k&d 'v.i r Wi ' l" ' ''ift Wpw, t "to KM" wv-.,-.,! iHE COOS BAY TlWfeS, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1910 EVENING EDITION. wwMfWBtmminiii winmHw,uugMmji i - igfssjiWKzyw&m&xsiizaBmmm wr,"rrrrr.,T;mvvr,';MiiiiMm.mmui .ji .iifigragflffiUM BEamaEH3GBSI5KEB3233a One-Half Off Reral )oer ai $1.00 Rubbers at 35c $6.00 Rubber Boots $4.35 Oil Coals $2,35 YOU MILL MEM : Come Over in the Evening and See What You WU WILL PAY YOUR FAHK. d Oil ar Price Wl LADIES ATTENTION Til 10 L. A. FltKY nNKKI'PT HI'OCIC CONSISTS OK AI101JT 100 PAINS OK LADIKfl; HIIOKH IN .JULIA MARLOW AM) MANY OTIIION STANDANI) ORADNS. TIIIOY ANIO OOINO FOR LICKS THAN' WHOLK8ALK C08T. LUIIKM X."5.tM) SHOCK...' SU.H.- LADIKH, Af.(H HIIOKS '. jjsu.Dr, lA 1)1 MS, ?:.( mid JH.-..00 SI IOKS ' !f.iiAr, MEN'S SHOES TALKING A110UT II10AVY SHOHS FOR LUMHICRMHN, CRUISHRS AND OUTDOOR WIOAN, WKLL, TIIIOY ANIO CURTALN'LY I113RK AND AT PRICKS THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. s:i.h. FI.ORKI MUSI'S JjW.UO anil SjWI.OO DOUCLAS' tfr,.M) DOUULAS' tfil.lM AND J?:t.no .SS2.I5 1 50 Suits for Men and Boys at Almost Your Own Price FREY'S BANKRUPT STOCK, NORTH BEND CHRISTMAS SIFTS FOB' BUSINESS GQS Tlrro In no trnfer Invent incut In i.t way of it (.'lirUtnuiM priwni Im m. noiimti. yiniiii; or cilil. Hum n wnif tint tnny Ito lined for nfteriiiMiii mi'l i-m-ii Iiik wear. Scurfs arc the illrw i nn cenio of tlio vofjtie for hiiiIch, Helm bcrllum mill draped nklriM Hug Imw linn. IimI the fiiHhloiis (IiIm winter, (in Bnirf run hcimi ii iiiiiiiIht of puriMwn It cuii l)o tirftil us llclni mi n limine rowii or wot n iin n hIiuiiIiIit ciipc iiinlii the ovenliiK clonk or mliiptnl to mine uh a IiciiiIiIi'chm An Ivory Toilet Set. "I'vn pin my mIImt wt away npil now urc tla Ivory tolli't ( Aunt 'Mitrlon veil I mo Iiihi ChrlNiijiiN." wait IVOItV TOILET BET. tho very pertinent remark mmlo re cently by a Klrl who 1h successfully working her woy to a kooiI salary If not to fame. Yca.'thero are such com fort and smartness about tlio now Ivory toilet sets that every girl Is pleas ed with them. It Is, however, much better to give one or two pieces at n tlmo of tho very best quality of Ivory thou to try to cover a larger field. Pocket Wrltlno Case, Why not glvo her a stationary writ ing caso? You can buy such a conven iens for $2.25 of lino ilurablo loatlier which holds a qulro of papor, envoi opes, fountain pen and stamps. Or a good print neatly framed to hang In her room Is an acccptablo gift, and even n calendar, If artistic, Is not to bo despised. But do bo careful If you glvo her a book, nnd don't send an edition of Ibsen to the girl who lovos tho lightest kind of fiction, or vlco versa. Handkerchiefs ami gloves she'll TOCKET WRITINO CASK. flippantly dub as "commonplace." but she'll be grateful for the gift later on Silk stockings aro always winners In ' thu gift line, and pretty combs for the hair, or an umbrella if It has a stun ning handle. I4anrtt PrtuurtftP DflH. 'The stress and strain of the dayls work never seem to make tno oust ness girl oblivious to tho1 fact thin her noso may bo shiny nnd that a Judi cious bag of rtowder will mid as much to "her well being as the drop of oil giv en the rod of her typewriting machine In other words, If you glvo the business girl a smart llttlo uowder bac. such as Hie one to lie seen In tlio Illustration, hIio will I ,en- oii as long as the vanity rum Inn Mid can conveniently dls iff B AfS o Utile ilnb of imwilcr, l.ittiu pim'uU ot (Kilnt, MiiUm tlio llttlo frocklo , ImiK an HioiiKli It aln'U Ihhi of tin llttre ling In her pocket nnd Hiirteptltlounly give her noso n dab that will mill to her satisfaction during tlio day Tim um'fiil trllle Is to be purchased at iikmI ileimrtment stores nnd comes In ii ClirltniHn box (leeonited with sprays of lnlly Thutv Is a glass In one sec tli'ti. mil) In the other n pocket conceals l tiny chamois hug llllyd with powder. umll Incision Imvo to he ninde In tho IihiiioIh to nllow for tho outlot of tho pmwlur. Orlo'n of Tory, Mir Walter K colt's o.plauatlon of tha origin of "tory" as "lo mo" Is not quite tho wtmo as that nf other In quliur.s. Acionlliig to a high author!. t . tho wottl Is Irlrili for it "pursuer" nud was at first glen to moss troop ers, who for tlioir own Munitions pur Ioe.' protended to bo on tho side of tho e -own and tho constitution and tho right 5 of property nnd in that dis guise hiuiutcd tho bogs of Ireland, robbing tho Inhabitants In tho namo of tho king. About 10SO thoso who "contended for tho oxtromo preroga tlvos of the crown" had this contemp tuous term applied to thorn by their opponoiits, and thus wo nrrlvo nt tho meaning of today. Mncnulay points nut as a curious clrcttmstnuco that "whig" and "tory" originally applied as a term of insult should so soon havo been assumed with pride. An odder elrcumstuiK o Is that two groat Eng lish port lus should havo taken their Utios the ono from tho bogs of Ire laud and the other from tho lowlands of Scotliuul. London Times. Gilbert Islands Tipple. Neither tea nor colleo Is drunk In the rillbort iKlnndH, but liquor named kara fee, or toddy. It Is tlio Juice of tho co miuiiit ttoe. from which It Is drawn dally at miurlsp and sunset. To obtain It the itathcs climb up tlio tall trees and while extracting It keep up a con stant yelliug to let thoso below know tint they are at work. Tho sap when fresh Is n harmless and delicious bev erage, but after It has been kept n day or two fermentation sots In nud it bo toiues intoxicating. Knrafeo docs not, however, fly to tho. head, but a man w ho drinks It to oxco&s loses tho con trol .of his legs. However, when this befalls a natlvo ho has senso enough to remain Indoors nud shows his faco to no one. for If his chief should over har of it he would bo tried nnd sen tenced t hai(Llnlir and n heavy line. In former daja a natlvo found Intoxi cated was" tied to a, treo and received n hun.lred la'shos, tho' blood fairly strenriilug down his back, llosldes this, all his lands wero confiscated to tho king forocr. lUIlflMXS In Japanese- CHINA and Art goods nt RED CNOSS Drug Store !m:mmmmmmm::mmMm::mmM:::m:jm:mmmmmmmmmmw::: I STEAMER M. F. PLANT I Sails for San Francisco ever eight days. 8 9 TIC'KIOTH ItKSKUVEl) UP TO TIIK AUIMVATj OK THE SHIP, tfj X ItlWEUVATIONS Wllili HE CANCELLED AT I'll AT TIME UN jj7 LESS TICKET IS NOUGHT. I F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore sasasaszsaspTPSpjra.'PTr" piiiams?sasa5Hra tS?s?&sit&&5?Scii' ------------I .---------- "THE I'UIE.N'I) OK COOS HAY" STEAMER ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS. WILL SAIL KNOM PORTLAND FOR COOS HAY AND HURiUKA, ON A TEN-DAY SCHEDULE, CALLING AT MANSliKJELD 1IOTH WAYS. SAILS FROM COOS HAY FOR EUREKA, SATURDAY, DEC. 3, AND FOR PORTLAND, DECEMHER 0. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY C. 1 McGEOHGE, Agent. .-------- ----- -----'"- --tt-M-tt-.-tt-H-tt-n-K-XX-H"8-H-B-tt-n-n-tt---M-Xl--!:- K JT2& tftii crri lift.. tm K'tM Iciili Pacific Monumental and Building Works XX I I XX t: )X i tx I tx tx ) XX -rj---n-u-n-:t-::-::-j:-tt-t:-rt:-n--tj-n-tt-t:--::-n-tt-n-.t- II, II. WILSON, Proprlotor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of monumental work promptly and artistically oxo cutod. Call at our works on South IJroadway. -tt-xx-xx-ti--n-n-xx-x;-xi-K-n- a-: .-w-n-a-n-n-n--n-- n-xx-c t n ifii i i i oeaver niii i-,oai MOUNT DIANIX) AND JOSSON CEMENT. Tho best Domestic nnd Importod brands. Plaster, LImo, Drlck and nil kinds of builders matorlal. HUGH McLAIN Real Estate Snap 1 RESIDENCE CORNER 84x100 J In Sengstacken's Addition ' Good Bay'View, for j $375.00 X I i1 See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. ! HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager -o-n-H-:x-n-n-mx--x-H-xx-xx---xx-xi-xx-xx-x:-n-n-xx-xj-n-H-n- ONCE TRIED ALWAYS PATRONIZED Is the verdict of nil vour customors. That's hecauso wo do much good work1 and do It at such ronsbnablo prices Yot'U ho surprised" to 'se tho transformation wo can mako In yqur o!d clothes. Just glvo us a trial Job. MarMifli'ltl Cleaning and Dyo Works, Phono 270X. 18C So. nroadway. Ladles Garments a Specialty. For the Ambitious hutation ffonn. All Inhtructlun. liiihitlinr Anal (I JumrwIPW8.ia-ynKK.i Foe &Mhnt ty, wgmrn'i club., grange., nin'iiwr. uinl bom. maker. No prullmlnary manilii tloo I. required. This malt couxm iumui qpportaulty (or you. Seal lot a dcKriptire bulletin to th. CoiTMUorJilenco Studjr Iirtmoiit UnlTeraltr of Oretton Eageue - - Oregon J vysssjmssjrss v .... wwtiJi.riun'iini.x, iniiiiiumau. wm ::. wm ',. "'YAn'. '&.'"' m Tf r 6 Tfnvl otj llVflk of a Perfect Match "Yes, Madam, lliis fabric shows identically the same details nnd color as would be shown in broad day light. You see I'm displaying the goods under the clear white rays of this wonderful new General Electric Mazda Lamp. It's really tho equivalent of daylight, and thal's why all up-to-date stores arc using it. Of course thero are also other vital reasons, one of which is this: the G-E Mazda Lamp gives twico the light of the ordinary car bon incandescent lamp and coals less to burn. ' The invention of the Mazda Lamp has caucd thous ands of people lo havo their homes ond sloies wired for electric light. If you are not now uiing i, come in for n moment to-day nnd Irt us prove to your entire satisfaction that this wonderful new lamp has made electric light as cheap as it is convenient. Coos Bay Gas & Elcdrie Co. i rP xxiasaesauaaAn Tllli FAST AND IO.MMOD101S Steamer Medosido (KQl'U'l'KD WITH WIRKLKSS) WILL MAKK RKOl'LAIt Tltll'S CAISKVlNd lAS.SKNlClt8 AND FHKKJIIT HKTWUI.V COOS II Y AND HAN FRANCIS CO. ALL RICSHRVATIOXS FOK I'AKSHNCKRS MADH AT ALLIANGK DOCK, MAIIKHFIKLD AND INTKR-OCKAN TRANSl'. CO. UNION HTRKiri' WHARF NO. a, SAN FRAN CISCO. FOR INFORJLVJIOV IMIONI3 1 1-J OR UH.-J. SAHS FOR SAN FRANi IS( O WKDNKSDAY, DICCK.MNKlt 7, AT 2 1 JI. INTFR-OCFAN TRANSPORTATION' COMPANY. ifWGKwrefiYttvu'.rgcr;-rwwH I OaBMIWIH'UMBIWWWHUrWnwWTCT esisisiszsisisiszsis-is-isazszszsai Vj&&chiSttesBSdSttiSisz!,?. V STEAMER miim water! Sails from Alnswortli Dock, Portlilnil, nt K ', JI every Ttiesdn Ralls from Coos Nay every Sittiutlay at service of Hilo. Reservutlc !Q will not be Inhl later than Friday noon, tinlnKs tlckt'tH are ptirclt. 3 r t . ,..,, ' ft W. F. Miller, Agfc. - ' - Phone Main 35- a5SZ5HnraS2Sa5aZ5E5a5?JlWSBS2S3?S75?SlTCSSS?S?JBSHSVsa5.!i A Want Ad will sell it for i jf 'II !, rt