wed ADS. BUSINESS IS SLOW, ;CC IJIiVi' II i.J , iff SUCCESSFUL " - .......,...-, nrSI;9 KVUKiwnniufc Al IS KVI- HUSI- fltrtriiz hii Mmt& Ixxxiii. KstnlillsliMl In 1H7H ns The Coast Mall. MEMBER OV ASSOCIATE!) PRESS NEWS GET IT WHILE IT IS NEW BY READING THE COOS JAY TIMKB ALL THE NEWS ALu THB Xl.M TERSELY lOLD :: :: :: :: t MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1910 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT PAGES. ""MMIWIMIiWlttllJlUWl ' . i ...., , mil ED STATES POPULATION aw mest fmak Btmh I:. iui u k A Consolidation or Times, Const Mall and Cooi Hay dvrrtlMT. N0..127 n...,tinn( Annnimnno IS ueuai iiiiwii miiiiuuiiuko figures For Entire . Nation GROWTH IS SHOWN IN TEN YEARS ration of State of Wash- gton Also Materially Increased. I i.i 1 TtHHrf , rti..M T1H IHOCIUI' II I' i'bb iu vuua ij.ij Times.) -HIXOTOX, D. C;, Doc. 10. .piilatlon of tlio United States te of Alaska, Hawaii mid For ,ls 93,402,151. ? tenuis of Washington stnto 111,990; Montana, 37C,0ri3; :iln, 2,333, SGO mid Georgia, 111. untlonnbly It will bo nccos- : liter tlio basis of represents i congress. At present tho rn- 1191.000 pcoplo to cncli member iHonso, and tlio Houso would ( tie now census contain -17 i kt as ngnliiBt 392 now. Tho belief Is tills numbor wlino tit. "Evcm unilor n Tirto of i u a basis, tlio Iloitso will I 418 mombors, nn lncreaso of M 93,000,000 ioolIsT" 70 MINUTES Capt. Bellinger Makes Record Trip In Flying Machine Today. PARIS, Dec. 10. Flying nt a height of .I.ono foot, Contain Bollin ger today D.w from VlncennoB ti Monnuplon, ono liundrod mile In seventy inlnutos. iw order in IN KINNEY CASE i Increase In tho country's pop lin the InBt ten years was lfl,- !l or 20JD per cent ovot 77, !J la 1900. corrected figures on tlio state pf Torks population show It M13.014 n Increase of 1,- 110 or 23.4 per cent, Florida HJ.S15, nn IncreaBo of 22-1,077 CI pr cent, and Maryland 1,- III, In 'lncreaso of 17,"3'02 or 9 Inl l continental population of tlio States Is 01,972,207, an In- of 15,977,071 or 21 per cotit nmtir, in 1000. ahlngton shows an Inorcnso of II or 120.4 per cont ovtir CIS,- 1800; Montnnn bns gained Her 54.T per co'nt slnco 190fi. number of porsons In ntivnl n!l:tcrv servlca In tlm United '. t. rationed nbrond nnd on naval ! forucIo8uro of X li Sl.fiDS. total population of tho Unlt l' and all 'possessions Ib about "WOO, Including 7,035.420 In Mlpplnos ns enumerated In tho J there In 1V09, nnd ostlmatos e population of Island Guam. brlcan posnesslons In ifiamoa t persons In tho Pannma Canal "iliston Is mimbor thirty In "'tor of nonulhtlon, Oregon Is T-ilb, Mon'niin thirty-first, and i forty-h'h, ACCIDEN T If ro ee Mortgage Foreclosure Cases Stayed Pending Bankruptcy Proceedings. ' Chns. D. Sol by, ono of tho attor neys for creditors In tho Kinney Rapid Transit bankruptcy cases 'to day received nottco that on tholr ap plication fllod Bomo tlmo ngo In-tho Fcdiirnl Court nt Portland, tho court has granted a tumpornry .re straining order In tho Rapid Transit bankruptcy proceeding, restraining J. N. Shahnn. F. n. Wfllto, I.. D. Kinney, and Holt Lino Rnllwny Com- pnuy from further proceeding In tlm circuit court of Coos county In tlio mortgngo foreclosure suits theroln pending In tho cases ol J. X. Slialian vs. "L. D. Kinney, nt nls., for tforo clounro of 20,000 mortgngo; tho case or F. n. Wnlt vs. L. D. Kinney ot rils., for foreclosuro or $10,321.75 and tho caso or F. II. Walto vs. L D. "Kinney for tho foreclosuro or n mortgngo or ?3,75C91 and tho enso or F. D. Wnlto vs. L. D. Klnnoy ror mortgngo or ?75,- 7C'I.C8 nnd tho case or F- 13. Watlo vs. It. D. Klnnoy ot nls., for foreclo suro or mortgngo In tlio caso or F. D. Wrillo vs, L. D. Klnnoy, et nls., In tho umoiint or $29,G50. Thoso restraining ordors will hoM tho toreclosuro proceedings In nboy nnco -ponding tho determination of tho rfelits or tlio various and innu merable creditors or tho Rapid Tran sit Company and plnco thoso cases In such condition ns that tho inter ests that tho Rnpld Transit Company may havo In tlio property will bo protected to tho many creditors ns well bb hold tho cases open for any proper proceeding therein by trustee In bankruptcy. AT A meeting of tho Mothers' and Teachers of Mnrshflohl, held Fri day, December U, 1910, tho following resolutions wcro unanimously nrtoptcd: Upon account of tho Buffering nntnlled upon us during tho pnst week, by tho publication yf certain scnnlalous lies regarding school children and Implicating tho nanfe or tho home or one or our members: THEREFORE DB IT RESOLVED: That wo as n body or Mothers ami Tenchors hero assembled do by these Resolutions mako It known that wo most earnestly condemn tho publication or such n sheet In our city; and, 1)13 IT RESOLVED: That wo hereby heartily endorse tho sentiments at the Coos liny Tlmc3 as set forth In a recent nrticlo entitled "Tmi King's Highway" and that a vote of thanks bo extended to tho writer or tho Bamo, for setting forth In "ucli nn nblo manner tho tho'ts of our minds thnt for so long n time hnvo burned so deep In tho henrts of tho Mothers nnd Teachers of our city; and, HE IT RESOLVED: That a copy of thow resolutions bo sont to tho Coos liny Tlmos for publication and also a copy prad upon tho Minute of thl meeting, that In this manner It nuiy bo mado known to tho public that we stand for a (Vim Prows MRS. K. IIEXDRICKS, Supt, Mother's Work. ROY P.. HEWITT, F. A. TIlinCJKN, Superintendent of schools. MRS. RVM1KL Mi-CRAY, Co. President. MRS. MM'I) ilAKER WATK1NS. ILL 01 10-HOUR SHIFT TY-FIVE IBS III fi CiH 11 E OK CHARGES II Will Resume Old Scliedule Monday Morning and Prob ably Continue On It Perma nently. The C. A. Smith mill, -which has for a few. weeks "been running on tho eight-hour Bh'lft, will go back to tho ten-hour shift next Monday morrihig. -This gratifying news to Coos Dny pcoplo wnt announced today und cximos, although n little curly, as Christmas present that will bo more than appreciated. Tho return to tho tcnOiour shift will probably be pcrmnnent. Tho employes will also enjoy u wcok's holidny vacation Irom Christ ians to Now Year's durlnp; which tho sullls will bo thoroughly ovorhaulcd and repaired. li II Naval Force "Revolts (In Rio do Janerio Harbor, iBut Are Quickly Overcome by Lank uf Forces. (Dy Associated Tress to Coos Uny Times.) IICEN'OS AYIIES, Dec. 10. Tolo grnuiH from n private sourco nt Rln Jnnloro stnto tho crows of most of tho vessels or tho Brnzilran Navy havo again rovolttnl. CHAOLTON IS (By Associated Press 4o . Times.) RIO JANIERO, Dec. 10. Tho nnvnl battalion mutinied Ibut nftor be ing cannoned this monilug, offectod a surrender. Tho robolB were located on Cobra Islnnd and commenced xtporatlons la it night with tho nld of n scout ship Tho shore bnttcrles opouod flro on tho robels and this morning tho whlto flag was hoisted -ns n token or surrender. At noon tho excite ment subsided nnd aft a Ira aro assum ing tho normal. FILED TODAY F. S. Riebe of People's Co operative Company Ar rested Here. On ndvlcos from Shorlff Gage, Mamlml Carter and Constable Co'c today placed F. S. Rlobo, formerly manager of tho People's Cooperative store in Marshfleld, undor arrest chargod with misappropriation of funds. Tho warrant wnsnot for warded hero but when Mr. Rlobo was Informed of tho charges, ho promptly agreed to accompany Con stable Cox to Coqulllo. Tho troublo Is understood to be tho outgrowth of differences among tho members or tho company, Mr. Rlobo having rccontly been succeed ed by C. II. Marsh aa secretary or tho company. Mr. Rlobo protests his Innoconco of any wrong doing In connection with tho company nnd says thnt ho will Hjo nblo to provo It. Twenty Bodies of Dead In Shaft Near Frank, Alberta, Are Recovered. I EIGHTEEN HAVE BEEN TAKEN OUT ALIVE 111 mL L J. SIMPSON coos Day mi miiinninr UN HIB w Wife Murderer Secures Writ of Habeas Corpus Prevent ing Extradition to Italy. INV HURT IN INDIA RIOTS the By ff hnriinntt Qhot Brother Snapping Matches. 'Special to Tho Times.) EnURG, Oro.. Dec. 10. As a " f another caso nf "nirtn't f !t as loaded," Homer Endl- wa eighty years, will prob fc. Last nleht. hln thlrtpnn- Vli Mother, Herbert Endlcott raping matches In a rovolvor. Was a cartrldeo In tlin rnvnl- f 'tl Vhen It rovolvn.1 tn tho nrnn. P'tlon tho cnrtrldgo was snap'- I. 'la0Samo tlmo Hio mntoli wtl "e bullet nlonalioH flirnniWi thn Pel of Homer who wna watch- fe Performance. Tho Intcstlnos Perforated In seven places. Tho " family has relatives In tho 16 Uey jn C003 county. Pe snlrit .t.. , ,.. . . ... i vIltJ juwtury uopari ' e RED CROSS DRUG to kenn nhrnnaf nt - Ihn a vwy latest styles. To Inspect ase stock Is proof ot thU. 'TIPPED' GRAND SECRETS Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) TRENTON, N. J., Dec. 10. Judgo Rellstad of tlio Circuit Court, todaj granted a writ of habeas corpus In tho caso or Portqr Charlton accused or having killed his wife, Mary Scott Castlo Charlton, In Italy, and whose extradition to Italy was granted by Secretary Knox. Tho court also grant ed a writ of certiorari foi bringing the case before him December 19 Hindus and Mohammedans Clash Over Religious Rites With Serious Results. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CALCUTTA, Dec. 10. Rioting in volving tho Hindus nnd Mohnmmo enns over religious rites and whls t resulted in tho injury of 150 persons last night continued today, many moro bolng Injured and sovoral por suns killed. Tho troops Anally charg ed tho rioters who dlsporsod. $s$$o$$vo$i$$vx I To the Voters of North Bend To tho Voters or tho City ot North Uend: Deroro my application tor a franchise Is Anally submitted to tho voto of tho pcoplo of North Dend on Tuesday next, I desire to mako Bomo statomonts which It seems to mo are necessary to clear nway doubts that havo beon expressed aa to methods I havo used In attempting to se cure an entrance Into tho City of North Dend and as to tho question of tho forco and effect of tho proposed franchise U granted. I first deslro to speak or my relation with an attempt to open iip a waterfront streot connecting North Dend and Marshfleld. Laying nsldo for tho moment all question of ray obtaining a right-of-way over this proposed road, you aro entitled to know what efforts havo been mado In tho past to open up this waterfront road and to know that tho Kopf offor to dedicate a roadway through blocks 35 and 3G In Plat B was nit nn original proposition of tho writer designed to embarrass any person oi Interest In North Dond. Two years ago when tho question of opening tho. waterfront streot was first taken up, tho map to which tho Kopf offer Is attached, was prepar ed as a basis for obtaining a condemnation of tho .trip of land through tho Stave Mill property; -and tho lino through tho Porter Mill property Sensational Charges Made In Federal Court at l Chicago. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Dec. 10.' Charges that tho secrets of tho federal grand Jiry room aro being "tipped" off to Inter ested parties wore mculo beforo Judgo Landls In tho United States District Court nnd caused him to suspend the caso ho was hearing and demand the charges bo sustained nt once. Tho mnn accused of being tho "tlpstorM Is Charles F. Dowoody, division su perintendent of tho bureau or Inves tigation' of tho Department of Jus tice. nntinn1 enrnnir in Ills feet When Judgo Landls mado tho announce-'connecting Tromont and Stanton avonuo was shown according to tho Ioca. mont nnd 'demanded the fullest Iu- Hon to the location .uereoi ' ummo uy me ivopt ortor, vMHimtlnn of his conduct. Tho tho January sessiou, iy, "4V'?'-y " ",u u"or8 charges will be investigated. j Mayor of North Bend Makes Statement On Blake's . Application. JCOIITH DEND, Or., Dec. 10, '10. To tho Editor, Coos Bay Times, Mnrshflohl, Oro, Dear Sir: Will you ploaso allow mo epaco In your worthy papor for tho following commonts on tho ques tion of granting n stret railway fran chlao In North Bond? I am opposed to tho granting of Mr. Blako's proposod franchise In tho first plnco, tho proposed Blako franchlso cnlls for n frnnchlse over, undor and henonth cortnlu streets In North Bend, only n por tion or which Mr. Blako would be obliged to construct n street railway upon. For instanco, ho nsks for a fran chlso along Tromont streot and Wa tor street throughout tholr entire longth, also on Virginia and Montn nn avenues, but thero Is nothing In tho franchlso which would forco Mr. Blako, or his successors, to over construct n railway upon any of thoso strocts oxcopt on Tromont street. ' , Thero Is nbsolutoly nothing In the terms or tho proposed frnnchlBo which would forco Mr. Blako to build a railroad on olthor Montana nvo nuo, Virginia avonuo, or Water streot. Novortholess Mr. Blako waul hnlil tlio frnnnhlfm nlnnrv tlinan streots for a porlod or 35 years. It Work of Rescue Progresses Slowly and May Take Sev eral Days. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay' Tlmos.) FERN1IC, II. C(, Dec. 10. Forty five minors woro ontombod Inst night nt tho Bellvtow Colllor, a short dh tanco from Frank, Alborta. Eight een woro tcscuod nnd also twonty bodlos recovorod. Tho work of ros cuo Is progressing but It may bn sovoral dnys before somo or tho en tombed mon can bo reachod. A spe cial train was made up hero and car ried physicians and nursos and oxy gen nppnratus to bo used In tho ro bcuo work to tho sccno. LEAVE TODAY FOR PORTLAND Breakwater Sails This After noon For Columbia ' River Points.- Tho Breakwater enllod this after noon for Portland carrying a lnrgo numbor of passongorB nnd n gooii enrgo ot mlscollnneous freight. Among thoso sailing on lior woro tho following: J. W. Miller, Loo. Mntson, J, Buo low, Mrs. J. Buolow, Leal Bench, Goo Stono, K. Lundlns, Frank Boyors, Chns. Frank, Chns. Erlckson, II, J, Wllllnms, A. N. Gould, V. F. Burt, Mrs. W. F. Burt, Mr. Noes, V. H. Nuhs, Mrs. Alfred JolniVon, Mrs. Lou Wolfo, J. F. Nlslson, Mrs. Kutlo Jonos, Miss Grnco Jonos, Mrs. F. Stlllwoli; Tom Mlchlns, D. C. aibson, A. C. Nadler. S. W. Murray. Mrs. F W. Murray, V. Hnlok, W. W. Mc Lnln, W. Rich, M. C. Smith, T. C. Russel, MrH. Russol, M. Welch, Lona L. Durggliis, Lucy Perry, Ressjo Oet mnn, J. II. Keating, Ed. Bodlns, Staschkowskl, O. Bruuschnl, O. Carl son, O. Cnstlll, B..Soff, P. Forllns, D. Mosches, BesBlo Thrall, .Mrs. Soharra, J, R. Hyde and wlfo, J. C. Francisco, nnd wife, Mrs. Davidson, Mauler Da vidson, Cnpt. Wagner, F. M. Wnllace. Tako your SUNDAY DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special monu and ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tnbh;s for PARTIES by PHOXE. Pictures from tho masters at Wal ker Studio. way ovor this proposod street, or tho falluro of tho City of North Bond In securing Its dedication aa a strout, all tho rights and privileges of tho franchlso would coaso, and Mr. I , , . . , . , , . ,,iuittKo woum navo no rurthor Intor- ;ur, innKu uueo iiu iiuuiiu yu uu.iii , . ,, , , . 41 . , ,, , , .. . . , est In tho franchlso oxcopt that ho a railroad along theso streots, why ,,,, , ,., nr , i, . . . . ,?. , . ' .would still havo a 35-year franch t should ho ask tho pooplo of Norf.i ,. , ,. ,', , . wut VIIU UIIUIU tllill Ui J. J UillUllt, At North ' Bend to glvo him a franchlso on thoso streota? Would It not bo falror for him to apply for Just thoso streets upon which ho Intends to build a railroad, and If nt a later dato ho finds It necossary to buIU a railroad on somo of tho othor streets in North Bond, lot him npp'y to tho council for a franchise nt that tlmo. Secondly, ns ono of tho conditions ot the frnnchlso, ho ngroos to con struct a street railway on Tromont street In Plat B, and If tho city of North Bend secures thp dedication of a. proposed street, connecting Tro mont streot with Stanton avonuo, ho agrees to construct a streot railway along this proposod street, then along Washington streot and Shor man avonuo to its north boundary. In the ovont of tho' falluro of "Mr,' Blako' to secure a' private rlgbt-of- streot nnd Water streot In Plat B Just what good a franchlso over thoso streots alono would bo to Mr. Blako, Is a question that I cannot an swer. Wo all know that thoso nro tho only two streots along the water front of Coos Bay that would admit of a streot railway connection be tween tho cltlos of North Bend and Marshfleld. It Is Imposslblo to go; a railroad ot any kind ovor any of tho streefs to tho wost of Treason, stroot, and highly Imprnotlcablo o construct a railroad ulong the wnto". front ot Plat B on the oast sldo of Water Btreot. That would simply moan that tho granting of tho fran chlso to Mr, Blako would glvo him control of tho wntorfront traffic be tween North Bond and Marshfleld, I think ovoryono will concodo tlm (Continued on Pago 8)