r- " "" WOMAN'S JP3i WORLBJi luuuunuuu iruui iiubu -; Smith, Mrs. C. S. Wlnsor, Mrs. Frank Frnmo, Mrs. F. K. Gottlns, Mrs. F. A. Golden, Mrs. Win. Grimes, Mrs. F. K. Hngno, Jlrs. A. T. Halnos, Mrs. W. II. Horsfnll, Mrs. M. C. Hor ton, Mrs. A, L. Housoworth, MrB. J. W. Ingram, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Mrs. O W. Kaufman, Mrs. Dorscy Krolt zor, Mrs. II. Lockhart, Mrs. J. A. Luso, Mrs. C. F. McCollum, Mrs. J. T. McCormac, Mrs. Arthur McKcown, Mrs. H. II. McPherson, Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mrs. J. A. Matson, Mrs. W. T. Morchnnt, Mrs. E. MIngus, Mrs. E, O'Connoll, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. C. n. Pock, Mrs. E. 0. Pcrhnm, Mrs. C. K. Porry. Mrs. A. E. Pol lcxfon, Mrs. A. M. Powers, Mrs. Honry Sengstnckon, Mrs. It. A. Wer jitch, Mrs. W. II. Palntor, Mrs. Mor ton Tower, Mrs. T. II. Barry, Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. Ward M. lllnko, Mrs. It. E. Drowning,- Mrs. M. 11. Dlivon, Mrs. W. S. Chandler, Mrs. J S. Coko, Mrs. E. L. C. Farrln, Mrs. J. II. Flnnagan, Mrs. -E. 0. Flana gan, Mrs. J. W. Flnnagan, Mrs. D. "V. Stafford and Mrs. P. A. Sandborg. Arrnngomonts nro liolng mnilo for a reception to ho tendered Ho v. and Mrs. It. E. Drowning at tho homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. J. T. McCormac tho wcok botwoon Chrlstmns and New Year's. Tho exact dato has not been set. Tho reception Is In tho nnttiro of a wolcomo and has been planned for Eonio tlnio and tho dato wns eot onco or twlco but It had to bo post poned on account of conflicting with dates of other events. Tho function will bo public, all members of tho KplHcopnl congregation and their frltmdH bolng Invltud, It will nrob nbiy h nn ovvnlns nfftlr. Tho Progress Club will meet with Mrs. I. S. Kaufman Monday, Docem bor f. Tho last mooting of tho club wns with Mrs. J. W. Ingram nt hor homo In South Mnrshlleld. Tho club Bpont h most dollguthil aftornoou with Wagnor. Mrs. Ingram read a carofully prepared biography of tho conipoBor nnd sang two selections from his oporas, with Mrs. 0. W. Kaufman as accompnnlat. r Mrs. Ilonry Songstnckon ontortnln-j cd nt luncheon Friday complimentary to Mrs. Geo. V. La rig ford of Stock ton, Cnl. Tho guests woro nonrly nil old,frloiuls of tho guost of honor ' who wntj i former Coos Day girl. ; Tho Amorlcn'n Woman's Longuo will hold their rogulnr mooting noxt Monday evening, nt tho homo of Mrs. Chns. Murr In North Hand nnd all longuo mombera nro Invited to bu present at that tlnio. 4 Tho A. N. W. Club was pleasantly otitertaluod Tliursdny uftornoon by MrB. W. P. Murphy nt hor homo on North Drondwny. Twonly-ono of tho twonty-flvo inombors wero proa out nnd tho nftornnou was spent nt ncodlo work. Hofroshiuonts wero served. Tho noxt mooting of the club will bo with Mrs. Hood nt tho J, M. Upton homo whon ndjournmont -will probably bo taken until after tho Christmas holidays. j. .j. .j. Charles Cavannugh nnd wlfo of North Dend, woro host nnd hostess nt a delightful social affair nt- tholr homo Tuesdny ovonlng. Vnrlous games and diversions contributed to tho evening's entertainment. Among those present wore: Uov. nnd Mrs. Albright, .Tudgo Sinister, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Hodson, Mrs. Ed. Coffolt, Mrs. Footc, MIbb Mabel Noah, Miss Annlo Smith, Miss Cynthia Vineyard, Miss Ada Cllnken beard, .Tosslo Culbertson, Delia Cul bortson, Violet Johnson, Percy Pratt, Ilnlnh Cllnklnbcnrd. Mason Nonh, Mr. and Mrs. Ncce, Miss Mndgo Goul- dor, Sarah Webb, Robert Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Cavannugh, Mrs. E. R. Hod son, Miss Lillian McCann, Leonard Darks, Joo Darher, MIbs Joella Hod- son, Doulnh Summorlln, Miss Erma Hodson, Edith Cavnnaugh, Claro, El- don and Hubert Cavannugh, Evan Hodson, Frecinont Hodson. Tho monthly meeting of tho Swedish Lutheran Young Peoples' Socloty held lRHt evening was ono of tho most Interesting nnd pleasant hold bo far. About GO persons were prosent. Severn! now membora Join ed the society. Ilosldes selections by tho choir nnd a vocal solo by Mr. D. D. Ostllnd, tho Row Olson deliv ered nn nddross on "Gustnvus Adol- phuB," King of Swodon, from 1012 to 1032, tho wlso nnd fonrloss cham pion of Protestantism and rollgtous freedom, tho grentost hero of tho "Thirty Years' War." After tho pro gram refreshments wero served by Mlssos Lucy Thorwnld. Hilda Ston liolm, Aunn Qldmnrk, Messrs. Ernest Matson nnd Pcnrly Lund. Tho next mooting nt which nlso tho soml-nn-mini election will bo held, will tako plnco tho first Frldny In January, 1011. .;. .. Mrs. J. II. Miller entertained n few friends at sowing Wednesday after noon. Among hor guests woro: Mrs. J. T. Harrlgnn, Mrs. E. S. Dnrgclt, Mrs. HI Wright, Mrs. A. L. Houso worth nnd Mrs. Dorsey Kroltzor. Eric Johnson nnd wlfo of South Mnrshflold cololjrnted their silver woddlng nnnlversnry Tuesdny, Nov- ombor 20, n numbor of rolntlvcs gnthorlug tholr homo and assisting thorn In mnklng tho event n most happy occasion. Events of days gono by woro retold, rovlvlng plons nnt momorlcs tlint had nlmopt been Shoes Shoes Shoes Work Shoes Dress Shoes forgotten. Refreshments woro serv ed. Tho worthy couplo woro reci pients of many handsome nnd sult- nblo presents. v J. W. Dennett nnd wlfo leave to day for n week's stny In Portland nnd Salem. o Miss Genovlovo Sengstnckon re turned this wcok from n month's stay with friends In Portland. : The Tuesdny Night Whist club's next meeting plnco has not been de finitely fixed. Noxt Tuesdny evening Is tho regular meeting dato and Mrs. Wm. Grimes wns to ontortnln thorn but aB Mrs. Grimes has boon un well, the mooting will probnbly bo with nnothor member of tho club. Miss Mnudo Painter expects to leavo about Deccmbor IB for TitlBn, Okln., whoro sho will spond tho win ter with her slstor. Tho Evergreen Drldgo Club"" wns ontcrtntned last Saturday nfternoon by Mrs. W. J. Dutlor. At cnrdB, Mrs C. W. Tower won first prize, nnd Mrs F. A. Hnznrd and Mrs. F. M. Frtetl borg tied for tho consolation prize, tho latter going to Mrs. Hnznrd on the cu. Th'j uftornoon, tho club Is bolng ontortnlnod by Mrs. J T. McCormac. ADVERTISED LIST. List of unclaimed letters remain ing In tho Mnrshlleld, Orogon, Post- ofllco, December 1, 1010. Persons calling for the same will plonBo say advertised and pay ono cent for ench advertised letter called for: Morgan Adhlns, John F. Adams, J. O. Drown, L. J. Douchcr, Mrs. James Cochran, Davo Cowan, Gio vanni, Erlck Edwards, A. J. Favor, Graves Music Co., A. S. Harris, Ern est IIccso, Waltor Illtchcoch, Mrs. Dcllo Horroll, Ray D. Holmes, Mostl jn Jurgllc, Clnronco Kennedy, C. E. Kennedy, Co. McKay, Joo Mlllor, D. W. Mungor, Goo. Nottlcton, Richard Ryan, M. J. Rogers, Rohr & Man telth, Houlfol Sheen, Geo. Stough, Mrs. L. Slmonds, Wm. G. Simpson, Mr. Van Ilutson, Franks Wagnor. W. D. CURTIS, P. M. Tho CHAN!)!!:!: will servo n spe cial Tl'ltKEV DINNER Sunday DE CEMBER I. CARVING Sets at MILXER'S. SSl Dry Your Qofhes m a Wet Washday With a New Perfeciion Oil Eleater When clothes can't be hung outside, and must be dried In a room or cellar, the New Perfection Oil Heater quickly docs the work of sun and air. You can hang up the wet clothes, light your Perfec tion Oil Heater, open the damper top, and the heat rises and quickly dries the clothes. Do not put off washing to await a sunny day in order to avoid mildew. Dry your washing any day with hot air from a 'jgreFEDTIO jnuKtctsa (( w$Mwk 3 it; Absolutely smokeless and odorless It gives just as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorless and smokeless. It has an automatic-locking llnmc spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, .be cause of a new device in construction, and can always be easily unscrewed for rewlcking. An Indicator shows the amount of oil In the font. Filler-cap docs not need to be screwed down, but Is put in like a cork in a bottle, and Is nttached to tho font by a chain. Finished in japan or nickel, strong anddurable, well-mode, built for scrvlco and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper top. 'Dtaltrt Evttywhtrt. If not at yours, uiritt for dacript'.vf clrnlar to int i sfffl Standard Oil Company V flC? ' (Incorporated) ' J A Full Line of All Kinds of Men's Shoes From $3 to $?.50 FIXUP mm:mtM.:t:wj:t:m::;::mmmn::mmML::mmm::mwmjmm:mm:mm:m: n It Takes More than Good Flour Vpwjtll-'T yf-M. rntf) tfMil 'uilfiilH I jJTDb i ftonnmisco. if nm - .tirtiMr nnvKm i To nmlco first class bread, biscuit and pastry all tho time. Tho flour has to bo tho best, of course, but It has to bo uni form In ovory sack too. That's why Snow Drift Is bo popular. You will flud tho flour In ono sack Identically tho sanio in every sack. It Is tested at tho mill's bako shop to mako suro. Every batch of wheat that goes through tho mill is washed cloan. It Isn't touchod by hu man hands from that tlnio till It roaches you. Only tho finest solocted Northwest ern grown, Dluo Stom whent goos Into Snow Drift Flour. Try just ono sack and learn how good your bread, biscuit and pastry can bo. I! H. W. PAINTER. Marshfield Oregon I ti;mmm:umn:Mtmm:mmm:mt2::mmt5m:mmjtm:mmnmmtwjmm A Complete Line ol Oil- and other Heaters MAY BE FOUND AT EKBLAD & SON tt-n-B-n-n-u-n-n-a-u-B-M-n-b-b-b-b-b -b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b i t t Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO AND JOSSON CEJUGNT. 4 Tho best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Drlck and all kinds of builders matorlal. HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201. .-.Q.t.. .t.t.t.t..tn -o-a ... iUl't'l'lM' - SAFE AUDI F W'& . nrei. ztii & Mv yv s or Yv 7 J r Bf GQdsmr.mzmt. ,., I'l'IM' C00S BAY REALTY SYNDICATE. 6EALERS J!& A6ENTS. COAL . COLONIZATION , J)AW. FARM. fWT. tlMMU TIMBER LAHDS. and OrsaniziHs or industrial COMPANIES A SPlOAlTYso Tho past has proven that Invusunents In small acre tracts near growing cities aro tho mest profitable. Tho C. D. R. S. has such to offer. Chas. J. Druschko, Marshfleld, Oro. -tl-B-tt-B-tt-M-a-H-K-M-B-a-B- B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-W-B-B- Pacific Monumental and Building Works H. H. WILSON, Proprietor MARSHFIELD, ORE. All kinds of mouumental work promptly and artistically exe cuted. Call at our works on South Broadway. Nothing is more pleasing, lasting or ap preciated for a Christmas gift than a KODAK We have them in all sizes from $ I to $100 niff A tVttC k ty iftWW iljJR. JrH.ytkJ Jli' fftfft ;-a-a-B-B-B-a-a-B-a-B--B b-b-b-b-b-b-i u-B-ti-n-a-u.; u-a November Real Estate Snaps I RESIDENCE CORNER 84xlO(T In Sengstacken's Addition Good Bay View, for A $3?5.00 t See Title, Guarantee & Abstract Co. A HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manag R l a i it i a i a B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B--B-B-K-B-tt-BU-B-B-tl-a-U.a-, a4ai i..i.iif.li.in.....TI7 ..iuu.....u'"i.iij;iim STEAMER M. F. PLANT 1 In Sails for San Francisco every eight days. $ TICKKTS IlIiSICRVICI) Ul TO THIJ AHHIVAL OP THE 81111. 3j ItlSHKHVATIONB WILL lll OAXOKLLKI) AT THAT TIME U.V. jii.no j.iuivr.j. in iiuuuiiii B-B-H-tt-n-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-rBB-B-B-B-B-B-B-8-n-n-U-- 3 S F. S. Dow, Agent. Marshfield Ore rsasaca Till l-'AST AM) COMMODIOUS learner Redondo (KQUIIM'KI) WITH WIHELK8S) WILL MAKE KEOULAU TIHI'S CAKItYINO lMSSKXOr.US AM) VltEIGUT DETWEIIN COOS DAY AND SAX TltAXCIS CO. ALL HESKItVATIOXS TOIt lWSSEXGKHS MADE AT ALLIANCE DOCK, MAIISHPIELD AND IXTEH-OCKAX TUAXSl'. CO. UXIOX 8TUEET WlIAm', NO. 2, SAX TltAX CISCO. FOR IXFOIWLVTIOX PHONE H-J OH 2H3. SAILS FROM SAN FHAhCISCO FOH COOS HAY SATUK DAY, DECEMUEIt 3. lNTEU-OCEAN TRANSPOHTATION COMPANY. fiSH52Sa5TlSZSBSHSZSESaFa53S25HSHS32SE5HS2SSSclSH5SaZ5aS STEAMER BREAKWATER Sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portlnnd, nt 8 P. 3L, every Tuceda. In . .. . . . x TnnmHoQj' qi uauo irom twos Hny every unturtlny nt service oi umu. i S will not bo held Inter than Friday noon, unless tickets are purcbed- S W. F. Miller. Ast,. Phone Main 35-L THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" STEAMER ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS WILL SAIL FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS BAY AND Jo R ON A TEN-DAY SCHEDULE, CALLING AT MARSHFIELU p WAYS. nEC, SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA, SATURDAY f a 3, AND FOR PORTLAND, DECEMBER C. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY T O. V. McGEORGE, Agent. - 4 -&- -" HIGH GRADE WOOD WORK of ovory description at THE SHOP OF UALITY E. n. GEHRICE. 710-720 OUTII BROAD" jn