! ,-. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,1910 -EVENING EDITION 2 Christinn7T i; AMI ' fv Willi ji' fcwiw W Htm dy i SB filiiii.i i mmwwm""'""'" CONTRIBUTIONS concerning nodal hnpponlngB, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of The TI liios, must be sub mitted to the editor not l.Uor thun G o'clock p. in. Frldny of csnen week. Exceptions will 1p allowed only In cases whero ovonts occur later than the tune mentioned. 1 HIS CHOICE. I nm ncqunlntod very well With divers maidens fair; Thoy scorn to wcavo n wondrous spell No man could fall to caro For ench of them If ho but know How 'twould his heart rojolco! I Hko them nil of courso I do But still, I have my choice! Cordolla's written, so thoy say, "Bost sellers" two or throe. And Mnbol Blgns horself "B. A ," And Phyllis signs "M. D."; Fair Knlo tho path of suffrage walks, Whllo Sylvia studios germs, And I'm onmoshed when Doris tnlks In scientific terms. I llko thoni nil, thcio girls I know, Their deeds nnd titles, too. I And tho lot congenial, though Kncli hns her "mission" true. Cordolltt, 1'liyllla nnd tho rest Quito sot my brain a whirl; But simple Sulllo Hulls mo bost, DociuiHO she's Just n girl! ! I Mrs. E. IC. Jonoc was hostoiw to born-Schwab, tho lyric-soprano, who nppeared horo boforo under tho aus pices of tho club will be the soloist cf this ono also. She will arrive hero December 13 and hns sent Mrs. i Ilorsfnll, tho director of tho club, 'her program whjch Includes German, i English nnd Italian numbers ns woll 'as English songs. I ! Mrs. C. M. Bylcr nnd Mrs. L, J. ' Simpson wero hostesses at ono ofi tho most olaborato ns well as most dollghtful brldgo parties of tho sea son last Saturday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Simpson In North Bend. Tho beautiful Simpson homo wns mado moro attrnctlvo than over by tho special decorations, n'red and green color scheme being cnrrlcd out. Greens and potted plants nnd cut llowors ndded to tho beauty of tho rooms. During tho afternoon, punch was served and nt tho closo a sump tuous dinner was enjoyed. Tho fa vors wore miniature turkeys filled PERSONAL notices of visitors In the city, or of Coos Bay peoplo who visit in other cities, together with notices of onclal affairs, are gladly received In tho soclnl de partment Tclophono 13:11. No tices of club meetings, will bo pub lished nnd secretaries aro kindly rpcinested to furnish same. with candy. Mrs. D. Y. Stafford won first prize and Mrs. W. II. Horsfall tho second prlzo. Among thoso In vited wero Mrs. Geo. W. Langford of Stockton, Cnl who Is visiting on tho Bny, and Mrs. H. S. Tower, Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs. W. S. Turpen, Mrs. C. E. Nicholson, Mrs. E. K.. Jones, Mrs. E. E. Straw, Mrs. J. V. Smea ton, Mrs. John Lnfon, Mrs. It. M. Jennings, Mrs. T. W, Ronnie, Mrs. Irn B. Bnrtle, Mrs. L. F. Falkonsteln, Mrs. Elmer II. Jones, Mrs. John It. (Continued on pago S.) DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS Oily 21 Days Left A tho Brldgo Club Wodnosdny after noon. Cnrdd wero preceded by n dainty luuohoou. won by Mrs. J. W. ond prize by Mrtt. Rpildoi the club First prize wm Brnuett, nnd mc- Wm. Ilortfull, Jr. members, Mr. '1 IH i i JouoH had hs KiieMti Mrs. J. V. Smut ton, Mrs. It. M. Jennings, Mrs. Eu geno O'Connoll and Mra. Ilerborti Lockhnrt. Tho club will not mtct . again until tho Woduoidny follow'ngj Christmas whun Mrs. Ilorsfnll will probably outortnln the club. i Tho Mlnnlc-Wls Club wns ontor tcrtalnod Friday afternoon, Novum bor 25, by Mrs. E. Kelly. Tho nftor noon wns pleasantly spent in n so cial wny following which refresh ments wero sorved, Mrs. D. A. Jonos ns8lstlug tho hostess. Besides tho members of tho club, tho MIbhc3 Gcorgo, Mrs. Dresser, Miss Francis Frnso nnd Mrs. Enrl Borry wore guests of tho club. Tho dato and plnco of tho next meeting will be announced Inter. .j. .f .j. Mrs. John LnChapollo of South Mnrshflold, who recently underwent nn operation for nppondlcltls nt Mercy hospital Is gotttng along flue nifd will bo nblo to roturn homo In n few days. 4. 4. .j, Mrs. L. J, Simpson of North Bend loft today far Portland whoro slio will visit frlonds for nwhllo and will ' Intor go to Hoqulnm, Wash,, to spoml ' Christmas with her sister nnd moth-1 or. Mr. Simpson will Join her thero later. Mrs. Goo. W. Langford of Stock ton, Cnl., who has boon spondlng sov eral weoks as tho guest of her sis tor, Mrs. C. M. Bylor, at North Bond, and with other relatives and frlonds on tho Bny, will leavo for homo next weok, : ! Mrs. E. Mlngus wns hostoss to fow friends nt sowing and cards last Tuesday evening. Among hor guosts voro Mrs. C. IC. Perry, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman, Miss Ellznboth Kaufman, Mrs. M. C. Mnloney, Mrs. It. K. Booth, Mrs J. T. McCormac, Miss Mnmlo Mnhonoy, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams, Miss Jessie Chaso, Mrs. G A. Bonnott, Miss Mnblo Claro .MIUIs and Miss Nolllo Tower. ; t- : Miss Mnrlon Horsfall, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Win. Ilorsfnll, celebrat ed her olghth birthday recently by ontortnlnlng twonty-llvo llttlo folk nt hor homo. Vnrlous Juvenile gnmos followed by sumptuous rofiojumonts mndo tho day ono that tho little 01103 will not forgot In a long time. Tho Chamlnado Club met this week with Mra. Win. II, Horsfall, Jr., nt hor homo. Tho program Included papers by Mrs. J, V. Smoaton on "Bach" and Mrs. Bontrlco Waltor on "Handel" besides tho regular 10 hearsal. Tho club Is now working on tho program for the concert to bo glvon by It Decembor 14 at tho Ma sonic Oporn House. Mrs. May Dear- vmin cii ,fcT. .. .(- r '4,'' .j.... !. t .. I v" m kit Twr w. B3 Now Is tho tlmo to get your kid body dolls pre pared for Christmas, as there aro only 21 days left for you to do all of your Christmas shopping and wo hnvo the ijY Largest Assortment of Dolls IS In Coos County, includ ing nil tho now novel ties, rnnglng in price from c !i : 5c to $ 1 2.00 Each SEE OUR. WINDOWS THE NORTON & HANSEN STATIONERY COMPANY THE TOY STORE OF COOS COUNTY FRONT STREET. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. Cn 2 DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS DOLUS - DOLLS DOLLS TlieAlarmTliatGets'EmUp Wake Up ! lElfcis' ilimtflnal iwuta Mnrshflold Lodgo No. 11C0, B. P. whero ho underwent an oporntlon for 0. 15., will hold Its nnnual memorial' nppondlcltls n fow days ago, W. U. services at its hall In tho Masonic 'Do"f,nB w, lAo' .. Tho preparations for tho services Temple tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. afQ ,n clmrg0 of ft commlttco conlBt. Tho sorvlccs will bo public and It jng 0f r. It. Ilnlnes, W. A. Toyo and Is expected that there will bo a largo Jno. I). Gobs, Herbert Lockhnrt, attendance. Vm. Grimes, II. S. Tower, Geo. ltot- "Tho Lodgo of Sorrow," ns tho an- o'. 0- J- Keano, A. L. llousoworth, mini memorial sorvlco Is tormod, Is Eugono Crosthwalt, It. A. Wornloh In respect to tho departed brothers. ""! - W. Travcr nro tho ushers. In tho nbsence of Exalted Ruler, Dr. Tlo program, olllcers of tho lodgo Geo. E. DIx, who Is at Mercy hospltnl nml tho members nro ns follows: :: o OP (toxhvv nf ExiuTtswi Audience Will Pleaso Refrain From Applause. Processional Orchostra Opening Rltunllstlc Exercises - MARSHFIELD LODGE NO. 1100, B. P. 0. E. Vocnl Solo "By tho Wators of Babylon" Plnsula Mr. L. IC. Bnlllnger accompanied, on piano , Mrs. L. IC. Dalllnger. OPENING ODE "Auld Lnng Syno" Audlenco Requested to Join "Great Ruler of tho Universe, All seeing and benign, Look down upon nnd bless our work And bo nil glory Thine! Oh, hear our prayers for our honored dead, Whllo bearing in our minds Tho memories grnvon on each heart For Auld Lang Syne." Orchestra, "Softly Ring tho Bolls of Heaven". . . .Catlln Eulogy L. A. Llljcqvlst Vocal Solo, "Tho Promise of Life" Cowin Miss Mnblo Clnro MIUIs, Accompanied on PJnno by Miss Clnra Myron. Orchostra, "Trnumoral and Romance" Shumnun Closing Odo Lodgo Orchestra. (Dffirrro uf lljc 2Jnui;e ACCURATE DEPENDABLE I A WW if c V &$jr' "',V'H"'""', 'S'' afa v.: fit"- ii nVHP Only three weeks To Christmas! es We have many Practical Presents THE WIRELESS INTERMITTENT. Guaranteed to Keep Correct Time for Two Year. O f J ff t m M EJ jraf fit Mt ieM llaC 5e S e, vs-i See Us Before You Buy on. ggpWARE 4BL 4t o CO OO. tt 0-5 c Oa - . o o 00 o o 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 o 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Exnltcr Rulor Esteemed Loading Knight Esteemed Loyal Knight Esteemed Lecturing Knight. GEO. E. DIX . ...c. f. Mcknight W. U.- HAINES J. W. HILDENBRAND Socrotnry GEO. GOODRUM Treasurer WM. N. EKBLAD Trustoo M. C. MALONEY Trustoo E. D. McARTIIUR Tllor I). Y. STAFFORD Esqulro W. II. KENNEDY Chaplin F. M. PARSONS Innor Gunrd ' F. M. MARIIOFFER (Ciiuiplrlr 2lmiter uf iflaraliticlb iGiyr 3Cn. Ulill. HI. J. (D. E ADELSPERGER, A. E. BURMISTER, II. E. BLACK, GEO. N. BARTON, J. S. BERGMAN, C. F. BENDER, C. L. CARLETON, G. W. CROSTHWAIT, E. CHASE, C. E. CHANDLER, E. I. DOUGLAS, W. U. DIX, GEO. E. DEMENT, RAY B. EKBLAD, W. N. ENDICOTT, C. W. FLANAGAN, JNO. W. FARRIN, E. L. C. FELLOWS, W. J. GOODRUM, GEO. GOSS. JNO. D. GILBERT, C. E. GRIMES, WM. GRANT, FRANK GUERIN, THOS. D. HALL-LEWIS, ,P. M. HAINES, W. R. HOWARD, II. G. HILDENBRAND, J. W. HARRIOAN, J. T. HOUSEWORTH, A. L. HAMLIN. J. D. HARTLEY. GEO. HULING, C. E. HAMMOND, A. S. HARTLE, A. O. HAINES, A. T. JAMES. THOS. B. JOHNSTON, J. A. KENNEDY, W. II. KRONIIOLM, J. J. KEANE, C. J. KEMP. D. M. KNIGHT, J. L. LYON. WALTER LANGENBERG, GEO. LILJEQVIST. L. A. LOCKHART, II. LAWLOR, WM. McARTIIUR, E. D. McKEOWN, II. J. McCULLUM, C. F. Mcknight, c. f. Mcpherson, g. g. McDIARMID, II. J. MARIIOFFER, F. M. MALONEY, M. C. MILNE, J. B. MALONEY. DAN E. MILLER, WM. F. MOFFETT, W. T. McLAIN, HUGH NIEHAUS, G. A. NEFF, A. E. PARSONS, F. M. PAINTER, F. M. PERHAM. E. 0. POLLEXFEN, A. E. ROTNOR, GEO. H. RUST, J. B. ROSS, GEO. P. RUSSELL, T. C. ROSA, R. II. SKINNER. H. W. SMITH, M. C. SIMPSON. L. J. SCHILLING, J. E. STAFFORD, D. Y. SMITH. WM. E. STEMMLER. J. O. SMITH, WM. ROSS TRAVER, L. W. TOWER, H. S. TULLEY, P. M. TOYE. W. A. TAGGERT, C. C. WERNICH, R. A. WELLS. II. A. E. S. BARGELT CARL W. EVERTSON CARL L. DAVIS OTTO MORTENSON A. II. POWERS 00 00 n 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 tt OO 00 00 00 00 o OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o o 00 00 00 00 OO 00 00 00 00 00 00 OO v OO o 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 vo 00 o 00 00 00 00 0 o 00 00 tt 00 vw OO- OO OO OO OO OO OO OO OO tz 00 00 00 00 00 H 00 00 00 00 00 O.V r OO OO 8 00 o 00 00 00 00 :: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 it 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 wtwajmwauOT :? Closing: Out Sale Everything Must be Sold at Once Now that tho Holidays are so close at hand, this opportunity to buy yvour gifts at almost your own prlco should not bo miss ed. Give your wife and chlldion a book for Xmns, thoy will ap predate It more than anything else. A few suggestions that are ideal for Xmas Gifts nro: Fountain Pens, $1.00 nl $1,00 values... . ,0o 75c Boys' ami Girls' Books ' itU al Baskets VIJ IIAVR T'ttn - till. IMPORTED i,,ltST LI.Ve vm .r.r''s OF BOXES STAFFORD'S MAS FHAEn D pAMODs n.wIH an iDEAf. r::u,Ei GIFT. MAKn vA" U1R' WILL MAKE MAKn v.. ."li TION EARLY av .I,8E. CHOICE OF Ol'lt GET LAI10E THE THEY WILL nn r T . UXe YOU. DO Not n;7;.a,OEF0!l TODAY. NT DELAY Alway COVE r8Romc,,lngncff; TWO STOIirq 2.' Front St-Hoc,, wow is The Time to try LUND run OU.MIS TIMH PASTIHIVT BEEN TELLING YOU THAI 1 nS OUARANTEED "$ 0AI1MUSTS. JIMTDOStS ....w.v ,,.,1 KtVtl- VOUR BACK OR A NEW ONE FAIR ISN'T IT? MOftT THAT! ANDREMEMI)i:iUAMSELLl8 THESIS GUARANTEED OAfiS CHEAPER THAN SOME HAW BUENSULLINO INFERIOR CCXJD3 I' UIl. 1 HANDLE THE THREE LEAIV i.MJ HIIANDS OF WATERPROOF Luuun.Mi -Till: MELRC5E- "i-iiis 1--ISII" AXI)"T"E3vypR.' AND REMEMBER MY OUARAX-i l ISKD SHOES AND IIEPA1R1XQ SAVE SOME CHRISTMAS MON'J BY BY IIAVINQ MCDOYOURII& iiii(i.u au u BUYIsQ url SHOES. O. O. LUND, "'riic mini ului duo llilnja rlxht.' i. 21 r, South llrn.idn.ir, Mnnlillfld DON'T BAKE You can't afford to put la the M years of you're life fussing over 1 hot oven. If your husband and family on'j knew how good Cues Hay Bairr Broad roally Is, they would prefer It to homo made. And on the otlior hand you wall hnvo about half tho work to do, wlik Just that much more time to (1h your family. BUY COOS BAY BAKKRV flRE-lD Today don't hnvo another hot, dU- agrecablo bnko day, with Its dreidi, doubts and uncertainties. For when you get Coos liar lUle ry Bread thero Is no guess work, jro know It's uood your hike diy troubles disappear llko magic The COOS BAY BAKERY PHONE UUli. "THE IIOVSE OF GOOD TIHXGS." i!-8-tt-M---8-8-8 t: a For Strictly n-K-8-s Lato S1.30 Copyright Fiction (H the be.t million) .'.'.WW .li)o Standard Fiction, regular 50c and (10c per copy. . , Stnndard Fiction, regular $1.00 per cony. ,,' .v.uun Muvj- Biuiionory ai very Leather Poets, Children's Books, nun win astonisn you. Buy early and get tho selection "Do iow prices, Gifts Books, Padded Bibles, Prayer Books at prices It Now." H t n 1 a t n ' 1 9 7 8 i U I tt I I 8 Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese and ke Ccos Bay Ice & Cold Storage i FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. M. and a P. Y . riJ. 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-H-ai; Crosby & Homer 144 CENTRAL WATCH OUR Windows FOR BARGAINS. BSTUS A Want Ad will sell it for you NOTICE. To tho public: .. IT TJ My wue, airs. . --.,, u left my bed and board, I responsible for any WM " contracted by her after this MJ H. P. c' Marshfleld, Ore., Nov. 30, 1 Read the Times Want AdJ. i h fl4-.!