ARE READY FOR. THE HOLIDAYS jxnarinsaBeaBtt r t ?" i I" 4 iof the past Thirty Days we have been Receiving carload afcer carload of' Holiday Sup- dies. Wow is The Lime to begin Selecting Your Presents while the Assortment is Large A Sensible Preset is Appreciated by Mother, Father, Wife and Friend 11rgnggi3aja;iagJcTa&uitiiegiBr:onB'.iTi : r cjii-.reTiMjMi.TfCTKM..rj! nun rv rocker would hk NICE FOR THAT PARLOR SI. IT, TO SH.-.00 LLL i O ElZEZp pil4l3 ClllXA CLOSETS TO COMPLETE YOUR DIXIXG ROOM SU5.00 AX1) UP. JffiffiL A PRETTY TABLE IS APPRKCIAT Kl) ItV THE whom: family S7..10 TO s i.-.oo ifmrcnwrnyBrTfjij'wiij.'iiMfLffzWA'iiiT111 "-jfth-'It KxmijkUitiJiuasiMKaaukXiu.vBmiiMsm r, IjTi mil ' ' ' BUFFETS AKH USEFUL for THE WIFE S'J.-.OO TO DIXIXG CHAIRS ALL STYLES, PRICES: 75 CENTS TO SO.OO STANDS AXI) LIllItAIlY TABLES ALL KINDS AXI) FIX IS I IKS PRICKS FROM SI.'J5 TO S-.".0() if aril li!Lv33 wi: aim: aokxts fou this WKLMCXOW.V .MATTRESS, SKVKItAL DIFFKItKXT STYLKS CARRIED IX STOCK AT FACTORY PRICES i H2 (i l Trs. ,w I vVl Is Errr"rT"""r'r5l IIIO.V DEBS 8il.0() AXI) Ul liltASS IJKDS 821.00 AXI) UP. MAXY OTHER STYLUS TO PLEASE YOU i-i'i.iiw ,n,.,ivi ,. m DRESSERS IX ALL STYLKS 87.50 TO 9!J5.00 OUR ASSORT.MEXT OF HUGS IS vnitY co.MPLirn: at this time iiorii ix thi: SMALL AXI) ROOM SIZES. Our Toy Department is now on Display BIGGER, BETTER, and GREATER. THAN EVER. BEFORE GOING & HARVEY COMPANY WE SAVE YOU MONEY WJWWBWW W(W1 ti v. ! ' iw. ir jv,'ir T Chaminade " CLUE MIlS. IIORSFALL, Jr., Director, proicntlng Mrs. May DearbornSchwab I.jrlc-Soprnno of Portlnnd, nt Masonic Theater Wednesday, December 14 at S:30 P. 51. Seats now on Balo at tlio "Busy Corner." Reserved soats 81.00. MILS. .MAY DKUtKOIlX'Stllu All Oomial AiIiiiImiIou 50 cents. I m. tJ-a-n-n-n--n-a-K-n--a-aa-n-n-n-n-n-n--n-n-n--- I Wkat a Pleasure It Is tu." w i"juj jTn know tuat evory t,mo you bak0 you nr0V T f absolutely suro your bread, biscuit ana pas-n try nro going to bo Just as good as yoiiK know how to make them I JlOPR MILLS CO. ffnP FLOUR rPhnn la ntilv t iw"'" " " ' ono way to bo euro. That Is to bo sure that tno Hour you ubo is always ihu biiuiu. jv- ry i. - ri... Dtniii la liiof fllAf KUCK Ul OllUW Llllk A'AUU. ID juav ..w same as every other sack. A Baking or bread Is made at tho mill's bake shop orB every batch of flour mado for Snow Drift, a That baking has to show that tho flour Is a up to standard. If It Isn't It Is thrown ... . tt out. It never goes Into a snow urm sacK.y Snow Drift Is not a bleached flour. naturally white. 5Iade from tho If la M I finest, V selected, Northwestern grown, Blue Stem wheat. A trial of ono sack will convince . tt you of Its advantages over owior urnuus. i H. W. PAINTER Marshfield - Oregon ti-tMi-a-u-H-H-a-a-a-K-tt-u -a-:-n---K---H-n t A Want Ad will sell it for yOu Now is The Time to try LUND FOR S0.ME TI5IU PAST I IIAVK BEEN T1SLLIXQ YOU THAT I HAD GUARANTEED WATERPROOF GARMENTS. IF IT DON'T KEEP YOU DRY, YOU CAN BRING IT BACK AND GET YOUR 5IONEY BACK OR A NEW ONE. THAT'S FAIR ISN'T IT? AND REME.MBER I AM SELLING THESE GUARANTEED GAR5IENTS CHEAPER THAN S05IE HAVE BEEN SELLING INFERIOR 000DS FOR. I HANDLE THE THREE LEAD ING BRANDS OF WATERPROOF CLOTHING "THE .MELROSE," "THE FISH" AND "THE SAWYER." AND REME5IBER 5IY GUARAN TEED SHOES AND REPAIRING. SAVE SOME CHRISTMAS MON EY BY HAVING 5IE DO YOUR RE PAIRING AND BY BUYING MV SHOES. Your Credit Is Good Gevurtz & Sons Port Inuri, .Oil'. for Fimiltuio Carpets ItlIKH Iliiiss Hods Lmcu CuitaliiH M'8 ClothliiK Ladles' Clotlilns Jewelry Crockery, etc., etc. The Home Furnishers Woman's WorkS No More Tloeslo's Fair Mlsa Libbey's Stopped Wrltlnu fVovoli. wrlght. Tho playwright hanker grips her soul and mnyhnp sho wilt strip tho brows of Theodora Krenior and Owen Dnvls, vaudovlllo playwrights, of thoit tollfully won laurels. II O. O. LUND, "Tho mnii who docs things right.'' 'o. S15 South Broadway, Marshfield 'G. W. Dungan Undertaker Marshfield, Oregon. Parlors, 180 South 3d St., Telephone, Day or Night, 105-J. Turkish Baths 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 214-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL , Phone 3121. MilMH jP$rM.!. jn YOU SAVE ONE-THIRD led tint Cililof it lilt! von It luaUtfidtWlUtU UiitL tit Mttrt ui MB lacttoa (Uf atttcd. Om iilci U ill ftwl Dwi JUJ up t-Craotl Ooort... liO Buclo 0oft.... M 3-Ucht HUdowt... ,71 M 4-llttitljflH4. .41 M flioo taih 1.4S up Cupsoard DootImm. Mta I D Sitk rranei. M I D Door Frimei... 7$ Seid ul your Hit ol milertilt. ask roa worn no. mm 1 I FOR CAUEFl'L CLKAMA'U Ladles should bring their Dresses, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion guaranteed. COOS BAY TAILORING CO., J. W. Josephson, 5Igr. 180 South Broadway, .Mirshfli-ld. visa LAURA jean unncY. Tcrrlblo cnlamlty! Girls, It's something nwful! Laura .lean Llbbey has written her last book. Positively her last! Her press agent says so. Georginiiii, the beautiful silk spin ner, will never again clasp Alexander Algernon Du Bols Vera do Vera In her strong young nrms while the liquid stnrllght tlnmcs In tho burning depths of her lapis lazuli orbs. Alas, how per fectly horrlblo If truo! No more mar riages of gartered dukes to tho sweot singing little canary in tho chambre do cuisine. Never no more will tho proud carl discard his son aud heir and cut him off with a shoo button for marry ing tho lodRokeeper's magnificently pulchrltudluous adopted daughter who eventually turns out to bo n lost duch ess u ml heiress to nil tho coffee lands In Brazil. L. J. Libbey's threat must carry con sternation to every kitchen In tho land, and 10,000.000 factory girls will tear their hair with pitiful walls when they get the stupendous nows. And what will tho distinguished au-thorcss-vaudevllllan turu hor pen t now? Hist! What Women Are Doing. Tlicro Is to bo a lady chapel In tho now Liverpool cathedral, for which. Is planned n scheme of stained glnss win dows .coiiuuoinorntfrig tho deeds of good women. On ono tho Inscription rends, "Queen Victoria mid AH Nohlo Queens," aud others aro Inscribed: "Graco Darling and All Courageous Women," "Catherlno Gladstono uml All Loyal Hearted Wives," "Elizabeth Barrett Browning and All Women Who Hnvo Seen tho' Inflnlto In Things." 5Ira. Alice StobbJnR Wells. It Is re ported, will ho appointed policewoman of Los Angeles, Cat. It was Mrs. Wells' cffortH, hacked by the ministers and clubwomen, that caused the ordi nance to bo passed creating tho olllco of policewoman In Los Angeles. "Jly work Is to bo chiefly whero young peoplo gather for entertainment In parks, penny arcades, moving pic turo allows and dance halls," Mrs. Wells explained when asked to talk about her now work. "I will deal chiefly with the proprietors of such places and will see that nil laws aro obeyed nnd the places aro kept clean and moral." Although 5Iiss Clara Barton, tho founder of the Red Cross society In tho United States, Is ninety-one, sho still takes personi'l charge of one of th biV.iches of tbc society. MWa Bar ton's relief work dates hack to tho civil war. when she became a uurso on tho battlefields and organized searching parties for missing soldiers. Sho o'cu will become a oluy-5 Still a Houiekeoper at 104. Living far up In the Allegheny mountains Is n remarkable woman who" Is more than 101 years old. Sho Iiqh tho proof n of her age, mid the In habltautH for uillt aiuiiml gather on Aug. 'JL each year to make merry on her birthday and to exprohS hope that Hhc may live many more ,earx. Sho is 5Iotlier Shoemaker, and her homo Is near Duliolx, Pa She wax born In 1800. Bent wlih her years, but happy aud cnnleuted, Ma its In a tiny houso built In the mountains. She does not have u houHckccifr or a servant. She says she In strong enough to do her own work and t attend to her wants. It would not bother her she did not have nn Incomo for her support. She says sho could earn her own living without any trouble. Sha has lived the simple life. Sho has worked In the fields, and sho has bees a mother, M ft ' '