.t 8 I 8 Xt t THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSH FIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,SiO EVENING EDITION. 1 1 wr Marshfield's Leading Women's Store Now Forced to Reduce 1 Its Stock of Tailored Suits to Make Room For Our New Goods ji . THIS GREAT 1 A n I Begins Tuesday .Morning, December 6th aid Closes Saturday, December 24th ggjnauiiasgszBjaucjg; snaasrasimsaaraiagCTroE rag ; tt 8 it n n 8 8 P 3C&3 o SI v Offers Their Entire Slock of Women's Fall and Winter Tailored Garments at About Half Price .i LJsessag&eJSSsmaEaissmwagsmuGm ggagiatH7wrTMgses J.V JANUARY W E GO INTO THE MARKETS FOR OUR NEW. SPRING STOCK OF WOMEN'S GARMENTS. WE MUST II A VE BOOM. OUR k:Lt SMALL JWOM IN THE COOS BUILDING IS INADEQUATE TO HOUSE THE NEW THINGS SOON TO ARRIVE, UNLESS WL GRllATLY REDUCE OUH PRESENT STOCK. HENCE, WE ARE WILLING TO SACRIFICE OUU PROFITS AND SHOULDER THE LOSS, TO EN COURAGE ACTIVE BUYING NOW. THIS IS .ANT OPPORTUNE TIME TO SAVE ON A SUIT OR COAT. HO NOT WATT IF YOU WANT TO .SAVE. WE SHOW HfiRE ONLY A FEW PRICES :: :: ;; ;: :; ;: :: XST.tf3&lELU it jKpTFrrarwwrearacaaHEn t I ir j i .? nr ii l c? women s ana Misses lauurea duos ossssssszarGEEiBsasizaaaBi mESiK2H&!2322n szEfficzrni 9 t II m n zxiisiawnsazsa xx. ymsvmsas IBB n tt t at one-third to one-half Regular Prices $20.00 TAILORED SUITS if9..50 One lot of Women's Tailored Suits. Winter styles. Good materials and tailoring. ."Most every size. Former prices were $10.50 to 22.00. (q,a Your choice of the entire lot, suit only - iJltl.DU $35.00 NEW TAILORED SUJTS $19.85. In this lot we include a host of our Ijest now fall styles, soiling regularly up to $35.00. This is positively the best suit buy wo over U, offered '.....- P ",OJ FINE TAILORED .SURAS $14.95. TTnvn ic m-mnvtniiitv in Lmt n. iirst class tailored suit, in the very best style and material at about half price. So don't wait any longer H if you need a .suit - - -- iEKXSK $14.95 akhless Prices on Capes and Dress Skirts Look Over These Items 'Children's $3.00 Wool Capes iu red, navy and brown, each $1.95 fOhildrextf&ttiiul blisses' Rain Capes, now only $1.75 'Chikli-cn's Wool Coats, sizes 2 to 0, each only 50c .All Misses" Coats, now go at HALF PRICE AVonien's $.50 Wool Dress Slrirts, Brown, Navy and Black, only $2.95 ;$8.00 Wool SergeandPanainaTailorcd Skirts, best sizes and colors, only $5.95 $1.50 Women's Shirtwaists, now only 85c $2.50 All Xibicu Tailored Waists, now go at only $1.75 $3.00 Tailored all Linen Waists, choioe each only $2.25 i$5.00 All 'Silk Waists, now each, only $3.45 10,000- Yards of Lace .and Embroidery remnants, all jo at a fraction of their original value. :: :: :: :: :: :: :': :: :: IS I ggggtitrjnfa.y,ii'jmiiBHB .mi.VE.nm:w.7&Ky'vvmrma yaiwtiMiwwvwrg FUR PIECES GO AT SPECIAL PRICES One lot of 'furs to close out, about 15 in the lot, made to sell at-G.OO to $8.00. While they Sist your choice,. each only tp.OU Otlicr Furs inJloab Styles al Tory Low Prhvs. KID (GLOVES AND HAIR GOODS SACRIFICED Now -is the time to ibuy hair goods and Kid Gloves. Great Savings fan bo made in bujtuig now. Do not Avait if jiiu want to save You save one fourth io tone half in huj ing here. CORSETS NOW OFFERED AT GREAT REDUCTIONS One lot of Corsets, values to $2.50. nc; Short and medium, long styles. Pair only 95c One lot of Corsets consisting of models,' selling regularly at $2.00 to $2.50. Now h1 .- One lot of $3.50 to $(i.00 Corsets, in good models of the Lyra and American Lady. . Now pZA-1 DOORS OPEN Tuesday Morning 9 O'CLOCK ELD 9 MARSHFI COOS BUILDING tmJtmtmwwwmmtJmtmmtmtmitmmim BUY YOUR. Holiday Garments Here and Save Five Room House Free THAT'S ABOUT WHAT IT AMOUNTS TO IN THE OFFER OF A CORNER ON CENTRAL AVEXUE, 'exl40, WITH STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ALL PAID, WITH FINE VIEW, FINE LOCATION, RIGHT FRONT, CLOSE IN, AND IMPROV ED WITH A FIVE-ROOM DWELLING. .ALL FOR PRACTICAL LY WHAT THE LOTS WOULD BE WORTH ALONE, WITH OUT THE JHOUSE. DON'T LET THIS BUY GET PAST YOU IF YOU ARE OPEN FOR A MONEY MAKING INVESTMENT" IN TH CHOICE RE SIDENCE SECTION OF WEST MARSHFIELD, PRICE $3,200 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 3.30 IUXIPK CUItISS WEAK JOfet. NEYS, FKKJ3 Relievos Urinary nud Klduey Iroiu bles, JJiicknche, Straialag, fiwellliiB, Etc. Stop Pain In the llluddrr. Kidneys jnnil Back. Wouldn't It bo nico within a week or bo to begin to nay goodbyo forever to the scalding, dribbling, straining, or too freauont unssago of urine; lie of tbte grade flro studying land de- ioreneaa. aim n uacu-ui-iuo-ucuu ' Hnttanl. In tho wnv Df townahln aches; the stitches and pains, Jn tliescPtJon8' tuo waf ol "WMDip, back; the growing piuscle weakness; jfiectlons, etc., and find it very inter spots before tho eyes; yellow skin; cstlng study. Mario Seaman and sluggish bowels; swollen eyollds or Edith Carter ara absent on account ankles; legcramps; unnatural short Qt ejclne3j oreuui, BiuejucBauuoa auu vu ubi'ih vTl"I',r,r,I''lu,,r,r,rr,i"I",,I',rT" iMARSHFIELD :: SCHOOL NEWS- CKNTItAL BUJLDING. In tho Seventh Grado, the pupils dency? The Cth Grado is becoming very I havo a reclnto for these troubles Interested in work of arithmetic. that you can depend on, and if you ja carter Ja absont on account of want to make a Quick recovery, you , tu , tho flrgt adaenco In ought to write, and get a copy of It. i ' Many a doctor would charge you, six weeks In this grado. $3.50 Just for writing this prescript All tho dlfforcnt grades aro busy tlon, but I havo it and will be glad preparing Christmas oxorclses. to Bond it to you entirely free. Just. Tho 3rd 0rndo pups aro nJRijnB SoVin0 lS Building; Bomo very neat note books. Detroit, Mich,, and I will send it by Cavoro Helming has drawn a very roturn mall in a'plain envelope. A good Christmas scono on tho black you will see when you got it, this board recipe contains only pure, harmless chlldrpn of tho Third Grade remedies, but It has great healing! Tno children of tho Third Grade and paln-conquerlng power. ,are learning tho poqm "Our Flag" It will quickly show Its power to recite in concert, and aro writing onco you use it, so I think you bad tno story of tho first Thanksgiving "ie,:" ltJL L un' for language work. opu Lanogan wero onrolled Jn tho Thliil Grado Monday. Marguorlto Wlsoman and Ruby Pitman did tho best in tho Fifth Garde rhotoricals, Wednesday. The Fifth Grado mado Thanksgiv ing booklets, Lloyd LoMonlx's being the best. Tho Fifth Grade has had no pupils absent for two weeks. Second Grado Exercises, In tho Second Grade, Estolla Erick- eon welcomed tho visitors on ThnnkJ. giving Day airopg whom wero tho pupils of Sovdith Grade. a nomor uooso uiaioguo was given by tho following cast: Candor Gordon Sandborg. Mother Oooso Corlnno Dyo. Man in Moon Joseph Lapp. Littlo Miss Muffet Leota Smith. Llttlo Boy Bluo Robort Ferguson. Mlstross Mary Floronco Flanagan. Llttlo Bo Peop Junita, Ellorby. Jack and Jill Goorgo Lingo and Charles Oleson. Mothor Hubbard Russlo Varnoy. Quoon of Hearts Margaret Lund. Man from London Theodoro Dally. Slmplo Simon Waltor Carlylo. Mary and Her Lamb Mablo Brou-letto. "Tho Boy and tho Crow" Ned Pat- torson. "Thanksgiving dlaloguo" by Rudolph Johnson, Junita Ellorby, Blanche Cockle, Ethel Davis and Allco Flanagan. Dlaloguo by Alva Grant and Tom Crosthwalto. "Tho Llttlo Pig's Story" Junita El lerby. Songs by school. Flag saluto by school.' Tho Seventh Grado had Thanks giving rhotoricals on Wodnosday by tho pupils. Also recitations by Mrs, Thompson and Mrs. Rood, with a story for tho pupils by Miss Georgo. Thero has not boon an absonco or n tardy Jn tho Sovonth Grade, tho past threo weeks. Omor and Adroin Granny of Catch ing Inlot, havo ontored South Marsh flold school grados four and two respectively. THE POULTRY SHOW. Tho poultry Industry around Pe taluma, California, has mado that llttlo city a fluanclal success, IIolp Coos Bay dupllcato this success by boosting for tho Coos Pot and Poul- Somo of tho other good numbers try Show in Marshfleld. Decomber S 'iUh'AuwXk Two new pupils-Mary and Jos-!in the Second Grade program were:and 9. dM.jUkv4i& i.j. (