Yl flS&Zi ADS. NEWS rrHEtf LSlNESS IS SLOW, AD rHlTlSC THAT IT PAYS IS EVI- rVCI'I) ' SUCCESSFUL HU81- GET IT WHILE IT IS NKW NY T.EADINO THE COOS MAY TIMKH ALL THE NEWS AL.J THE TIM TERSELY 'lOIil) t: :: :: ' " 9 HOUSES EVERYWHERE :: MEMDER Or ASSOCIATED PRESS mmt Established III 1878 n The Count Mnll. I v0i, xxxiu. Legon Has 672,765 People Now, a Gain of 259,229 In Ten Years. Idaho also shows BIG GAIN OVER 1900 Lie Now Has Population of 325,594 Nevada Hnc niB75. IjBr Associated Press to Coos Day Times, j nMomvnTON' D. C. Dec. 3. TJ census allows Iilnlio has 32fi,tJ91 population; Oregon, 072,705 mid v-.r.,lf1 81.S7G. Idaho's Increaso la 163,822 tr 100 per cont ovor 1000. Oregon's Incrcnso Is 259,229 (1,7 per cent over 1900. or or JCorndas Incrcnso is ju.hju 11.1 pertcent over 1900. or IE1A1 IS Glffl PLACE St. Louis Man Appointed Soli citor General In Bower's Place. (Br Associated FroBS to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON', D. C, Dee. 3. Frederick W. Lohmnnn of St. Louis, nt appointed to bo solicitor general U fill tho vacancy cnusod by Up lath ot Lloyd W. nowors. Mr. Lmi Ea formerly resldotl nt Des Mol t, Iown, nnfl wnB n law partner of Smtor Cummins of Iown. I ELECTION 50T AS MUCH INTEREST MANI FEST IX IT AS IX LAST FEW PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. Not nearly as much Intorcst has a tUrroiI up ovor tho annual city ''tlon In Marahflold which will bo Wd next Tuesday. Docoinbor C, as to keen mnnlfostod In previous oloc i la this city. No particular lapalgn has been mndo by any of 'wcandldntra nlthoiiRh somo of tho Weadi of tho aspirants for councll- -a havo been doing considerable Mm shoo" work. "ere has been a tendency to mnko 1 contest a factional one by mak- a C. C. Going and August Frlzoon j ckot and R. A. Copplo and ""can Ferguson tho other. How ff'f. It la not belieTOd that tho re W will show that tho division In Q" respect will bo so pronounced ns B claim It will. Toe polls will onon at D o'clock t be onon until G nVlnck. The Is11' will be located In tho council ftitnber at th niv mii - wa ! COOS IJAY APPLES. I'rteral Uocs liVom r ltnv Kn teml nt Portland. Concern In i' . n -. .,.., ovhi. '' it tho PnrMonJ .,.,1 ),... t,n 'Wnlan says: "Cooa Tinv naonlo "t 16 boxes nil tho way from jrhfleld. Tho throo-tler box of "enstelni attracted attention. 8t78re Of flTllch otnn,1nr,l nml lnm. favnpnliti. ...I, i. n.i ,n bua i uuynuiiB i" " nid tl10 show Tno Packing was atly done by an lnexporlencod lib. 8nd C Hl st(wart, of tho ex b ' Connltteo, secured an oxporl- tens .vj.iuiv iuu uuauo. ij, boxes woro Placed along t those sent from Marshfleld 1 nT ,ormed a splendid illustration " Talue of scientific packing." TUE5DN iiii mini in ill II I (STERN STATES SHOW 1 CANAL IS M 0 INCREASE IN POPULATION KILLS TO HAVE BUSY WINTER Close Two or Three Days For Repairs Preparatory to Long Run. Tho C. A. Smith mills will closo down two or throo dnys tho week botweon Christmas and Now Year, to onnblo n general overhauling and ropnlrs propnrntory to long hard run during. tho bnlnnco of tho winter. Tho overhauling Is neodod nnd It wnH decided tlint Christians tlmo when most of tho employes doslro n few days vacation would bo tho best tlmo to have It done. Somo prevaricator started tho re port that tho mills would bo closed down Indcllnltoly. Of courso, nobody of common senso bollovod It but Romo busy tonguos kept wagging until It got In general circulation ' nnd today when tho hend ofllclnls of tho company wero opprlsod of it, they declared It was absolutely without foundation. Tho mills will return to tho ton-hour schedulo as soon tho wonthor will portnlt tho logging operations to bo carried on to bet tor ndvnntngo ho that sutllclont can bo supplied without .extraordinary cost to keop tho mills busy. Whtlo tho lumber mnrkct has been rnthor poor for somotlmo, tho pro ject Is for nn early Improvomont. Tho stnrtlng of preparations for tho Pa-namn-Pnclflo Exposition at Snn Francisco Is oxpected to glvo tho lumber business tho greatest Impo tim it has hnd In n long tlmo. TAX LEW TO BE DEDUCED Executive Committee of the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce Urges It. At a mooting of Uio oxccutlvo com mltteo of tho Marahflold Chamber of Commorco last ovonlng, a resolution was adopted urging n roductlon in tho tax lovy for tho ensuing year. Tho action followed a longthy dis cussion of affairs nnd tho gonornl Idea expressed was that economy should bo practlsod In public affairs. M. C. Horton, Henry Sengstackon nnd Alvn D"oll wero appointed a com mlttoo to confer with Mnrshflold city council, tho county court nnd. tho Mnrshflold school board with a view of curtailing public oxpeldlturo tho coming year. While tho committeo has not had any meotlngs yet to discuss tho mat tor fully, it is understood thnt their endeavor will bo to havo tho total lovy for tho coming yoar kept under four per cont. A store full ot pretty and substan tial holiday goods at Walker Studio. Wo would suggest tho Walker Art Store, corner Central and Front streets, for tho most sultablo gifts. You nro invited to look through our big collection of sultablo holiday goods. Walker Studio. Tho be3t Is none too GOOD for HER. Got her a box of WHITMAN'S chocolates and confections. Don't bo cheap, buy her a box of WHITMAN'S Fussy Package Choco lates. They're tho best In the world. Tho CHANDLER will sorvo a spe cial TURKEY DINNER Sunday DE CEMBER . TTAINES' prices, will sound good jto you. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3,1910 President Taft Tells San Fran cisco Party That Big Water way Will Be Done Before 1915. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON', 1). C, Dec. 3. -Twonty-flvo Cnllfornlnns representing tho1 Pnnnmn-Pnelllc Intofnntlonnl Breakwater Sails This Morning for Rose City With Many Passengers. Tho Drcakwatcr nailed this morn ing for Portland with miscellaneous cargo and a Inrgo passengor list. Among thoso sailing on her woro tho following: L. J. Simpson and VIfo, P. N. Ro borg, A. L. Anderson, D. E. Forest and family, W. A. Cox, Geo. D. Shor mnn, Geo. Dnkor, J. J. Harrington, II. A. Franklin, Mrs. II. A. Franklin, MrB. II. A. Frnnklln, Mrs. II. F. Ilutli, Mtko Grant, Mlko Loo, James Grant, Mrs. L. G. M&roh, Mrs. A. II. Eddy, W. It. Hunt, J. W. Donnott, Mrs. J. W. Donnott, Mrs. S. S. Llttlo, Myrtlo Axtoll, C. M. Kbcrhnrt, Joslo N'eygrcn, Mrs. M. Rnsmusscn, R. Thompson, G. W. Holllstor, Geo. Winkler, Irn Chase, S. E. Andrews, Mrs. W. A. Smith, R. R. Kollor, W. N. Clapper, Mrs. M. Montgomery, J. Carlisle, Mies Anna G. Shnll, D. W. Cade, A. S. Hnmmond, Mrs. Ham mond. Second cabin Goorgo Smith, E. II. Sachs, Wm, Poll, Mnr tln Klarlch, Matt PalsleU. Rough Weather Today Practi cally Seals Fate of Strand ed "Northwestern" (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) SEATTLE, Doc. 3. A heavy swell today and increasing wind Indicates tho stoamshlp "Northwestern" will bo poundod to plecos. Tugs nro un able to got alongsldo tho stranded VCS801. WOOLD LIKE TO FINE BOTH Judge Hall So Tells Principal In Ross-Wallace Case In Juvenile Court. "If a hnd tho power, I would flno both of you." This was Judge John F. Hall's Btatoment to tho principals In tho Wallace-Ross row which wbb aired In Juvenllo court before him yester day. Tho evidence was very conflict ing except ns to ono thing all ad mitting that a lively scrap took place. J. W. Ross claimed that two sons of Davo Wallaco of Catching Inlot, Jumped on to him and beat him without provocation. Ross contend ed that tho father had "egged them on." Tho Wallaces contended otherwise At tho conclusion of tho hearing. Judge Hall told tho Wallaco boys to go homo In tho custody of tholr fath er until ho had tlmo to dellborato on the ovidenco and determine whether or not bo would roleaso them ontlrojy from the charges. LEAVE TODAY for mam OOAT POUNDS ' HARD ON ROCK EVENING EDITION. EIGHT SIM UNION Exposition called at tho Whlto House today to pay their respects to Presi dent Taft. Commenting on tho fact that tho Snn Francisco exposition Is scheduled for 1915, tho President wnrnod the party that tho canal probably will bo completed long bo- foro thnt date, and ho spoke of tho uncertainty of nctlon by congress, adding thnt he himself was somewhat In tho attitude of tho "man on tho fonco." Lntor In tho day tho party called on Speaker Cannon. Western Union Out of Com mission and Census An nouncement Delayed. Tho Wcstiirn Union's wlro bo tweon Mnrshllold and Rosoburg went down nt noon today and sorvlco hnd not bcon restored nt a lato hour this afternoon nnd It wns uncertain when It would bo. This resulted In The Tlmos losing out on n lnrgo portion ot Its regular Associated Press report today. This Is bad enough ordinarily but today It was particularly Inconvenient bo causo it was expected that telo graphic announcements of tho ofllclnl population of Marshfleld and tho bnl nnco of tho county would bo receiv ed, Tho wlro went down In tho midst of tho story rclntlvo to tho population ot Orogon, Idaho nnd Nevada so that It wns not complet ed. So now tho long looked tor figures on Mnrshnold'B pbpulntlon will hnvo to bo awaited another couplo of day. CITY CAUCUS Candidates For Annual Elec tion Nominated No Con tests For Nomination. For Mayor L. J. Simpson. For councllmen, ono yoar L. F. Enlkenstoln. For councllmen (Two-year torm) Henry Kern, R. A. Wornlch, Dr. Ira D. Dartlo, J. A. Ward, August Iloolllug and A, McKay. For Recordor A. II, Derbyshire. For troasuror Chas. S. Wlnsor. Tho nbovo ticket was nominntod at tho North Dond city caucus last night. Tho caucus was held in tho Ploneor building nnd nearly two hun dred woro in attendance, Tho cnucus was not a very lively ono, there bolng no particular con tests, tho candidates being nominat ed by acclamation, Judgo Guerry psorlded Judgo Guorry presldod as chair man and Robert Kehoo was- secret ary. Peter Loggle, who was talked ot for tho place again' declined to bo a candidate. In tho olectlon Decombor 14, tho only contest will bo for tho two-year terms on tho council, thero bolng six candidates and only threo places to bo filled. QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO. In tho Jowelry Department of tho Prouss Drug Co. you will find tho following articles for Xmas presonts. Hawkes and Llbby's Cut Glass. Plckard Hand Painted China. Howard Watches. - Solid Gold and Sterling Silver goods In endloss vnrlotles. Remombor ' early buying moans economy as well ns first cholco of our immenso stock. Our tlmo Is'yours. Call and Inspect our stock. JEWELRY DEPT., PREUSS DRUG CO. For Sale too STEINS, all kinds "RejI,,.Cros8. Drug Storo. .... i WIRE IS 001 AGAIN TODAY E PAGES. A Consolidation niul Coos PACIFIC AGENT M IS HALF MILLI3N Seven Business Houses In Pe tersburg, Va., Arc Total ly Destroyed. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) PETERSDURG, Va., Doc. 3. Sovon business housos In tho honrt of tho city woro destroyed by a flro with n loss of a halt million dol lars. CRUISERS TO MACAO. Kallnn and Chhu-so Go eminent h Send Ve.xseln Tlictv. (Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) HONG KONG, Doc. 3. Tho Chl neso flotllln tins been ordered to Ma cao ami tho Italian cruiser hns gono thither to protect Itnllnn Interests. THREE KILLED BYE Rio Grande Locomotive Blows Up Killing Three Mem- ' bers of Crew.. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day i Times.) SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 3. An engine of tho Donver & Rio Grande oxploded at Soldlor Summit killing W. A. Gobdnll, engineer, Arthur D Spears, flromnn, nnd E, C. Mntthls brakemnn. Elijah Smith Plans to Raise Bumper Crop of Spuds On Summer Ranch. Elijah Smith of tho Southern Oro gon, has a vision ot himself becom ing tho "potato king" of Coos couu- ty. Ho Is now having sovonteon acres near Sumner convortod Into what ho considers an idonl "potato patch" and next year expocts to harvest n bumper crop of potatoos. "I bollovo it is n good thing," ho said today in discussing his projoct. "I read about n man clearing from 1,200 to fl,G00 a season from a cow but I am not going into mo dairy Industry. "Say what aro thoy doing about that 300-foot boulevard from Marsh fleld to tho sea7 I am going up and soo Doc, Straw nbout It now." "What Is tho Southern Orogon Com pany going to do about donating their sharo of tho right of way," was askod Mr. Smith but it didn't bring a vory definitely favorable roply for hero is what ho said as ho startod towards tho mayor's office: "If I had any doubts nbout it thoy wero nil romovod this morning whon I came splashing through tho mud from Emplro. Thoy can't keep a good road fifteen feet wldo." ROOT GIVEN PLACE. Succeeds Jusllco Fuller On Hague Tribune. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times,) WASHINGTON, D. O., Doc. 3. Senator Ellhu Root of Now York, was today appointed pormanont ar bitrator representing Amorlca at Tho Hague tribunal, succeeding tho lato Chief Justice Fuller of tho Unltod States Supremo Court. ' POTATO KINO IS HIS HOPE 120 S. E. Turner Victim of Bandits at Devils Slide Sta tion In Utah. ,BRIDE OF A MONTH DISCOVERS HIS BODY Head Battered and Room In dicates Struggle With Perpetrators of Crime (Dy Associated Pross to Coo Day Times.) OODEN, Utah, Dec. 3. The Union Pacific station nt Devlin Slide, 32 in II os onst of horo, was the icono of n murder nnd robbery onrly todny. Tho dend body of S. E. Tumor wnn 'found by his wife nt four o'clock. There Is evidence of n struggle, nnd tho agent's hend was battered. Tur ner was 22 years of age and had been married a month. Thero la no cluo, POULTRY SHOW ON IE WEEK Many Entries Coming In For Fowl and Pet Ex hibition. ' Thoro Is much interest mnnlfostod In tho Poultry nnd Pet Exhibition which will bo -hold horp next Thurs day and Friday, December 8 and 9, at tho building noxt to 0'Koll'a wait- Ing room. Among" tho ontrloa nl rcady In, nro n whlto mliiorcajion that won tho ?25 ensh prize nt lhi last Potnluma exhibition; a Roso Comb Rhodo Islnnd Rod rooster thnt took tho bluo ribbon nt tho eamo tlmo nnd somo Darrod Mlnorcus that woro purchased from tho fnnclor that paid $ (DO for a trio In Germany. Thero also promises to be qulto an exhibition ot pets, Ono lady will sond n Porslnn cnt valued nt ?2C0. Tho exhibition will bo highly Inter esting and amusing as woll ns In structive nnd tho public will bo cor dially welcome. Tho buslnenu mon ' of Mnrshfiold havo gonerously con tributed n number nt prizes which will bo awarded bosldes the prizo ribbons. Enter your pots nnd chic kons nnd help tho poultry Interos'? of Coos Day. RETTER CITY WATER. Ono ovidonco of Improvomont of tho Myrtlo Point wntor works system Is nppnront, oven nt this tlmo ot tho yonr, and that Is tho sparkling cloarnoss of tho wntor drawn from tho taps. Last yoar, at tho first heavy rains, tho wntor camo through muddy and with pieces ot lonvos, grass and otlior floating debris. Tho dlfforonco now Is becauso of tho fact that thero Is ample chanco for tho water to sottlo at tho threo roervo!ra boforo ontorlng tho mains. Myrtlo Point Entorprlso. RECEIVES MARHLE. Wm. Frnnzonbnch, tho sculptor, has Just rocolved a largo shlpmont ot monuments to bo orected In dlffor ont comotorles of Coos county, Tho new marblo and granlto plant In Dan don, tho building ot which aro now completed will bo oporatod by Mr. Frnnzonbnch with tho most modern equipments. CHAFING DISHES, Teas aul Per colators at Rod Cross Drug 3tor. Flno DUCK DIXXER nt 1AJ.CE RESTAURANT, SUNDAY nt 5S0 P. M. Don't miss It. ALLIANCE sails for PORTLAND Tuosday, Dec. C. Resorvo passage now Fine DUCK DINNER at PALACH; RESTAURANT, SUNDAY nBO P. M, Don't miss It. of Times, Const Mull liny Advertiser. IS AND ROBBED MI f .