rr wr THE COOS BAY TIMES, IVIARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATINS?,' DECEMBER 10, iMdMmM EfllffOltf. COOSJpJg This sfrw 7tII t f-msW fhan sv.f th rnmtno' week. Such bargains as these are cmwii, , , -....- ,i . .- ,Mll '" i..Mi...i .. niii.il - i ii mwwmiim. jjiiimnilliiHiiiiiiMi iimm J" L"".Ur " T!ST?"SSS" 1- - Bj . : - - ' nARSHriiiin. SEC0MD WEEK OF ivr Ti-frt J o lit store daily We would urge morning buying whenever possible, 1 his will enable us to give vm better attention and help relieve the afternoon crowds. We show on this page a few examples o the great savings & & S ' S p-efratggaasasmum;Lu zsixsx&izsKai tinmimtstmsmBKMmmKmiWKmmimBmmmKXKHismmamm Wl? MUST CLOSE OUT EVFRY ONE OF OUR. FALL AND WINTER. GAR- m m n in id u n n . n . Mf "" --- ---- -- - i ON mi a 4 m jti MENTS NOW, OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAItf. LOOK AT THESE SAVlNGSr IlLMdlrt'il !3rV'VJ 'VJJ I Jl'I'UJ fllWWI' UMiflMi i;imiwli" w .vwi.piw.fi i ! I !!" I i li i nr n 111 IIH l ll ll I I MM n ! n i m " "T'rt itimitri ,J'niiiViwUU1mrmy iitw iiTfli i miituiii m wwwii 1M -r-tiniTWii MYE1 ? MAESHFIELD Matchless Bargains in Women's Suits TAILORED WOOL SUITS 7.50 Those arc not nil strictly this season's Suits, lint the) represent values up to $35.00 in their sensou. Best grade of materials and tail6ring All sizes ami. P Ca many styles, ehoiee, only JU .$20 TAILORED WOOL SUITS $m50 Navy Who and black serges. Latest styles. In Jioub less tlinn tliree weeks. .Best tailoring AIL rt l A Kffill sizes, suit ! M4M! $30 FINE TAILORED SUITS $1133 AflVSr l '1ic in 1w iMmHi' linolrnf ti.ittil rn-iT mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 it I .iivuu u., iw -in iiiu jiui,iiat iniouvu kuiii to tui.ii. uuuiiuoiu , materials, Jtfrst-eliiss tailorinir. Bwnit Lfin'lly made., and exceptional values at, suit, ? y At 7Xtf BROADCLOTH SUITS, $1&S5 Jn this lot, we show many beautiful gnrniunts, vojry latest styles, in broadcloths, serges and basket woiu.-o materials. Regular values up to tpUu.OO. Oil c& 1 Q, O C iMMMNMHMMMHMMMMMM1 M J ZaSZXKiOTEKEtfflN Shirtwaists at Bargain Price One lotol! tine ihwn waists in white, trim med with (hie lace and embroidery. All sizes. Cery pretty styles and worth up' to Qfcf $1.50. Oiftsnlc, now 0JU One lot of fine Tailored', "Waista iu plain ami. printed! materials. Regular rtg "7C $2.50 value. On sale now..... V1'" MAXY OTHER SPECIAL FIXES OX WAISTS ::: it :r sr :: sale New Christmas Waists. AV .VittZ VIDUAL BOXES E 'ivy woiiuuu in Maushfield will wnnt Iw see o.iv line of IT.oliday Wniirts. 'filler in clude Pui-sinn silk- fancvr niessaliness col'oredl taffettw,. cuift'oiu over Persian silk, IckW waists- etc PHves fnnn $3.t)0 t.v S.ol) C7.7 i?7,JZ'.LS WAISTS PACKED 1.X LX DIVinUAL HOLIDAY BOXES FlfEE OF C IT ARGIL :: :: :: :: Powerful Savingsin Women's Fine Cc $1 2J50 11LA CIC TA ILORED COATS to n ' l 111' I I 1 ! I 1 I I I Y-.uv une. ioi oi weii-rauorea uiacic Kdvscv coats, triinmod mil 'velvet, bra hi. or selT materia Is. Siy.(w32toU) tfi Si On sale now ., $y.j( BLACK BIWADCLOTH COATS $14.50 i fH!.. ll .i,Mi ,t,l iiil ... Ji A Tn.. t n , jmmu uMJiiuruiiii ruiUM. -tvisu a iiiiuiijor tit line norolM styles, vven-uuioreu aimverynew. wwin (U I 4 P $2.T.OO. S"owv on sale, each $I4ij( PTXE'ST BROADCLOTH COATS $18.50 jji-m yi.mi; in urn.- luiiiiiiiiLtiLLL rimi m UKUt Mitt Kmil luring. Well-tailored ami luictl tlirouvfh- (j jn ouu with Mki'nner's satiir, each '. . SlO. RA'JXGOATS AX3' CAFES' REDUCED For (his sale we are making" deep cut on our entire lin of rainelolliihg for wonieiv and children. J3ur your rain eoaK? and storm and rainproof capes here and save money YOU 6V1I7; MOXET 0X EVERY PCROttASE rwTOi zwK.mmui CS3BHJ Women's Wool and Silk Egresses Reduced 1'For this special sale, we are showing-a." spl'endiM ,'issortinyiit of fhi-JWttol and" I silk dresses in the newest styles. We now offec the silk dfcess at .fl'J'O and g up, and the wool dresses at $7.50 up. WW oan:sa;ve you bigymouey oiiidxvvsses I 1 See us now. Handsome Fur Pieces Go at Great Savines "Ve now offer one big Hit of fine i'ur piect. selling- regularly d CA :tf. rvMm.nHr .4!("50. iitiIuiieo. ondnonlv tJlifr.JVJ Other Hnej.reJialjIe i'urs, in single )icccs onsets at from $.T.50 to $75,00, all represeutinjya saving front oncWift'i to one-tFdrd. We are huadqreirtci'S for ii rTTin I lll'C " " " ff,Tw.gi?mg!ffij BgBgyjiijai wi iPiasEgHM?jEsa2saegM!3 I lUn3SKn2ZZ3 m amMmxtnumtmMn.mmi COOS BAY TIMES Entorcd nt tho postofflco nt Marslt tlold, Oroaon, for trnnsinlsBlnn through tho nmlls as second class mall mattor. Addroas nil communlcntlona to COOS HAY DAILY TIMER, Mnmliflcld :: :s :: Oregon POULTRY SHOW E i M. C. MAI.OXKY mitor nml Pub. DAN K. MAl.OXKY Xewa 1-Mltor An Indopondont Ropubllcan nows pnpor publishod ovory ovonlng oxcopt 8undny, and Weottly by Tho Coos lly Times Publishing Co. Dodlcatod to tho Borvlco ot tho pooplo, that no good causo Bhall lack a champion, and that ovll Bhnll not thrlvo unopposed Special Prizes Awarded! E)fe bitors of Chickens. and Pets. Tho first auuual exhlblulon of the Coos Poultry anil Pot YsBQcltctlnn closed today alter p'ortag remark-1 from G. v:..l ably Buccesaful and nakJUig. a UncJlTrr. Pred II showing of blrda nnd pots. Tho association wishes to espe cially thank tho niorchuuts of Jtnrsh tlold for their public uplrltod; Inter ost aa shown by tholr contribution 7Ho73 liny Tlmos represents a of money and 'rvh,mdl aNr consolidation of tho Dally Coast Mall and Tho Coos liny Advortlsor. "U" Coast Mall was tho first dally estab lished on Coos Hay and Tho Coo Day TImos la Ha Immediate suc cessor. SUHSCHUTIOX 1IATKS. D.MIjY. Ono yoar ?con Per month B0 Whon paid strictly In advanco tho Bubicrlptlon prlco of tho Coos llay Tlmoa Is ?B.OO per yoar or ?2.50 for six months. Mayor Simpson of North IJend for donating tho nocossnry lumber aajl tho "Coos nay Ttpo" far thir build theaters and opora hoti.es, b'lt largoly endow centra! mualc-tl s'Io tloa. To this stago Awor'cv hi. liurdly yot attained, althcugh podiops thoro la no nation on tho earMi more universally musical than this. In Mnrshdcld, there aro a nun-Kr nt musical organizations hut tluv prln clpal one Is tho ChamlnndQ Cl.'.b which only dlvldos honors with ihd WKKKLY. Ono year. .$1.50 nnii'liil Paper of Coos County. many notlje.i which hnw ho -n .n groat help hit every wnj; y.omm. I). P. Patcliotc and .. W i; llilm brand of this, city iiudJ. Mr. P. S. Ilurzco of ;;?z. Cnl., .weri- judges and tho foICuwus prlz-ta.'Avuii nwvtjrl-. ed: Geo. Sells, Apixrlal on .hlUt .C iri'jsx ton coclicroll nrnfSirjy . pvuip from Plciiioiur Hard warn. Co. W. W. Llveagnod, sptidal, on" blu:!: Sllnorcn iiujikcroll MnirlLiuj tavLir tain and finder ftiiu. EkJjlmU & Sou. Jfjliu Lnngtn-ff, specBti;, na Itiarli Lungshnns Merchandise $1100 Holt. lulllster. Bpi;al, an whlto VAVnjadotto Dli&ur o frtwi Going & Ilnrvoy. Mr. K. S. Banco, twu aptxslnls. on barred nudt'whlto Xlmnrvas Hand painted ujato fronu P. A. Saccli1. Mr. Pred nachmon, ipivilul, oie Ply mouth Ktochs ?2.i)U' bos candy from IX r. Staffonl:- ?ir. A. V. r.vors, spwfal, on Huff Cochins JI.OO nuu?cbandlsn from Norton & Uauson. Mr. Phllljr LandrltkfLcst. on: whlto I.oghorn trio $U1U' pac;afapoul try food from linear. Mrs. JolucNJiglo, flnst..on wUlto Mi norca trio Lnrgtr.A'dso. Mr. n. It QstUnd, lftat. on p.tlr whltw Loghortw ?1.0jf egg mnar. froci Cook grocery. Mrs. Price, first, n trio 5t. Is Ptod cockorell nnd puMuts l each (lour Clirlstmas Shoppin Coos liny Hand. The club Is plan ning Its annual concert which la toj from P. S? Do'. j lir i.'vnn iinvt WAilnoiidnv and should J. V. Smonton. fiffit. on non linrroil I "w a""" " - . .. , -.. Opposite Breakwater FIXUP Includes! Fixup EVERYTHING FOR A MAN TO WEA HOLIDAY SPECIALTIES CARTOONED SOX AND SUSPENDERS. raits From $8. to $25.00 PRICES ALWAYS THE CHEAPE Marshf Ore bo largely nnd liberally patronlzod. Tho matter Is moro Important than may bo at first povcolvod, Inasmuch as ronlly good musical work accom plished anywhere does more to nd vortiso the plnco In which It Is done than almost anything olso. Tho piiiimhnr of Commorco mlKht not T IS said of old that "music hath u,lnl. ,t worth WUio to establish a oY'KUMAh PAPKK OP Till? CIT OP MAKSUPIKI.l). MIHIC 1IATII OIIAHMS. to sooth tho i BavagoiSnoeni music committee, but the Idon Is worthy of consideration. Havo you looked our Xmns goods over. It will pay you. HKI CUO&S imun stouk. 1 oharms breast." Thoro aro few cltlos, ovon In tho most clvll'zod countries, whloh do not possess music soclotlos. Thoro are fow accomplishments an 1 few arts which aro move uusoltlsh In tho good which they produce than music. Thoro comos a period In tho history of ovory city when musical soolotlos bog'u to play a largo part In tho social llfo of that community, in continental Huropo this Is bo far f.pnirnlzod as an educational lntlu- Savo money by patronizing The once thnt tho governments Jut only 'Times advertisers, Tako your Sl'XlUY DIXXKH at Tho CilAXDLKIt. Special jnenu and OHOHKSTKA. UKSKHVK tabl3 for PAHTIKS by P1IOXK. Plymouth Rocks $1.W morehRU-dio- from Pltinlsh Coopemtlve Stoco. Mrs. S. W. Harmon, first, on trio In dian runnor ducks $1,00) mer chandise from A. Yrlzeeiu Mrs. C. A. Kolllpe, first, on Wyan dotte trloH.OO morc'iancfr.o from Walker's Studio. Mrs. Chas. Planugnn, first. on single white Leghorns Iiottlo of porfumo from lirown's Drug Storo. M;rk J. Russell, first, on white Plymouth Rock trio ?1.00 mer chandise at Mrs. N. A. Owens. Mr. H. Stlmmol, first, on Ruff Orping tons Myrtle toothpick holdor. Mr. R, J. Montgomery, first, on pair Rhodo Island Reds Two prescrip tions from Idoal Pharmacy. Mr. D. Y. Stafford, first, on trio "bar red Plymouth Rocks ?1.0Q mer chandise from H. Hlllyer, Walter Jensen, first, on Homer and CariMAti pigeons 1 pair Rverwoar how from Geo. Goot'u mn. Thoo. Edmund and Helen Dow, first, ou whlto and bluo funtall pigeons $1,00 merchandise from Lock hart's Grocery. Walter Rehfold, flvst. on Flemish haros 1.00 merchnndlso from conner nnd Hoaglund. C. O. Ashcraft, first, on black and whlto Angora rabbits 1 sac,J flour from Stauff's Grocery. Mrs. Turner, first, on Scotch caUle Vase. Mrs. 'James Duncan, first, on Persian cats Picture from C. A. Johnson. Mr. F, S. Barzee, first, on trap nesa Silk tio from S. Lnndo. Tho abovo prizes wore In addition to the regular ribbons and beside these souvenirs were given the fol lowing exhibitors by the association; W. Condron, Doria SongBtackoui Al bort Powers, II. Nusburg, Lilian Sou man, M. K. Corthell, S. B. Cathcart, Chas. Mahaffy, Mr3. Fred Bachmann, U Stlmmol, J. T. Archnmbeau, Mrs. Dr. Bartle, Jens Hanson. W. W. Llvengtjod and R. C. Havener. Turkish BaUns 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J Christmas Cards and a largo assortment of post CARDS Just recolved from the east. Also a fine assortment of PIPES and CIGARS' suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESEXTS. AUGUST FRIZEEN, 08 Central Ave. Marshfisld, Ore. THE ROY TONIGHT "RIDERS OF THE P'- "INDIAN'S AND cawBOl ..BAY SCOUTS OF l CAMP" "AT SILVER DAY , OTHERS- Performance D AIWIW"" m?i p ,i Lv ') 1 ,H