t TWjwr t " JgJs5l SSESHIgL5fe -- . c&Sfe' . ' - . . , H LW: LU v..Mni:j Jr.) .r 'oww vt?f'HWHpUM Our Entire Line Ss N ow On Display. Call And See Them. G Sb HARVEY Cravenette Hats 4 Best of All $3.50 TiTe WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-to-Man Clothiers Marshfiold Oregon Christmas Comes But Once a Year For You and Yours We Wish Good Cheer Speaking of Christmas we wish to say that wo nro In position to materially nssht you In making this tlio bust Xnins, not only (or tlio Uttlo folks but every momber In the family. You can find present for nil In our well assorted stock. Wo Invite you to como and sco Just how many nlco, pretty presents wo have. Evo ry section of tlio storo pres ents a worthy collection. Gifts of tlio practical sort. I Locidhart-Parsons Drug Co. Coos Bay Hoseburg Stage Line Dally stngo between Roseburg nd Jlarshfleld. Stage leaves dally wid Kiimlay at 7 p. in. Fare, SO',00. OTTO S' II UTTER, Agi'ut, I.IO MARKET A V., .Mnrshlleld. O. P. HARVARD, Plin.NK 11 ABont, HOSEHUHfl. Cim. FOIt SALE Pure brel Rhode Island red cockerels, one aud two years old. L. J. Simpson. OPPORTUNITY Tho automatic designating nests Is moro essential to tho poultry business than the Incubator, they deslgnato tho lay ers, and prevent egg eating, seo them at tho poultry show. FOR REXT Warm, comfortable rooms close In. Cheap. Addresn "X" care Times. WANTED A cook or wnitrvss. En quire "M" caro Times office. LOST Patent purso with $1.30 in silver near Stafford's Central Ave- MUMS COOS BAY TIDES. DECEMRER High water Saturday 10 SUNDAY 11 A. M. 0:38 7:28 7.5 7.8 P.M. CMC Slic es C.3 ii:cmni:it Low water J A. M. Dato. Ih.m. ft. Saturdny 101 l.C SUNDAY 11 0:41 -a.O P.M. li. m. 1 ft. 12:GC 2.9 2:091 2.1 Hear Horron Cane. Marshal Car ter Is busy serving mibpoennB for witnesses in tho gambling caso of John Horron under, nn Indictment returned n yenfr or so ago. Tho caso Is to come up for trial next week. Hull Smith. Tho Redondo on Its next trip, will mako both San Frar. ctsco and Snn Podro, Sho will sail from Ihto Mondny, December lfltb. Sho "will stop at San Francisco both wnyB. Wife's SWiT Dead. D. W. Small has received a tologram nnnounclug tho dentil of Mrs, l'hoobo Hall, at Tacoma yestordny. Mrs. Hall was a sister of tho Into Mrs. Smnll. Sho wns about GG years old aud nows of her death comes as a shock. tm:n:t::untntu;ttnmtu:t Personal Notes j :mm:t::mmmm:m:mm::m::tm:::u CHAS. DOANE wns In from Ills Catching Inlet ranch yesterday on business. MRS. V. UITCHEY of North Demi, was In Mnrshlleld yesterday on business and pleasure. R. F. RISEMNG of the auditing de partment of tho Hyllesby and Com pany, is in Mnrshno'd nudltlug t'io local books of the firm. D. E. COOLEY and wlfo will leave tomorrow for California In hopos of bonelUtlng his health. Ills brother, J. E. Cooloy, will accotn pany him as far as San Francisco owing to Mr. D. E. Cooloy being In such n condition ns not to be able to travel nlono. A prosout worth giving should bo ono worth romomborlng. WE HAVE tho styles that will glvo romombrnnco to tho giver. RED CROSS JEWEL RY DEPARTMENT, Drnss Umbrolln stands at Walker' Art Storo cheapor than over boforo. DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CURED by I nil nmillfatloin, na they rinnnt reach tlio ilUriiawI lfortlon n( lliO car. There li crilr lonevvuy to cuiorteafi o , niulllint It by con j allliltlonnl rciui-il'ca. Io(iicf l rittm-l by mi liiIliuiHilcoiHlltlnii of Hie imiroiu lliilni; of tlio I'.iiHucliUn lulu' when (hla lul la In- ; Mmiu'il ou limoii rumMIng omul or lni-r-K t hoArlue. aiuI ulicn It la entirely i'IhkM. Deufueta la tin' remit, ami tinli'ai the IiiIIhiii million cull bo taken out Hint llila tiiNirentareil ' t'llta normal condition, hrnrliiK "III bo ile at'oieil forevo inlnecatcaout of Ion iircciinnil by ( 'otarrli. which la nntliliiK but nil liitlnin-1 moil roniltllnn nf tlinmiirnua kiirftice. " We will ulvo Olio llnmlretl Pollnra for nny cnic of ilrafneaa (criioihI by cnlnrrli) thit can not l.o cured by llrtll'a Catarrh Cure. Bond fur circular, tree. . . , . J. CIlV.NT.Y A CO., Toledo, O. fold by Prut!Klt,7V Take llall'a Kamll) rilliforrontliration. North Bend News Mrs. Martin Drecn of Eastsldo, was in Mnrshlleld yesterday. Mrs. Robert McCann of North lond, was a Marsh Held visitor yes terday. Mrs. E. T. Wagner and son, Fran cis, wero Mnrshflcld shoppers yester day. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Myers of Coos River, aro guests at tho Geo. Wltto homo. Mrs. J. L. Swearlngon nnd daugh ter, Cathorlue, woro Marshfiold shon pors yesterday. Dr. Ira Uartlo and wlfo went to MarsV-Hold yestordny to attend tho poultry show. Mrs. Ren Smith of Coos River, 13 now In Mnrshlleld rocolvlng modi cnl troatmont. Mrs. L. F. Falkonsteln, Mrs. Henry Hocck nnd Mrs. Ilockott took In tho poultry show at Marshfiold yestordny. Mrs. Geo. Davis who recently un derwent an oporatlon at Mercy hos pital, wns, taken to hor homo yostor day. Capt. Wagnor, who has spent tho Inst couplo of months with his fam ily on Sherman avenue, leaves today for Astoria. RAROA1NS In Jnpanoso CHINA and Art goods nt RED CROSS Drug Storo. MORE FOR COOS HAY. Lato today W. U. Dou glas received a telegram from Congressman Hnwloy stating that the Rivers nnd Harbors bill as It pnssed the Houso to day carried an appropriation of $10,000 for Coon liny besides tho $r0,000 for the annual maintenance of tho dredge. BANKRUPT SALE Arrnngo to tako your Sl'XDAY DINNER nt tho PALACE rcatauraut. A fino Duck dinner will bo served nt 5:30. A. M. 1M CENT IS Is establishing a WHOLESALE PHOTO PLANT In Portlnud. To do this he Is sacrific ing his entlro stock both staples, pictures, toys and holiday goods in his stores In Marshfiold, North Dead nnd Coqulllo. Christmas, local and comic post enrds, ono cent each. Kid dolls fifteen per cent off. Staples at cost. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu nnd ImtmiKKTItA. HKSIMIVH Inblo for PARTIES by PI I ONE. Somo vory itsoful pieces of Royal Doultcn, Just from tho pottery, that would make splendid presents Wal ker Studio. Scores of Eager Buyers Flod to Frey Stock Sale at North B.entl. Thoro has boon a grent crowd buyers yesterday and todny nt sale of the bankrupt stock of L Prey by George Goodrum who bouj It from tho recolvor thoro has beet constant jam of pooplo crowding othor' to tako advnntngo of tho J bargains offered. In order to closo tho stock quickly, tho prices hnvo been slash down. Many of tho customors hnvo b iroin .Mnrsnnuiu, .ur. uuuuium Ing the fares of customors buyl goods. DUCK DINNER nt tho PALAI restaurant nt 5:30 Sunday ovonlj Take your SUNDAY DINNER Tho CHANDLER. Speclnl monu OlttMIKKTItA. RESERVE tat for PARTIES u)"01" DUCK "DINNER at tho PAL rnninurnnt at 5:30 Sunday ovonlt nuo, Mondny night. Flndor, plonso return to Guy Clausen, TlmeB car rier boy. II awiliail-ijaiMMMa- ON SALE Famous Hood River' Cider 10c, vlnognr 10c qunrt. C17 Front street. , WANTED Compotont g'rl for gener al housowork. Apply Mrs. M. C. Horton. ' FOR RENT Two nlco front rooms In Songstacken Building, Just vac ated by Public Labrary. Rent ?12.50 per month. Title Guaran too and Abstract Co. WANTED Strong woman or-gltl to caro for elderly Invalid. Apply Mrs. Sengstacken, Marshfiold, Or. WANTED A girl wishing to work for her board and room and nt tend school. Call 371 Broadway South or Phone 187-L. TWO Furnished rooms, 210 South Second street, opp. the Tabernacle Hot Waffles Aro good on n chilly morning, but thoy nro not to bo compared to tho goodness of Stafford's Candy Waffles Thoy aro tho vory newest out. By tho way don't forgot that lino of fancy boxes and baskets. Rosorve yours today or you may bo too late . Always fcomcthlngviieiv at TWO STORES 230 Front St X10 Central Are -H-K- 7 n tx i a a i a i a a i i n i rr i B . I I It n i n i a i a u u I a i H n-a-n M------u-a--- 4-8--n.---- - H-8-tf'P-'" Best by Every Test Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour For 58 Years the Standard -u-n-B-B-n-B-H-tt-n-H-n-n-it"n-n-n-nn-tt-n-a-"- The Famous J?XyZ is me Lamp or item Deamy because It gives the best light of all lamps. The Rayo gives a white, soft, mellow, diffused light-easy on the eye because it cannot flicker. You can use your eyes as long as you wish under the Rayo light without strain. The Rayo Lamp is low-priced, and even though you pay $5, $10 or $20 for other lamps, you may get more expensive decorations but you cannot get a better light than the low-pncea Kayo gives, a strong, durable shade-holder holds the shade on firm and true. This season's new burneradds strength and appearance. Once a Rayo User, Always One. . DitUri Ewywhirt, If not at youri, uritt for dittriptvt circular to the nearest etmcy etht Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) RbcaLiaaaifl mmm .ijmamLu.