The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 14, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 4

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Editor and Pub.
News Editor
An Independent Republican news
paper published every ovonlug oxcopt
Sunday, and Weekly by
Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co.
Dedicated to tho Bervico ot tho
peoplo, that no good causo shall lack
a champion, and that evil shall not
thrive unopposed.
Tho Coos Bay Times represents a
consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mnll
and Tho Coos Day Advertiser. 'Tho
Coast Mnll was tho first dally estab
lished on C003 l)ny and Tho Coos
Bay Times Is Its lmmcdtuto successor.
A s opinions and should cry out
v v n publ.c wrongs arc committed.
If will havo to be so beforo our civi
lization will bo tin where near per
fect. Tho fathors gave us this govern
ment In Its purity; gave us tho montia
to preserve It In Its purity, and so
much ns wo fall In thnt, so much aro
we unworthy of tho priceless Inheri
tance. And the work should bo done first
In the homo, next In tho township,
then in tho county; then In tho state,
and when perfected In nil tho states,
thou would this great empire of ours
"give tho law to the rest df tho
Ono year JG.OO
Per month 50
When pnld strictly In ndvanco tho
subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay
Times Is J5.00 per year, or $2.50 for
six months.
Ono year $1.30
Official Paper of Coos County.
IN Durnnby's Travels, a work pub
lished sonio ono hundred and for
ty years ago, occurs this para
graph; "An Idea, strange as It Is vlslon
nry, Iiob entered Into tho minds of
tho generality of mankind thnt om
plro Is traveling westward; and every
ono Is looking forwnrd with eager
and Impatient expectation to that
destined moment when America Is to
glvo tho law totho rost of tho
That was beroro any Ilcpubllc was
dronmed of on tlilw continent. But
It Ih truo thnt omplro hns travelol
westward over slnco It started on Its
march from contra! Asia. Persl-i,
Assyria, Greece, Rome, wostorn Eu
rope, with only ono shift stop to
Egypt (and thnt civilization mny
hnvo como from tho wost) and tho
United Stntos to and beyond the
onBtorn shoro of tho Pacific; tho na
tural courso has boon ns steady as
tho roll of tho stnrx.
And though tho United States la a
Ropuhllc, It might, eventually, dic
tate tho laws to all tho world If hor
pcop'o woro great enough. But much
will hnvo to ho dono boforo that can
ho. Thoro will hnvo to bo a now
rovoronco for law and Btrlct obedl
onco to tho Inws. Thoro will hnvo to
ho an honest levy and collection of
taxes. Thoro will havo to bo perfect
cultivation of tho ho'I. There will
havo to bo exact JiiBtlco niotod out
to tho poor. There must bo onunl
opportunities oponod to poor and
rich allko. Evory ono must bo edu
cated to perform hoiijo usoful thing
through which a livelihood can bo
secured. Thoro must bo moro chnr
tictor In tho peoplo, moro dovotlon
to country and a hlghor patriotism,
and bettor preparations for dofonse,
to command poaco. Thoro nro ninny
other esHontlnls. And tho Individual
states should oach In Its place, begin
this preparation for a hlghor llfo.
Think of It! If ovory township In
every stato, was placed upon an ab
solutely Just plnno, why tho untlon
would bo porfoct. Wo must not look
to see tho goiioral government bring
thlH around; It should bo boguu In
even tnwuihln. It shou'd ho begun
In the llttlo white church; and tho
lo. i' school houstt.
Wf subMrlbB money to send m1
Blonarleu to the heathen. This is all
rtelif, hut the rich man who drawn
his check for his pro rata of tho
Cf-t. might not to rost with that.
Ill next door no'Blibor may noad
th. money more thuu the 4Jilnlyclud
citizen In tho suburb of Tltubuctoo.
Ho may need something moro thnn
monoy; ho may nood good advice and
kind wordB, something to kindle his
flagging hopos and his shattored self
respoct. Tho Belflsh man gets rich
and hns a flue monument placed over
him whon ho dlos; hut savo for the
monumont bo would swiftly bo for
gotten, and with all his monoy he
llvod a barren life. Why should he
bo romombored?
But thoro are othor duties as high
as the duty to tho poor. Tho stnto
claims not only our passive, hut our
active, earnest fealty. In pursuance
ot this duty every man should in a
way be a politician; he should havo
NE OF the most convincing lec
tures against the use of big
words by nmntcur writers Is
contained In a recent Issue of Llfo
and tho average render, after labor
ously perusing tho nrtlclc, whether
or not ho Is Intelligent enough to
understand tho dissertation, will
without .lotibt bo Impressed with the
ndvnntr.g3 In using short words. The
sermonotto follows:
"Literary aspirants should rol'gl-
ously eschew pol syllable orthog
raphy. Tho philosophical and philo
logical sub-structuro of this prlnclplo
Is Ineluctnblo. Excessively attenuat
ed verbal symbols lnovltnbly lnduco
unnecessary complexity nnd consu
aucntly exaggerate tho obfiiBcatlon
of tho mentnllty of tho porusor. Con
versely, expressions which nro reduc
ed to tho farthermost minimum of
simplification and compactness, be
sides contributing rcnllstlc verisimi
litude, constitute n much les onerous
hnndlcnp to tho render's perspicacity.
Observe, for Instance, tho unmla-
tnknblo and incscnpnblo expressive
ness of onomntopootlc, Intcrjoctlonnl,
monosyllabic utterances, especially
whon motivated under strenuous em
otional circumstances. How much
moro appealing Is their euphonious
pulchritude than tho preposterous
mid pretentious pomposity of oblig
ated verbiage
of tho old polling booth, and Into
the reg ens where vllo tobacco stnoku
nnd bndly dressed politicians now
prevail can bring, sweotness, Joy and
. -ca. A .- T
Holiday Cash Clean-Up j
AVING grnntcd tho ballot to wo
men, tho Stnto of Washington
proposos to hand over tho suf
frage with all tho trimmings.. The
first stop to reform tho rudo moil
who hnvo been selfishly doing nil tho
voting Is to abolish Binolilng at tho
polling places. Whon tho "No Smok-
I tils' hIuiih nro tnrltml im ivllli )'
,. .CT..., ... . ......... ,-, --
groat sent of tho stnto attached, It
will .bo duo not'eo to thoio who havo
cumborod tho election stands to
move out, and not to sit on tho front
stops olthor. Frlonds.of reform ar
Inspired by tho hope thnt Washing
ton will sot nu example to hor nlsto?
states. Tho cut-glass ballot box,
resting on Its onyx pedestal, would
call for silver tongs by which the bal
lots might bo gently lifted nnd d
posited in tlio recoptnelo with cue
and grnco. Tho party that tlos up
Its tickets with dainty ribbons In the
fnshlonnblo colors will hnvo n great
advantngo over crudor opponontn.
Tho wlso cnndldnto will open toi
rooms In convculont plnccs and sorvo
bonbons nnd chocolnto drops all dur
ing olectlon day. It may tako time
to bring reform to Its full fruition,
hut by milted action tho women of
Washington enn abolish tho horror
Editor Times:
I wish, through tho columns of
your paper, to- sny a word with re
ference to tho matter of'soml-annunl
promotions. Thoro seems to bo
somo misunderstanding of tho plan
and Its workings by both teachers
and parents. Tho matter has boon
explained to our tenchors at somo of
our meetings so that we tindersfnnd
tho plan, I believe, and also how
mattora stand In our own schools.
I ask tho uso of tho columns of your
pnpor that tho samo explanation may
bo made to tho parents of our pupils
In order that wo mny nil understand
In the first plnco tho soml-nnnual
promotion plan Is not now nor radi
cal; It Ib as old as tho yearly promo
tion plnn. All larger public bcIiooIb
hao this plan of promotion or sonio
thlng similar Just ns soon ns their
teaching forco Is largo enough to
permit it, and this condition Is reach
ed as soon as tho school has ono or
moro teachers In ovory grade. In
tho second plnco, tho scml-nnnunl
promotion docs not mean thai pu
pils aro to pass their grades In half
n yenr. In this sonso tho word
Boml-nnuunl" Is, a misnomer. There
are promotions twlco ench yenr but
ns far as each Individual pupil Is
concerned, ho Is promoted but once.
In othor words there nro two annu
al systems running sldo by side
ono consisting ot pupils who bognn
their school work in first grndo In
September nnd tho other of pupils
wno uugan inuir worn in iuuruary crnttc.a.
l'upns who ciuureu mo nrsi grnuo in
Soptomber, If they mako their grados
regularly, will bo promoted In Juno
regularly, whllo pupils who entored
a decided advantngo In our city be
causo bo many pupils are constantly
coming to us from outside cites
whoro tho semi-annual promotion
plnn or something similar to It Is
In uso; theso pupils sometimes lose
a half year because It Is not possible
to enter thorn .satisfactorily in our
fifth, It would enable us
to articulate better with tho Feo-
ruary and June Stato Examinations.
Tho scml-nnnunl promotion plan
la fnnalliln fni- nnr gphnnla. Willi
first grado In February, if they nukoK oxc0tloaSf 0,ory teacher In our
One-Fourth Off on All
Broken Lines of Clothing P
$8.50 SUITS $(.:K5
$10.00 SUITS $7.50
$12.00 SUITS $9.00
$1(1.00 SUITS ..'.'...$12.00
18.00 SUITS $13.50
$20.00 SUITS $15.00
$25.00 SUITS $18.75
N orth Front !
Street H
their grades rogularly will bo pro
moted in February rogularly. Of
course, pupils may drop behind nnd
so change tho tlmo of their promo
tions, or ngaln, pupils may at times
bo set ahead If In tho Judgmont of
tho proper tenchors' conimlttco and
tho child's parents, It bccius advis
able But If pupils advanco rogular
ly they will bo promoted In Juno or
in February according to the tlmo
they entored school.
When the system Is working natu
rally, thore nro two divisions In ovo
ry room nn "A" division and n "B"
dlvls'on, tho "A" division being foul'
and oue-hnlf months ahead of the
Tho Beml-nnnunl promotion plnn
has several things to recommend It:
In tho first plnco It comes about
naturally from our custom of admit
ting now pupils Into tho first grndo
In Soptemhor and In Fobrunry ns tar
as possible; In tho second plnco, Itj
facilitates promotion, In thnt a pu'p'.l
mny often bo ndvancod a hnlf-yoar c08gIty of cnnn
vanced an eutlro yenr; In tho third
placo, It helps tho pupil who falls to '
pass his grado by sotting him back
system has tho pupils ot tho samo
grade; that Is, there nro not pupils
of two or more grades In the samo
room. Thoro can be, theroforo, two
divisions In evory room. The two
exceptions mentioned nbnvo nro
rooins2nnduIn the South Mnrshfleld
school, the former containing pupils
ot tho fourth nnd fifth grades and
the latter pupils of tho sixth nnd
bovc ith grados. Hero Ib an appa
rent difficulty "or It 13 Impractical
for one teaser to hnvo four divi
sions In hor rcom ns would bo the
cuso wore each grade dlvded. Tho
difficulty Ib only Apprreut ho"vi.,
for If these two rooms aro '." for
"B" division pup'.ls only tl"rp h no
(lilllculty. In thnt cars the "A" Pul
sion pupils of grades four, five. fI .
and sovon will bo at the Ccntrrl
school nnd If th'a bo very Inr-jo, Bjnie
"B" division pupils living near tho
South Mnrshfleld schc.1 who
now nttondlng tho Ca.itral ?kh o'
mny occasionally bo undor the ne-
;lng sc!:co'.3. q .!
llttlo transferring of pupils from one
building to tho other may bo neces-
sary at times, at tho bog'nnlng of a
somestor or halfyear, hut not many
a half year Instead of n whole year: ,,,, wll, bo nffected nnd( nywn:(
fourthly, It facilitates closer grading
and enables us to placo pupils, who
como to us from outside cities, moro
nonrly whoro thoy bolong. This Is
Ten Days
For Men
.Shaving Sets from $l,no to
Shaving Mirrors from 25c to
ltaor I'i-oiu. ,$1.00 to $0.50
Military Sets from $2.00 to
Collm- niul CulV Bunco.
Colgate's Combined Comforts.
Books, Silver N'm el ties.
For Ladies
Perfumes from 25c to .$7.50
Hleger'h Flower Drops, $1,50
lVifumo Atomler.s from $1.00
t 10 (tt()
Toilet Waters from 23c to
Hand Bags from $2.50 to
Toilet Sets from $1.50 to
s $20.00
Manicure Sets from $1.25 to
Art Calendars from 25c to
Stationery lu Holiday Bonos,
JI5c to $2.50
Xnins Cuwls, Seals nnd Tags.
tho probability Is that In every short
tlmo our schools will bo largo
enough to necessitate separato rooms
for all grades and then tho dllllcul
ty will bo ontlrely removed.
It Is Bomotlmes objpeted thnt pu
pils finishing eighth grado In Fob
runry cannot ontor high school unMl
tho following Soptomhor and so lose
a half year. This difficulty will not
appear for wo shall start somo now
clnssos In February In the High
School and pupils enn begin enrnlng
credits ns soon as they finish olghth
Thoro are now In our schools somo
fifty pupils, who hnvlng been pro
moted Inst February aro expecting
j promotion this coming February.
There aro some others who having
1! failed their grades aro In somo cases
icapablo of doing ndvancod division
I work. The proper conitnlttoo will
tnnliln Miner rtocao
Ono th'ng should bo definitely un
derstood by us nil; It Is this, tint
pupils of ono division will not bo
porniltted to tako tho examination
of anothor division oxcept on recom
mendation of the proper committee.
This Is the host wny to keop things
straight. At present, pupils do not
understand this. In order to get tho
plan started two yenrs ago somo pu
pils made their grades In half a year'
by passing a certain examination,
but now that tho plan is underway,
tnat practlco Is discontinued. Par
ents will need to placo this much
confidence In tho teachers' commlt
teo, which will consist ot the pupil's
teacher, tho principal of his depart
ment, and the superintendent of
In tho schools of Portland, If I
understand their system, a pupil Is
HY not Community Silver for a
Christm&S Gift? No -woman
can have too much of it. The new
Sheraton desiVn rivals sterling silver in
distinction, and harmonizes with the richest of table
settings. Plated heavier than triple, wears a lifetime.
Pioner Hardware Co.
to his ability nnd whothor ho shnll ulntlon would approximate 070, tut
be In ono division that Is covering Un summing up, Mr. Mast finds tha
threo parts of work lu tho time that it falls n llttlo short of that figure
othors aro covering four parts, Is do-! tho exact number being 649, M
pondont upon tho Judgment or tho
tonchors, 'jased, of course, on his
this Is n substantial Increase over
last year whon It was 5S9, makinj
work as shown in clnss and tosts. It an lncrenso of CO, or about i lr
must bo bo In our schools. Tho com-'cent for tho district. Figuring on
mltteo of tenchers must bo trusted tho usual basis of C peoplo for every
to work for the host Interests of tho
pupil. Pupils will not, thorofpre, bo
permitted to wiito on examinations
oxcopt those for their own division
unloss, In tho Judgmont of tho prop-
or conimlttco, tho pupil Is qualified
to take, such examination.
Questions thnt may niiso nbout
the mnttor o' promotion or nbout
thoso Interested In other mnttors
will be willingly nnsworod If will
cnll up tho High School by hours
5:30-0:00, 3:30-4:30.
Briefs of Clty-By-the-Sen As
ny Tho Recorder.
Bandon-by-the-sea still continues
to forge ahead In a good steady man
ner, as la Indicated by the school
census Just completed by Clerk J. W.
Mast. It WAR Annnnn,Ai1 In rn..AH
placed In certain divisions according day's Recorder that tho school pop-
J t
school child this would Indicate a
population for tho school dUtrici
3,245, then again deducting 20 Pf
cent from this figure for pupil '
lug in tho district, but outside W
corporate limits of Bandon, wM "
allowing a good margin for ooW
pupils, wo would havo 2,596 pwpto
living within tho corporate limits'"
the city.
A Houso In the Air. ,
i- ten n l...ll.,.m of 201X000 CUblC
feet capacity was constructed at P
It was named tho Giaut and w
Intended to show the great V
of the air. The car ancbl l conWg
of a Binnll two story house, fitted
every modern comfort, lavatories,
ing room, bedroom, kitchen, parlor, ,w
Thirteen passengers made tw"
cent, but tho Journey was of W '
hours' duration. The last ascent J
for seventeen hours and was i sow '
terminated by a high JJJ
when the balloon descended, w
tho little house bumng ""t ot
ground. Tho remains Pf -rMhJted
tbo air, was for a long time WMMa
in tho Crystal palace in London.
.. 4-
m amm rraM.MftMe.