The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 12, 1910, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    1 MV" ""
- ADSr
tfllC.V business is SLOW, Al
TERSELY TOLD : :: :: v.
Established In 1B78
us The Count Mall.
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull M-. 10Q
nnd Com Hay Advertiser. ' '
- " HTH.1WP WjH.UlU LL lliliiMiuiL
,0I,. XXXI II.
S noWB
iU t.i U B af
ft eg I tnn UN
Commission Fixes Levy This
Morning Cooston Projects
Taken Up.
At a meeting of tho Port of Coos
Ciy Commission this morning, ,i
ihreo-mlll tax levy for, tho ensuing
njr was adopted. Tho ordinance
tu token up nt tho provious mcot-
of tho port commission nnd wilt
W Wrtlflod to Iho county clorlc nt
I coco
Tho Coo3ton channol nnd dock pro
ject vi tho thenio of tho principal
J'jcii Ion this mornliiK. i:. W.j
Ecbrodt, 0. II. Ivarson, W. F. Ray,
I M, M Jndcr, 0, C. Hnnson, F,
Sinbgrn and Win. !. lloinmo appear
ed, a behalf of the Sothor street pro
ject. Tho Wlllnnch slough project
rjpportcrrf uro not" present but 0
F McKulght ns their attorney asked
(or more tlmo In which to propnro
i rcmoastranco against tho Sothor
ttrcct projoct, Tho port's engineer
rtportcd that tho Scthcr street pro
ject would rcqulro tho removal of
16,000 yards of dirt and tho Wlllnnch
(lough project 21,000 yards. In hid
rfport, ho favored a tlird project for
lie old channol routo, which Is only
jbout ICO feet south of tho Scthcr
itrctt project, nnd which would ro
(ilro tho removal of only about
f.OOO yards. Tho engineer's recom
Btndntlon nppcnlcd to tho commts
I'oners nnd they instructed him to
jreparo plans for It and tho attorney
to prepare an ordlnanco for It. TJicso
till bo taken up a ttho next mcot
hj when tho citizens of 'Cooston
till again bo heard on' it.
An ordlnanco providing -for tho
(hinnel to connect North Lnko and
TenJllle lako wan ndoptcd.
' Reports On 'Suit, i
Of R. Peck ropoVtcd to tlio com
Dliilon thnt ho had argued tho enso
of thp Southern Oregon Company
uil the Bennett Trust Company bo
fore the supremo court nt Salem' Inst
nek nnd that n decision on the suit,
ihlch Involves tho vnildlty of tho
port commission, will probnbly be
wcurid enrly in January.
Mr. Peck also roported that ho
id argued tho enso of A. Halo vs.
W Port ('ommlss'nn In tho fedontl
nrt at Portland but thnt a docl-
on oa It would not be secured tintU
fter the supremo court liniuls down
i deel Ion. Ho also reported ,.he
l withdrawn from. hhUilanuirrcr
the suit tho claim that Unto only
ild about sixteen corits (dxos. a
JO 'nsufllelent to gain standing In
lie federal court. Ho stntod tho
twu he had wlth'drriwn this was
tecanuo Senator Guorln, attorney fo
Hle, had informpd Jlm thnt if this
foct succeeded in knocking p(ut tla
fe, ho would simply get nnothor
Prty to appear as tho plaintiff la
P'ce of Mr. Halo, thus merely dolny
J the ense. Mri Peck al?
that !n viwr of this nnd thnt. Mr. was attorney for tho Southern
Oregon Company, ho nnd decided to
wld tho delay by striking out this
Found from Ills domurrer.
The Port Commission adjourned
to meet again December 31, when tho
nnual reports of 'tho qffldera wilt bo
'Melved and nrrannemonts made to
turn the business over to the reor-
pnlzed commission. L. J. Simpson
"a mas. Wlnsor succeeding J. C.
-t uuu w. i; Evans
Steamship Leaves With Large
Cargo For San Francisco
The M. P plnnt oollnrl i.oor,1flV
Lafternn- . U' ' l J1.
1 v.un iur oan Francisco, buu
ferried a big caVgb-' of mlscollaneoua
I'lht. Gaptr-BurtlB- - expects - to
; n make upEo tlraoTost ' whllo
:Pfl? thso sajlg froin.h.erfion
lfte Plant were: '
D- E. Cooloy and wife, J. B. C6o-
T John Preuss, Jr., Geo. Jensen,
- A. AgMfee,. Will Morris, Q. W.
i m
J. VV. Bennett Says That Ww
riman Lines Will Probably
. Get Here First.
J. W. Bennett, who returned from
a business trip to Portland and Sa
lem Saturday, Is very optimistic
ovur tho railroad prospects for Cooa
Day und has villous, of being nblo to
iimko the trip in a Pullman enr In
tho uar future ln.Uead of by boat,
Htnxe nnd train. At OardMior, hw
was informed that C. P. Ouerl, who
lifts dhni'Ko of tho Southern Pacific
survey from Eugene via the Slusliw
to Cooi Bay, hdlHn there tmd nr
raiiKH for coommodutlflhn Mr his
crew of twenty-Savon' mon.- Mr.
Guerl Informed Gnrdlur ptfoplutlru
his Instructions wero to push through
tho survey with thp greatost possible
"I now bellovo," said Mr. Ilonnott
"that Iho Ilarrlmnn Interests will
bent tho lllll linos Into CoosBnyrbut
not very much. Tho Southern Paci
fic nro coming as fast ns posslbh
and will probably take up tho best
route down tho coast. As a result
of this, you will sco tho Hill systom
parallel tho Southern Pacific through
Oregon and connect up with tho
Ifnlncs road near Rosoburg."
Whllo In Portland, Mr.
was interviewed by tho
which quotes him as follows:
Tho Southern Pacific Company has
expended 3,000,000 in railroad
building to Coos Bny nnd will add
to that another 13,000,000, said
Judgo J. W. Bennett of Mnrshflold,
whllo In Portland yesterday. This
amount Includou $1,000,000 thnt hat
been expended in work botweon
Drain and Mnrshflold and Myrtlo
"A pnrty of 27 Southern Pacific
sutvoyors nro surveying for n lino
between Eugene nnS tho Umpquu,
which Is to coino to Coos Bny by
tho Drnln route," said Judgo Bon
nott. "Tho sum of ?ir.0,000 Is be
ing spent on n now slope In tho
Benvor Hill mines. Tho rnllroal
Htenmshlp Breakwater Is now bring
ing 500 tons of Beaver Hill coat a
month to Portland.
' "Last summor flvo promlnont
Southern Pacific olhclals camo up
tho const from Kurokn, Cnl In nu
tomoblloq, to study railroad possibi
lities. Recently C. -J. MUlls, Iocni
manngor of the Southern Pnclflo,
pnmo from San Francisco to Coos
Bay and whllo thoro said that tin
prospects for a rnllroad to Coos Bay
woro bettor than over boforo. The
lnceutlvu for all this activity Is said
to bo tha purclmso by James J. HH1
of tho .electric lino between Portlnnd
nnd Sitlom, which ho proposes to ex
tend to Eugono nnd perhaps to San
Francisco. Recent moves- seem to
Indicate the deslro of Ilarrlmnn poo
plo to occupy this country boforo
Hill gets thoro.
- "At tho recant meeting of thore
gdn Development league, the conser
vative T. B. Wilcox quoted James J.
Hill aa saying in substance, Inst
June, that the next five years wou!3
witness Oregon's greatest railroad
dovolopnient, nnd that there would
be more railroad development
by our lines in Oregon dur-
,ng tUo comng yenr than
In nnv
as members. I othor Btate of tll0 union except Mon
'during the coming year than In any
"All of these things, coupled to
gether, lead tho quiet observer to
believe that tbero is actually to be
a railroad to Coos Bay."
Former Douglas County Woman
Murdered Wednehdny Night.
(Ey Associated Press to Coos r
ROSEBURG, Ore., Dec. 10. Mrs,
Bell Ellis, who was murdered near,
Modford Wednesday night, is well
known la .Dcmglas couity where shcj
Jived, for several years. For about
two years sho cdnducted a restaul
rnnt-nt Glendale.- leavlnp -thcro-ten
months ago to accept employment ns
a,cooU In alumber cajup,ndar tho
WeSt'Foric." ShVfs suilpOsed' trf havo
lejt that. pla?9 ,abou. a iuo,nth ago
Sho Is tho wifo of E. S. Ellis, at pro-
.... ,.Mi.itr in Pnllfnrnlft ''nnd lg
also survived hy -a daughter. Mr. !
tmiii a .idni!.r of .fidlFWMVA.
tlllJD im w --- -- - --
No Telegraph Service to Coos
Bay Today As Result of
Line Being Crossed By
Telephone Wire.
The Western Union Telegraph
wlro between Coos Bay and Itoso
burg has boon out of commission nil
day U 'ay but Manager Scbottcr
Special School Election Called
' TorDecember22'to'Fill"
Vacancy. f
WS. McFnrland, who is to 'shor:
ly -leave Coos Bay, has tendered bis
resignation as n member of the
Mnrshlleld school board to become
cffcctlvo ns soon ns his successor Is
chosen nnd qualified. Mr. McFnrland
expects to leavo tho latter part of
tho month.
Tho school board hnn called n spe
cial election to chooso his successor
t0 u0 ncId nt tl10 uow Jl,B'1 8cn0l
building Thursday ovcnlng, Dccotn-
bor 22, nt 7;30 o'clock.
Today, C. J. Mlllls wns waited
upon by somo local business men
who desired him to be a candldnte
to succccU Mr. McFnrland. Ho In
formed him that ho would gladly
servo It it Is tho deslro of tho people
of Marshflol'd for Aitm'.tb do Iso.
So fnr, II r. Illlls In the only can
dldnto mentioned for tho place.
Steamship Arrives This After
noon and Will Sail Tomor-
' r"ow For Eureka. '
i' i )
Tho AUJnnco,, arrived in. at, noon
today from Portlnnd after n good
trip down tho conBt. Sho had con
siderable freight for Cobs Bay and
a goad list of passeijgors besides
considerable througiiV business for
Sho will snll at 7 o'clock In tho
morning for Eurokn nnd on tho ro
turn will sail from hero Dccombor
16 for Portland.
Among thoso arriving on tho AI-
llanco wero the following:
R. V. Brown, G. K. Towers, O. O.
Ray, Mrs. C. O. Ray, J. E. Updlko,
G. Smnllwood, J. M. Foster, Edna
Stanley, C. Lyon, Mrs. Anthony, J.
M. Madden, O. Woodward, A. McCau-
ley, H. Meakln nnd J. H. Menkln.
"Bossy" Has Narrow Escape
From Drowning Removal
Is Difficult.
Yesterday afternoon after several
hours work-, O. Larson's cow was
rescued from Herman Krueger'a well
at Forndale. The animal whllo
browsing around backed into tho well
nnd Eoverat.foet of water kept her
head afloat and prevented drowning
They tried to pnll hor out with -a
djsrrl?k but couldn'tjtnd finally head
to dig a.tjTcU.ReycrleOjteep to
let her walk ot. John Johnson, Mr.
Mystron, Harry Allen, Ed. Larson,
A. M.- Peter's and" others worked for
over a half day getting her out.'
Havo you looked our Xmas goOd4
ovor. It willpaT you. ItED CROSS,
.. . ,. . .
'i i
hopes to testoro service somotlm
this evening,
Tho wlro was down Inst night nnd
ho hnd his linemen start out from
Sumner nt daylight today. Soon aft
er noon ho discovered thnt tho trou
ble was tho tho telegraph wlro and
tho telophono wlro getting crossol
near Flagstaff.
In consequence of tho wire tlcup,
Tho Times la without Associated
Press service today.
Ami! Lakdam, Aged 15, of
'NortlrBend Victim-of Hunt
ing Accident. '
Amll Lnkdnm, aged 15, of North
Bond, Sunday was tho victim of n
hunting nccldont that mny result In
tho loss of an arm. Tho member was
badly shuttered by a full load of shot
and Dr. Bnrtlo who attended him
hns hopes of being nblo to save tho
arm and will dctornilno boforo night
whether nmpntation will be necessa
ry. Lakdam was returning in his 'boat
across tho Bay about 3 o'clock. The
steamer M. F. Plant was Just leav
ing tho dock. Tho swells from the
steamer caused Lakdam's boat to
rock, His gnn which was lying on
tho 'locker of tho 'boat slipped -nnd
dell to tho bottom, tho Jar causing
tho discharge.
Tho full dlschargo struck Laic
dam's left arm between the hand and
tho olbow.
Lakdam's father Is in Portland
nnd his mother resides near Mercy
hospital In North Bond.
Judge 'Coke Imposes Fines On
Men Indicted By Grand
. i j ' Jury There.i . '
Tho Coos county grnnd Jury hna
retnrned a phrtlal report of Its in
vestigations nnd somo of tho envr.
have been disposed of. K. Kondo rind
another Jnp at Beaver Hill wore flo
od $2C nplcco for nssault on Ed.
Anderson nt Beaver Hill. Anderson
wns fined $100 for carrying conceal
ed weapons. This case was tho ro
sult of a recont fracas thoro.
jA truo lilll was returned against
Fred Elliott ns a result of tho ' as
sault oh Chas. Bansch on tho streota
of Coqulllo a fow weeka ago. 13i
llott was given until today to plead.
Tho charges against Andorsou, tho
formqr Smith mill employe who wns
charged with theft of clothing from
tho Mathlson homo and from clothes
lines in Mnrshflold, woro dropped.
Miss Mathlson whp wns tho principal
witness against him was away and
tho grand Jury returned not a truo
b'lll. Anderson, who has beon In tho
county Jail, has returned to Mnrsh
flold., A few true bills returned, by the
grandjury were not made public
pending tho arrest of1 tho parties
Court Convenes.
Tho rogular December term of
circuit court was convened at Co
qulllo today by Judgo Coko. Thoro
Is quito a heavy calendar for tho
Among tho dlvorco cases on tho
calendar nre:
Dora O'Malloy .vs. Edward OMalley
Chas. Westman vs. Jacoblna West-
man. '
Lllllo Wolf vs. Lyman II, Wolf.
Qhas. Dpnlsqn vs.,, Myrtlo Alma
Fred. Von Ltlenthnl vs. Annie Ll-
lonthal. 4 ;
Flora Johnson vs, AJbort S. Johp-
son. . .
. Nolllo..WlnklervsUAndrow.Wlnk
lor. , . , , . . , , . ,
,iUPlo L..McpuffeP vsjnn.VtQpiM
o 'Delia Pickett vs. Jas.. IL Pickett,
NelHo Crow vs: "V.rH. Crow. "
Otto A. Morrlssey ve'Udlth M,
II H fi
Lively Fight Develops On
Councilman In Tonofrow's
Contest Franqhise Up.
The North Bend city election to
morrow prom'scs to be n moat llvoly
oi)o ns a good-Blzcd contest hns de
veloped ovor tho councllmnn. Ono
faction has tnkon tho lend and terms
Itsolf tho Citizen's tlckot nnd Is sup
poitlng tho following for council
men: L. F. FnlkonBtoln, Dr. Ira B
Bartle,' J. A. Ward and Honry (I.
Keiu. AiiRUHt Hoollmg, n member
r the present city council,' Ip tho
only other candidate for the council,
A. II. McKay and It, A. Woruiajt hay
ing dropped out of tho content.
Editor McDanlol Ib lending In
tho fight on Councilman lioellTiirf
niul In'ThB'HnrbOr holds up Hoolllng
ns thevoiily candidate on tho saloon
Asldo from tho lively contest on
couucUmcn, consldcrnblo Interest
nlso confers In tho application of Ja
cob M. Blako for a strdot enr frnn
chlso In North Bond. Mr. Blnko nor
holds franchises In Mnrflhflold and
ovor tho county road botweon North
Bend nnd Mnrshflold nnd snyo that
tho franchiso In North Bend Is tho
only thing now needed to Insuro th
success of tho projoct nnd tho secur
ing of tho long sought street rail
way for North Bond nnd Mnrshflold.
Besides this, in his application to
tho Mnrshflold olty council for an
extension, ho specified tho street
railway to bo built by him hero was
to provide tormlnnlB or lines Jn
Mnrshflold for tho Coos Bay nnd,
Bolso. Tho franchiso matter Is a
topic of much dlscusalou In North
Bend today.
Tho polling plnco is tho North
Bend city hnll and tho polls will bo
open from 8 o'clock In tho morning
until 7 o'clock In tho ovonlng. Tho
Judges will bo J. W. Grout, J. U,
Horn nnd W. 12. Thorp, nnd tho
clorks, J. G. Mullen, T. L. Caroy and
C. E. Mnybeo.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 12.
Spoknuo's population Is 104,10'J,
ngnlnst 30,8-13 In '1,900,. an increnso
of G7,554, or 83. 3 por cont. This
puts Spoknno far nhoad of Tncoma,
which In 1900 had S0C moro citizens
than tho metropolis of tho Inland
Empire (
In porcontago nnd, growth, Spok-
ano ranks close to Sonttlo and Bolso,
and Is nenr tho top of tho list for
tho entlro country, fow cities show
ing a Inrgor porcontngo for tho last
ton yoars.
Spoknno is now tho -ICth city In
slzo. Ton years ago it was No. 100.
Tho city's growth from 1890 to 1900
was S5 por cent increaso or 10,920.
Tho population of tho largo coun-
tleB In Washington Is as follows:
King, 284,038; Plorco, 120,812;
Spokano, 139,404; Walla Walla, 31,-
Montana counties Cnscndo, 28,
833; Deer Lodge, 12,988; Lewis and
Clark, 21,853; Missoula, 25,590,
Sliver Bow, 50,848; Yellow Stone,
All membors of tho Fraternal
Union aro requested to attend tho
rogular meeting Tuesday, December
13, 1910. By order of
Measure Carrying Over $21,-
000,000 Is Adopted By ,
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
Times.) '
WASHINGTON, D.'C., Deo. 10.
The Rlvors nnd Harbors bill carrying
$21,894,801, passed tho HOuso today.
Got vh&t you want whon you want
it through The Timed Want AdB.
Roseburg Man Tells of Coos
Bay and Boise Line's
The Roseburg News says: "That
tho former Oregon, Idnho and Cooa
Bny railroad company, recently In
corporated under tho tltlo of tho Oro
gon & Northwestern Rnllroad Co.,
Is to bo constructed In nccordanco
with tho -pronilnes Of Frnncls Clnrk,
n fntquent visitor in Rowhurg dur
ing tho past yenr, is now conceded
by loenl capitalists who hnvo Investi
gated th proposition thoroughly. A
welt-known Koseutrrg man, who ar
rived homo ' from Portland this
morning after a fow days spent nt
thnt city looking after business in
terpstflr'lnformpd n-Ncws represen
tative thnt ho bed oxnmlned tho
merits nhd standing of tho corpora
tion during his visit ta lio Orogon
motropolls, nnd had found thnt tho
colnpnny hnd prncticnlly completed
nil preliminary details preparatory
to commencing construction opera
tions, nnd Intended to go nhoad with
tho work ut nu enrly dato In tho
event tho Coos Bny tormlnnl contro
versy can bo settled without apply
ing to tho courts which at tho loast
would mean tho delay of a year.
"According to tho gentleman abova
montloiiod, Jbo company has suCcood
ed In raising tho necessary $4,500,
000, which amount they doom suf
ficient to construct and equip the
road In readiness for operation. Tho
gentleman snys that tho tormlnals In'
Rosoburg lnvp beep practically so
loclou", but that con'sldornbld troublo
has been encountered In securing
sultnblo yards nt tho Coos Bay end
of tho lino principally for tho roa
son that tho owners nro nttomptlng
to hold tho company up in ordor
to obtain oxhorbltant prices for their
land. The mntter of securing tho
rlght-of-wnys from tho limits of Ro
soburg to tho const is docmod of lit
tlo Importance, according to tho In
formant, Inasmuch ns n majority of
tho land owners along tho survny of
tho contemplated rond nro willing to
dlsposo of a portion of their hold
IngH at n ronsonnblo prlco In ordor
to oncourngo tho promoters of tho
rohd to get busy at an norly dnto.
"With the monoy nt hand, tho
gentleman says that tho cltlzons of
Rosoburg nndtyCoos Bny nro practi
cally certain of an east and wost
rnllroad nt nn oarly dato, barring tho
possibility of n depression In tho
monoy market."
A number of North Coos Rlvor
pcoplo wont to Mnrshflold last Fri
day to visit tho Poultry and Pot
show. Among thoso going woro
Mrs. J, II. Prlco and children. Mr.
and Mrs. Riusoll, Miss Hodson, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Mahaffy and chlldron, and
Miss Mahaffy, Mr. E, Noah and fam
ily and Mr. Landrlth.
I. N, Price who has been 111 (or
about six months, Is convalescent.
Mr, Swoet of
with Bort Gray
Coqulllo, visltod
and family ovor
D, Roberts Is spending a fow
daysut tho home of his sister, Mrs.
C. E. Edwards.
Four-Year-Old New Jersey
" Child Brought Back After
Long Absence.
(By Associated Press to Coos Bay
REDBANK, N. J , Doc. 10. Tho
four-year-old daughter of P, Potlllo
who disappeared October '20 wua
found in tho garden around tho homo
last night. It is supposed Blaek
Hnndors returned the child following
tho refusal of tho father to nm-et
their Moniands for money
lodg, at GlwltoW';iRCrrtin4. WKO STOKIR