mmmrmt MTTnimrwm i - 0m-- " .- aaramwwm,-wm wumwiiumbmi wMronw CffHTTT MH iff A !V 3sdw o o aia gbw Tifc jniWjArijfMlilfe THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,1910 EVENING EDITION. nexaxzzzwz 3Pt &3eaJ tratgmVkj.a3irnMKemttr.jagrrawum THE HOLI DAYS zxuxits nuBtitscmryr jutAur jcsaintsBrnKiiiJuvfiuuaDssMesKKtssciS a For tine past. Thirty Days we have beera Receiving carload af&er carload of Holiday Sup plies, Now is The time to begin Selecting Your Presents while the Assortment is Large A Sensible Present, us Appreciated hy Mother, Father, Wife and Friend e)1uurerint?ritii..t'ira-. iirr'HTimrmmiTiriTTi iniiiiui m I i mini mi n inn in mi I hi niimnnnTTgrf um wiiimiimiihii n minim a phetty rocker would in: NICK FOR THAT PARLOR .511.73 TO .'JIM. 00 Ci3 CHINA CLOSETS TO COMPLETE YOUR DINING ROOM ?!!3.00 A XI) UP. Tm - ?-r 5g7g I.. " i A PRETTY TABLE IS APPRECIAT- 131) BY TTU3 WHOLE FAMILY 97.30 TO $13.00 ' J, i 0 u- V BUFFETS ARE USEFUL FOR thi: WIFE $23.00 TO $37.30 l D1XIXO CHAlltS ALL STYLES, PRICES: 73 CKXTS TO $0.00 TT STXDS AXI) LIBRARY TABLES ALL KINDS AND FINISH ES PRICKS FROM !?l.i:3 TO S2."i.OO DUILT.3 ,VSS WE A 1113 AGENTS FOU THIS WELI-KNOWN MATTRESS, SEVERAL DIFFERENT STYLES CA Kit I I3D IN STOCK AT FACTOltY PRICES 1 ssazuMnaaua jhhw , IKON BEDS $3.00 AND UP ItltASS BEDS $21.00 AND UP. MANY OTIII3U STYLES TO PLEASE YOU 1R 11 DRESSERS IN ALL STYLI3S ' 87.30 TO $113.00 81 OUi: ASSORTMENT OF HUGS 13 VERY COMPLETE AT THIS TIME MOTH IN THE SMALL AND ROOM SIZES. Our Toy Department will Soon be on Display BIGGER, BETTER. &M GREATER. THAN EVER BEFORE GOING HARVEY COMPANY WE SAVE YOU MONEY 1 iwmi wmmtmt immww vm mwi mwwmmmtmtm wwiff inwwwmiMW 1 s iimjjJirjimiiJftfftRnijtnnmT" 1 Eagl es' Dance Hall NOW FOR RENT i Dancing Clubs and Others who desire particulars can see the secretary. Ig. W. Dungan 1 Undertaker 1 Mnrsliflclil, Otvgon. R I Parlors, 180 South 3d St., I TcU'iihone, Dny or Night, 103-J. I TIIK LLOYD MARSH FIKLti'B POPULAR FAMILY IIOT13L Great Furniture Values FOU I Coos Bay Homes H MAY 1113 FOUND HERE AT H I ALL TI.MES. SATISFACTION IN PItfCKS AND GOODS. C. A. Johnson : Oldest Established Furniture Store On Coos IJuy. AT THE j jstvtajni msk i f! It7tuttttmnntntttmtntutt:mt:mtm (Ministers and othors nro request ed to band the Sunday church no ticca not lator than Friday ovonlng to Insuro lnsortlon Saturday.) Hntes reduced to: Dny 30c, 75c and - TIIK LUTHERAN CHURCH. X Rev. J. Richard Olson, Pastor. :45 Sunday school. 11:00 A. ,M. Morning scrvlco conducted In Swedish. Second 81111 day In Advont. Toxt. Luko 12:35-40. No evening meeting. At North Bend. Sunday School at 2 n. m. I 3:00 P. M. Communion services and admission of now momuors. ?i.oo; wcek-52.00 to ?3.oo. iiouBo-ip. 1 rjx ilc keoplng apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. V. SULLIVAN, Prop. J 210-213 Coos Building PHONE 2 14-J - . ... '-I BUSINESS DIRECTORY 0E RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES AND BUSINESS MEN IN MARSHFIELD WHO HANDLE GOODS THAT CAN BE GUARANTEED AT FAIR PRICES OR MEN AVTIOSE WORK MAY BB DEPENDED UPON. IT WILL PAY YOU TO PATRONIZE THEM I J Mother's Restaurant is uettor prepared to servo you limn ever uefcre. Commercial Ave., bet. Front and Broadway, Marshfleld. Go To WILLEY & SCHROEDER for Pl'imbinq and Heating Murshrtoid, Ore., Phone 773 s, 1 GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Enve- lopes, Culling Cards, etc. STADDEN All kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak unfiling. Butter',Wrappers Printed at The Times' Office j. ;,. KOONTZ Machine and Repair Shops GENERAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Front street, Marshfleld, Ore. , FinST BAPTIST CHURCH. . Rov. G. LoRoy Hall, Resldenco G92 Sixth street Pimm's: Residence, 250-J. Study, 2S9-L. ? Sunday school, 10 a. m. 11:00 Worship with sermon. Eastsldo Borvlco, 3 p. m. B Y P. U CJ?0 p.m. , 7:30 Public worship. A cordial welcome to strangers; a cordial welcome to our friends, Eve rybody appreciate, the church that has a largo "glad hand," Como and try us. "Warming around the wrong flro" will be the pastor's ovenlng themo next Sunday. A consecration mooting for young peoplo will 0 hold at C:30 p. m., led by Miss Alice Tlckoll. This will bo a splendid meeting. All como. ovonlng sorvlco at tho Christian church Sunday ovonlng and Instead of tho regular sorvlco tho following program will bo glvon. A henrty wclcomo Is extended to all, "Look on tho Fields" Oponlng song:, Reapers for tho Harvest. Scripturo read life Mrs. Waltor Darrott, Prayor Minister A. 0. Walker. Tho C. W. B. M Its organization and growth, world wldo Mrs. C. A. Sohlbrodo. Tho C. W. B. M. In Amorlca Mra. Myra Mitchell. Song Missionary Jubllco Song. Tho C. W. B. M. In Oregon Mrs. Rolen McLaughlin, Tho modlcnl Missionaries Mrs W. B, Cox. Special muBlc. Blblo Chairs In tho Universities John Motloy. Closing song Work for tho night U coming. Bonodtctlon A. O. Walker. ft .MARSHFIELD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rov. Fathor Moran, Rector. "Mass will bo hold at 8 and 10:30 0, m. by Rov. Fathor Moran. Even ing sorvlco will bo hold at 7:30 o'clock. 7:30 P. M., by tho pastor, Rov. Albright. A CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. M Services will bo hold In tho Chris tian Sclonco hall, 327 Third strooi. north, Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject: "Gnd tho Only Cause and Creator." X PRICSBYTERIAN CHURCH H Sunday school, 10 a. m. sharp. Y. P. 8. C, E. at 0:30 p. m. No other services will bo held. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. A. O. Walker, Minister. Blblo school, 10 a. m. Proachlng sorvlco, 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor, C:30 p. m. Sunday Program. Tho Chrjatlan Wojnan'a Boardof, Missions will havo charge of tho 4 NORTH BEND CATHOLIC , CHURCH. Rov. Fathor Springer, Rector. Mass will bo colebrated at 8 a, m. and 10 o'clock. Rov. Fathor Sprin ger offlcltMng. NORTH BEND PR1CSBY. TERIAN CHURCH. 10 a. m. Sunday school. O. E. Meeting at C:30 P. M. Mlz pah Class room. Rov. E. R. Backmnn will preach morning and ovonlng. Christian Endeavor at C:30 p. m. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rov. H. I. Rutledso, Pastor. M Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning sorvlco, 11 a, in. Epworth League,' 0:30 p. in. Evonlng sorvlco nt 7:30. IOV$S'.Vtt'VW0W000 X NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. L. RASMUSSEN, Pastor. Services Sunday morning at 10:45. . Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. In North Bond thoro will bo sor vlct'8 at 2:30 p.m. 4 ' SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS F. G. BUNCH, Minister. Seventh Dny Advontlst sorvlca are conducted evory Saturday at tho Luther&n ball as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a, 111. preach ing sorvlco 10:45 a. m. You are cordially Invited to attend. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH BEND. Sunday'School at 10 A. M. Qhrlstlan Endeavor at 0;3Q,.P, ,M, Preaching Borvlco at 11 A. M. and ' EPISCOPAL EMMANUEL CHURCH. Rev. Robt. E. Brownlug, Rector, 9:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Holy Communlor and sermon, 7:30 P. M. Evening prayor and sermon. Rov. Browning will hold services In St. LUke's church, Emplro, Sunday Tako your SUNDAY' DINNER at Tho CHANDLER. Special menu nnd ORCHESTRA. RESERVE tables for PARTIES by PHONE. (11 1 .aitftetydL J&i.iM. ,i"j V &"