ADS. NEWS LV HUSINESS IS BLOW, Al OUT IT WHILE IT IS NEW Mt HEADING THE COOS JAY TIJJIKH. ALIj THE NEWS AIj THE TlhW TERSELY 'I OLD t: t: :: t ' rl.i nv SUCCESSFUL husi- L I'lQfSBS EVERYWHERE :: MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Extnblisdietl In 1H7H ns Tlio Const Mull. .X3CXHI. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER EVENING EDITION. . 1910 A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull mid Coos liny Advertiser. Ml BIG GROWTH 5, .1910 -' . ' "'WllWWlWWIWWIWWnWIWWWWBMlWWWMWBalWWWIWIWW - IS COUNTY'S OONGRESB CONVENES EARLY TODAY iARY BAKER EDDY IS II THE LUST B Y v Has Population of 17,959 Against 10,633 In 1900. REE TIMES THE GAIN OF ERA BEFORE ONE KILLED BA ON TRIP talis Bureau Hiiiiuuiiues filiation of Other Coun ties In Oregon. vv riTV POPULATION. O O' As yc', tlio Census Dopnrt- -cat has not nnnouncod tlio io- ;ilitlon of Marshflold or of any c( tho Coos county towns but He final figures aro oxpectcd t ibortljr. . ! Wild Flight Across North Sea Fatal to One of Aeronauts. (Hy Associated Prots to Cooi Bay Times.) LONDON, Dec. 5 The bnloou Hint nacended nt Munich Saturday landed today nt Kirkwall, Scotland, nftor a wild flight across the North Son. Sun tiny tho bnsltot struck a big wave swooping Horr Mctzger to his donth. Tho bnloon thus lightened nroso and swept over Orkney Islands. Dlslcr and Joerdono, tho surviving aoro- nnuts, wcro unharmed. Last Session of Sixty-First Congress Opens and Speak er Cannon Is Acclaimed Champ Clark Next Speaker. tUy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec.G. Doth IIousos of Congress convonod today for the third and Inst session of tho sixty-first congross. Tho gal- lcrlos wero crowded and thoro was a good attoudnnce of sonators and representatives. Spealtor Cnnnon was given n romnrkftblo ovation when lie took up the gnvol and announced the opening of tho session In tho House. The applause lasted sovernl ni'nute nnd the democrats Joined tho republicans In acclaiming the veteran legislator. Representative Champ Clark was also given a similar ovntlon when ho entered Immediate ly on tho conclusion of tho prayer, tho democrats hailing him ns tho Bpoakor of tho next house. Doth houses ndjourncd Immediate ly after tho formnl assembling, calls of roll, and adoption of n resolution on tho passing of thoso members who hnvo died since tho last session. This session of congross Is of more than usual Interest and importance, be cause In threo months It will oxplro by constitutional limitation and. tho control of tho IIouso will bo surren dered to tho democratic party. Tho early work on appropriation bills hns been cleared away for prompt consideration of those measures on the floors of the two houses. S BY PNEUMONIA ROOSEVELT TO T Founder of Christian Science Church Passes Away at Home Near Boston. JUG GAIN IN COOS. (Special to Tho Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 5. I-Coos county's population now 111 11,959. In 1000 It was 10,- HI, nnd In 1S90, S.S74. The population of Oregon tow Is 072,705. In 1900 It was 111,530, and ln1890, 213,707. Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) (Special to Tho Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 3. Mired by transmission.) Tho con- luhoni the population of the conn- It ot Oregon to be ns follows: Biker, 1S.07C. Btston, 10,033. Cltckamns, 29,9-11. ClUop. 1G.106. Columbia, 10,580. Coos, 17,959. Crook, 9,315. Corry, 2,011. Douglas, 19,07-1. mam, 31,701. Crsnt, 5,007. Hsrney, -1,590. Hood River. S.01C. Jsekson. 25.75C. " v' Josephine, 9,507. Klamath, 8,55-1. We, 1,038. Lne, 33.7S3. ; - ' Lincoln, 5.5S7. Uan, 22,002. Malheur. 2.001. . . T r 1 Morrow, 4.357. Polk. 13.409. Sherman, 4,242. Tillamook, 0,200. ' imatllla. 20.309. Won, 10,191. Wallowa. 8.304. Y V r- Wasco, 10,330. "ashlngton, 21,522. Wheeler. 3.4R4 Tamhill. is.ssk Multnomah, 220,201. torlon, 39,'760. 10 BURN IN THEIR HOI Four Others Badly Hurt When Pennsylvania House Is Destroyed. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) REYNOLDSVILLE, Pa Dec. 5. Robt. and Charles Ferris, children, wero burned to death, tholr paronts probably fatally Injured, nnd two other children badly hurt In a flro that destroyed their homo yesterday. IMT 1 t BE SAVED BY CONFESSION pio man Sentenced Ft Mi.r- der Exonerated by Accom plice Now. 1 Ass0Plated Press to Coos Day Times.), yjuio, jjec. o. Ckr0U8h the alleged confession of "lea jroneS( an nccompllco of "e Scott In killing Gulssepho Tas clat!o. Rnntf -,--t ., -"" may ucicupe oiecirouu- l" December 21. vOIBS Jon Says he aIono k,lled tho mm' e has already been sentenced to trlai yearS f0r h,S part ,n th PleaRr. vi, ..nt. .......-, PS Store. r i LKST SERVICE Annual Memorial Exercises Held Yesterday by Marsh field Lodge. Tho nnnual memorial exorcises of tho Marshflold Lodgo of Elks, No. 1100, at tholr hall In tho Masonic Templo yestorday nftornoon wore largoly attonded. Tho lodgo, which is not qulto two years old, has no dead of its own but tho exorcises wero for showing trlbuto to tho dond of othor lodges of tho Ordor. Tho program was carried out as published in Saturday's TImos. W. U. Douglas acted as exalted ruler in placo of Dr. Geo. E. DIx and conduct ed tho exorcises. Tho vocal solos by L. K. Dalllnger and Miss Mablo Claro Millls wore fine. L. A. Liljoqvlst who delivered tho eulogy won much praise by his mas terly address. Ho paid trlbuto to tho advancomont of the practiso of tho "Drotherhood of Man" and to tho Order of Elks for truly exemplify ing it. Besides tho lodge's regular ritual services, special numbers by an or chestra of which Dr. Toyo was leader contributed to tho afternoon's pro gram. AUTO STRIKES WAGON TODAY Jack McDonald's machine runs Into Coos Bay Steam Laundry's Rig. Jack McDonnld, tho boss logger, this morning ran down tho Coos Day Steam Laundry's delivery wagon nt tho corner of Brondway and Commer cial. J. D. Jones, who was driving tho wagon, was thrown out on the pnvoment nnd slight bruised, tho wagon was badly damaged and tho auto slightly damaged. McDonnld had turned from Brond way Into Central nnd evidently got confused by tho approaching wngon nnd tho Capo Arago pop factory's delivery auto which was coming up. Ho swung his mnchtno to go bo- tweon them but lost .control nnd struck tho laundry wngon, turning It over on Its side. CITY ELECTION I RAPID TRANSIT IS BANKRUPT WATERFRONT. The Bchooner Advent completed taking on her cargo of lumber at the old North Bend mill and sailed for San Francisco this morning. The schooner Encoro is taking on a cargo of lumber at tho old North Bend mill. Tho steam schooner Flfleld arrived in North Bend yesterday from San Francisco and Is taking on a cargo of lumber at the Simpson mill. So Declared In Federal Court at Portland Kinney Denies Insolvency. Tho United States Federal court nt Portlnud, Friday declared tho Coos Bay Rapid Transit Company n bank rupt and entered nil ordor roforrlng tho enso to Judgo Sohlbrodo as refe ree in bankruptcy for furthor pro ceedings. Tho notion was taken upon petition of a numborof creditors through their nttornoy, C. B. Solby, to havo tho company's affairs straightened out. It Is likely that tho Rapid com pany's creditors will endeavor to havo tho caso referred to someone besides Judgo Sohlbrcdo for hearings on tho ground that Judgo Sohlbrodo having been attorney for tho Rapid Transit Company and othor Kinney companies is not qualified to act. Two othor bankruptcy cases against Major Kinney's concerns aro ponding in federal court. In tho case against L. D. Klnnoy, personal ly, ho makes answer denying that ho Is neither Insolvent, or that ho has dono any of tho acts justifying tho proceeding against him. In tho Bolt Line Railway caso tho samo proceeding has been had as in Kinney's case, I. e., denial of Insol vency and nny acts Justifying tho proceeding. Tho two Jast cases will havo to bo heard before tho Federal Judgo on theso questions. S TOHRR Considerable Activity Today In Behalf of Candidates for Council. Today brought tho first display of any considerable Interest in tho an nual city election In Marshflold which will bo held at tho council chamber In tho city hall tomorrow. Tho vari ous candidates' and their friends woro doing considerable "gum-shoo" A-orlc nnd "Buttonholing" nil dny. Tho only consist Is for councilman, tho four candidates for tho two po ssltlons to bo filled being C. C. Going, August Frlzoon, Duncan For; guson and R, A. Copplc. Tho polls open at 9 o'clock in tho morning and will close at 0 o'clock. It Is oxpectod that between C00 and 700 votes will bo polled. "Strenuous One" Will "Come Back" Next Tuesday Eve ning In Address. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW HAVKN, Conn., Dec. 5. In a letter to tho Chamber of Com morco Theodore Roosevelt says hi nddress nt the dlnnor of that body on Tuesday ovonlng of noxt wcok will bo In tho nnturo of n survey of tho re cent elections and will lucludo tho prospective view of tho curront poli tical ovents. CITY RAILWAY ISJEO OP Tacomans Have to Walk When Power Plant Is Seized for Taxes. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) TACOMA, Wash., Doc. G. County Troasuror Meath today solzed tho plant and enrs of tho Taconia Rail way and Power Company nnd tho Pugot Sound Electric Company through district court proceedings and tlod up tho stroot railway sys- tom, Ho Is Booking to collect 211, 000 alleged to bo duo for taxes and Interest. Long strings of cars aro ldlo on down streets and angry pas- songers nro domandlng to know tho reason. Thoro Is intenso oxcitomont FORTY HURT IN COLLISION Several of Victims; Fatally In jured In Train Wreck Near London Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, Dec. 5. Forty woro so rlously Injured nnd sovornl "fatally in collision on tho London Northwestern Railroad at Wlllonstondcn Junction today. Tho second section ran Into tho first section which was standing at tho station. ARRIVE TODAY ON REDONDO BIG TIMUER LOSS. THE POULTRY SHOW. Tho poultry industry around Po taluma, California, has mado that little city a financial success. Help C003 Bay dupllcato this success by boosting for tho Coos Pot and Poul try Show Jn Marshflold, Decomber 8 and 9. ALLIANCE sails for PORTLAND Tuesday, Dec. 0. Reserve passage now Tho Marshflold PET and TOUL TRY SHOW, DEO. 8 and O, Is going to be attractive. Timber Owners Discuss Means of Fighting Forest Fires. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day fsomji SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 5. Tho Western Forestry and Conservation Association met hero today in semi annual session to dovlso means of bottor protection of tho forosts from fires. E. T. Allen, forester of tho association, reportod that fires last summer In Washington, Oregon and Idaho had lost three billion feot of privately owned timbor, About one-half of this can bo snved by prompt logging. The association spont $007,000 fighting fires In tho three states. ALLIANCE sails for PORTLAND Tuesday, Dec. 0. Rosorvo passage now Tho PRESRYTEIUAX Ladies will open tholr I1AZAR in tho ALLTAXCE BUILDING on FRONT street, Just south of tho People's Market, FRI DAY, DECEniEn O. Proparo to attend. For Sale too STEINS, all kinds Red Cross Drug Store. Y Steamship In From San Fran cisco Early This Morning Sails Wednesday. Tho Rodondo arrived In early to day from San Francisco, having stoppod nt tho Goldon Gnto en route lioro from San Podro, Sho had con siderable frolght for North Bond nnd Marshflold and also a good passongor list. Tho Redondo will sail at 2 o'clock Vodno8dny afternoon for San Fran cisco. Among thoso arriving on tho Ro dondo woro W. A. Luso, Mrs. W. A. Luso. Mrs. Wnr. Rohrer, G. Wlnd rom, S. O, Irvln, Mrs. C. E, Nichol son, S. OIofT, J. M. Oabor, T. S. Now lln, L. Hrcsskn, M. Miller, J, Anto nio, E. Spires, J. Mamyaksy, W, Forest and fifteen stcorago. TO THE VOTERS OF MAKSHFIELD I am a candldato for tho ofllco o councilman of tho city ot Marshflold at tho election to bo hold tomorrow tho Gth ot Decomber. I am a citizen, a taxpayer and a business man with tho best Intorests of Marshlleld at heart and feel that I am qualified to perform tho duties of tho ofllco In a clean buslnessllko mannor. I am not bound to any Intorests or Individuals and shall servo only tho best Intorests of tho pooplo. To my many frionds -who laborod In my behalf at tho nominating cau cus, I wish to extend my heartiest thanks and Jt tho pooplo "of Marsh flold sco fit to stand by mo. at tho election, I shall stand by them In endoavorlng to All tho ofllco of coun cilman, in a fair-minded, cfllclent and buslnessllko mannor. Respectfully yours, ' AUG. FRIZEEN. (Pnld advortlsoment.) Flno Chafing DlSIIKS"and 5'o'clock Toas at Red CROSS DRUG STORE. WHEAT 81.80 per 100 at HAINES. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS AWAIT SON'S ARRIVAL No Successor tc Her In Church Board of Trustees Control. (Dy Associated PretH to Coos Day Times.) BOSTON, Dec. 5. The arrange ments for the funeral ot Mm. Mary Baker G. Kddy, founder and lender of the Christian Science church, who died late Saturday night nt her homo on ChostnUt lllll, Newton, will not bo mado until tho ni rival Into today from South Dakota of her son, Goo. W. Glovor. In his stntomont of tho death of Mrs. Eddy, Alfred Farlow of tho Christian Sclonco Publishing; Company stated that in doforenco to. Mrs. Eddy woll known tnsto for simplicity it was likely tho sorvlcos would bo private, consisting of prnyor and reading from tho Bible, with se lections from "Sclonco nnd Health." "Ci'Jy rolatlvos, mombors of tho household nnd olllclnls of tho church, uro expected to nttond tho burial," said Farlow. Before leaving his homo in Soutlt Dakota, Mr. Glovor said ho believed his mother's burial would bo nt Til ton, N. II., whoro her husband, Geo. W. Glovor Is burled. A woman of high standing In tho Christian Sclonco Church in Concord, N. II., who refused to consont to tho uso of hor nnmo, voiced what hns bcon understood by many Scientists horo to bo Mrs. Eddy's wish that hor ro ninlns bo burled In tho Mothor Church In Uoton. When asked who would Biicccoit Mrs. Eddy as hoad of tho church, Alfrod Fnrlow snld, "I don't know nny ono will succeed her. Every thing will go on ns UBiinl. Othor j Scientists avor alio can have no suc cessor as thoro cannot bo two foundors of n lollglon. "Tho church will cnntlnuo to bo managed by a board of directors whlchat proswit consists of A. B. Stownrt, Archibald B. McLollan, Stophon B. Chaso, John V. DIttomoro, nnd Adam II. Dlckoy. Thoso moii woro nil choson hy Mrs. Eddy, but ( tho by-laws of tho church provldo for lining vacancies by tho board ItBoIf. Thoro will bo no successor to Mrs. Eddy." Tho Immodlnto causo of Mrs. Ed dy's death was pnoumonlu. Sho had bcon Indisposed for nlno days but transacted business as iato as Thursday and took dally drives until two days boforo her death which oc curred at 10:45 Snturday night. Tho officials of tho Mothor Church of tho Christian Sclonco denomina tion, decided this nftornoon that tho funeral of Mary Baker O. Eddy, foundor ot tho church, would bo hold from tho lato residence Thursday morning. GIVEN ANOTHER JOLT Montana Copper King Must Stand Trial For Fnudi'- Jent Banking. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Doc. 5. Tho Supromo Court of tho United 2tato3 today held tho fedoral cou't of Now York errod In dismissing os tein counts In tho Indictments F Augustus Ilelnzo, charging tho misapplication of funds of tho Mer cantile National Bnnk of Now York. Further proceedings must now bo had In tho lower courts.