MKHH9HBHHiifiiHH0iMfiitfiHBilHI9iflMIHIHs .utecftsTXffiSTSKuiW isnibiwmSJS "tSSSKS HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1910 EVENING EDITION. i I Tomorrow, Dec. i i 9, at 1 0 o'Glocit e mw i Begins on the $10,000 Frey stock at North Bend. This stock which is being thrown on the market for less than manufacturers' cost, CONSISTS of a complete line of Men's Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods, and Ladies' Shoes, Will pay your boat fare to come and look the stock over Remember &jrerod"A p"r 5? sv 9th AT ! O O'CLOCK SEE PRICES IN -YESTERDAY'S TIME! COOS BAY TIMES Entorud nt the postofflco fit Mnrsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho innllH as second class mail mnttor. Address all coiumtinUatlons to COOS MAY DAILY TIMES, MnrMiflelri : : : : : : : : Oregon ' M. C. .MA I.O.N KV l)A.N K. MAI.O.NKV Killtor mid Pub. Xews Editor An Independent Republican news paper poujljhed every evening except Sunday, anu Weekly by The emu Hay Time PubJ tolling Co. J JM.. -J 'i.'LJJ 'llitn thn wiri In tunlfn n flfvli t fni' n placo for themselves. Who uro tho in vn and women to whom yon give your boys and girls for all those years. iiuve you luotigui ot umm; iiavo you considered how you may be help ful to them? They need your help, you know that your own boy and girl are a problem to you, who havo known thorn from Infancy; how much more of a problem they are to the teach ers, who have to deal with forty, sometimes fifty, more like them. Have you considered bow you may I1 encourage tho teachers? They need your encouragement and sympathy. You find yourself perplexed and . .4 -4.4-4..-o-e-4- &-"- Where Quality Is inff in Shoedom K Dodlcatod to the sorvice of thn,oi:cn wea wun tiie care or your people, that no gbod cause shall laoK i own bo? n r.lrl, how much more a champion, and tljai evil shall not',w:'l,:exr1 nd 'rled are the teaoh tlirlve unopposed. !ers wlta torty and Wty to guide and ''lasua" 'j . ".'.!! I'tj'j. am direct? Discouragements sometimes The Coos Day Times represents a j come without end, and trials and consolidation of 'the Dally Coast Mall wo&rlnoss and exhaustion you can nuri Tho Coos Bay Advertiser. Thn t hardly understand how they bear And Style reiyns supreme, Instant rceoyiiition from men and women of rritieal taste, is accorded unto our superior line of shoes. Beside (his notice ihe saving 011 every, pair,. Money Talks .,......... -nui 1 ., SHOE J! Const Mall wan tht first dally estab llnhed 011 Ccos Day and The Coo Buy Time Is Its immodlkt sue censor. miwcniiTiox rates. DAILY. One year 6.0" l'er month SO Wbon paid strictly in advance the subscription price of the Coos Bay Times Is $3.00 por year or $2.50 for six month. weekly. Olio year $1.50 Official Paper of Coos County. official paper ok the crn i OK MAHSIIFIKLD. down vrn and depress the teacher. Your wholo duty !s not June un- lc. i yuu give both helpfc'.n;. and e.r.iiiru5.njen: to the teacoj-d. 80 let tUcni fcn c a plftt? Iu our sym pathies oi',d la ycur thoughts and if j f you pray, romoaibur t.'.eui, too, w th j ' something of tho splilt of theie words by Walter iiauscbeabusch from "A Prayer for All Teachers": We Implore thy blessing. O God, ou all tho men and women who teach the ohildren and youth of our nation, for Into their hands we dally commit tho dearest that wo have. Wo know j that they are the jHitont friends and j renters ot our mimes, and that nsi $Z X tiff 7 l 5 vrA !; ' ' ' tin A t , it I ja 1 PBntsPf' JaV Mi A ' u4i Ml ml M tarr-m-naai.lff1 amU y la ' ' Ell r' V".."l ' ! . 1 m 1 im.. .. k woMn m mm g. frSwO.CyM A Ti HKI'OHT OK TIIK CONDITION' OK THK P i. ' el H JK m U m f yw-n.w m . Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. SIABSIIFIELU, Mazda Lamps Make light Work first TrusS; astd Smms Bm OK COOS 1JAY .Novi:.Miu:n jo, 10m. Ite.soiirci'.s. .MAIlflllFIKLD. OltKGOX, Llnlillltlcs. they make our children, so shall fu-l!;onn? a!,d dlsc0UIlt8 .127.400.57 taro years see them. Orant them an ! .MOTIIICII'S AND THAI III Ovordrnfts. Dunds and xocurltlei. ,.i, -...-i........ .1. . ., iJonus anu ifocurmei. . ill's (l,ril !,blU!n eoMaclonniiev that they ,-.. . rnlture ic workers with thee, thou great J 5 . mrnuure .., H...,... .. . . i IIHMchir nf hiimauliv .! K.t .fc I """ """"" n tmisbk motjorn days or the nyu- . ,.." V:r 'Zi.CZ . . V iCash on hand and ins of clubs, like books, thJre ls"""v y ' "uiy ff0m bnnks The latest suggested for' - "" ' waam duo Teach mt nml MarshHtfld Is a Mothers' and Teach-,,U8 or " Xomm the mysterious - . iBtnrB nf phl-nrtr and uhllliv i.Mh mi I'liib. .IT nronet'lv rnndiiMaH. ' '"" "" "" "- "!. tiui i in a place for such an organ's- nl Ion It ahmiM li nmln aim nf l.el,.fiil mutual cooperation, however. evan "n 1,,"st:'' wh.rh hBV w,y n..l...r than a rtaldly ruled social , eome , thee' nd t0 re,,M thet . .nforonc- tt i.ouid be moulded : "r,t1,OB' ',t,,, whora 8hftU T i.i..n-4 t , Mm.- suggested bv Prol.'t?W l,oth cr rU t0 hlghr ,evjU thou hast bidden In them. ;tbem to reverence the 1.57.31 25,771.0" S7.0S3.-li 71,089.73 Capital stock paid In. .$100,000.00 Surplus and undivided nrofitt 5,320.153 DoiJoalts 177,532.01 Total $ISt,SS&.t3 OITICICRS AN iirij B. i ,vjaii. iraaiusiHL. young lives. Jm,v ham. HRNKY 8EN08TAC1CEN. iTBPHE.N C. R 00 mUB. TiiiIki i n !''(fa' i ; (liit't, lil I i through their wUdom and fathful ness. Olrd them for their task with s Interesting and pur .,... ..f mnhi.i inrBR aolo measure of thy patience and.r l'nslt Ito.os for ivnt in one Meel lined . .. ww . ! ... ... .1 ..... Total S2,59.o3 l DIUIGCTtiltS DORSEY KllEITZER, Osblor. W. 8. CHANDLER. WILLIAM OHIME8. DR. O. W. TOWRK. "I find that kitchen wc:!i is p. pleasure rather linn a drudgery now l! ..'. t' ; onderful General Electric Mazda Lsr.p b.V.cns t'ie room like sunshine. This rcvbr.p certainly is a blessing to ihe houseL- ,tt. !. costs no more lo burn than the ordinary carbon incan descent lamp, and radiates nearly three times as much light. And the quality of the light is ever so much belter it is so restful to the eyes." The G-E Mazda Lamp is one of ihe greatest achievements in the field of artificial illumination. It is the factor that has caused thousands of people lo have their houses wired for electric light. For this wonderful Lamp makes electric light irresistible. Come in for a moment to-day and let us show you why. Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. ntuBamusrr SHmMfm?rfmrvrTmgggi y.-wiWH.wtuiJ'JiL'ii'SfflnsW M. 0. MORTON. Viae President and Manager, IWIttJ A OK.VKR.U II.lXKT.Va AX I Tltl'HT UV8IXUHA. VOL'B IIUS1XKSS SOI.ICITKI). tranquility with a groat fatherly and When you start Me boys and grrls I "e"?r,y . '?? or tb youn' nd In sflwuil thAV t nut nf vn.m l. "" "!''" wnuw. lor UIO OBCK and sympathy they go out of your Im Vaulth at StfHM) hiiiI up pi-r iinuuiii. flro mhiI uut'glnr proof .Hi THK 1 AST , ..aKSEJsassj VXD COMMOmOl S nn.iinte rare and keeping for more ward and afflicted. Save them from .. .UW..,. .1.. . .. ol their wak'ng hours than they re'lu,"Z . iruw loueuneos. undir It. For five-six l hs of the n! uf'. t numb bchool year you are entrusting these :ne" routhw' "d from wttw" tondor beings, so easily stamped by t'vMay Impression, very largely to tho Kulilance and direction of men and uess of heart. IIAXDQ.V ilAX lll'UT. womoii who are stranace to you and j struck by a tree he had just fell- placing them under environments not- et W. Adams sustained a broken ol vour own making. jleg at Cody's camp. The suffeicr Have you thought of thalT ' working with bis son Cla-eno Have joii thought, too, that you t t the time. The tree, Iu falling, m letting tlies precious boys audj,tri0k dry tree ly ng ou the girls ro out thus from under your .ground, then rebounded ni..l Uce'tnl watchful care for all of the forma-'ovor on Mr. Adams. Bandou Eagle. tlvo period of tholr Hvos the iierloil T THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY STBKTLV A COJ1.MKBCIAL BAXK. Wells Fnrgo Xevndu N'ntionn! Bank, ilnn FrnncJiKto, Cal. I rM... IT.. I. ..4 di.i... Y.T..I . .i . ...-. Ilrnws -'iin--u mi AHiiuiuii ilium, rornsud, u:t .' : i urates their i DNAKXKSS CAXXOT Bl Cl'BlJB vlum their beings unfold and unknown mysterious solves brought forth to tho light? You first ioml them nway from , "." im-;l.iiiiioiio(iiie mmoiuitntiifrof I rt v '""-' .--. llll lllliv U III- I UN 1 ml MIMlltcalUlllt. an llu.v ru.i.,1. IirO llio (Uxau'd ikirllon of llii'mr. Thuo U o lv , Iuiiom lo iinv.Kuf. .mid thai it. bri-nii klltiitloUHl rvmutl't. IK'rtfiU' k is ckumsI bv lio Iwitlonal li llnuk. New York, N. Y. The Corn Kxrhaiige National llnnk, Ohlcago, 111. Of! The Bank uf firntlnnd. Luadon. Untland l'he CrwISt I)ohiiuU, PnriB, 1'rauce. In additljin we draw drafts on all principal banking centers In Bnrone. Aslu. Afrlo. Australia Chlon. Japan, North. Central and Couth America. Perxonal and ooramerclul a'counts kept subjuci to oheoi:. Cortiflcatos of Deposits Issued. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. homo nt tho tondor ngo of 5. or C, or 7; thoy novor cotno back to you ns thoy woro, nor to romnin with yon nlono, nor to bo undor your guldnnco aololyj thoy go on to school year nft or year, until thoy roach tho ago of 17 or 18 j ovon then thoy do not como back to you for long, thoy go out again to college, perhaps, or HiuiuM ou Imvii h nmiMiiiic nmtnl or Iiiiit fst'iliniriiiK.anilu.u'ii II U omlrfly iloUil. iiiiine u mo roMiil, nml unlfM tho liiilain iiiHituii run lio tuLoii nut nml tliU tuho rolnrtM lolu iionual I'nmllilmi. lioatliiK will bo ilo H'oust (ore' snliievarok out o( ton nroraiuotl liyi'nlarrh. nhtrltU notlilng but an IntUm miM conillllnii ot llivmuooiuatirtiiroii. Wo will uo Olio lliiiulroil Pollars (or any catooldoafiie(caii8ea by catarrli) that can not bo curetl by Hall'i Catarrh Cure, Bcml (orclrvulart, (roo. n i w ' J; 9"KNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by DrupKlit. 7.V Take IUU' Family Nlt for constiratton. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK MAHSIIF1RLD, OREGON. Oldest Bunk in Coos County. IMnbtMied In 18811. Paid up Capital, Surplus d Undivided Profits over $100,000 Asuets Over Half Million Hollars. Does n general banking business and draws drafts on the Bank of Ca'lfornla, San Francisco, O 1.: Hanover National Bank, N. Y.; First National Bank, Porthnd, Ore.; First National Bank, Rose burg, Ore.; The London, Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., London, England. Also sells exchange on all of tho principal cities of Europe, individual and corporation accounts kept subject to check. Safe deposit lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. V. BENNETT, Prtldent. R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J' 1I,vL4.Sf.NA.vPr- GEO- E- WINCHESTER, Aset. Cash. """""' ifliii u TMK DEI'OSITH. Steamer Redondo (KQUIPPKIi WITH WIRKMS8S) WILL 5IAKK HKOl'LAR TRIPS CABBVIXtJ IsSK0UB AXI KHUItJHT IHSTWlCr.X COOS BAY AND SN I'"11 CO. ALL RESERVATIO.VS FOR lttSSKXCIMtS """'-J: ALLIAXCK DOCK, MABSIIFIKIJ) AXII IMKH-OC1-" TRAXSP. CO. UXIOX STREET WHARF XO. 2, SAY HU.v CISCO. FOR IXFORJLVTIOX PHOXE I W OH 285. SAILS FOR SAX FRAXCISCO WKDXKSPAY, llWEMU"1 7, AT 2 P. M. IXTER-OCEAX TRAXSPORTATIOX COMPANY. Aw- JJi5EraS2SU2S2SS5?SMiireSHS-1l32 saf5lSi5SiSitSiSiS&lS8!&' fc mmm BREAKWA1B Sails from Alnsuoith Dock, Portland, at 8 P. M., every Tufsdnj rratlom 'hiseA Sails from Coos Bay every Saturday nt service of tide. Kesei g will not bo held later than Friday noou, unless tickets are V" W. E. MUler. AkL. Phone Main 35-k a5H5S5iKqiaa5aranBiSHSH5Ka5K2n5ES15aJ A Want Ad will sell it for y t 4