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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1910)
Krai jT QSK4 (2m)t0 ADS. NEWS nrV nusixuss is slow, ai Ekb. that it pays is evi GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW Itt READING THE COOS MAY TIMKtf ALL THE NEWS Ahu THE TIMK TERSELY 'J OLD i: :: :: t hcEU V SUCCESSFUL iiusi- U HOUSES EVKiuvtuu EKE :: JJ member op associated press t.tXXI"- EstnbllHliitl In 187H us TIi Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. VZDNESDAY, DECEMBERH, 1910 -EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. A Z1 No. 130 I1IHI ' EIPLOSi I KILLED I iW IS ll DOLLARS FOR PEAGE S on y ...-o Atufnl nicacitnr In iSUauaeo Mvvn-ii w.-w. ... Unc Mine Near Tacoma This Morning. EfJTY-SIX MEN ENTOMBED ALIVE !e Reports indicate i nai hii But Four Lost Lives In Accident. I Associated Press to Coos Day Tim pi. ) NORTON. Vn , Dee. 1 1. Twontv- lucanc.e tut mlied by nn oxplo- i of g33 in Hid Grcono initio of illonil t i.U C c nn "'! near Tnno- til! morning. Itoporta Indicate aty-two of tlio entombed nro aiytwo pf tho ontombod aro .1 ALL MAYBE DEAD. FlNCffi IS TURNED DOWN L Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) 0RTON Vn., Dec. II. Lain orti say It Is believed thnt all lie men In tho mlno hnvo perish- IE FIGHT STARTS AGAIN d Controversy In Congress Over Rules Revived For Short Time Today. ! Associated Press Times.) to Coob Dny WASHINGTON', D. "C, Dec. Ujt aeal of tho fighting on ruins 'A slmnHzcd tho last session of rrs was precipitated today by Mental vo Hughes of Now Jor Tho point rnlsod was whothcr ffl considered on tho regular or- for the last cnlondnr Wednesday i bo taken up again todny. Tho t for codlflcntlon nnd revision lie laws relating to tho judiciary. 'question was wliothor It should !a bo taken up today simply on full of the chairman of tho colli de reporting tho measuro. Tho 'Hon was rnUed by Hughes for jresentatlvo Moon, chairman of 'eommltteo on revision of laws. u declared by tho democratic abers that tho judiciary bill Mi Is long, might bo used as r" to prevent tho house taking ay other bills for many calendar esdays to como. After n dW 'oii that proccedod for ono hour, & Cannon ruled there wore no cedents exactly fitting tho Bltua 1J. but that tho Houso should not deprived of doing what it desired. vote of 146 to 51. tho Houbo Vtd to tako up the bill. forth Bend News Join Berg and wlfo of Empire, North Bend shoppers today. Mo Peterson of Ton Mfo, is a "k Bend visitor today. John Anderson of Portor Is "talnlng the Ladles Aid Society to Swedish Lutheran church at wme this afternoon. The secretary of tho Coos Poultry Pet Association has been rccolv 5 numerous letters slnco tho ex ilt!Q from prospective buyers of 0 ana stock for the list of tho ro 3t Prize winners. pe Mothers' nnd Teachers' Club 4 meet next Friday afternoon in Central km.i i,,iin nt 3 Ilev. niackman will deliver "dress. Subject, "The Need of control in Home and School." one Is cordially Invited to at- Landslide In North Bend Against Blake Project Hoelling Beaten. north bend vote. For niaii ' L. ,1. Simpson 273 For recorder A. 11. Dirbyshlr 277 For treasurer C. S. Wlutor 278 For councllninn, oim yonr L. F. Falkoiistoln., ... 217 For councllmon, two yonrs Irn 11. Hurtle 239 Henry C. Kern 242 .1. A. Ward 227 Aug. Hoelling 102 Streot-cnr franchise For IS Against 322 Chnrter amendment ' For 55 Against ' 273 Tho nbovo summarizes; tho results of tho nnnunl city olcctlon In North Ilond yesterday nnd tho declslvo ma jorities thnt decided tho contests camo ns a stirprlso to all. The nrlnclpnl contest wns on coun cllmon for tho two-yenr term, a bit- tor flelit being mndo on August Hoolllng who sought ro-olcctlon. Yestordny nftornoon, somo of ills opponents wero conceding election but tho count showed that ho was badly defeated, Messrs. Ilartlo Kern and Ward bolng tho throe elected. Tho declslvo volo turning down Jacob M. Blnko's application for a street-car franchlso thoro was also a lurprlso. It was oxpocted yestor dnv thnt ho would bo bonton but no ono anticipated such n landslide ngnlnst tho project. Tho chnrtor amendment wns part of tho street franchlso quostlon. Tho nmondmont voted on provided tnnt tho city council could grnnt fran chises without submitting them to a voto of tho pcoplo, also nuonsiieu i franchlso tax provided In tho North Bond chnrtor nnd eliminated tho chnrter provision limiting tho life of franchises. Tho voto polled foil considerably undor what was anticipated. Andrew Carnegie Gives This Amount to Board of Trus tees to Hasten End of Inter national Warfare.'4 (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON', I). C, Dec. 14. Andiow Carnegie todny transferred to a Board of Trustees ton million dollnrs In flvo por cent, first mort gage bonds, tho revenue of which will bo used to "HnBton tho nboli t'on of International war, and estab lish InstliiK world-wldo peace Tho tiusteos organized by choosing ns preside ut Flitted States Senator E!l hu Root, the permanent reprcsontn tlve of the United Stntcs nt Tho Hague Tribunal. President Tnft has consented to bo honorary president of the foundation. Tho method of oxpondlng tho Income Is loft cntlrolv li' tho hands of trustees. Tho foun dation will bo perpetual and when tho establishment of universal peace Is attained tho donor provides tho rovonuo shall bo devoted to tho banishment of tho "next most de grading ovll or evils," tho suppress ing of which "would do most to ad vance tho progress, elevation and happiness of men." MANY C R JUSTJERDICT Hattie Leblanc Found Not Guilty of Murder of Clar ence E. Glover. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 14. Tho jury in the case of Hattie Leblanc, charg- 0,i with tho murder of Clarence F. Glovor, returned a verdict of not guilty.' She wns tried for tho mur der of Clarence F. Glover, a munu.r man, at Waltham, November 20, 1909. Tho verdict of the jury was cheered by tho spectators. FOH CIVIC REAUTY. tj-u-:t-n--:t-K-a-:!-:w:-tt-:t- n-a-a-n-u-a-n-a-a-a-n-n-a ! LET US TALK IT OVER ? s-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a .t-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a HE following id'torlnl which appeared In tho Inst Issue of tlio mu tton Recorder, will prove Interei.tlug to Mnrshflold people: "THE KINO'S HIGHWAY." "Under tho above caption tho Coos Bay TImos of IubI Ttiosdny comes out squaroly nnd In no uncertain tonus tolls what It thinks of n cortaln publication that has boon mnlslng Its npponrnnco In Mnrshflold for somo time. Wo nro glnd to sco Brot'ior Mnloney como out In tills way ami Btttiid up for tho right, for tho publication in quostlon Is cortnlnly un doslrnblo" to sny tho least. SovornI copies of this, so-cnllcd, paper, found their way to tho ltccordor olllco marked "oxchongo" but this paper, not cnrlng to polluto Its exchnngo tnblo with any such "lltora-...-"' ..t.i nn nttnntinn tn It. nnJ ti id not send n imncr in return. consequently tho publication In question has not como horo recently, and wo add further that we uon't want It." "Decent, respcctnblo nowspnpor work Is of great vnluo to socloty, nnd tho mnn or men who conduct such pnpors aro worthy cltlzons; but ho who seeks to debauch and degrade tho mornlB of a rcspectnblo ,!, iimlnr Mm rnlnn of noWBnminr ntlbllcltV. WhCIl 1)0 Is lll.ronllty seeking to fill his pocketbook nt tho expense of .such community Is cer tainly bo bnso that ho should not only bo ostracized from socloty, but should hnvo "a mlllstono hnnged about his neck and cast Into tho dopths of tho sen." fPi.1.- i.... ,..' or nn-nhie cninUn will inako evident to tho pcoplo of Marshflold whnt sort of reputation this vile and vicious shot Is giving this city. I understand that tno men uoiisnu uio uuBU..ulUiu .i .).n,,i ,i,,oa wim nrn mionsora for tho unsponknblo thing nro go- lug to try and force n continuation of this publication upon this com munity. If this Is truo It 1b tlmo to count noses, u ... .. ., ,- ...i n..,vna i... .inbnuclicry of our homes, dishonor of wiiu milium iui imu ... ....- ..w - - - ..... ,, our sons nnd tho pollution of our daughters. It Is tlmo to know who nro willing to stand for decency nn nanr llllu vu muK w. -... .i i.i i tn rnitornto hero a previous statomont that n copy of this sheet In anyone's hand Is "a bndgo of shame nnd a busl- iiosB announcement, n proclamation or inianiy uuu.... -. .. ..... i i.i, i.v oin mnthors and tenchors' of MnrslillolU and tho equally splendid action of tho business men who withdrew tholr support whon they realized Its inwuuy aim ....., .v.u . .. question whore the majority of tho people sUnnd, but they must stand together. This Is not a newspaper fight. Heaven forbid. It Is a fight for tho purity or our homos nnd tho protection of our boys nnd girls. Copies of this Infamous sheet hnvo gono Into our public school, thoro to bo read by your son nnd your daughter nnd poison their young minds with Us foul nnd filthy stories of shamo nnd suggestion and Indo- 'Thavo a blue eyed baby girl at homo and. If I thought that when alio grows Into girlhood nnd starts to school" somo ono would place In her hands such a foul and unclean thing as this sheet, I would rather a thousand times follow her little white -casket to" the silent hillside '"it is to bo expected that tho men behind this viper's nest should de .. i fahmmv hni ho uro tholr sin will find thorn out. In tho meantime tho men who lend 11 the npprovnl and support of tholr names should bo made to feel mo conuimuiy mm ww....... -. ... """.::.';, ... . ,, ..o n. town wide onen for tho things this vllo Bheot stands for and make of Marshneld sink of Iniquity, sin .and infamy besldo which Sodom and coruorran were ciuuu u.u. -. Under which flag nro you; 0EH1Y-FDUR ARE KILLED IN BATTLE IN OLD IB CITY TftX IS ' ELEVEN ILLS Fierce Engagement Fought Sunday By Band of Revolutionists. (MANY EXECUTED ON ! SUSPICION OF REVOLT National Absociation to Promote It Meets. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D, C, Dec. 14. Tho American Civic Association whoso object is the cultivation of higher Ideals of civic life and beauty In America began a three days ses sion hero today with a largo attend ance. "Tho sociological aspect of tho Cuban municipality" was dis cussed by Dr. F. Carreray, minister from Cuba to tho United States. He4d The Times' Want adm. TWO DOCTORS ARE SUICIDES Leading Practitioner of Pitts burg Hurls Himself From Window Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PITTSBURG, Dec. 14. Leaping from tho window of his homo today, Dr. W. Proctor one of tho best known practitioners in this city, was killed. Only yesterday another doc tor shot himself In tho tomplo and a patient In another hospital threw himself from tho fifth story window, dying soon afterwards. Proctop un derwent an operation yesterday. Tho LADIES SEWIXO SOCIETY of tho Knights of Finland, will hold an AUCTION of HANDMADE arti cles suitable for Christmas presents, at tho Finnish hall, SATURDAY vrrjiiT. December 17. Banco and .'supper after auction. Try The Times Want Ads. 6 IS U F "NOTGUILTY" Charge of Setting Forest Fires In Violation of Law Not Proved. (By Associated Press to Coos Baj Times,) GOLDENDALE, Wash., Dec. 14. Louis R. Glavls, tho principal witness In the PInchot-Balllngor hearing was acquitted yesterday on tho chargoof sotting forest fires In violation of law. Tho Jury was out twenty min utes. A second chnrgo of a similar na turo against Glavls was dismissed, tho prosecuting attorney holding thero was no ovldenco to convict. Marshfield Council Adopts Same Levy As Last Year Saloon Licenses Discussed, , Tho Mnrshflold city council last ovonlng fixed the tnx levy for tho coming year for municipal purposes nt eleven mills, tho baiuo ns Inst yoar. The action wns tnken after consider able discussion. Councllninn Nelson wnntod It flxl nt ton mills, saying the lovy was too high. Councllninn Albrocht Buid thnt It would roqulre tho boiiio as Inst year. Ho said If tho levy wub reduced, It might rosult In tho city not having sulllclcnt monoy to pay Its current exponscs and result In tho city wnrrants going nt n discount again. Councllmon Savage, Coko and Powers wero opposed to allowing tho wnrrantii go nt a discount, and snld It wns hotter to bo suro and hnvo sufllclont. Mnvor Strnw spoko nbout tho com- mlttco appointed by tho Chnmbor of Commorco to sccuro a reduction In tuxes but snld they have not bcon around. Mr. Albrecht snld ho under stood they wero to principally op pose tho purchaso of n flro onglna. Councilman A. II. Powors stated that tho commltteo hnd been Inform ed to got a petition from tho men onpas'.ng tho flro engine purchaso Innd preaont it to tho council. It wns suggested thnt tho adoption of tho tax lovy go over until tho next moot ing, but City Recordor Butler said it would probnbly bo too Into. High Saloon LIcohsph. Councilman Powors suggoBted that tho saloon HconBos bo Incronsod to $1,000 poryenr nnd snld tho nddl tlonnl $0,000 xtt would ralso would help tho city. Inyor Straw said If It was, that probaujy sovoral of tho plncos would go out of busluosB nnd nddod that If eight of them did, It probably wouldn't hurt tho town. City Recordor Butler suggested that tho llconso would hnvo to bo Increased by ordlnanco nnd thero wns no tlmo to do It In now. City Attorney Gobs snld tho ordlnanco might hnvo tho omorgoncy clauso at tached so that tho saloons' would hnvo to pny. Howovor, tho mnttor went ovor without nctlon. Nelson I Ins Plan. Councllninn Nolson prosonted n communication to tho council re questing tho ndoptlon of moro strin gent saloon regulations. However, thoro wns nn error In it thnt caused it to go ovor after considerable "Joshing" nnd Mr. Nelson was In structed to proparo n now ono, and hnvo it ready for tho noxt mooting. Tho error wns tho omission of the word "hundred" which mndo It read that tho council fix tho annual llconso at "six dollars por annum." It also provided that saloons havo only ono ontranco, that shaking of dlco and gambling bo prohibited, tliat saloons havo plain glass win dows without curtains, etc. Mr. Nelson said unless somothlng of tho kind was adopted, MarBhfteld would voto "dry." Report Today Says That Gov ernment Has Routed Insur gents In Chihuahua. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) AT THE FRONT, RANCIIO SAN TIAGO, near I'odeonnlos, Monday, via Kl Paso, Wednesday. In yestor dny's cngngomont, tho revolutionists fought General Navarro to a tantl still nlthoiiBh Iqfeilorln numbers. All laid, sovonty-four 'porsons aro known to have boon klllod. A horrlblo Instonco barbarity oc curred aftor tho battlo. Every man In the hnmlot of Corro Prloto wao brought before tho mayor to provo his Innoconco of participation In tho revolt. Thirty could not do this nnd wero tnkon out nnd shot. They nro Included In tho number of dond. Tho bnttlo was Indoclslvo in results. Tho revolutionists nro being roln- tniA n.i.l nnnninl Vnvnrrn fttntna ho expects sorloiiB fighting froni now on. Ho admitted tho bravery of tho. Insurgents but snld tho lnck of mlll tm'y orgnnlzntlon would dofcat them. In tho ond. Tho envornmont oHlclnls Insist Navarro has split tho revolutionist!! Into sninll bnnds vyhllo tho latter stnto they nre-strongor than over. Tho rovoldtlonlBtB jiredlot nn oorly bnttlo In which thoy claim they-jslr-outnumbor Navarro ond will. dof oat him. Gonornl Nanrro ndmlts ho expects more serious fighting, Sees Surveyors. Jlugh Sneddon returned lasV ovonlng from a trip to Newport, coming down tho coast via Gardiner. Ho reports that twenty seven of the Southern Pacific survey ors aro now working out of Gardi ner on the coast lino survey towards Marshfield. PLAN PUBLIC .MEETING. Chamber of Commerco to Announce Plans For Coining Year. Tho Marshfield Chambor of Com morco Is planning to hold a public meeting Just as soon as thoy can gain possession of tholr now quar ters In tho First Tnut nnd Savings Bank building to enlist tho public nnd to mako a public announcement of their plans for tho coming year. "We want to enlist ovory man In terested In the welfare of Marsh field," said Vlco-presldont McKnlght today. "Wo havo formed tontatlvo plans for tho work nnd will announce them to the meeting for further sug gestions. It Is our plan to appoint a number of additional committees ti got moro active and bettor work. Wo are determined to mako the com ing year the most successful in, the history of the organization." It EVOLUTIONISTS AIUJ,. ROU.TJRD ''k. Mexican Troops "'Capture Their Klrongliolil at Guerrero. (By AssociMod Press to Coos Bay, TlmoB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 14. Tho Moxlcnn Fodornl troops havo completely routed tho revolutionists In Chlhunhua nnd captured tho city of Guorroro, according to a tologram from Ambassador Wilson at Moxl co City. "This has cloarod tho stnto of Chihuahua and othor parts of tho country of all organized resis tance to government," ho says. BIG ENGLISH STRIKE ENDED Fifty Thousand Boilermakers In Shipyards Return to 1 Work Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Doc. 14. A bollor makor's lockout afectlng fifty thou sand men In tho yards of tho Ship building Employers' Federation was ended today by tho accoptanco today of tho terms mndo by omployors. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN. Eastern" Star Holds Annual Election Olllcers Last Night. Doric Chapter, Order of tho East om Star, held Its annual election of olllcors last night which resulted as follows: Worthy matron Mrs. E. G, Fla nagan. Worthy patron C. II. Marsh. Assistant matron Mrs. Alexan dria Lando. Sec. Mrs. Francis McLeod. Troas. Mrs. John Boar. Conductoress Mrs. J, T. Hall. Assoc, conductoress. Mrs. Rosa Tho Eastern Star and Masons will hnvo n Joint Installation pf ofllcors, Decombor 27, and aro planning for a big time. u . .'a "V X v. . JT -