a THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910 EVENING EDITION. npnrtmonts nt The Chandler today or tomorrow, It la expected. Is growing rapidly. Ho and Mrs. Shaw send their kindest regards to their friends In this section. Man-tc-Mill Clothiers Areata N Safe. Someone started tlio report In Portland yesterdnv that the steamer Areata was hi trouble off the mouth of the Conullle and the Associated Press queried The Tliuei nbout It. Tho report was unfound ed, the Areata being safely In port nt tlnndou yesterday afternoon. uaaaaaaaaaaauaaaaaaaaaaauL Personal Notes u::s:m::::::m:::mamaattnmauaaa CHAS. SELANDER is hero from Sumner on business. 'WX TS TOv rOf. I ei3&&Gi I When You rou Buy Clothing ; ft uy the Right Kind From a Reliable Store "OU take no chances 'when A buying here, as every Suit and Overcoat we sell, whether $10.00 or $25.00, bears a guar antee which means absolute pro tection to you. AUR Clothcraft Clothes fit " you as if made for you. They have style that you can be proud of and lasting shape tjfct you can be sure of. Mill-to-Man Clothiers All-wool Clothes j ' raip Om BLd Everything Here for His Christmas WOOLEN MILL STORE Marshficld Oregon nrnuonnnzKiB Santa's Christmas Gift Suggestions for Sweethearts LEATHER HAND RAO from 2.00 Jo $2.1.00 JEWEL CASE ' from $1.00 to $10.00 MANICURE SET from Stf.OO to $18.00 TOILET SET . , from $ 1.00 to $15.00 PERFUME (DOTTLE) from ."50c to $8.00 DOX STATIONERY from BOe to $3.00 Lockhart & Parsons Drug Co. "The Busy Corner" a-n-K-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a- t: a i :: For Strictly Fresh Butter t! ti I a i n Sterilized Cream a Sterilized Milk a V .Butter Milk J $ Bean-Pot Cheese V and V as a Ice a a , i a a o.nn cv a T V it FnEE DELIVERIES a 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. a V Phone 78-J. V Bare money by patronUlBg Tie TOmea aarertieef. a Coos Bay Ice ,& Cold Storage J COOS BAY LIVERY Wo havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. H. Helsner nnd aro pre pared to rendor excellent service to tho peoplo of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will mean satisfactory service to tho public' Phone us for a driving horse, a rig1 or anything needed ii tho livery lino. We also do a trucking business of nil kinds. Illanclimd, HeIn & Hlnnclinrd Livery, Feed and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. NEW LIVER.Y Fancy new rigs, good horses and careful drivers are now at tho dis posal of-the Coos Bay public at HEASONAHLE HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo. datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stable Hot Waffles Are good on a chilly morning, but thoy nro not to bo compared to tho goodness of Stafford's Candy Waffles' Thoy aro tho vory nowest out. By tho way don't forgot that lino of fnncy boxes and llaskcts. Reserve yours today or you may bo too lato. Always something new nt ML mmm I COOS BAY TIDES. DECEMBER TWO STORES 230 Front St MO Central Ave While Figuring ON THE CHEAP WIRING CAM PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT VE ARE SELLING FIXTURES AT A BIG DISCOUNT. ALSO STANDARD MAKE FLAT IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A FEW LEFT. BETTER PLACE YOUR OR DER. Coos Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 837-J. High water A.M. P. Friday 0 5:47 7.1 5:20 Saturday 10 0:38 7.5 0:40 SUNDAY 11 7:28 7.8 8:10 0.4 0.2 0.3 DECEMBER Low water A.M. Dato. h. m. Friday 9 11:47 Saturday 10 SUNDAY 11 0:41 ft. 3.0 f.5 2.0 P.M. h.m. 11:40 12:55 2:00 ft. 3.0 2.9 2.1 THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair tonight and cooler Saturday; probably rain In west nnd fair In east. Fractures Ann. Tho llttlo dnugh tor of Dr. and Mrs, Schoonmnkor Is sufforlng from a fractured arm, sus tained in a fall whllo playing around homo tho other day. Watson Named. Governor-elect West hns appointed Ralph Wntson of tho Portland Journal, his private Hocretrtry. Mr. Wntson Ib iult well known here, having spent Bovornl weeks hore a year ago laBt summer, nnd his appointment will bo gratify ing to tho many frluuls ho mnito during his Btny In this section. Bargain Rale KinR Tho bargnln Day rate of tho Portland Evening Telegram and Tho Times will soon ond, December 20 being the Inst day that Tho Telegram will receive sub scriptions nt tho reduced rate. Until then, you can get The Times for ono year and Tho Telegram until .Janu ary 1, 1911 for $S.25. W. F. IIOWRON Is in from Ten Mllo for n fojv days' stay. ED. NOAH of North Coos River, is a Mnrshflold business visitor. JUDGE SEIILUREDE returned to day noon from a business trip to Coqullle. C'et Many Inquiries "Stop my want ad for I don't wnnt to lis bothered with so ninny replies," Is the request thnt has come over tho phone a dozen times to Tho Times oillco tho laBt fow days. Nearly eve ry ono who tries thorn finds the want ads tho cheapest and best una'stnnt, that could bo obtained. Shaw On Ranch I. S. Smith hns received a long letter from L. W. Shaw, formerly ngent of tho steam- ors Alllanco nnd Brenkwnter here, who Is now on a fruit ranch near Exeter, Tulnro county, Cnllfornln Mr. Shnw went on his ranch nbout eighteen months ago and hns It In young fruit trees nnd In n couple of years expects to ho getting tho JfiOO per aero crops that his neighbors nro now harvesting. Ho writes thnt al falfa Is nlso becoming big crop In tho foothills there. Tho town of Exetor FOR SALIC Pure bred Hliwlo Inland red cockorelB, ono nnd two yoars od. L. J. Simpson. WANTED Competent g'.rl for gonor- al housowork. Apply Mrs. M. C. Hortou. LOST Patent iuio with 81.HO In sliver near Stnfford'a Central Ave nue, Monday night. Finder, ploaso return to Guy ClaiiBon, Times' enr rlor boy. OPPORTUNITY Tho automatic designating nests Is moro cssontlnl to tho poultry business than tho Incubator, they deslgnnto tho lay ors, and provont egg ontlng, eeo them at tho poultry show. LOST Gentlemen's scarf plu Amethyst nnd pearl sotting, Re turn to Times ofllco and rccolvo reward. FOR RENT Two nlco front roonu In Songstnckon Building, Just vac atod by Public Labrary. Ront 112.50 por month. Title Gunran too and Abstract Co, Will Return Home. Dr. Geo. E. DIx Is now recovering rapidly from his rocont operation nt 'Mercy hospi tal and will bo nblo to return to his WANTED Strong woman or girl to enro for elderly Invalid. Apply Mrs. Songstncken, Mnrshflold, Or. WANTED A jjjgi wishing to work for her board and room and at tond school. Cnll 371 Broadway South or Phono 187-L. Good Evening! HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY.' If so, do not forget that this U t'HE laundry where you get tho bes work, and prices aro in every ono reach. Call up and ono of tho drlv rs will call and explain all details to you. All telephone calls are quickly attended to, because we are runnln? wo wagons, OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISFAOTION. MARSHFIELD nAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. Kmvf Br., Prop. Pboae aoJ. MasonicTheater Dixie Loftin Presents the "Parish Priest," A comedy-drama In throo nets. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS. December loth mid lltli. Prices !Mc, 'Me and oO cents TICKETS ON SALE AT Till) HUSY CORNER :: :: :: CURTAIN AT H: 10. WANTED A cook or waitress. En. qulro "M" enro TUnoa oillco. TWO Furnished rooms, am South Second street, opp. tho Tabernacle MISS ANNA CL1NKINBEARD of Da- ..l..lrt rM.n1 In n t n fait ft rtl .1 nltntl- Illl'IB VIl'UU, iO 11 litl,OIIiV.u oitvf- per today. CAPT. WILCOX of McKlnley, Is spending. n few days with friends In Mnrshflchl. SAM NASS, tho Coqulllo ennnory- mnn, returned yosterdny from Portland 'and Astoria. REV. R. E. BROWNING returned yesterday from Gnrdlnor where ho hold sorvlcos this wook. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON has boon confined to her rooms suffer ing from a severe, cold tho past fow days. ELIJAH SMITH of tho Southorn ! Oregon Company wont to Portland this week on business but will return In about ton days. JOHN ALDEN SEABURY, editor of tho Bandou Eagle, was a Marsh- ' flold visitor yesterday. Ho re ports that the ol well near Bnn don Is down nbout 1,000 feet npw, that thoy havo struck considerable natural gas and some oil. They will kcop drilling In hopes of (hid ing tho big oil deposit. FIRE AT HUTHERLIN. F. II. Wulte'H Town SiiMulns Los of sai, 00. ROSEBURG, Oro., Dec. 0. Ths fl llttlo town of Suthorlluc, fifteen l miles north of Rosoburg on tho main :fl lino of tho Southorn Paclllc railroad, was visited by tho most disastrous lire In Its history ahortjy nftor 3 o'clock Tuosday morning, when the row of structures on tho right load ing enst from tho depot, burned to the ground. Tho totnl loss is said to bo in tho neighborhood of $21, 000, covered by about $10,000 Insurance. nut nuui juu nuui wuuii uu wttui. It through Tho Times Want Ads, METAL POLISH for all uses THE GUNNERY. Try Times' Wnnt Ads. Sixteen Days to Xmas DEC. 9 Mabel Won ders What Her Gifts Will Be -a-a--a-a-a-a-a-a-u-M-a--a--a--a- n a-a-a-tj-a-M. HOME LAND Co. See us for Investments on Coos Bay. We guarantee owner's price to be our price. PfaoM 741 M4 Frost St. Best by Every Test a Derrv's Best Drifted Snowy Flour For 58 Years the Standard n n il T I'-u--x-n-n--M-x-H-M- MHMHiKViiHr i n