..d tOlTION. iFaPttfOT'BM MCTW'iWrilMriUHIIII UWI1U MUW irlE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 6U COOS BAY TIMES Entered at tho postofflco nt Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through the limits U3 second class mall matter. Ad dross all communications to COOS 1JAV DAlIiV TIMES, Mnrsliflold :: :: :: :: Oregon M. C. MALONKY Kdltor mid Pub. WAX K. MALONEY News Rtlltor I being pushed through a class Just a ' g-ndo too much" for him. Ho. may bo a boy that develops late but, like many of our cholcost fruits, will come out all the more fully. And so on. Remember, once you have seen lit m succeed In connecting mouth and too. Watch hlm and do not g've tin. Tho straw may prove to have been right. Chancos are largely that In the ond he will connect again. MAX? INFERIORITY. ICHRISTMAS GIFTS An Independent Republican news paper published every evening oxcept Sunday, and Weekly by d'bo Coos Hay Times I'ultl lliinc Co. Dedicated to the service of tho ueonle. that no xood cause shall lack n zil.n ..ilM n.iil flint tll ulinlt ..! ' i;jiumjiiuii, cum iuab v.i snail uui thrlvo unopposed. The Coos Day Times represents a consolidation of the Dally Coast Mall and The Coos Ray Advertiser. Tho Coast Mall was the first dally estab lished on Coos Hay and Tho Cooh Day Times Is Its immcdlitto sue ccssor. HUfWWMTOl V WtfMntrTWWW-EM W SUBSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY. Ono year $G.OO Per month no When paid strictly In ndvnnco the subscription prlco of tho Coos liny Times Is $r,00 per yenr or $2.30 for six mouths. WEEKLY. Ono -year 1.50 Offlrlnl Paper of Cons County. rsr. Oli'ICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OK MAI5.SH FIELD. TIIJC HOY WHO "CO.MKS HACK" T MAY UK that this Is the boy's ( uiai. fvnv m hjiiuui, 11 may ue . that tho cue Is more serious and that this is his second or his third! (.r his fourth. Wh'chever it is, about i his time of the season tho proui. vuv ouuauy morning long ago a young rather sat beside u dimpled ca Hr 1 1 lire of a human, watched It grunt and aim to stick a pink toe I io a toothless mouth and marveled if ever there had been another won der baby like this one. Tho straw was slight one, to be sure, but the bulldog determination to connect mouth and too showed tho man con clusively which way jlio wind blow. Noxt him stood a tall, protty thing In sort pale-blue. Most of tho foolish things that woro In tho mind of tho mini lie told to this girl but ho did not dnro toll her what now ho thought such groat things ho, ex pected of that Firstborn, did that young foolish Dad. Often nftor that ho would stand hosldu tho crib and d renin and dronni of ronqiioats to como for tho inlto wnoio logiilu breathing monnt inoro thnn llfo to hlm but tho llrst fow weeks nt Hchool soon disponed of thoao day dienms. Itondlng, writing and nrlthniotlc wore from "bad" to "iiiodlum," conduct was wnrso and out of a class of 152 ho held the cellar cham pionship. If It happens to bo tho first roar tho case Is not jot so serious for Dad clings tenaciously to hopo. Hut If yoar nftor yoar the boy falls, then It Is that a head grown grnytir and grajor about tho temple as It tosses restlessly, frottlng, wondering what will become of tho Hoy. And yet, In the name of Souso, whv? Look up your old schoolmnstor and liuiulro about your classmates youT find ho has them Indoxod banonth tin scalp showing through thnt sparso white hair, every ono of thorn. You will loarn then thnt Wllilo Mlllor and Tommy Mookor nnd Frnnklo Da- vis who scintillated at the bond of tho olnsa until tho rost of you woro left behind like the smell of a bon zlno buggy nro respoctlvoly driving n soda wn,tor wagon, olorklug In a grocery storo and rending a meter for n gas company. And you loam Mint "Clump" Tonnoll, tho lazlost darodovll good-for-nothing that es caped expulsion is nono othor than Mr. Reginald V. Tonnoll, lending tho coming gonorutloii of llnnnolers In M'all Stioet. You might wonder nt this but your old master would not. "it's tho rule, proved by except Ions," lie would say. "Tho reason U simple. The boy with tho scholastic ml ml loads his class but ho'll never make moro of himself than a college pro fessor. The othor fellows, those to wliom books do not some so natural those aro tho ones that will come out nhoad In llfo." There aro scores of other reasons why you should not lose faith In the Boy alde from the one that 'under God's sunshine you should bo the last to loavo hlm. Tho fault may Ho in ttnqhor rather than In pupil. It may bg that year for yoar ho is MAN marvels much at himself. He contemplates with awe the wonders of his works. He is o mazed with his own greatness, and can scarcely understand it. He looks back upon the savage barba rian he once was and admits that civilization has evolved a superior creature indeed. It would be useless to dispute his grounds for this self admiration. He Is a wondorful be ing. Ho has achieved much during his development, nnd his superiority over nil other living crenturoa has given hlm undisputed lordship and dominion on this earth. Hut In tho midst of his ndulntlon of self It might be well for hlm to reflect upon his own dollclouclos as woll as unon hi? ab'lltles, upon whnt he has lost by civilization ns well us upon what ho has gained by It, on his Inferiority as well as upon his. superiority. Tho Portland Orogonlan while re futing tho cnntontlon that some hor ses hnve been known to have ronton lug powers, nt tho same time goes on to show wlieroln tho lowor nnlinnls are superior to uinn, "Thoro Is renson to bellovo," It any, "that most nnlinnls surpass mankind In the precision and delicacy of their senses, as well as In swift ness of muscular responto to atlmul us. ItlsknownbyHtocknicn thntamaro can convey a whole volume of Infor mation to her foal by the slightest touch of her nose. The foal Is as leep on the ground. The dam scents dnrger. No sooner has she tnuchod the Hank of her slumbering charge than It Is awake, on Its feet and ready to run at full apeod. Tho mus cular response of a sleeping cat to Kmnltia of any kind Is so swift that humnn eyes can not follow It. Vnrli more la this true of wild ani mals. It is n curlnuM question whether mankind once possessed the saiuo dollcacy of sense nnd tins nor lost it, or whothor. we hnvo always been dull compared with tho boasts. Tho ncnto sight nnd honrlng of snv- ascas Boem to nrguo thnt tho son" or the humnn rnco aro not nnturnllv Inferior. Saint Dornnrd virtually de stroyed his sight, tnBto and smell by tho severities of his ascetic llfo. Civilization has wrought something of tho saiuo offect upon us nil. Per haps by nn Improved education wo may somotlmo regnln what wo hnvo lost. If It Is worth whllo. As tho world goes thoro. la somo doubt whothor ncutor oars would innko us hnpplor. It might dopond n good doal on tho sort of sounds tho now capacity would rovonl to us." FOR BOYS AND GIBLS ; : .I....." jJ A TOV ABHortiANF. Captive airships which whiz around on u string are complete In every de tail, nnd those made In celluloid are splendid toys that boys will be de lighted to receive for Christmas pros cuts. The popularity of electric traction h reilocted In the Increased sales of elec tric trains mid trams. The motorcar nnd toxical) llgurc prominently on the shelves. These tire nrovlded with Hoot. ers. ndjustiible hoods, windows which can he lowered, glass screens, lamps nnd even the telltale taximeter Itself. Monkeys and bears on trapezes, which squenl and grunt continually, nre new nnd nre hound to cause end less fun. There are those which turn Innumerable somersaults until the mo tive power gives out. In the parlor and board game de partment new Ideas nre rampant. The old rnshloned Christmas! tree may he oupcrseded by the lucky pics, a big nox run oi prizes hearing numbers, which hnve to tie drawn for. Tho Always Popular Tool Client. There nre lew hoys who are not "tickled to death" when Santa Clans Santa Clans Headquarters Is he-re. Wo ninko a specialty of providing sometning lor every mem ber of tho family. Wo hnvo dolls of nil s'zos nnd de scription, toys of nil kinds and uso- fitl nrticies lor every liiemuor iiuu department of tho household. By making n specialty of Chrlst iiuis goods, wo can sell them chenpor than nnyono else. Just drop In nud yoft'll be surpris ed how far a little money will go towards making all your family and friends happy. With every doll, wo glvo freo n doll's drew pattern something tho KUle ones will appreciate almost ns much ns the doll. Track' licie nud save money. Goos Bay Cash Store (JEO. X. HOLT, .Manager. Front Street, MiirliIIeM. "&TTl i iwi ztitm mwassMBmEEBmrMl. '! mwWd&amm mnssaasamsmaxmaax rt I M p. m 'AH 7S&m ;!S,ll ' L '-' "- lOOI. nox QUALITY IS OUIt MOTTO. In tho Jowolry Department of tho Prouss Drug Co. you will find tho following nrticlos for Xmns presents. Hawkos nnd Llbby's Cut Glnss. Plckard Hand Palntod China. Howard Watchos. Solid Gold nnd Sterling Silver goods in ondlosfl varlotlos. Honioinbor onrly buying moans economy ns woll as first oholco of our Immonso stock. Our tlmo Is yours. Call and inspoct our stock. JRWKLItY DEPT., PHKUSS DKUG CO. Send In your on try shoots for tho Coos Pot and Poultry Show quick so tho CO.MMITTKI-: can ostlmato tho nocossnry spneo rcqulrod. ALLIAXCH sails for POHTLAX1) Tuesday, Dec. C. Ro3orvo passago now Shoes Shoes Shoes Worls Shoes Dress Shoes leaves them a tool Iwx, and now that manual training is taui;lit In the schools most hoys know how to unci lie tools lutelllueiitlr. Hut they must bo of the best quality to be or any prac tical value. And a watch! Well, the height of a boy's glory Is reached wnen ue gets u really truly timepiece. Tho popularity of the watch Is well exemplllled In one of Mr IJooley's fa mous stories, In which the hero prnyed for u watch as a Christmas gift. but. much to his disgust, received a lialr luiln that raveled. Thine a Boy Likes. He liken a pair or hockey skates, footballs, mi air ritle, college pennants, a desk, games, Jnukkulvctf, tie clips, and if you want to delight his lumrt give hlm a sliver pocketknlfe with his monogram on it. School nud college pins and Just now the mouoirram scurf- pin tuny bo whnt he'll want. Among more useful presents are to he found sweaters, school ot dress suits. If the boy Is interested in wireless telegraphy all kinds or batteries and appliances will help nlong the cause. Should you want a present tor the small hoy or for one of larger growth who belongs to n drum corps get hlm u really good drum and he'll be happy, but his par ents probably will suffer. What dif ference? It's ChrlstuiHsJ Vhat a Girl Likes. If she is n wee lassie who can Just trundle n doll's earrlace or Is old enough to feel the real responsibility XOTlCi: TO COX'J'llACTOHS. Notice Is hereby given thnt senl od bids will be received by tho Com- mmi fTmmnll nt Hio CWv nt Mnrali. j field, Coos County, Oregon, until half past seven o'clock P. M. Tuos day, tho 13th day of December, 10s0, i for tho Imnrovninniit of Hint nnrtlnn of Front Street North from tho north lino ot Alder nvonuo east to tho south lino of Mini nvonuo vast In tho City of Mnrslillohl, Coos Coun ty, Orogon. according to the plnns i and specifications on (lie In tho olllce I of tho Recorder and open to the In spection of nil persons lutorestod thcroln. lllds will he received for tho whole work necessary to complete the proposed Improvement and also for each class of work Included there in 1. e., for the bulkhead and piling, ' (for the grading, for curbing and pnv ilng the roadway nud for tho side .ualki. ' j A certified check of five per cent ,of the amount of the bid must no-' company each bid, to be forfeited to the city of Marshneld, In case tho contract la awarded nnd the contrac tor falls to enter In a contract with jln five days from the time the con-, tract is awarded hlm. I The Common Council reservos tho right to reject any nnd all bids. ' Dated this 2nd day of December, 1910. ' , JOHN W. Dl'TLER. Recorder of tho City of Marshneld, Coos County, Orogon. w- V. Vs C. .',! HMliJs ttMs-?.?.1 " CTC-3 w r7y azda Lamps Make Work I find that kitchen vork is, a pleasure rather than a drudgery now that this wonderful Genera Electric Mazda Lamp bri8htens tue room like sunshine. 1 his new lamp certainly is a blessing to the housekeeper. It costs no more to bum than the ordinary cbon incan descent lamp, and radiates nearly three times as much light. And the quality of the light is liver hu iiiucii inner 11 ic en tvar'ii, i n ti --- v ., uw iv.oviui iu nn; i TilC G-E Ma.1 I Jlttm il nnn nl ll. .... ficlueyenienls in the field of athficul illumination. It ii the factor that has cnuicd tlicuju ds of people to have thsit Iiouicj wired for electric l, V. For thb wonderful Lamp makes tkcttic light L-:e.i.uL!i Come ia i- ix moment lo-d.iy and Li i, J.j, you why. :eyes. CoosBayGas&QeriricCo. EffwsBrwigiwiCT7ttSiS3aitv,ii.2i .Wiawmww?Bt rwwwuwiMwui mimnnwiwwmii'niiMjii,uiuuuiiini COOS BAY LIVERY Wo hnvo secured tho livery busi ness of L. 11. Hoisner nnd nro pro pared to ronder excellent servlco to tho people of Coos Day. Careful drivers, good rigs nud everything thnt will menu satisfactory servlco to tho public. Phono ub for u driving horse, n rig or anything needed In tho livery lino. Wo nlso do a trucking business of nil kinds. HJaiichtud, Iteln Uhinclmrd j I J very, Imm-cI ami Sulci Service. HI First nnd Alder Streets. ' Phono 13S-J ! HKPOHT OF TlK C'O.MHTIO.V OF THE first Trust and Savings Bank OF COOS HAY xovittiimit io, into. MAiism-mi). ohf.go HesoiiiTeM, Llalilllllcs. j.uuua iiuu uiov;uiiiu9 , ?i- 1 ,1 vj,i I Overdrafts 1.B74.51 Cn')ltnl 8tock JialJ lD--00- nanus and socurltlos. . Su.i 71.07 surplua and undivided aankltiir house furnlturo nnd Ilxtures C7.023.-I5 l'fonts 5.W! Cash on hand and duo D rvnni ikntii.o n ncn ? ..w... U,.,..va, ..... ,,VtfV.,U Total ?2S2,S59.3 Total !S!,S. OFFIOKltS AN l niHIXTOHS JOHN 8. COKK, President. DORSKY KREITZER, Cashier. JOHN F. HALL, W. S. CHANDLER. HENRY 8I3NGSTACICBN. WIuLIAM GRIMES, STEPHEN 0. ROGERS, DR. C. V. TOWER, M. C. HORTON, Vice President and Manager. DOES A GENERAL HANKING AND TRUST HU8I.VES3. j ttfi ni'uivpca crT.i niTnn ti M.JKJM lltflllOQ aViMIAIM Safe Deposit Iloxes for rent In our i tool llnwl, lire nml burglar pw'l iiiufN at ;s.ud nud up prr anmun. Y A Full Line of All Kinds of Men's Shoes From $250 l vcS " 1 3 Fff Pll "W ixup DOW. DAnV CAI1I1IAOE. of a dolllo as big as herself, she'll like nothing better than one of the up to date baby carts exactly like those a real baby tnkes her airing In, The car riage Illustrated Is a uow model put out for tho Christmas trade nnd tho cheapest of them sells for $3.50. The shape Is the same at nil prlc.es. the difference belug merely in the appoint ments of the carriage. Of course the very wee girl will nave an old fash loued model or a very tiny replica of this new variety. Proud us Punch Is the sninll girl when she wenrc her set of furs that Kris Krliigle has brought her This year there is a tusMiiatlug to.ortmeui or these sets, ruuglug all the way from ermine to the near ermine, which l just plain rabbit oi eat, lint prott. unci dalntj nevertheless. Chinchilla Is an utrracthe li for yoking girls,, and lately evun tho bhiek (furs linv. been roiisldured smart for youthful wearers. While figuring ON THE CHEAP WIRINO r.wr PAIGN DON'T OVERLOOK THR . FACT THAT WE ARE SELLING FIXTURES AT A DIG DISCOUNT. ' 4 ALSO STANDARD MAKE FLAT ' IRONS WE HAVE ONLY A FEW, LEFT. BETTER PLACE YOUll OR-1 DER. I Coos Bay Wiring Co. KXPERT ELECTRI OIA.NS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PHONE 237.J. HOTEL GAHDINKR, at Gardlnor, Oregon, has been ro modelled and Improved and Is under now management. Special accommo dations for stago passengers and for people doslrlng n rest at tho seashore "You'll Llko the Plnce." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. U i i K I U t u I a i n i xx i tx a t THE FIRST OF COOS BAY STRICTLY A COMMERCIAL 11.1XK. Wells Kargo Nnvnda National Hank. San Franclico, CL nr.V(. I The United Blntea National Hank, Portland, Or. I) ti 1,' 'N,"t,0,m, l'ark ,,auk New York N Y UraUS xiio ror Kvchnngt Nntlonul llatik, Chicago, III. Ofl Tho Hani; of Scotland, London, England. The Credit Lyonnals, Paris, Franco. In addition wo draw drafts on all principal banking eentm Europo, Aslu, Africa, AustralU, China, Japan, North, Centru i" Gouth America. Personal and coraciorclal accounts kept subjwt to ehw- certificates of Deposits Issued. Safe Doposlt uoxea wmj; ONCE TRIED ALWAYS PATRONIZED Is the verdict of all our customers. That's because wo do much good work nud do 'It at such reasonable prices. You'll bo surprised to see tho transformation wo can make in your old clothes. Just glvo us a trial Job. .Maishlleld Cleaning nnd Dye Works, I Phono 270X. isc So. Broadway. j Ladles Garments a Specialty. HOME LAND Co. See us for investments on Coos ' Bay. Wo guarsnteo owner's prlco to I oo our prlco. IK I n i K R I R I R I U I R I U I 9 tx I :: t tt i R I FLANAGAN &. BENNETT DANK" ? MARSHPIELD. OREGON. Oldest Bank in Coos County, Established In 1880. m Paid up Cnpltnl, Surplus, nnd Undivided Profits over Siuw.wv Assets Over Half .Million Dollars. Ihft Bltk Does a general banking business and draws drafts on in s. of CaMfomla, San Francisco, Cal.; Hanover National Da, f. First National Bank, Portland, Ore.; First National DaDt,' ,..j. burg, Ore.; Tho London' Joint Stock Dank, Ltd., London, bM" Also sells exchange on all of tho principal cities of EUJ g, Individual and corporation cccount3 kept subject to cnw doposlt lock boxes for rent. OFFICERS: J. W. DENNETT, Prwddent. K. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier. J. H. FLANAGAN, Mm, GEO.' E. WINCHESTER. .t IVTKRKST PAID ON TIBrE IIFPO'TS j :--- -n-R-u-it-.tt-.w-.ft-.MM MM-.ft-ii-n-H-x a-H-H8"3 Novesaber Real Estate Snap RESIDENCE CORNER 84x100 In Sengstacken's Addition Good Bay View, for $375.00 See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager 9 h i S i 9 i 3 I Phono 71L. ai4 i;vn., a. i-n-n-n-n-n-tt-n-n.n-n.tj.jj-jj.K-n-u-ya-M.M.n-B- .i ..-iti.iti . -X ftf r'iiinii a