. w i'HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1910 EVENING EDITION. Us Any Idea About An llliiwmMWOiwilljnnwliiniiilliMiMiii i i imii W m COUNTY SEAT MOWS. Doings of Coquillo People ns Told in The Herald. Married In Coquillo, Oregon, November 23, 1910, Mr. Robert J. liolvorstott and Mlsa Lorn E. Cot ton, both of FnlrvleW, ,A. Ford wns down from Brldgd tho latter part of the week and vis ited hla son-in-law and daughtot, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stevens. Ho says that while his sons, Claud and Paul were touring tho Southern stated with a show compnny tho latter con tracted malaria and was obliged to resign his position. Ho wont to tho homo of an aunt in Ohio to lccupe rate. "When last hoard from Claud was in Southorn Texas, and It waa tho plan of tho company to cross over Into Mexico. Sam Nasi, the Astoria salmon canncr, having concluded tho work of putting up this season's pack at b!a Picsper cannery, loft by th Intt Breakwater with hi family who apent tho fall wlcn him o-i the Co quillo. Tho steamor Dispatch lis brought up his product which h.is been shipped to tho Bay by rail and will bo taken to Portland f.ir dis tribution. The pack this ponson was about up to tho nvorage. Married At tho rosldonc of the brldo's parents on Xovomlr 27 1010 Mr. and Mrs Almoi'.l Ford of Bridge, Orogon, Mr. Paul B. Wlllcutt of Astoria, Orogon, and Mis I aurn Ford. C. II. Ilnrklow ofllclaMng Mr. and Mrs. Wlllcutt will leave ceo for .Astoria whoro they will niako tlion 111 o mo. G. IC. Harrington and Oliver Wl.it noy, guards from tho Oromr. Iiuaiip asylum, camo to Coqullla M unlay and took chargo of Martin I.anon of tho Bay sldo, who had been com mitted to that Instltut'on a few lays previously, and started tho snmo daj Xpr Salem, going via tho Drain route. r. F. flohlko, ono of tho success ful fisherman of tho lower river, was up to town tho In t tor part of thr week. Ho Informs us that tho fish ermen's cooperative cannery did very well this scaRon. Whllo tho ennnory as an institution, linn not made a very largo surplus, tho ilshermen to whom It bolongs, havo received twice ns much as usual for tholr fish which puts thorn well ahead on tho co operative plan. MYRTLE POINT NOTES. $ News of (lie District as Reported in (ho Enterprise. Born At their lionic north of town, to Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Hackleff, n son, on Wednesday morning, the 30th. L. Amadou, recently from tho state of Washington, has purchased the J. II. Hunt place of twenty acres lying just northeast of town. Tho consi deration wns $1,300. Mr. Aiundon I? a recent arrival in Coos county and has expressed his confidence in Its futuro by buying a ranch on Coos Bay, thlB property bore nnd some property at Bandon. He is thoroforo In position to renllzo profits legnrd- less of where the greatest develop inoiit takos place-. K. C. Roberts has Just completed the taking of the school census for this district ami finds that there are 378 children of the requlied age In the district ISO male and 1S7 fe male. This is an increase In num ber of 33 over hist year, and the addition to the district from the Hnckleff district was made before Inst year's census was taken. HONEYMOON IS SHOUT. Rilde Lemes Myiilc Point Husband After Tlnre Day. Tho Myrtle Point Kntorprlso bii.vh: "Thos. .1. Gniono of this city and Mrs. Knto Wlnard of Walla Wnlhi. Wiishlngtou, wore unltod In mar rlago iu tho pnrlorH of tho Myrtle Point hotel Monday ovoulng at 5 o'c'ock by Hlder F. .1. Chatburn of tho Latter Day Salutn chiirch, only a few friends of tho groom being pro sent an witness, Mr. and Mrs Gi.nuio have rented tho Georgo Stew art house as their homo. .Mrs Greene formerly lived In Iowa whoro sho and Sir. Groono were acquainted many ears ago. Thin acqualntonce was renewed during tho lady's vIhH to this section last summer when she invested In Curry county proporty ncil the ceremony of Monday uvenlng was tho result. "Tho honoymoon of Mr. and Mrs. Gieeno was of short durntlon, tho lady having tnken tho boat Thursdnj morning for down tho rler with the evident Intention of deserting her husband." It is reported that since the coro uor's Inquest over the remains of O. W. Moroly who was found dead near his Catching, Creek cabin, a number of articles belonging to tho estate huve disappeared from the cabin. Nothing of largo valuo was found during the Investigation, but several dollars' worth of household effects havo disappeared. Alex Hurtle had u narrow escape from instant matrimony ono day thlH week. Ho and J. O. Stemmlcr wont to Coquillo with T, 0, Greono tfl get tho hitter's nmrriago llcouso ind In lllllng out the required docu ment Clerk Watson evidently thought that Mr. Hartlo was tho most likely looking Benedict iu tho bunch nnd had tho llcouso partly tilled out, ask ing Alex's first name before complet ing the work, but Alex hardly had tlmo to turn pnlo before tho groom-to-bo rushed to tho rescue and de clared his Intentions, COOS COUNTY SKAT XKWS. You May Brin OVERCOAT and we'll show you a style that will fit your idea. Our Overcoats are made in so many different styles i that weVe got something for everybody Prices, too, to fit all pock ets If vou want a good, serviceable OVERCOAT at $J5 dort hesitate; don't imagine because we sell so many higher priced overcoats we can't do justice to your $15 wants that's just the reason we can serve you better quality does it. r rt' jw: -Ski ,(wr '.y f. '.i ,. ' VY WK "Cash Only" "Money Talks" CLOTHING & SHOE CO. i:entH of Coquillo nnd Ynlley An Told Ity The SeiKluel. Married In this city on tho ovo ulng of tho 30th day of November, 1910, at tho residouco of tho brldo's father, J. C. Noel, Mr. Harry L. Gra ham of Gardiner, Douglns County, Orogon, and Miss Mnrjoiio K. Nool, ortCoqulllo, Judge E. G. D. Holdon olllclatlng. W, L. Chore, formerly of tho Honvor Illll coal mine but for tho future identified with tho Pulnskl Coal and Navigation Company, spout soveral days In tills city this week. Mr. and Mm. IC. W. Ferris, who huo boon quite ill the past week, are slowly recovering. MARKIAGi: LKTXSKS. Marriage lieouses wore Issued by tho county clerk to tho following per bona during tho past week: Paul II. Wlllcutt and Miss Lauri Ford. M. W. Hoboits and Miss Houriotti Robinson, Thomas L. Graham and Marjorlo K. Noel. Coquillo Sontlnol. Marshfield Bandon -v I JN y' "V " ",-;- "! J i- """" i """ ,s:z-:y"''jK - z3a&rrz-wrv'W' K..J s. . "3&c -r j".. v.iuiuA. 'r'n ,r..yi;. t 2-r y -c?-a? & m j jtu"- ,w c r --vr- & i -r rr oj u Latr' I ( viuti.ii . - . Ar2Ba05r3Z8&d mrmzl m 'I V i ' sss m v'lt 4K79 T-rasrs- ? r r m r'V"x ,iit- zes ri. w w.jp , i JiME Lip irMMK !MMS-iA m fir MI ftenjamtn Clothes mp q 3 mr.j a. i.! . rj.kim xxs vfAv - !frfa6cnj.iaine6ritfKU Co(,yrlhl ItIO YU. J. W. IXGHAM, Ls Phjslclnu and Snrcon. Olllce tiOH-'JOl) Coos Uuliaiai'. Phonos Offlco 1G21; Residence 1C22 J W. IJKNXUTT, Lnwyer. onico over Flanagan & Bounott Bank Marshflold, Orogon W: .M. S. TL'RPKX, Architect. Ovor Chaiubor of Commorco. FOR CARK1TI, CLKAXIXO Ladles should bring tholr Dressoa, Wraps or Gloves to us. Satisfac tion gunranteed. COOS BAY TAILORING CO., ' J. W. Josephson, Mgr. 380 Soutli Mnmdwny, M irMifleM. K--K-K---K---n-K-n-K- i 'J7- IW1Y MUX JIKKT, syffs Mf Coquillo VIhy Association HoIiN Sessliiu at CNiillli, Tho Coquillo Valley Dairy Associa tion met In special session In this city on Wodnosday, tho meeting be ing Hindu u Joint session of tho As sociation and tho Farmers Coopera tive Union. Both organizations wore well represented nt meeting, over flfty-flvo bolng In nttondunco at one tlmo during tho morning. With relation to tho election of u delogato to represent tho organUa tlon at tho Dairy Convention at Kit gono. 1 F. Kddy and M. M. Gra ham were placed Iu nomination as ddegato and P. S. Robinson as al ternate Tho uto resulted in tho election of Mr. lMdy. After tho luuchoou had boeu dis posed of other small matters portaiu lug to the buslnoss of the association were cIUcussoil nftor which tho as socla'tlou listened to a few lotunrks b County Judgo Hall on tho aluo of good roads to tho county nnd a short dissertation on tho methods mid tho workings of id now county bonding road bill which was made a law at tho recent electiou. HOW? ring Wu oftor Ono Hundred IHIiui inirM for nnvranMitCiiliirrli tlml t-Atiluit bo I'tired b lull's I'slnrrh euro. P J rllKNKV l0.i telntiJ.O. Wo. tltiMiiiiirlKiu'l, IisXuVh t f J, (Mic-novforlholimUAxval-iji ftliil liellM u hltn por. dvll) lumiirslfU III U UuMlivrt iraiiMU'limu ninl lliiiiiHlAlO Hllo totarr) mit mij oUIIku Clond liliulu b hit llrm, Wiilinn, KNNN .t Maiius", liolfalo DriiKk'Uti'.TiiKilo.O llnll'HCalnrrM Cure I. luUon Inlonmlh, mt liiKilirii'lb upo'i llio lilooil nml mtuoiu ur frtu-it n( llio )lem. 'IVttliiinnlitU font (roo l'rloo 7 ooiiu lior linltlo N)lil li nil ilriiBKfxte Tulc.llnll 'Vuntlt I'ilUdirv'iiutimllon- v You Can Lower the V High Cost of Living V By Buying Your ? Meats ONCE TRIED ALWAYS PATRONIZED Is tho vordlct of all our customers. That's becauso wo do much good work and do It at such reasonable prices. You'll bo surprised to teo tho transformation wo can mako in your old clothes. Just give us a trial job. Mni'shllcltl Cleaning- nml Djo Works, Phono 270X, ISC So. Broadway. Ladles Garments a Specialty, AT THE HOME LAND Co. Soo us for luvesimouts on Coos Bay. We guarinteo owner's prico to bo our price. Phono 71L. 304 Front St, ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET TBY IT AXD SEE GOOD MEATS -AT. Reasonable Prices P1IOXE 52-J NEW LIVERY Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers nro now nt tho dis posal of the Coos Bay public nt HKASOXABLK KATES. Bigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywboro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs enred for. Now lioarso nnd special accommo dations provided for funornl parties W. L. CONDRON'S Livery & Feed Stables South .tromhwiv. Mnr-liM' )' Have That Roof Fixed xow See CORTHELL Phone :tl21. HEAL ESTATE BABGAIX. HiO-acro ranch In Coos county Bnmo Improveinents, l million foot I tlmbor underlaid with coal and mineral, $25.00 1 per aero. Lots nt Bunker Illll .special bargains. AUGUST F1HZEUX, 68 Central Avo. Marshfield, Oro, BHEAKWATER HOTEL, Front St., Marshfield, Ore., UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished. Rooms reason ablo, by day, week or month, Mra. J. H. O'DONNELL. Prop. f Geo. W. Kin k h n...n.... .V:. 1 i'lturituciuil jj GOW WHY BUILDING, :'j MAKSIIF1ELD A LADD, HUNT and Co. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. HOTEL GARDINER, at Gardiner, Oregon, has been re modelled and Improved aud ls undor now management. Special accommo dations for stage passengers and for people desiring a rest at tho seashore "You'll Like the Pluee." J. E. SCHILLING, Proprietor. All kinds of repairs and chop work prpniptiy attended to nnd neatly done. Phono 161X. Good Evening!j HAVE YOU ANY LAUNDRY? If so, do not forget that this L Tin: laundry where )ou got' tho beat work, and prlcos aro In overy one rench. Call up and ono of tho driv ers will call and oplaln all details to you. All telephone calls are qulckb attended to, because wo are running wo wagons. OUR GUARANTEE IS YOUR SAT ISFACTION. .MARSHFIELD nAND AND STEAM LAUNDRY. . i&tuzey Bros., Pron. Phone 220-J. An Easy Way to Get Breakfast Just a few General Electric Utcniils will en able any housewife to stay in bed another half hour in the morning. Put cereal in the cooker and coffee in the percolator the night before. In the morning turn the switch, electricity wul get breakfast ready provided your" home u wired for electric light. Let us tell you all the particulars Coos Bay Gas & Electric Co. pWWeO06O0000eOO0060T6S000e0K)$OOef YOUR. MONEY IS JUST AS GOOD AS THE OTHER FELLOWS AT THE FIXUP Suits froift $8.50 to $25.00 OPPOSITE BREAKWATER OFFICE. t; l K