i r ' 4 6 ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, ORgGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910-EVENING EDITION. A Pair of Shoes f? and. HL . 1 Wi MM at i it nirh RrFI m , u ms 333 r t, . n fW : &rj x T 'r.- .- -4 .'v. k. V I ,WX)1 .2Z3 yj?' . . -Jk-! i JL I i J fc4i " MM ; till" iA Mi tymmM 4;jffc iw w i - m ,,,w wmbvv mMmmfflm. D aaaMMHHiHMHWWaiHMMHHIHMMMMHHMHVHHMHanHMMMMMNHHBHAHMBi PI A Mondav ree om Saturday an You will want a Suit or Overcoat for the holidays. As a special inducement to buy them on these two days take ' your choice of a pair of Shoes or a Hat FREE Doesn't M oneyTalk?" THIRTEEN.More Shopping Days Before CHRISTMAS The -Best Place on Coos Bsy for You to Trade MIWRMMt That has been the aim and ambition of this store That is what it has achieved It is today recognized for this fact Why not, when making Your Christmas purchases, make each dollar receieve-its full value? You know how this is done BY PAYING CASH Then trade at a cash store. "MONEY TALKS' It is ourjpurpose to faithfully observe and perform our every claim Comparison is thefairest test to you to ourselves and we heartily invite it. The entire store is filled with useful suggestions for Christmas giving. We invite you to see them Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD AND BANDON RBBQNS GIVEN TODAY doop, rumbling crows of tho Blnck Mtuorcns. Tho pigeons blinked tho r pretty och nnd cooed nml crooned, while tho hugo Cochins add ed their lusty voices to tho gcnornl pnudemoulum. Tho roatlcss, nervous gulnencoeks piped their shrill notet nnild boiuo angry expletives from the nenrhy gamecock cngos. The big show nml nolso was on, and the bnnter of tho nig Drown Uooster and tho Llttlo Red Hen was forgotten. The lino exhibition of tho first an nual Coos Poultry nnd Tot Show is attracting much Interest. Tho repre sentation of tho standard breeds Is unusually lnrgo and tho judging In dicates that competitions aro closo In all classes. Tho show will bo opon until tomorrow noon nnd ovoryono sliouhl make It n point to attend. LIBRARY NOTICE. Tho story hour will bo as usual at fllaven o'clock tomorrow at tho llbrnry and will bo for tho oldor young people. Progrnm "Constnnco" from Chnucor; "Lady Claro" and "Tho Lord of Durlclgh" from Ten nyson. Tho library has a now tnblo with benches to match for chlldron. It Is In tho mission stylo, tho matorlnl1 (Continued from pace 1.) Llttlo Hcd Hon was clearly gottlng peevish. "What have I done, sweetheart? Why, that's easy. I need only to remind you, llttlo ono, that I'm that festlvo bird of warning thnt Shakos- pearo speaks bo glowingly about, who slngeth nil night long. I'm tho chap that bawled out Peter wny back n tho dusky past, i in tno old scout thnt stands up on tho wonthor-vano nnd tolls tho boss which wny tho wind blows, nnd, furthermore, I don't seo you wearing any spurs, milady." Whoronpon the sly old rooster chuckled nt his own worry Jest, and took a llttlo drink out of his now tin cup. It was feeding time, nnd tho boss ricanio around and tossod some lino - ground bono ami meat soraps to dm I.lttlr. Vlmi linn nml iravo tho ronator nniv n .nriir of cabbaco stalk. I bolnB donated by C. A. Smith Lum Thero was silence In the neighboring UL'r ".". mu w.i, -coops for a moment, when the L. n.rt0 b n' A- Cprtholl. Doth II. with a smile remarked: vvUo have tho thanks of tho com- ,'Somo class to this layout, oh, old ",,,u" """ " ",u . gander-shnnks? I don't see you got tlng any swoll eats like this. How do you llko that now-mown sauer kraut? Ileon n vogetnrlan long? Sorry, but this bono feed nnd scraps niA mlivlitv flnn. nml T irnnss I'll turn i, ,,.i i,.i ti, i,nSa n ,,! inn,, nr,. 1""" 0my ' Xw Ah Told lly n.,f n wi.ii vn nIai, vnnr -ni.i. Vnltor and Hi.y Xorrls wore In . i from Kulrvlow on Monday to consult , The nig Ilrown Rooster muttered a P".V8" concerning the. foot of something that sounded llko "stln- tl10 f"w. u" ,h' n, ho,rf fo gy" nnd started a hoarso rasping wvo '" ? bnd,y ,,!'11"3 "B U challenge for tho clumsy and sleepy " aml 'ocatliiB some of tho bonos. old Barred Rock on tho other sldo of him, Tho Llttlo Rod Hon bogan nruce Johnson and Roy Dunham, , to cackle, and protty soon thoro of this city, nnd Wnltor Johnson, of was sot In motion a barnyard med- Oravol Ford, wont to tho Day and ley that woko up tho coy pigeons took tho steamer Flflold as sho do- down tho lino and tho prim and parted from that port for San Fran- graceful pheasants across tho room. v:lsco where they go to seo tho big The shrill falsettos of tho tuftod city and a llttlo of tho outsldo world. JToudans mingled with tho harsh, W. H. Schroeder, tha Jeweler, re ceived n hard fall on tho cement pnvomont near tho Farmers' and Merchants' llnnk Inst Saturday anil has not been nble to go to his shop since. Ills brother, Ous, camo down ' frnui Mvrtln Point vnsitnrilnv nml will ' look after his buslnoss for n fow days, Mr. Schroodor's kneo was severely bru'sed nnd sprnlued, but no bonos wero broken. Miss HIhIo Peoples, bccoiuI daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 13. Peoples, of this city, Teturncd latoly from a viBlt with relatives In California. She had been absent slnco Juno. Some Plain FACTS IIAVILAXI) china at MILXKIt'H. A. M. PHKNTIS Is establishing n WllOLKS.VLK PHOTO PLANT In Portland. To do this ho Is sacrific ing his ontlro stock both stnplcs, pictures, toys and holiday goods In his stores In Mnrshflold, North nond nnd Coqutllo. Clir.lstmns, local and comic post cards, ono cent each. Kid dolls fifteen per cent off. Staples ut cost. nuy your Christmas Presonts MIDXKH'S. at Rod WAGONS at MILXKH'H. dollghted with their now furniture. CTLLIXOS OF COQl'lLLK. The Heialtl. WHAT IK) YOU 1)0 WIIKX YOU ARK SICK? DO YOU OUT A GOOD DOCTOR OR A POOR OXK? YOU Oirr TIIK IIKST. DOX'T YOU? TIIKX WIIKX YOU WANT SIIOKS OR SHOU RKPAIRIXO, YOU WAXT TIIK IIKST, DOX'T YOU? TIIKX YOU'LL 1IAVK TO CO.MK TO J1Y SHOP. KVKRYOXK AVIIO HAS TRIKD MY SIIOKS OR SHOK RKPAIRIXO WILL TKLL YOU THAT MY SHOP IS THU IIKST. IT IS IIKST 1IY KVKRY TKST YOU WAXT TO OIVK IT, AVKAR, PRI CKS OR QUALITY OF AVORKMAX SHIP. THAT'S WHY MY RUSIXRSS IS OROWIXfl. SATISFIKD CUSTOM. KRS COXSTAXTLY 1JRIXG NlV OXKS AXD I AM GETTING NEW ONES KVKRY DAY. "THERE'S A REASON." Toys Toys WE HAVE A GREAT VARIETY TO DRAW FROM MKCHAXICAL TOYS . . .IWc UP IROXTOYS 10c UP? GO-CARTS .(IOe UP AIR GUXS.5I.00, SjSi.U.-i, 1.35, ijSU.ti.l DOLLS (DRESSED) . . . 10c UP KID ltODY DOLLS 23c UP POST CARD ALDUMS.... IOe UP CROCKERY OF ALL KINDS. I1UY NOW 'WHILE THE STOCK IS' COMPLETE. Tnulo hero nml save money. GKT OXK OF OUR 1011 CALENDARS. O. O. LUND, "Tho man who tloes things right." tfo. 215 South nroadiviiy, Mnrshnehl CoosB ay Cash Store GEO. N. HOLT, . - Manager, Front Street, Morshfleld. OUR Saturday Market Basket Just arrived a fresh shlpmont of NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. FANCY COOKIES. Also uomo high class FANCY CANDIES, something now. PICKLED PIGS FEET, HOME MADE KRAUT, FRESH RANCH EQGS, PURE HONEY IN COMD. Tho best MINCE MEAT thnt Is mndo, RIPE nnd GREEN OLIVES, SWEET SOUR and DILL PICKLES In bulk, UMBRELLA PRESSED FIGS, ORANGES, LEMONS. CITRON, PEAR, LAYER RAISINS. RICIILIEN CODFISH, SWEET CIDER ON TAP, nil kinds of DRIED FRUITS. Our list of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES for SATURDAY follows: Fret.Ii Vegetables. CELERY, CAULIFLOWER. SWEET POTATOES, SQUASH, PUMPKINS, HOTHOUSELETTUCE. GREEN ONIONS, CARROTS,' BEETS, PARSNIPS, RUTABAGAS,' CAnBAGE, CRANBERRIES. Fresh Fruits. NEW CROP ORANGES, FRESH PINEAPPLES, BANANAS, LEMONS, FANCY APPLES. BELLFLOWER, NORTHERN SPY, SPITZENBERG, RUBICON, BALDWIN. PHONE US YOUR ORDER. Your Credit Is Good Gevurtz & Sons Portland, Ore. for Furniture Carpets Rugs Brass Beds Lnco Curtains Mcn'H Clothing Ladles' Clothing Jewelry Crockery, etc., etc. The Home Furnishers Shoes Shoes Shoes ."..l i'- Have That Roof Fixed xow See CORTHELL Phono JI121. HOTEL GARDIXER, at Gardluer, Oregon, has been ro modelled and Improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stago passengers and for people desiring a rest at the seashore "You'll Llko tho Fine." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. OLLIVANT & WEAVER The Pure Food Grocers A good placo to trade. Phono 273. Corner 3rd nnd Central Ave. MISTLETOE FOR SALE. TnE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL Rates reduced to; Day 50c, 75c and 11.00; week $2.00 to J5.00. House keeping apartments with gaB ranges ?10.00 to $18.00 par month. FREE BATHS-h-H. W. SULLIVAN, Froy. Work Shoes Dress Shoes A Full Line of AH Kinds of RWs Shoes From $3 to $7.50 FIXUP 1 -- -