"srvjmwi' ADS. NEWS L dcsiskss is slow; Al OET IT AV1IILE IT IS NKW IT READING THK COOS MAY TIMKH AIiTi THE NEWS AL.j TUB TIM TTUSELY lOLD : :s s: :: i WE. THAT IT 1'AIB IB liVl. rfl) Hi HLLtJ'-aai'iiiJ iuoi ,nC8hS EVERYWHERE :t MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS -ra&tf mmt& Established In 1878 as The Const Mali. N1ARSHFIELD, ORuCOfJ, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, VMmmMammmmMMUi nmmwammvammnmumiT - -imtTimiiiiiiiiiiiiiirii . . hbmmi m IK HKSSliCRE 1 10 IrMlJE GBELTSW 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mult mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 126 EHEH6E EX EC ..i i. a. ..;! wM. kmen wrcaK hwiui vh- nl..!.Cnnn In hnce un ohiimicuio Turkish Town. CONTROL OF FORTRESS THERE NOW iram rrom Jerusalem ires Meager Details of AwfLl Deed. luoclatcd Press to Cooa Day Times.) LtaNTINOPLE, Doc. 9. A ran from Jerusalem toclny Htn- I 1..sk iiinaanflpnjl tlm (UCuOUIlia IHMU luuoauuvu ti.u ii garrison nt Kernk, n town Turklih vlllngo of Syria, and more thnn ono hundred GlirlH- jbibitants of that plnco In ro tor tho execution of n Bedouin. , Bedouins, tho dlspntcli says, Sold tho fortress In tho vicinity lien thoro has been desultory :i between tho tribesmen and :ment troops for tho Inst yenr i half. II GAIN 1 RECOUNT enumeration of Tacoma ve It 800 More Will prosecute Enumerators. I Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) )C0MA, Wash., Dec. D. Tho :t census re-onumorntlon Is illjr announced ns 83,743. figures k I ven out today show amo cf moro than 800 com- l with the tlguros given out by tor Durnnd some tlmo ngo, but tot 33,000 below tho flguras ully turned Into tho census bu- Statistician Hunt nuuounccd bald begin propnrlng evldonco hlch ho oxpocts to convict a lr of dishonest enumerators In federal courts. Tho figures out today show n growth of W cent compared with tho flg- of tho consus of 1900. IMOXISTS AUK BEHIND. toilsts Likely (o Control Next l'lirlliiment. Auoclatcd Press to Coos Hay Times 1 0SDO.V, Dec. 8. Tho olectlon it so far as completed this ovo- Hve tho coalition parties 209 'la tho next Parliament against tecured by tho unionists. Coall- ttndldates havo been elected as ; Liberals. 133: Irish na- tot, 45; Indopendent-natlon- '. ; laborlto, 25. STORM DROWNS "MANY. Hty 1,000 Japanese Fisliermcn so Lives Oft Korea. Awoclated Press to Coos Day Tim on 1 RTTLE, Dec. 9. A storm No, "r 20 overtook tho Jananeso fishing fleet off Mokpo, Ko ' "d 391 men wern drowned. ' Japanese nnd 02 Korean ves- "aialninc G30 men wern wreck- 0n'r two Japanese and 237 M wero saved. TACOMAllAX DEAD. J Votnw, Postmaster, "Passes Arnv Tmlnv Associated Press to Coos Day r Times.) C0MA, Wash., Dec. 9. Henry ""lay after an jjjness 0f several i aged CI years. Ml. I.vii . .......... mj' p. U. will hold a eoclal and 688 meeting at Redmen'B Hall, lJ etenlntr. TWomivn.. a ah ang people, oi tha Baptist RIBBONS ME Gil TODAY Judges Make Awards at Pet and Poultry Show Closes Saturday Noon. Tht first annual oxhlhltlon of the Coos Pot and Poultry show will close tomorrow noon. Tho oxhtblt lms beou much more successful than wiib nt first anticipated. The num- bor of exhibitors lms boon greater and tho auallty of the exhibits supe rior to whnt wns nutlolpatod. Not only this but tho show lms nttrnutod largo crowds. Tho nwnrds of tho ribbons woro completed today by tho Judges, U. II. Potchott, J. W. Illldcnbrnnd and F. S. Unrzco of Napn City, Cal. Tho special prizes will bo nwarded this afternoon, Tho show will bo open tills evening. Evon up to noon today additional entries enmo In. Many lino pets nro on exhibition. Mrs. Turner of Em pire, has Lord Ilnvonswood Royal, a colllo whoso father won tho $2,000 prlzo In England, on exhibit, and Mrs. Duncan of Emplro has two Persian cats on exhibit, ono of tho felines having cost $400 In Now York. Among thoso having exhibits nro: Philip Landrith, B. B. Qstllnd, E. S. Bnrzoo. Mrs. C. A. McKolllns, tfeb. Soils, S. B. Cathcart, D. Y. Staf ford, Mrs. Fred Ilolllstor, John Longstaff A. W. Myers, Mrs. Prlco, J V. Smcaton, Mrs. S. W. Harmon, Walter Jonson, It. C. Hovener, Fred Bnchman, Wnltor Rohfold, W. W. Llvlngood, J. W. RubsoII, Mrs. Chas. Flanagan, Jenson Hansen, Theo. Dow, "Miss Holon Dow', R. J. Mont gomery, Mrs. Irn B. Bnrtlo, J. T. Archnmbenu, A. T. Hnlnos, II. Stlm mol, Chns. Mnhaffy, Mrs. John Nngle, Mrs. Jas. Duncan, C. O. Ashcraft, "altor Rehfold, Mrs. Turner, M. E. Cortholl, H. Nnsburg, Albert Pow ors, Doris, Songstnckon, Lilian Sea man, W. Condron. "Seo that old guy ovor thero chew ing n wheat straw?" asked tho Big Brown Rooster of tho Llttlo Red Hon at tho poultry show this morn ing. "Woll, tho long-whlskerod gink has been going up ono sldcr tho pons nnd down tho other trying to steal ogga out of tho coops." "You don't say," cluckod tho L. R. II. "But then, that's nothing; that smarty over thoro wtlh tho red nocktlo has sprung tho old gag about tho chicken crossing tho road a dozen times nnd tho only rise ho's cot has been tho lnugh out of his own freckled face. But I heard a, good ono on you, old top, at that," cawed tho Llttlo Rod Hen, pecking away at a slab of bologna sausage. "What wna It, dearlo?" asked tho B. B. R. scratching his left wattle, "Oh, a fellow Just passed down the lino whistling 'Everybody Work But Father,' nnd 1, guess ho must havo been In tho poultry business himself, somo tlmo." "Say. Long Legs, did you eyer do an honest piece of work in your life?" cpoed tho Llttlo Red Hon. "Sure thing, I learned to crow In threo sharps nndtwo flats and I've had tho pip twice, nnd read 'Chnnte cler' all through. Say, honey bunch, did you over havo the pip?" "No, but I'm aces up on roup and I've never laid a cold-storage ogg In my life." "You haven't nnythlng to crow about Reddy; I novor laid ono olthor," remarked tho bold old roost er with n grin, "and I'd Hko to add thnt you ladles havo a soft snap now slnco tho Incubator has been getting in its fine work. You don't do any thing but Jay an ogg once in a while and cackle about it nil tbo rest of the morning," "Say, Old Rough-neck, what havo you oyer dono to get a medal?" the (Contlnted on Page 6.) Mexican Insurrectionists Hold ing Him In Captivity In Mountains Near Chihua hua. (Ey Associated Press to Coos r Times.) SY VNTONIO, Tex., Dec. 9. Bernnblc Ellas, n courier from Mexi co to the family of Francisco I. Ma doro, brought today tho information that the revolutionists have captured Enriquo Creel, Jr., son of Enrique Creel, minister of Foreign Relations of Mexico. They nro holding him hostngo in tho mountains near Chi huahua City. Crcol Is ono of the wealthiest men In Mexico. G1E00I OH OUTLAW LOSES HIGH not broken :m S PA N SWEPT BY GT 0 mm HEAVY LIFE LOS! RRANn.lllRYTn WIIIIIHV WWII I .w J mmi nLruni, i Western Part of Nation Scene of Disastrous Storm, Says Report. NEAR ONE TR0USAND DROWNED OFF KOREA Wisconsin Supremo Courtj Rules Against Alleged Outlaw. (By Associated Pross to Coos Baj Times.) MADISON, Wis., Doc. 9. Tho Su- promo court this afternoon granted n motion of tho stnto to quash n writ of habeas corpus, nnd donlcd tho plea for n reduction In tho ball nnd also refused to order tho Immodlnto sorvlco of all wnrrnnts ngnlust John F. Dlctz, tho Cameron Dam alleged outlaw. RANDOLPH IS A SUICIDE Former Commander of Coast Artillery Corps Ends His Life. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 9. Mnjor Gonernl Wnllnco F. Rnndolph, rotlred. formor chlof of tho const nr- tlllory corps, commlttod suicide nt his rcsldonco In this city today. W WAGON French Aviator Rises to Heighth of 10,499 Feet In France Today. (By ABsoclatod Pross to Coos Bay Times.) PAU, Franco, Doc. 0. Ascending from tho aviation field hero today, M. Lcgagnoux broko tho world's nl tltudo record by rising to n height of 10,409 feet In n Blcrlot mono plane. W MS LOF EDDY SEALED Rumors Concerning Contents Are Characterized as Guess- . Work. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DOSTON, Dec. 8. Alfred Far- low, manngor of the Christian Sclonco publication commlttco, chnr nctorlzcd ns guess-work tho stories regarding tho will of Mary Bnkor-a, Eddy. Tho will hns not been rend, and when It 16, Its contents probably will bo mado public by tho directors of tho Christian Sclonco organiza tion. J S 0 Representatives of Coos Coun ty Court to Wake Trip to Roseburg. Judgo John F. Hall, County Engln- cor Qould and probably Commission er Dement will leave In tho morn lAg over tho old Coos Bay wagon road to Inspect that and also to at- tond tho Oregon Good Roads con vention which will bo held In Port land noxt week. Tho commissioners had been planning for somo tlmo on attending tho good roads convention and tholr decision to mako tho trip out over tho Coos Bay Wagon road at tho same tlmo was reached whon R. M. Jennings and Hugh McLain of tho Marshfleld Chamber of Com merce, appeared before that body this week. Their visit resulted from complaints from Contractor Bar nard that the road might becomo lm- nassable this winter, and the mall sorvlco stopped. They requested that tho county court givo it Imme diate attention to prevent any trou ble of this kind and tho commission ers decided to try and keep it up in tho best shape possible thlB winter and make permanent Improvements noxt summer. Tho county court has ordered tho road supervisors along tho road to got busy and seo that tho roads are kept up In good condition. On tho Cherry hill grado tho con tractor has failed to completo tho planking of a long stVotch, although tho contrnct called for it to bo dono by October 15, and Judgo Hall and the commissioners have notified his bondsmen that they will havo to for feit tho bond if it Is not finished immediately. Expect Number of True Bills H. P. Campbell Granted Divorce. (Special to The Times) COQU1LLE, Ore., Dec. 9. The grand jury Is still busy, considerable of Its tlmo being tnkou up by the Investigation of tho Elllott-llauich affair which caused consldornblo oxcltemcnt licro n counlo of wooks ago. It Is expected that tho grand jury will mako n partial roport tonight or tomorrow, so that tho criminal caBes can bo tnkon up when tho regula term of court convenes noxt week. This morning Judgo Colco grnntcd n decreo of dlvorco ns prayed for by II. P. Campbell. Mrs. Campbell Is now In Seattle. Sho formorly lived In Marahflold whoro sho nnd hor son conducted n furnlturo storo on South Brondwny. Mr. Campbell was connected with Mnjor Kinney's oper ations for awhllo nnd Is now ' In Mnrshflcld. Tho couplo divided their property last summer. ABOUT LIGHT Audience at Council Meeting Favors His- Petition and Hugh McLain Pay Cost. During an Interim In tho city council proceedings this weok, tho discussion as to tho length of sorvlco of Councilman Nolson camo up. It was found ho had served twolvo years on tho council. This gavo Hugh McLain an Inspiration and ho moved that as a testlmonlnl for this long service In tho city's behalf, Councilman Nelson should bo given tho arc light on his corner which ho Iibb long sought. Mr. McLain hap pons to llvo on tho samo corner but he didn't say anything about it be ing a testimonial for him. Mayor Straw fell In lino and put motion, tho audionco voting In favor of It oxcopt Councilman Powers who In sisted that It should bo ono of tho fancy lighting posts. Mayor Straw declarod tho motion carried. Then City Attorney Goss moved that In view of the mauy courtesies Bhnvn Contractor McLain by tho c'.ty council, that Mr, McLain bo askod to defray tho expenses of tho light. This motion also passed. Councilman Albrecht, who is chairman of tho lighting committee, voted in favor of tho motion that Mr. McLain pay for tho light. Mr. Albrecht has refused to recommend tho arc light which Councilman Nel son has so long sought because tho city cannot stand tho expense. NUT Crackers and PICKS at MILNER'8. . t r r TAFT'S LIST IS IDFJOBLIC Men Whom President Is Con sidering For Appointment to Supreme Court. (By Associated Icss to Coos Bay mios.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Dec. 9. From a sourco consldorcd to bo trust worthy, It Is loarnod that Prosldont Tnft has submitted to a number of Bonatora n list of mon ho Is consider ing for tho nppolntmont to tho Unit ed States Supremo Court. In addl tlon to Justlco Charles E. Hughes who wns nut down as tho nrobablo now chlof justlco tho list contains nlno names from which tho Presi dent will select two associates Jus tices. Tho names are tho following "Joseph R. Lamar, formor Justlco of tho Georgia Supremo Court, Justlco Gordon Russol of tho Unttod States District Court In Toxns, Justlco W. C. Hoot, now judgo of tho Eighth United States Circuit; Justlco Wlllla Van Dovonter, also of tho olghth cir cuit court, Justlco John C. Pollock, of Topoka, United States District Judge; Chief Justlco John Bradloy Wlnslow of tho Supremo Court of Wisconsin; Senator Sutherland of Utah, and W. D. McIIugh, an attor ney of Utah. Storm Strikes a Japanese Korean Fishing Fleet With Awful Result. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) CERB1CRE, France, Dec. 9. Ad- vIcoh received Into today indicate Wostorn Spain waB Bwopt by n cy- clouo that razed ovorythtng In its path." Sovoral vossuIb on Comma foundored and n number of parsons woro drowned. At Seville, tho rlvor roso ton fcot, flooding tho vnlloy. COALITIONISTS ARE AHEAD. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Dec. 9. Tonight's total show tho coalition parties havo thus far secured 244 seats In tho now Par liament and tho unionists 207. M. F. PUNT IN x EARLY TODAY Steamship Arrives From San. Francisco Will Sail Sunday. Tho M. F. Plant arrived In tlifff morning from San Francisco with a number of pasxongors nnd n largo cargo of miscellaneous freight. Sho wns fully ovorhnuled nnd ropnlrcd. nt Snn Frnnclsco InBt week nnd will now mnko hor old schedule Tho Plant will Ball from horo for San Francisco nt 2 o'clock Sunday aftornoon. Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho Plant woro tho following: A. Brown, Q. A. Lyons,, Mrs. Ward, Chas. J. Toroson, E. E. Meag loy, Mrs. Thos. Nolson, Mrs. 8. Mal colln, Oeo Ylng, J. Crlstoff, Geo Hco, B. Strntton. WILL MEET TONIGHT. Chamber of Commerce to Tnko Up Guano "Rock Matter, The Marahfleld Chambor of Com morco la In receipt of a lottor from Major Morrpw stating that tho ro commondatlons for tho romoval of Guano rock from the entrance to Coos Bay had beon turned down by tho governmoni engineers at Port land. Chairman Jonnlngshas call ed a meeting of tho committee to bo hold at 8 o'clock this evening for considering whnt stops shall bo takon to try and get tho necessary appro priation for having tho rock romov ed and to try and havo Major Mor row reconsider his decision. I at I For Christmas Gifts, nothing will bo moro appreciated than a pnlr of genulno MOOSE-HIDE MOCCASINS for houso slippers for mon or womon. I havo tho first that wero ovor brought to Coos Bay. Bargains at $3.00. Call and soo thorn at onco. O. O. Lund, 218 South Broadway. THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) " TACOMA, Wash,, Doc. 9.Mllllng wheat Bluestom, 84c; Club, 82c; Rdo Russian, 80c. X CHICAGO, Dec. 9. Wheat closed as follows: Decombor, 91 3-8c; May 9G 7-8c; July, 93 l-8c. PORTLAND, Dec. 9. Wheat un changed. TIP TO JUDGE IOVETT. Judgo Lovett' having decided to devote much tlmo to travel may con sider 'that ho will bo welcotno'ln Ore gon. If ho happons to fill his pockets with maps of now branch linos for tho Harrlman system, bo much tho hotter. By tho way, Judgo, Coos Bay would Hko to havo a heart to heart talk with you on a topic of mutual Intorost. Portland Orogonlan. NOTICE. All Coos County warrants drawn on the aonernl Fuud, nnd endorsed prior to July 1st, 190D, will bo paid on presentation at my offlco '!u Co qulllo, Oro. No Intorest will bo al lowed on any of thoso warrants after Decombor 9, 1910. Dated this 9th day of Decombor, 1910. T. M. DIMMIOK, County Treasurer. 1. $1.50 and $2.00 WATCHES for BoyB at MILNER'S. GLASS Candlesticks at MJLXEIVS STILLRTTO RAZORS and Pocket Knlvea for Christmas at MILNHIVS. (5 7tiTiu, ,et..r . " xf jJtrf' ,. i ' jajijht,4iMtJJaBfci4it&.J jkl.w.