COMPAXY. UCCLODXT I? H :us l.s. AT :ax x- p.H. J. W. IXGIIAM, xJ Physichm and Surgeon. Odlco 208-200 Coos Iliilldiax. rhones Ofllco 1C21; Residence 1622 lSaSESSSasaSHSSSBSil5iii:I!5caHSE5SSE5B 2S2SHS25Hcl521KSES2SaSESn?f STEAMER BREAKWATD o,. ....... ., .. , . u ii xi.. evcrr Tw'l onus iiuiii ;iiiisunu jjuck, JL uriiiiiui, i " ' Sails from Coos llav everv Sntuttlnr nt service of tide. Rose"8 Si will lint li liolil lnn ) Prlflnv nnnil. IlllleSS tlclJCtS OW Pl In ' w. v. Miiior. Awt. Phone Main 35-M -. ...... ....w. f )-' J W. nENNETT, Lawyer. omce over Flanagan & Donnett Bank Marshfleld, Oregon WM. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chamber of Commerce. The North Bend Manufacturing Co. IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISn Show Cases and Store Fixtures Best Quality Workmanship and Prices ESTIMATES CTIEERFUIiLY FURNISHED. FOR CAREFUL CLEANING Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS RAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr, 180 South Hroadwny, Mxrshfleld. STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days. r Tjte snir. TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL " TruE VS- RESERVATIONS WILL RE CANCELLED AT i LESS TICKET IS BOUGHT. F. S7 Dow, Agent. MarshfieU G. W. Dungan Undertaker Mnrshfleld, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 3d St., Telephone, Day or Night, 105-J. THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" QTFAMFR AIDIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. EoB2 WILL SAIL FROM PORTLAND FOR uuua u. -"rELD B1B rM a ipuM-niv onucmir.n ni,I,INO AT MAllo'" WAYS. ' . MnkX. DECtf.' SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA, in00" BER 13, AND FOR PORTLAND, DECEMBER JfORTH PAOTFIO STEAMSnTP WMTANX . .. ..-,'itWi O. P. McGSO". &. W