THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION. "nAAnonnrin m .Amman? miv :; :: SCHOOL NEWS i mahsiifilld school report i,i' Till! MONTH ENDING DECEMBER U. Ae.tgo ntimbor pupils oGO Aveiago daily attondnnco 54 1 Percent of nttondnnco 97.1 Whole number tnrdlness. ... 10. Number pupils neither absent nor tardy 390 Number visits by parents. ... '12 Whole- number pupils on register sinco beginning of the year C03 a play: "The Birds Christmas Tree" and motion Eongs. Mrs. Wilbur Is the teacher. Tip Sixth Grade will hnvo sonjM mid lecltatlons. Miss Steuholm Is teacher. Masonic Theater The Sevgnth Grade will have song and recllAtloiu. Mrs. Hood I the tenche-r. All grades have Christmas trees, and blackboard Chrlstmns decora tions, done by the pupils. Tho Gorman Club mot with Mary Price at tho homo of Mrs. Clausen, December 1. May Prouss and Nora Tower entertained tho club with a description of tho Rhine nml with facts nbout tho llag, ilowcr, and mot to of Germany. Now ofllcors of tho Athletic Asso ciation nro Chauncoy Clark, presi dent, Eric Dolt vice-prosldent, Leslie Isaacson socrotnry, John Ferguson trca9iiror. Christmas programs will be given la nil rooms on Friday afternoon, Decembor 10. Guosta nro Invited al though nothing elnborato has been prepared, In fnct toachcrs wore rather urged to mnko the Christmas exorcises as much a part of tho rcg' ular school work as possible. At tho South Marehlleld school exorcises In tho first, second and third grades will bo at 1 o'clock, In grades four to eight at 2 o'clock, nnd In tho high school at 2:30. Grades six and soven In tho South Mnrshllcld Schdol will present ,n llt- tlo play entitled "Tho Itugglos' Christmas Celebration" at Christmas tlmo. Tho characters follow: Peter Rugglcs. . . .Harvey Walter Sarah Maud. . . .Mario Thomnson Peoria Zoo Dolnn Daby Larry Tea Dow Clem Howard Kollcy Cornelius Ormond Carlson Kitty Ruth Cownn Susan Florenco Powers Elly. Myrtlo Nelson James Norrls Farrln Ida Cook will glvo a Mother Gooso recitation, Sarah Escott will bo Mrs. Snntn Clans. Thero will .be songs and choruses, Tho high school Christmas pro gram will consist of songs nnd chor uses and Individual parts presented by two lneinborti of onch class, Chauncoy Clarko and Joo Dennett, seniors; Ernest Harrington and Lucy Juza, Juniors; Mnx Rolgnrd nnd Graco Kruso, Bopliomoros; Albert Haines and Goo. Murch, rroshmnn. TIiobo studouts wore oloctod by their icspectlvo claHsoa. SING VARIED SONGS. One of tho Interesting features of Mrs. May Dearborn-Schwab's singing nt the Chamlnado club concert next Wednesday evening will be a group of German songs, n group of French songs nnd n group of English songs. In those selections tho singer Is said to bo especially flue. She will also glvo a number of other high class numbers. The concert Is an affair which should not be m'ssed by any music lovers of the city.. At a recent concert at Walla Walla, Wash., the following comment was made upon Mrs. Denrborn-Schwnb's singing1 "Tho timbre of Mrs. Schwab's sopra no can hardly be excelled. She has a olce whose range Is In no way slTectod by Its sweetness and soft ness. In addition she Is n musician of rare skill." 99 Lofftin - ' nts the "Parish Priest A conicdj -drama In three acts. SATURDAY XI) SUNDAY Nil JITS. December J (Kit and Mill. Price -"e, il."o nnd ."() cents tickets ox sale at the BUSY CORNER :: :: :: CURTAIN AT 8: 10. p.R. J. W. INGRAM, . D Physician nnd Sturgeon. Olllco 208-'J0O Coos Ituliains. Phonos Onico 1C21; Rosldonco 1C21 W. BENNETT, Lnwjer. Otllco over Flnnagnu & Dennett Dank Mnr8hnold, Orogon W: M. S. TURPEN, Architect. Over Chambei of Commerce. North Bend School News x. n. ii. s. notes. This week ended tho second six week division of tho first semestor nnd the report curds will bo given out for the second tlmo next week. At Chnpol exorclsoH last week, Mr. M. C. Hortou gnvo nn Instructive talk on matters pertaining to bnuks: Their purpose nnd some simple facts that all should know wore discussed, Mr. Hortou has kindly cousonted to talk to tho students further on tho snmo subject. Tho first basket ball gnmo of thn season was played Thursday evening In the school gymnasium between thn boys of tho sophomore class and a picked team from tho rest of tho boys In school. It was a fast gnmo and the final score was 29 to 15 In favor of tho sophomores. A gnmo will bo played ovory week. Last Friday afternoon tho Boys' Lltcrnry Society gavo tholr first pro gram. It was as follows: Orator "Alcxandor tho Great". Fred Reynolds Rending Mason Noah Prophesy ..Albert Davis nnd Glenn Grout Debate: "Resolved thnt a system of teachers' pension was not desir able." Afllrmntlvo Geo. Dowey & Law renco Russoll. Negative -Clydo Smith nnd Fre mont Hodsou. (Alllrmntlvo won tho decision) Musical selection Piano Joo Windsor Violin Harold Hunt Cornet Fred Reynolds Journal .Clnrenco Klbler Your Credit Is Good Gevurtz & Sons Portland, Ore. for Furniture Carpels Rugs Dms Reds Lace Curtains Slcn'H Clothing Ladles' Clothing Jewelry Crockery, etc., etc. The Home Furnishers for careful cleaning Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS RAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josophson, Mgr. J80 South Rrondwny, M irshllehl. jmm:mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmi:mmmmt!; Mm' STEAMER M. F. PLANT Sails for San Francisco every eight days TICKETS RESERVED UP TO THE ARRIVAL RESERVATIONS WILL RK CANCELLED LESS TICKET IS ROUGIIT. OF Till: AT T1MB 5 SHIP, F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore i itimo! ---------- "Til 1-2 FRIEND OI BREAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Mnrslifleld, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and nowly furnished. Rooms reason able, by day, week or month. Mrn. J. II. O'DONNELL, Prop. imxtsMrajsazfnsX3VAsisxsitKi lG. W. Dungan Undertaker Mar.Hhlleld, Oregon. nrlorn, 18!) South :td St., hone, Day or Night, 1D3-J, tfiJiiiiHiijL'iii'i n .'xrymnxirnKsaaaaa M TolepI AAA..Jv A - COOS RAY" -; STEAMER ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. WILL SAIL FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS DAY AND mint. ON A TEN-DAY SCHEDULE, CALLING AT MAMSIlPIELn It, WAYS. U0TH SAILS FROM COOS DAY FOR EUREKA, SATURDAY nrn 3, AND FOR PORTLAND, DECEMDER C. " ' C' NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY 0. V. McGF.ORGE, Agent. CiiFdsasciriiHssssBiK&iiaeaararasa "iSHhCSESMaEasiEsaiaiadsu? TT rv&m ONCE TRIED ALWAYS PATRONIZED Is tho verdict of nil our customers. That's becnuso we do much good work and do It at ouch rcasonablo prices. You'll bo surprised to sco thd transformation wo can mnko In your old clothes. Just glvo us a trial Job. Marshllcld Cleaning nnd Dye Works, Phono 270X. 18C So. Droadway. Ladles Garments n SH.'clnlty. THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 7Cc and 91.00; week ?2. 00 to JG.00. IIouso kcoplng npnrtmonts with gas ranges J10.00 to S1S.00 por month. FREE DATHS E. W. SULLIVAN, Prop. Tho morning exercises have como very Interesting latoly each class Is hold rosponslblo snmo entertainment one day In bo for for the Tho now library books have como. Thoy nro a good collection. Among them were Lipplncott's Pronouncing Biographical Dictionary, Lipplncott's Gnzottor of tho World, Harpor's Clas slcnl Dictionary, Harper's Latin Lex Icon, Heath's German Lexicon, Flu gel, Schmidt, Tnngor Gorman-English and English-German Lexicons; also many books for chlldron. Report cards will bo sent out Do comber 14 from nil departments. weok. Thoso talcing, part this wee'e are ns follows: Monday, vocal solo, Grnco Fulton; Tuesdny, solo, Ellon Anderson, Weduosdny, trio, Helen Monde, Edith Allgor, Ellen Ando. son ; Thursday, piano solo, Frnncls Golden; Friday, vocal solo, Edith M Allgor. HOME LAND Co. Soo us tor Investments on Coos Day. Wo gunrtnteo owner's prlco to bo our prlco. Phone 7.IL. fl Front Rf. OIL SUPPLIES Tho Coos Day Oil and Suppl Company under tho management of J. W. Flanagan will cuntlnuo to ban dlo tho Union Oil Company's gaso lino, distillate, benzine and conl ol nt their oil houso across tho Day tc which placo they hnvo moved their ofllrc. Phone 302. c c C & 0 Hi A K Ai t, i fl 1'"JW B LAWflm EAKWAUR Sails from AIiihuoi h Dock, I'orllnnd, nt H P. Ji .,,... Ti 1.. Sails from Coos Day every Saturday nt service of tide. Reicrvntloni N will not be held laterllian Friday noon, uiiIihm tickets arc punlinirtl. 9 W. F. Miller, Agfc. Fhcno Main 35-L S ?J2SESE52TOH5.2STES2CTJra5H525H5?l NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and caroful drivers aro now nt tho dis posal of tho Coos Day public at HEASONA1JLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horsos boarded and rigs enrod for. Now hoarso and special accommo dations provided for funeral partlos. W. L.CCMRON'S Livery & Feed Stables I OVCn OB YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tho N. R. II. S. orchestra was or ganized Inst evening and will bo rendy for any cnll upon thorn by the student body In tho near future. jiApjra Trade Marks Designs COPYniQHTS dc. Anrons (ending n (ketrh unci description roar ' opinion ireo wne tAlintnhta. Conn tlonntrlctlTconOUcnUal. HAHOBOOK onl'atenu qulcklr atcettmn our opinion freo whether nn lUTonunn ie pruonuir PAirninnie. County Superintendent Bunch paid Marshdeld schools n vlstt this weok. Coos county school superintendents nnd principals will hold a mcotlng a CoQtil!!o during tli? holldny vaca .tlon. CF.NTRAL SCHOOL. Superintendent Bunch gavo a very Interesting talk to tho students hnt Tuesday morning. rV" will hnvo songs Miss Kent Is the First grndo ' and recltittlons. teacher. Tho Second Grndo will glvo a Christmas play: "Christmas In Other Lauds," gongs nnd story. Mrs. Longley Is tho teacher. The Third Grade will havo recita tions nnd songs. Miss Wnldvogol U tho teacher. Tho Fourth Grndo will havo rool tatlous, songs, and tho play: "Grand, pn's Christmas Surprise." Miss Chapman Is teachor. Next Friday afternoon nt 2: -10 tho "Cnstllllan Literary Society" of which tho girls In high school aro membors will glvo their second pro gram, and all tho public nro Invited to bo present. Tho question for do bato at this tlmo will bo, "Resolved That Tho English Had As Much Cause for Grlovnnco ns tho Colon ists." Tho nffrmntlvo will bo uphol-.l by Syneva Sorenson and Joelln Hod son whllo Norma Chnso nnd Cecilia Doyle will champion tho negntlvo side. As both sldos aro working dl'l gently It Is anticipated that It will bo vory Intorebtlng. For the County debaters this year tho following hnvo been chosen to roprosont North Bend: Alhrmatlve, Edith M. Allgor, Ruby Watklns, and Ellon Andorson. Nogatlvo, Clarence Klblor. Churlos Van Zlle, and Fred Roynolds. ComraunlfA ent free. Dl.teit teener (ureecunuspalenla Tatonte lakon thruuuh ilunn X Co, recelre tpttial ru(k, without cnarse. In tua Scientific flmcricnin A handtorrfetr lllnitralod weeklr. I reet fir. culallon of anr cienilda Journal, Terrui, tl a reart tnurruontbi.ll. BoUbyall tiewtdealert. MUNN&Co.38'0'" New York llraocb Offlc. C& P 8U WajblDKton, I). C. COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho II vory busi ness of L, II. Helsnor nnd nro pro pared to render cxcolleut sorvlco to tho pooplo of Coos Buy. Cnroful drlvors, good rigs nnd ovorythlng thnt will moan satisfactory sorvlco to tho public. Phono us for n driving horso, a rig or nuythlng needed In tho livery lino. Wo also do n trucking business of all kinds. IRniicliiud, Rezln & Rlnuchard Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First nnd Aldor Strcota. Phono 138-J THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS) WILL MAKE REGULAR TRIPS CARRYING PASSENGDIIS AND FREIGHT HETWEL'N COOS RAY AND SAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RESERVATIONS FOR PASSENGERS MADD AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MARSHFIELD AND INTER-OCEAN TRAN8P. CO. UNION STREET WHARF NO. S, SAN FRAN. CISCO. FOR INFORMATION PHONE I l-J OR 283. HAII.S FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, BECIM HER lit. 1NTEH-OGEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. tt-tt-a-w -K-a-e-a---K-.u-n- -a-a-a-a-a-a-i a-a-a-ti-na-jj I M MA. W tt a a a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a a a 1 a 1 a a 1 a t a Real Estate Snap RESIDENCE CORNER 84x100 In Sengstacken's Addition Good Bay View, for $375.00 See Title, Guarantee &. Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, M.Wr -n-a-a-a-a-a-aa-a-a-a-a-u---a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-H-8-n-n 8 I n 1 n . 1 a- 8 I O- 8" t m 1 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 I tj The Fifth Grndo will give two plays, "Santa Clnus Outwitted" nnd n dlnloguo "Holidays." Miss Land rlth Is teacher. First grade "B" next Friday at 1:30 will bold their exercises, giving Tho "Froy Oratorical Contest" which should havo boon hold next weok at Coqulllo, has boon postponed until noxt spring, Arbor Day boln tho day flxed. DON'T BAKE You can't nfford to put In tho best years of you'ro llfo fussing over n hot oven. If your husbnud and family only know how good Coos Bay Bakery Bread really Is, they would profor It to home made. . And on tho other baud you would havo about half tho work to do, with Just thnt much more tlmo to glvo your family. BUY COOS BAY BAKERY BREAD Today dou't hnvo nnothor hot, dis agreeable bako day, with Its dreads, doubts nnd uncertainties. For when you get Coos Bay Bake ry Bread thero is no guess work, you know it's good your bako day troubles disappear llko magic. While Figuring ON THE CHEAP WIRING CAM PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT WE ARE SELLING FIXTURES AT A BIG DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE FLAT IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A FEW LEFT. BETTER PLACE YOUR ORDER. -a-a-a-a-a-a-a -a-a-a-a-a-a- a-a-a-a-a-tt-a-a-a-a- 8-a-a Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PnONE S37JT. Arrange to take your SUNDAY DINNER nt tho PALACE restaurant. A flno Duck dinner will bo served at 5:30. The COOS BAY BAKERY PHONE ltl-L. "THE HOUSE OF GOOD THINGS." Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forgot that this U niE laundry whero you get tho best work, and prices aro In every ono' roach. Call up and ono of tho drlv- rs will call and explain all dotalls to you. All telephone calls are quickly attended to, becnuso wo aro running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT. ISFACTION. MARSHFIELD HAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. rOmizcy Bros.. Prop. Phono 220-J. R a 1 a 1 a a 1 a 1 a 1 a a a Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORB. All kinds or monumental work promptly and artistically exe cuted. Call at our works on South Broadway. 8 I 8 I 8 t 8: I B-n-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ra-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-n-a-rf- ' 'I'l'l'l M'l r jcazviav . air nir ti -SAFEANDjP WT - r r CC" '-1 .yoDPmivn x jr' coosjsw.wwm. , COOS BAY REALTY , SYNDICATE. DEALERS J& AGENTS. COAL . COLONIZATION. MIBY. farm. rwrr. mihemi OrsaniziHs or industrial COMPANIES A SPECIALTY Tho past has proven that Investments In small aero tracts near growing, cities aro tho mest profitable. The O. B. R. S. has buch to offer. Cnas. J. Bruschko, Marshfield, Oro. Save money by Times advertisers. patronizing Tht nOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled and Improved nnd Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stage passengers and .for people desiring a rest at tho seashore "You'll Llko the Plaee." J. E. SCHILLING. Proprietor. HIGH GRADE WOOD WORK of every description at THE SHOP OF QUALITY n.nil'H'. 710-720 SOUTU UKUiw" E. B. GEHRIvE. The Times Want Ads bring results. ' The North Bend Manufacturing Co. IS NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH Show Cases and Store Fixtures Best Quality Workmanship and Prices ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED.