The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 14, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 5

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to A
JlmtiJl flKd (hi k
But here is a better way for you and for him:
Combination Suits
Mill-to-Man Clothier
FOR RENT Three-room liou-o on
Broadway, Phono 1C4-J,
hat cases, safo, cash register,
counters, tablos, nlcklo-plnted win
dow fixtures and all other oppur
tonances of tho bankrupt storoof
L. A. Frey in North Bond must bs
sold at onco. Apply nt storo In
North Bend.
FOR SALE Pim luvtl Rhode Island
riTd cockorols, ono and two yoars
old. L. J. Simpson.
FOR RENT Two nlco front rooms
In Sengstackon Building, Just vac
ated by Public Labrnry. Ront
$12 50 per month. Titlo Guaran
tee and Abstract Co.
I Personal Notes
North Bend today on business.
DR. JOHNSON of Myrtle Point, Is
visiting friends in Marshflold to
day C. A. McKELLIPS of North Benl,
was a MarslffleidJ business vUltor
today. "" ,
c n
WRS. OALLAND and bod, Leo, went
Spank Him
And you will wear out the seat of his Pants
Leave Him Alone
And he will wear them out anyway.
Last longer because there
arc two pairs of Knicker
bocker Pants. Price, $4.50
to $6.50.
A Christmas
Woolen Mill Store
- - . ,, i anjna mmm sn m
Thcro Is nothing inoro
pleating for n gentleman for
n Xmns present tlinn a shar
ing outfit.
ries u lino of Bhavlng outfits
that will pay you to coino In
and cxanilno tho, goods and
I!i Lockhart-Parsons
Drug Company
to Coqulllo today to mako their
SHERIFF W. V. GAGE camo ov?r
from Coqulllo on tho noon train
to servo grand Jury summons, nnd
returned this nftornoon. Tho
grand Jury Is Investigating a
MarshHold slander of llbol caw
The Fuel.
Mother (reiulli)gi-"In Ireland they
use peat for fuel."
Lltt'lo Mnrgle-DId they burn hhn be
cause ho was wlcUedV
Mammn-Uuru who, dear?
Llttlo Margie-Why, Pete, of course.
Chicago News.
The Sweet Girl.
Kittle Paul told me Inst ovcnlng I
was tho prettiest girl he over saw.
Bessie Oh, that's nothing. Ho said
tho samo to mo last year.
Kittle I know, dear, but his taste
may havo Improved since then, you
know. Boston Trnuserlpt.
Quite Amicable.
"Why did you quit your Job? Did
you havo a disagreement with the
boss?" . J
"Ob, no; not nt all. I told him I had
to havo more money or I would quit,
nnd he said It was mutually satlsfnc
tory." Indianapolis News.
Nurse What's that dirty mark on
your leg, Master Frank?
Frank Harold kicked me.
Nurse Well, go at once and wash It
Frank Why? It wasn't mo what
did Itl London Punch.
The Cow.
"Johnny," said the teacher, "write a
sentence containing tho. word 'con
tents.' M .,..
After a few moments hard labor
Johnny submitted the following: "The
contents of n 'cow 'la mllk'-Chlcaso
News. '
Marshficld, Oregon
Tho days aro passing Bwlftly Just
,ns swiftly as thoy may:
Hno you bought 'om yct7
Tho enrly birds aro taking all tho
choicest worms away;
IIovo you bought 'om yot?
Thoro's no tlmo llko tho present If
you'vo duties to bo dono;
Tho ono who hoops dolaylng novor Is
tho happy ono;
Thp tas.k becomes more nwful with
5ncli rising of tho sun
Havo you bought 'om yot?
Tho strlfo becomes moro frantic as
tho brlot days como nnd go;
Havo you bought 'om yet?
I Tho rnco, you should remember, Is
but seldom to tho slow;
Havo you bought 'om yot?
Tho ono who waits till others shall
havo kindly clonrod tho way
Might ns well alt back expecting
green or black to turn to gray;
Tho peoplo who accomplish aro tho
ones who start today
Havo you bought 'om yot?
(An Incident of llfo In Coqulllo,
written from oxperlonco.)
It's great to bo a Juror
And Join thnt glorious hand P
Tho smoko wreaths swirling 'round
your head t
Tho verdict In your , hand.
To hoar such pllos of ovldonco
Such swearing falso and truo t
Of witnesses for tho defense
And complaint, also by lawyovs
Ono man gots up nnd squaroly
A thing is whlto as snow,
Tho next gets up nnd swears 'tis
TIs hodd "now don't ye know."
Now, nil this tnlk confusos,
But tho Juiv sifts it out,
They argufy tho mattah somo
And understand no doubt.
When locked up In that cussed box,
And froxen stiff as Ico
Or sweltored, roasted, smothered,
. In summer, sure It's nlco.
'TIs great to ho a Juror,
Be marched off two and two
In lockstep by tho Ballff
! For eating, that Is true.
(When you're on a murder case
' And locked up ovor night
I In somo low stifling garrett,
It's tough but still it's right. fc
I want to Join that faithful band.
I of "Twelve good men nnd true
And mete out Justice evenly
' So give each man his due.
I Coqulllo, Ore., Dec. 12, 1910.
High water I A. M.
Wed'd'y. 14 9:58 0.4
Thursday 1 C 1 1 : 1 0 9.8
Frldny... 10 11:31 7.0
Saturday 17) 1:09 7.1
S UNDAY 18 liCS 7.2
Low water A. M. P.
Date. It. m. ft. h.m.
Wed'd'y. 11 3 : -1 4 3.1 5:00
Thursday 15 1:3S 3.2 5:19
Friday... 1C 5:30 3.4 C:37
Saturday 17 0:20 3.5 7:27
SUNDAY 18 7:13 3.C S:10
(By Associated Press.)
OREGON Fair tonight and
Thursday except occasional
rnln on const.
RalN Tlmi-Mlny. Mrs. M. F. Plant
will Ball tomorrow afternoon at 3
o'clock from San Francisco for Coos
Due Tomorrow. Tho Breakwater
Is duo early tomorrow from Port
land, having crossed out from Asto
ria today.
Give Concert. Tho Coos Bay
Concert Band will glvo a concert at
tho Mnsoulc Opera Houso next Sun
day nftornoon nt 3 o'clock.
Ship Salmon. Considerable
stool-head salmon aro now being
shipped from tho Coqulllo nnd Coos
Bay to Portlnnd. They aro shlppod
In Ico. Tho run will soon bo nt Its
Ik Injured. Ed. Knutson, nn om
ployo of tho C. A. Smith Lumbor
Compnny, Is lnjd up at his homo in
South Marshflold with a broken nose
nnd other jnjurictt as a result of be
ing struck by n plcco of lumbor.
Provide For Library. Tho Mnmh
flold city council last evening order
ed a warrant drawn for 75 for tho
monthly expenses of tho Mnrshfleld
library. Tho tax lovy for tho ensu
ing yenr provldea for tho' malnto
nnnco of tho library.
Singer AitIxom. Mrs. May Dear
born Schwab nrrlvod Into Inst eve
ning vln Gnrdlnor from Portlnnd to
bo tho soloist nt tho Chnmlnndo Club
concort nt tho Masonic Opora Houso
tonight. Tho stago boat got Htuck
on tho mud flat and as a result didn't
rench horo until nbout 8:30 whon
It was duo about 5 o'clock. Mrs.
Dearborn-Schwnb soonis to havo
troubles of her own reaching Mnrsh
flold ns on her previous trip horo
a couplo of years ago, tho Alllanro
wns dolnyod by rough weathor and
sho didn't nrrlvo in tlmo for tho re
ception plnnncd in hor honor.
Editor Coos Bny Times:
I was much Interested In your
ed'torlnls of Novombor 28th "Tlmo
fpr Action" and "Got tho Habit."
Thoy desorvo caroful and frequent
.rending. For yoars Coos Bay lm
boen commercially, a sleoplng young
slant. Whon hor good peoplo (and
there aro no bottor) awako to hor
possibilities, and shako off their
drowsinoas, nB thoy will do, nnd no
did Portland but a fow yoars ago,
thoy will show a strongth In tho
manufacturing and commercial
world gratifying to tho most snn
gulno boostor. Nnturo lins lavlsued
upon us resources of nn unusual nn
turo nnd oxtont, and it Is necessary
to lot tho great numbor who aro seek
ing opportunity know of those nd-
vnntngos, and to hold out tho glntl
hand, In order to oncourngo them to
Join us In n forward movemont which
will monn union to every buslncjs
nnd profosslonill man, and ovory
proporty owner.
I have hoard moro complaint from
nowoomers and visitors of a lack of
enthusiasm, nnd of a unanimity of
effort on tho part of our own poo
nlo. than of any othor condition that
exists on Coos Bny. "Tho hlghor
lavols of human elllcloncy or nchlovo
men: t aover roached without hard
climbing," nnd In this respect, as In
many others, that which will apply
to tho individual' will also be found
truo of tho community. However,
the lifting of a community to a hlgn
er plane moans tho unltod efforts of
tho individuals composing it.
Wo might Just as well expect the
Smith Lumber Company to mako a
success of its business by assigning
all" the work of' that Institution ton
dozen beadB of different departments,
as to expect a corporal's guard of
Major Morrow Says Bids Are
Being Received On Bar
Dredge For Coos Bay
The United States govcrnmont is
now receiving bids for tho construc
tion of tho bar-dredgo to bo used on
tho Coos Bny bar projects, according
to information given C. R. Peck nnd
W. P. .Evans, members of tho Coos
Bny Port Commission, nt n confor
onco In Portlnnd n few days ngo by
Major Morrow, government engineer
In chnrgo of this district. Major
Morrow also stntod thnt If tho
dredge Is built on tho Eastern const,
It will probnbly bo well along In tho
summer of 1912 boforo It will bo at
Coos Bay ready for work, but that
If it is built on tho Pacific coast, it
will probably bo ready for sorvlco
early In tho spring of 1912.
At thb conference, tho Cooa Bay
hnrbor Improvement question wns
quite fully discussed and tho attitude
nnd position of Mnjor Morrow wns
moro than pleasing to the Coos Bay
men. Mnjor Morrow stated that ho
would visit Coob Bay this winter
whon tho bar would be at Its worst
so ns to got an ndequnto Idea of tho
needs of tho situation.
In discussing tho bar Improve
ment, Mnjor Morrow expressed the
opinion thnt tho North Jetty would
ovcntunlly havo to bo rebuilt and
oxtonded to work In conjunction with
tho bar d red go nnd mnko It n suc
cess. Ho stated that If tho Jetty was
so sunken ns to permit tho waves to
wash sand over It, tho dredge would
not bo llnblo to tako It away ns
fust ns it would wash In.
Cnpt. Mncgcnn of tho Brenkwator,
Is onllstlng tho aid of tho high of
ficials of tho Southern Pacific on
this const In urging beforo congress
nnd to tho government ofllclnlR the
necessity of improving tho Coob Bay
hnrbor and bar.
Marshflold's business men, with tholr
porsonnl Interests nt stako, to push,
rapidly nnd successfully, our city to
tho rank she should tnko nmoug the
cities of tho conHt. It can't bo dono
In thnt wny nny moro tlinn could n
grent bnttlo bo won by nllowlng tho
soldlors In rank to expect tho shoul
der straps tb do all tho fighting.
Tho boglnuliig of hnrbor Improve
ment, tho near completion of tho
Pnnamn cnnnl, tho prospect of rail
road building, and tho almost un-
cqualiod resources which Ho at our
command, Hhouid nrouso us to a
realization of tho possibilities which
llo boforo us, and causo us to Join In
n unanimous effort to bring to tho
front results which wo all doslro. Wo
bollovo that next to homo loyalty wo
should count civic prldo. This spirit
of city loyalty and enterprise has
built Lob Angeles, a city of moro
tlinn three hundred thousnnd, in n
placo whoro It sooined that nntun
hnd mndo but mengor provision for
a city at nil.
Tho snmo may bo said of Denvor.
Thoro nro porhnpB many as flno site
for a city on tho grent lake, but Chi
cago men hnd tho vim, nnd "knocked
tho persimmons."
Mon of Coos Bny, shnll wo bo out
stripped by plncos thnt hnvo one-
fourth tho lnducomonts to offer? 1
prodlct not.
SPALDING Athlotlo goods THE
Read Tho Times Want Ads.
MI7TAL POLISH for nil usos
Refined Oil Reduced
Eocene, the best Lamp Oil
Retails $1.30 per can
Bulk Water White retails
five gallons for 85c
All Grocers Have Both
w fcl' -..L -
Action On Bids Deferred
Permit 'Property Owners tj
Extend Improvement.
In ordor to give the proporty or
ors n requested opportunity to m
tho North Front street lmprovomrf
even uener man wns comciupim
tho Marshflold city council Inst Q
nlng postponed tho award of
contracts for tho projects.
Tho matter was brought up
Alva Doll who said that nil of
property owners excopt threo w
wcro not in tho city hnd signed
petition asking that tho hulk-h
ho thrown back on tho proporty e
of Front street somo distance n
the lots filled nt the snmo tlmo t
street Is. Ho said this would Insu
tho All supporting tho hard pavi
nnd wouhl'nlso mean tho cleaning
of tho north pnrt of town by ford
tho rcmovnl of tho bont houses a
EiiRcno O'Connoll also talked
favor of It. Ho urged that tho bul
bond bo put bnck n uniform dl
It wns suggested thnt by dol
this, a consldornblo saving could
effected In driving tho piling by h
ing them driven by a wator-drlv
Instead of n land driver nnd also
utilizing tho piling under tho found
tlon of.somo of tho buildings.
Engineer Lccfo has not yot sccu:
cd the permission of tho govornme
to uso tho dredgo Oregon to flu t
street, but ho .expects to do so in
week or ton days. Tho council d
cided to postpone action on tho bid
until thnt time.
Tho proporty owners may porso
ally tnko charge of tho bulk-hondln
and filling nnd secure It dono mor
cheaply than If tho city has to do
Several bid on tho work, but
tho bids woro dlfforcnt, thoy w
hnvo to bo flgurod out by Engine
Snndberg. Among tho bidders were,
T. A. Frees, Hngqvlst and BJorquls
Noblo Bros., Hugh McLnln nnd th
Coos Bay Paving nnd Construction!
Pans OnllunueeM,
A stringent chlmnoy ordlnanco was
adopted, It provides for tho Inspec
tion by tho building Inspector and
flro chiof and regulates how stovn-
plpes mny bo run through partitions,
codings, otc. i
An null ordlnnnco requiring ashes
to bo dumped In motnl cans or boxes
whoso bottoms must bo at least two
Inches from lnflnmmnblo matorlnl
wns ndopted. Tho only oxcQptlon to
this is permission to dump ashen on
tho ground at least ton foot from
a building.
Geo. W. Cnrloton In bohalf of the
Western Union Telegrnph Company,
presontod nn application for a fran
chise for A. D. T. sorvlco In Marsh-!
Held. Tho request was laid on the
tnblo until tho noxt mooting whon
Mr. Cnrloton or Mr. Schottor will
by request of tho council nppcarv
and explain tho provisions of the
The bet things are nearcit
breath in your nostrils, light in your
eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at
your hand, the path of God jut
before you. Then do not grasp at
the stars, but do life's plain, com
mon work as it comes, certain that
daily duties and daily bread are
the sweetest things of life. Robert
Louis Stevenson.