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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
WZd t ADS, NEWS ia SLOW. A GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BT HEADING THE COOS 'JAY TIMES. ALL THE NEWS AIj TILE T1MK TERSELY IOLD : :t St l aw":---.a ,;,. SnV SUCCESSFUL 11US1. i B0C8KS liVEllYWHKIMS :: mkmwcu op dissociated press Established in 1H7H ns The Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910 EVENING! EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll mid Coos Day Advertiser. No. 131 xtfi". r . - i- y? t0 EKTY-FOUR LOST WHEM CHICAGO GERMAN VESSEL GOES DOWN I - nrl Minninon passenger aim m.... Cew Drown Off Spanish I Coast. Lee REEF DURING FltHUt UrtUCOumuH. Ihterof About 850 Tons Burden is iouu Wreck. Undated Press to Coos Day Times.) VDON, Dee. 15. Tho Gormtin Palermo Is a total wruuu im Corrtibodoa on tno wesi cunsi iw. Siialn. 1'lvo passengers i..,w nf nineteen woro lott. .truck nmi went to plocoa In a , jilo Sunday night. Palermo Is frclght-pnssonger tfof BsG tons. nt.YMl'Il TOTAL LOSS. .tti.p Wash. Dee. 15. Can- haw Daniels of tlio stonms'ilp jU.phlch went on to Rllgh " mt Sunday, cables from Vnl Jv. ilere Is no liopo of saving tho TO I F I E 1 Western Railroads Appeal to Government Officials to Act On Engineers' Demand. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Dee. 15. Tho western railroads have appealed to tho Unlt od Status Commissioner of Labor, Charles 1'. Nelll, and to Chairman Martin .Knnpp of the Interstate Com merce Commission to act as media tors of thu wngo controversy botwoei the railroads nnd tho Ilrotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. JUIUIKU IS CHAHGED. " liiociatcd Press to Coos Day Times.) 1VSAS CITY, Dec. 15 Tho pro- ol Johnson County Kansas, iiworo out a warrant chnrglns rtaeto with murdor In tho first it la connection with tho qua- ' murder at tho Dornhnrdt JOKL COOK IS DEAD. Auoelatod Press f. Cooa Day Times.) 4ILADEI.PHIA, Dec. 15. Con- aan Joel Cook d'ed hero today jplexy sustained In Washington Siturday. Ho was removed to iosne 8unday, but nevor rallied. ' i DO 1 . . BHLY HIT BMake Next Trip to San edro, Sailing From Here Sunday. t Redondo nrrlved In todav 'Sin Francisco. Sho had a good P tno const. will sail from hero next Sun it 11 o'clock, for San Pedro, ?!os at Snn Francisco on tho wtY i and en route back to Coos ong those arriving on hor wore following: V. Smeaton, D. R. Kellor, H. fC. Mrs H, Kruger, L. D. Mill- Ada F. Rutledge. J. Hartlng, c- Smith, H. Downing, M. R. . J. Swltzor, C; Wilson, A. Dln- B, Kopporol, and thrpo steerage,' ELL-KNOWN MARSHFIELD COUPLE WEDDED HERE Dlanchnrd nnd Mrs. Rowo Ar- Von Slurried Lust Evening nt ho Knlbconul Church. aouncemont waa mado today of mrrlago laBt ovenlne nt the -thfleld Enlsconnl church of Geo. Wchard and Mrs. Rose Arrlngton, f 1 the best known couples In ianeld. The ceremonv was a Ittlet one, belnu witnessed by ' Messrs. Arthur nnd Leslie 'chard. ""e nnouncement came rather as "'Prise to the many friends of tho acting parties but all are has- "5 today In extondlng congratu- "" Mr. Dlanchnrd is with tho Bay Gas and Electric Company. havo taken apartments In SaCChl blllhllnir nrlmrn thnv will I IT TO TOE PEOPLE FATAL TO SEVERAL TEN IE One Striking Tailor Dead, An other Workman and a Po liceman" Dying and Others Seriously Hurt. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHICAGO, Dec. 15. In a clash of the striking garment workers and tho police, ono workman was shot dead, another fatally wounded and sovornl combntants on both sides se riously Injured. Non-union tailor wero being escorted to work when assaulted by the strikers. Charles Wernicke, one of tho po licemen Injured, may die. A striker who was shot through tho lungs Is dying. tx i a tt I It LET US TALK IT OVER H-K-H-n-u-n-n-u-u-u-n-u-'J t: i T Btj--K--::-K-K-::-:;---t: ,x-a-::-::-:j-i:--n-K---M- HE nct.'on of the peoplo of North Demi In defeating the Dlako Btrect railway franchise by so overwhelming n voto enmo nH a surprise. It was genorally conceded that the Issue might bo close with chances for Its defeat, but that the rosult should bo so nonrly unanimous was not anticipated oven by those opposed to It. AUnuulyslH of tho cnuso of this unanimity of action would saeni to indlcato that tho people gen orally accepted Mayor Simpson's at.vumont that tho frnnchlso contained n Joker and the people nro Incllnod to resent those things In publn franchises. The charter iimcndmentH permitting thu council to grant franchises without submitting thorn to n vote of tho peoplo, abolishing the frnnchlso tax nnd eliminating the provision limiting tho llfo of n franchise wore doubtless nlso strong determining factors. The Tlmos' position on public franchises and their submission to pop ular approval should bo ho well undorstood an not to roqulro roltorn- tlon. At tho tlmo Mr. Dlako mndo his llrst application for n frnnchlso In MnrBhfield Tho Times opposod It not on any specific objection to th franchise Itsolf but on the ground that It should bo ijivon to n com mittee of citizens to bo held by them as trustees for tho city nnd to bo granted to tho first railway that would build into Coos Day making connections with somo trnuEcoutlrontftl rond. At that tlmo tho Cois Day & Dolso project was being ncttvoly ngltntcd and Tho Times speci fically stated It should bo held for thorn or directly granted to them for uso when they built to Mnrshfiold. Mr. Clarko nnd Mr. Unities, the two most prontlncnt In tho promotion of tho road ntntod at that tlmo thnt they did not want tho franchlso nnd In fact nnd no uso for It. They stated then thnt their rond was to bo n stenm railway and In no way Interested In stroct railways or trolley lines. In a recent stntoment be fnro tho city council, Mr. Clnrko said that this street railway along tho lines projected by Mr. Dlnko would be n valuablo adjunct to tho pro posed Coos Day nnd Dolso lino. Decnuso of this stntemont and becnuso of not wishing to oven seemingly opnoro nnv promised or projected Im provement Tho Times refrained from comment on tho action of Vio council In granting tho extension until tho pooplo of North Dend had nn opportunity to resistor their opinions. As the extension of Mr. Dlnko's franchise In Mnrshfiold was granted partly on tho plea that It would aid him In his nppcnl to tho votors of North Dond nnd In all fnlrneis ho wna granted that opportunity without prejudlco or opposition It seems to The Times that tho Mnrshfiold council should reconsider tholr action. Tho relations and conditions surrounding tho cities of North Dond and Mnrshfiold nro such that thoro should bo concerted action botwoon tho two municipalities on any Important public utility franchlso nnd specially so respecting n' street railway. If half our hopes como truo, i It Is only a question of tlmo until tho two cities will bo merged Into ono nnd when they aro two separate street railway systems will operato to tho disadvantage of all. It will prevent tho operation of tho slnglo faro nnd other fontures of regulation that should bo uniform. The Times thinks tho tlmo has now come for tho city councils of Mnrshfiold and North Dond to got together carofully propnro n street railway frnnclilso that will safeguard tho public Intorests In overy par- , tlcular, submit It to tho pooplo to bo granted to n commltteo of busi ness men ot loth cjtlos to bp known ns tho Coos Day street rnllwnv commission, to bo hold In trust by tliem to bo granted with propjr restrictions to tho first railway thnt will build to Coos Dny. Tho mem bers of this 'commission as well as tho entlro franchise to be submit ted to n votb of tlio peoplo of both cities. This plan would operato to tho advantage of both cities In, giving them unlforrii regulation and provldo for equal protection of tho poop'o of both municipalities. Tho Times presenta this is a fair ,8oluJJ,on pt i nmiiiom trU may nrovo more perplexing If action Unot taken at , -. . cnlvn It mi thn linsln nf tho rhlnmon ".Cooifi ' ' L.IIIU LU BW..W w - -I"V- " all e mm SAT REBELS I ALIVE, IN COLORADO SHAFT Little Chance of Imprisoned Workmen to Escape From Burning Mine. MOTOR SPARK STARTS FIRE AND EXPLOSION Mine Was Closed On Account of Strike and Victims Were Cleaning It. rivals from Mexico today Included . two men from Madera, beyond Guci- .MINE STILL 1IUHNS. roro who do not credit tho reports HOLOJILLAGE (Dy Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 15. Tho ar- from Moxlco City that tho Moxlcan troops took thnt down. They do not think tho Moxlcan troops hnvo over penetrated thnt far uuloss they might ltivu come ncross from Sonorn, but all ai'fl certain that Gonernl Nnvnr ro's column did not tnko the town as reported. IS OIG SOCCES TW0 ARK ARRESTED. Monoluui nnd Mii1m1 Anderson "fShal Carter nnrlv thin mornlnC d J9 Mnnntinn or.,1 ATnlml 'ron for creating a disturbance '"e of the boat houses on North "reet. Each furnished 125 ba,l for their appearance before ur Butler this afternoen. Citizen Urges That Council Should Reconsider Blake Franchise. Editor Times: Tho passing of ordlnnnco No. 409, granting to J. M. Dlnko another franchise for railway purposes In tho city of Mnrshfiold by tho city council on .tho. night of December 1, was a surprise to tlio peoplo ot this com munity, nnd does not meet with gen oral approval. Why tho rush ot this proposition? Why did not Mr. Dlnko publish his request beforo submitting It to tho council, so tho public might havo known what It contained, nnd also to havo Inform ed tho council ao they may havo had tlmo to voto and act Intelligently upon tho proposition. Wo woro told tho noxt day by mombprs of tho council that Jako plead with tears In his eyes for thorn to grant his request ns It would help him socuto his franchlso nt North Dond nt tho coming election; so they granted It. North Dond has now been heard and thoy havo turnod down Mr. Dlnko's franchlso to tho tuno of 322 against to 18 for. Thoy did tho right thing and did It at tho right tlmo. Mayor Simpson was correct In his yIow of tho situation whoro ho suggested to tho pooplo of tho Dny that It was tlmo for tho Interest of tho Dny to got together, and that tho two cltlea agree upon snmo honorable body of men to se cure from tho two cities a fair franchlso and hold in trust to turn, ovor to tho first road that h'as actui ally bulldod hero from tho outsldd. connecting us with a transcontlnen-i tnl railway. Intorost In railroad building haa; beon aroused In tho last year In thc state of Oregon by tho entering of what la known aa tho Hill systom ot, roads, and It Is natural to expect that tho competing systems of tho Hnrrl mnn and Hill lines nre going to seek every advantages and profitable field for oporatlon. Thoro may bo othors that may enter nlso. So, why not hold the mnttor of granting a fran chlso open to tho ono that will first sorvo us. Thla is tho most valuablo asset the two cities have to offer as Inducement for railroad building hero. Why so hurriedly give It to nn Individual who nevor compiled In one Iota with a franchlso grant ed him in July, 1909? Thoy say thla Is to go from Mr. Dlako to the Coos Day and Eastern. All right, give It to them on tho terms that you would give it to any other road; first hero, first served. Tho citizens should tako no chances on the South em Pacific, Northern Pacific, or oven on any promotors. now hub irnn pIiIro nnd eIvo It to tho first road that will connect us with tho ont 'slde. I don't know how far thla 'matter has gone, but I am one citi zen that stands ready to petition the nn..nnii in onhmlt thla matter to tho ueonlo by referendum to pass upon.! Everything for Christmas at NOR This ia what the council should have TON & HANSEN'S TWO STORES. t J I r done In tho first instance so that tho peoplo of this city should havo had the samo privileges aa tho peoplo of North Dond In passing upon meas ures of this character. Mr. Dlako surely know before tho city election hero that ho could not comply with tho requirements of his former franchlso. Why did ho not bring tho mattor up at our gen oral election? It is always well for tho cltlzen8 of any community where a franchise Is so hurried that tho city attorney Is not oven given time to consider tho samo to look out for tho "Ethiopian in tho wood pile." So hero'B to tho cltlzona of thla com munity being heard upon this prop osition by the referendum. "PUDLICITY ON ALL PUDLIO MATTERS." Christmas Curds. Somo of tho most beautiful Christmas remem brances in tho city nre the hand- painted cards of Miss Florence nrnhnm. tho artist, now on exhibi tion at tho Clarko Millinery. Thoy consist of local scenes and beautiful hends aro dopo on silk. Thoro aro also somo calendars. Thoy make a most beautiful present and suitable for any pne. If In doubt what to get hor, try a look at NORTON & HANSEN. U i r Don't miss Norton & Hansen's two atoros full, of- TOYS. ' . 'HELD BOlLTr Marshfidld 'Man Convicted of Gambling at Coquille Extortion Case Up. Coquille, Ore., Dec. 15. Tho Jury In tho case of the State of Oregon vs. John Herron, who was indicted sometlmo ago for gambling, brought In a verdict of guilty yesterday. The verdict was reached on the second ballot, the voto on tho first ballot be ing eleven to ono for conviction. Her ron Is proprietor of the Dell CovJ saloon nt Marsbflold. A motion was Immediately mado for a now (rial on tho grounds that Important wit nesses in the case had not beon heard. This was taken under advise ment by Judge Coke. Today, an effort la being mado to obtain a Jury In tho Robinson extor tion case. The principals aro , two brothers who llvo near North Dend. Wife's Affections 500. Tho Jury In tjio caso of James Tlornoy vs. Peter Schneider of Dnu- don, returned a vordlct of $500 for the plaintiff. 'TJerney charged Schneider with alienating his wife's affections and asked for heavy dam ages but tho very decided that $500 ought to be sufficient to heal his lacerated feelings anl affection, Doth parties nve at uanaou. Tho concert given by tho Chninl undo Club nl tho Masonic Ope in Hous'o last evening scored a signal success from n financial standpoint ns well as from nn nrtlstlc ono. Tho audience comfortably filled the Opera Houso nnd ench and overy number wn'u warmly applauded. Thu program wns nn exceptionally well arranged one, tho numbers be ing well selected nnd woll executed. The nudlcnco's approval was equally bestowed upon tho chorus nnd Its director, Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. May Dearborn-Schwnb, tho so loist. Tho chorus' work was ovon hotter than In previous concorta given by tho Chnmlnado CJub, showing moro perfect drilling nnd Instruction, duo to tho hard work and longer experi ence of tho organization. Mra. Dearborn-Schwab appeared to ovon bottori advantngo than on her provlous appenratfeo In Mnrsh fiold, Hor beautiful lyric-soprano volco has n wido rano and her num bers woro excollontly chosen for H. On each appearance sho was oncoril and graciously responded, tho . Inst tlmo plnylng hor own nccompnnl mont. Mrs. Dearborn-Schwnb was beautifully gowned and has an ex cellent stage appearanco and man ner. Mrs. Tori Rlloy-Rnlllngor of Marshflcid contributed to tho pro gram by an especially well rendered piano solo nnd responded with in equally "pleasing oncoro. During (no' evening, somo hand some bouquotB wore added to the applause. Mra. Dearborn-Schwub, MrsIIors'fall and Mrs, Dnlllngor re ceiving especially handsome ones, Mrs. Horsfall was also tlio recipient of a fine baton as nn appreciation of her work. Onco during tho program, a threatened delny as a result of n defective fuso shutting off tho lights was circumvented by tho chorus fcinglnc ono of their numbers with out piano accompnnlmont. Mra, Dearborn-Schwab had Just started one of her numbers when tho light went out and Mrs. Horsfall quickly had tho chorus fill In the Interim. Following tho concert, Dr. and Mrs. Horsfall tondored a recoptlon at their homo to Mrs. Dcarborn-Schwib and tho club membors and tholr hus bands and sweethearts. Several Im promptu musical selections mado It an especially delightful affair. Several members of tho Chnmlnado club woro absent from tho city or on account of illness unablo to at tend. Tho chorus Inst evening wna as follows: Director Mrs. Win, Horsfall, Jr. Accompanist Miss Edna Larson. First altos Mrs. D. D. Ostllnd nnd Mrs. J. T. Hall. Second altos-r-Mrs. R. T. Streot, Mrs, Deatrlco Walters, Miss Esther Johnson nnd Mr?. M. H, Dllvon. First sopranos Mrs. J. V. Smea ton, Mrs. Gnus. Stnuff, Mrs. E. L Robinson nnd Mrs. R. J. Montgom ery. Second Boprnnos MIbs Clara Myren, Mrs. Dalllngor, Miss May Stauff and Mra. J, S. Coke. (Dy Associated Press.) DENVER, Colo., Dec. 15. Tho fire wns still burning nt 1:30 this afternoon and efforts to roach the Imprlsonod mon aro unsuccessful. (Dy Asaoclutod Prosa to Coos Day Tlmofl.) DENVER, Colo., Dec. 15. With the chances ngnlnst their being roi cuod nllvc, ton men nro Imprlsonod In n initio of tho Leydon Coal Com pnnv nt Leydon, fourtoon mllos wost of Denver. Shnft No. 8, tlrough which the mon must como If rescued, la on fire and apparently tho mlno la full of gns. Tho ulr compressor, tlpplo nnd hoist of tho mlno woro burned, making It Impossible to frco tho mlno of gns, Tho flro stnrtud from nn olectrlo spark from tho mo tor. This cnused nn explosion nnd the timber shnft wns soon blnzlng fiorcoly. Thoro hnu beon a ntrlko nt tho mlno for somo tlmo and 40' entombed men wero engaged In. cloanlng up tho property. TWO ESCAPE ALIVE. Couple of Mon EulomlH'd lii Vlrgliiin .Make ENcnpo. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) DLUEF1ELDS, W. Vn., Dec. 15.- Two ot tho men entombed In , tho Greene mlno explosion nt Tncoms, Va. yesterday, today found tholr way out ot tho workings. iril,,,, ON BREAKWATER Steamship Arrives From Port land Early This Morning Sails Saturday. The Dreak.wator nrrlvod In oarly today from Portland with a large passenger, list and a good cargo of mlscollnnous freight, ;M Cnpt. Mncgonn 1b exerting ovory poeslblo effort to enlist aid Ip enur ing favorablo action by tho govern ment on tho petitions for tho rebuild ing and extension of the North Jotty. Ho is laying tho mattor In dotall ho foro tho Portland engineer's office and has started a petition to bo sign ed by nil tho owners of vessels ply ing into this port and also by hlgn ofilclnls of tho Southorn Pnclflc. Tho Drcakwator will sail at 9 o'clock Saturday morning for Pott-land. Among those arriving on tho Dreakwator wero tho following: Mra. S. D. Johnson, Chas. T. Smith, Cnpt. Wheeler, Mrs. Wheolor, Joe Huoy, Mrs. Huoy, C. F. Chaso, W. 0. Dosland, Mra. Doslnnd, Howard Myers, A. A. Lolghton, F. Eddy, Harriet Eddy, Kathryn Eddy, Jno. Hall, A. N. Gould, G. R. Gulovson, Mts3 Thoni, Wm. Yates, Jas. Mo Donald, Mrs. McDonald, Mls3 Mc Donnld, Alfred McDonald, A. Custer, W. Stombauor, II, D. Monahoy, P. Sodcow, D. McKay, T. Wisdom, May McDonald, Sam Alt, JIIss Wisdom, W. II. Darry, Mies Warden, L. Mor gan, S. Gnblor, E. Collins, Mrs. Wolls, W. Clement, W. Mathows, D. D. E. Lashnolt, Mra. Wbttakor, Mra. Halllfoau, Mrs. G. Johnson, Louis Knnpp, A. Flolhnuor, T. C. RubsoIL Herbert Hume, W. M..Rln!r, W. II. Nlederhaua, R. E. Knorr, JvA.'Korr, m Co'lvor C. D. Lash, J. 0. Haynos,, Mr. Alfred Johnson, F. Q. Morton W. E, Justin, L. Delslgor, O. Ohorr, Jno. Shrnpor, Geo. Shrapo-, and nine steeraget 1