THE COOS BAY TIM ES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1910 EVENING EDITION. tow, mrlmah. tf3Vvr i 5Vsti Hi Ij vW trtlwt) tw f,t6( 0om&5' :3tc'ir vf Jt nlf MmX A1J a, rL iV- M IS I f'liPwQLsM Ah Cte S" ' 1 I y Si Il: i 1 3 T&7 2v tbHA hiiS l,atJxri r.,,ic AtriAj wf) Cw wf) W9- wfKwft mf. I ( I An from the B. C. JiiHt prior to Xnms come a period of perplexity familiar to all buyers of Gifts. .Feeling confident tluit wo cn Ik of assistance to you o tnko this opportunity of Inviting you to Inspect our block. Your tlmo will be spent well because you will find tho "Husy Corner." THE HOLIDAY STORE Valuablo suggestions will bo solves, and the anxious question tho simpler question of which to details here Como and seo for Hundreds of excellent presents are on display, from a trlflo up wards to tho highest figure yon may core to spend. Mako "Tho Busy Corner" store YOUR HOLIDAY STORE We bid you WELCOME. Como do your Xmas shopping with Pleasure, satisfaction and economy. Lockhart - Parsons Drug Co. 'The Busy Corner" Marshfield, Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line Dally stage between Roscbnrg and SLirshfleld. Stnge leaves tlaUy nd -Sunday at 7 p. m. Fore, $0.00. OTTO SOnKTTER, Ageot, 120 MAItKBT AV Uarokficld. PHONE 11 YOU can't enjoy the holidays thoroughly with out new clothes. You can't enjoy your clothes properly unless you know they arc good, that they arc everything you bought them for. There is one way you can be as sure of this as you arc that Christmas is coming buy our Cloth craft guaranteed clothes. The guarantee insures all-wool, good tailoring and lasting shape. Can you ask for more at $10.00 to $25,00? The Woolen Mm Store MILL-TO-MA.N CLOTHIER Marshficld, Ore. I Invitation mndo to you by tho goods them- of wlfat to got will bo changed to got. Wo shall not enter Into yourself. Oregon O. P. DARNARD, Agouti ROSEDURG, GBS. oJjS WW I flte 3rr VVv g. Ml How to Rtd Cupboard of Anti. ny 5 cents worth of tartar emetic of a druggist. Uso one-half saltspoonful to about two tablespoonfuls of sweet ened water. Place lu small dishes In the cupboard or on tho Mielvcs. nnd lu two or three days the ants will hove disappeared. Keep away from tho chil dren, a It Is poUon. FOR SALE Pure bred Rhode Inland red cockorols, ono and two yoars old. L. J. Simpson. WANTED Competont g'rl for gener al housework. Apply Mrs. M. C. Horton. LOST Last Sunday nn English set tor dog answering to tho namo of Jim. Information concerning whereabouts will bo rowardod. J. A. Mntson. FOR RENT or for wile Modern gloss show case and counter. Ap ply "0" Times' office. LOST Putent iuro with 91.30 lu sliver near Stafford's Control Ave nue, Monday night. Finder, pleaBo return to Guy Clausen, Times' car rier boy. OPPORTUNITY Tho automatic designating nests Is moro essential to the poultry business than the Incubator, they designate tho lay ers, nnd provent egg eating, seo them at the poultry show. LOST Gentlemen's scarf pin Amethyst and pearl setting. Re turn to Times ofllce and receive reward. r FOR RENT Warm rooms furnished Close In. Apply Times. FOR RKXT Two nice front rooms lit Sengstacken Building, Just vac ated by Public Labrary. Rent $12.50 per month. Tltlo Guaran tee and Abstract Co, 7 WANTED Strong woman or girl to care for elderly Invalid. Apply Mrs. Sengstacken, Marshfield, Or, COOS BAY TIDES. DKCLMIIIMI High wntcr I A. M. P. M. 4:11 C.C 3:0G 7.G 1 : R 7 C.9 4:0G G.9 r:l7 7.1 C:20 0.4 G:3S 7.5 G:4G G.2 7:2S 7.3 S:10 (U Wod'd'y.. Thursday Friday.... Saturday St'XDAY DKCKMIIKU Low water A. Date. 1 1t. m. Wod'd'y... 7 0:23 Thursday. S'l0:20 Friday 011:7 Saturday 10 St'XDAY 11 0:41 M. P. M. ft. h.m. D:G0 ft. 4.3 4.0 3.G l.C 2.0 0.G 1.0 3.G 2.9 2.1 10:4S 11:40 12:55 2:09 Tin: wkatiwr. . (By Associated Press.) OREGON Fair In cast with occasional rain In west to- night and Thursday. Leno For Port Orfonl. Tho laun ches Coaster and Randolph left night before last for Port Orford with car goes of general Merchandise. In liuprou'il. Thomas Dlaln, who has been very 111 at h!s homo In South Marshftold, Is now recuperating and hopes nro cntcrtnlned for his completo recovery. WIH Move. P. S. Dow has loaBcd tho room which will ho vacntod by tho Flr&t National Hnnk and will movo his ofllces from North Front street noxt month. Dr. Dlv Improving. Dr. -Geo. K. Dl.v continues to Improve rapidly at Mercy hospital and It Is oxpected that ho will bo able to sit up a por- t'en of tho tlmo nfter todny. Im lletter. Prank Gamblo In n letter to Dr. Horsfnll roporta that ho I" gradually recuperating from tho threatened attack of tuboroulosls. Ho Ii In Alburquorquo, X. M., mid weighs uonrly 200 poundH. Ti'iilllr Heavy. Capt. Alox Hall of tho ferry Trnmlt, rouorts that during November ho cnrrlod tho following iNnHIni .inadn..TAMa O 01ft flnillil.i j teams, 1G0; single tonms, 110; llvo stock, 52; nutos, G. Close Store. Tho creditors of tho Pooplo'B Cooperntlvo storo In yarshllcld, mnnagod by P. 8. Rlobo, closed tho place today. It Is un derstood tho Indebtedness Is about $5,000 whllo tho assets nro not in nouncod. Paj-H Fine. Wnrron Ecclos of Coos Rlvor, today appeared boforo Justlco Pcnnock nnd paid a flno for killing quail out of season. Tho of fenso was committed sometlmo ago and Ecclos was arrostod by Doputy Gnmo Warden Cal. Wright. Pioneer Returns. Thos. C. Xowlln formnny years a resident of Coos county but now located nt Paso Ro bles, Cal., Is calling on old frlouds on tho nay and visiting his sons In tho county. Mr, Xowlln says ono of Coos county's greatest ndvortlslng nsgots Is tho Gravenstcln npplo, ono of his sons sont him a box this sea son nnd ho distributed thorn among his frlouds. They woro all enthusias tic and wanted moro, Ho says two or threo hundred boxes could bo sold In Paso nobles In season rognrdloss of price. Mr. Xowlln will return to California on tho next sailing of tho Rodondo. Hot Waffles Aro good on a chilly morning, but they nro not to bo comparod to the goodaess of Stafford's Candy Waffles They are the very nowest out. By the way don't forget that lino of fancy boxes and baskets. Reserve yours today or you may bo too late. Always bomcthhig new at TWOBTORBS BM Froat St 118 Owrtxwl Am (jg$opdk I Personal Notes 1 H::Jtm5:jt::jm:u5:j:tm:j:j:::i Eighteen Days to Xmas Shop Early and Avoid the Rush P. A. IIAIXES Is roporto(l quite 111 nt his homo. P. A. IIAIXES is reported quite 111 nt his homo. JACK MEREEX loft today for Seat tle on business matters. J. D. IIAMLIX of IJonvor Hill, Is In MnrHhflold on business. JAMES LAIRDS of LalrdB, Is In Mnrshflold today on business. P. E. LARSOX of Allegany Is trans acting business lu Marshficld. MISS DAISY LATTIX of South Coos Rlvor, Is n Marshfield shopper to day. H. P. ROSS, tho well-known Cntchlng Inlet ptancor, Is In Marsh field on business todny. MRS. S. A. YOAICAM of Coos Rlvor, Is tho guost of Marshfield rolntlvos nnd frlouds. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE Is horo from Coqulllo to sorvo subpoenas for tho grand Jury wltnossos, C. P. McKXIGHT and C. B. Solby roturncd Inst evening from Co qulllo whoro thoy hnvo buon at tending court. fyjjj W. S. McFARLAXD oxpects to lenvo about Dccombor 20 for Portland nnd Cottngo Grovo whoro ho will Join Mrs. McPnrland nnd tho baby. MRS. HATTIE NICHOLS, who has been om ployed nt Morchant & Kammcror's storo, leaves today for San Francisco to sccuro medi cal treatment. 1 TO AN AUTOMOBILE. IITAVU a humbla longing; that has nev er been confeiaoJ, A lonvlnic I have itrlvon In vain to bur In my breait, I want to take a rlJe once moro when daya are hot and mugey Behind a little Jogging bone In ome old lmbby buggy. I oft am hurled along the road In iom one'a flno machine At auch a pace 1 cannot tell a brown field from a sreen. I want to amble on at peace, unheeding wltat they say. And watch with joy an ancient hone flick ancient (Ilea away. Z never ceo a landicape now that U not acuddlng by In gales of wind and cloudi of dutt be fore my goggled eye. The ionnlvo bowk are galloping, the horn are iquawking tait. If anything aeems peaceful I know It will not lait. I have no great ambltlom, and I don't deilre to ahlno As a heroine of accidents In the automo bile line. This my plebeian longing, without quib ble or remorses I want that shabby buggy, and I want mat ancient none I draco Duffleld Qoodwln. - tt - - - tt - - - tt - - a - a - i: - - D Best by Every Test Sperry's Best Drifted Snow Flour For 58 Years the Standard n jta - - K - H - K - K - - K - K - HUE Hfll 10 ALASKA TRIP Ed. Abemethy, Brother of Mrs. Bennett Swanton of Marsh field, Returns. The following dispatch from For- ost Grovo concerning a brothor of Mrs. Dennett Swanton of Marshfield, will be read with Interest hero: "W. G. Abomothy, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Abomothy of this city, who nro among tho best known pion eer rosldonts of Oregon, has returned to his parents' homo nfter 11 years spont In tho gold floldB of Alaska. Mr. Abemethy during his stay In tho fnr north, met with many adventures, and endured hardships In his Boarch for gold from which ho will not soon recover. "Mr. Abemethy Is n natlvo of Port land, having been born In that city 3C yenrB ago. In 1S0S ho enlisted In Company E, Second Oregon volun teers, nnd served nearly two years In tho Phlltpplno Insurrection. In 1000 ho wont to AlnBka, and during his senrch for tho yollow motnl has been ns far north na Capo Lisbon, north of Xomo about 400 tnllos. "In 1009, In compnny with W. J. Summorvlllc nnd Max Lltzonburg, he stnrtcd far tho Aloutlnu Islands to et-tabllsh a trading Htatlon. Tho par ty became marooned upon Tlgoldl Island, nnd woro compelled to romnln thoro for over four months. Run ning out of provisions whllo on tho Island, thoy were forced to subsist upon fish nnd seal meat for two months. During their stny on tho Island tho wenthor was exceedingly cold, nnd Tlgoldl bny was frozen over for tho first tlmo In tho history of tho country. "Tho party was finally rescued by a gasoline steamer, and was taken to .Soward, nonr Daldoz. Whllo nt tho lattor placo Mr. Abomothy was struck on tho hip by n brokon broom hnndlo. Ills hip was dislocated, nnd he was laid up with tho Injury for sovornl wooks, returning to his homo In this city fr tho purposo of fully recovering his henlth. "Mr. Abomothy locnted sovornl good claims whllo In tho north, from which ho took sovoral thousand dol lars. Ho disposed of nil his Interests In Alnska, nnd will probnbly'not -i-turn thoro for somo time. Should he return to tho gold fields, ho will prospect lu tho Cook's Inlet region lu tho south central part of Alaska." c Gems In Terse IN MEMORY'S LIGHT. 'f "'AI8 folly, perchance, to remember I The days of long ago, 1 And ot, and yet, In Ufa's Decern J. ber. June's roies how they blow, More sweet, mora fair, It seems, Qecuuso .hey bloom In dreams Ileyona the winter's ragel Twin violets beneath dark lashes, Long, oil, long In the tomb, Long chronicled with dust and ashes How brightly still they bloom! For, lo. In memory's light They the beyond the night And cheer the heart of age! C. a. Dlanden, THE FARM WliE. WIIEnn ends the road across the hllir 1 do not know-I do not know. Out all day Idng and all the ntght 1 long to go 1 long to go! TT runs so straight beneath the sun, So white boneath tho moon, It calls mo from my work and dreams, And I must nswer soon. I DOLT my door, I do my tasks, I kiss my good man's cheek. Vet I cannot hear my baby's laugh For what the road would speak. WHEHE ends the roadT I only know Here, from the pasture bars, It is familiar to the sun t And mistress to the stars, -Reginald Wright ICauffman. o - a - - n - - tt - o ---&--, J :i - 8B - H - IJ - K MM-K-KMl4 ft 4 f - j -j!ut9Slt4iiiKtfe.Ht?"i'' fc. U) A , IW:l 1 i.i 'n -- ..- . :