WA THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1910 EVENING EDITION. opposing the grading of tho strc will probably bo circulated. &. ? &JSL JiSw Will N rami's, rrs! 'vJv' Wwmf yGfr'd ittifftl Villi I iPifl $ Iflflv BtLffi mt PH-ll v m Hn ,t i H iCLOTHC R AFT ffl 7 1 h I All-Wool Clothes a ' J -" - - II '' ri.ri ijJJJJ' 7 It Hold Sfeae 1 THAT'S what yo.u want to know when you. try on a New Coat. No matter how much you pay, you can't look well dressed if your coat front breaks and wrinkles. H HOLE-PROOF HOSIERY IN CHRISTMAS BOXES No matter how good the material or how well the coat is pressed, it will not hold its shape unless it is Con structed right. Our Clothcrart coat front is built and 'braced to resist breaking, and no matter whether you pay $J0 or $25 it bears the maker's guarantee. 'WOOLEN MILLS FORE ' "MILL-TO MAN CLOTHIERS" Marshfield, Oregon fMfJtS COOS BAY TIDES. December High water Date. Friday 2 Saturday. . 3 SUNDAY.. -J A. M. P. M. h.ni. ft. h. m. ft. 1:07 0.7 12:07 S.C 1:43 0.0 12:31 8.5 2:17 0.5 1:07 8. t Low water Date. Friday 2 Saturday.. 3 SUNDAY.. 4 DECEMBER A. M li. ill. 0:20 0:52 7:27 ft. 3.7 1.2 4.1 P.M. h. in. 7:00 7:37 S:07 ft. 0.4 0.4 0.3 THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Prose.) OREGON nnln and Saturday. tonight k ct f5S aiKiiM JW:Msm Itllai! mifl lM miTi lSfi $M&m?: ... nfixuMffja3! t. uwsmw. -ff TtBtflf,yi,jf Sn "' ""M"1 "" iirTi ii? j?fv'"afffl mnfflHrffii ?w TjMfTifc tmt .ia. 'i . first i i i tfiA-r -. l1Tr.1JMg.yjCI1lillMrt.?Tllfcg. I' IHHIIUM' millllMWilWMMiWIIl.l Ml WH Wl ll ,1 l 1 !. I Will IWl.Hlll III. w WWW WW .m...! I. . n .1 II.1IIMH W.1 .HI. HI I -"- -w--T--ri .... ..,,,, r r-fTi'iB-nrTTH V Locnl Case Alllrmed. Goorgc Dollonl, nppollnnt vs. Aloxnndcr Urq- .uhnrt,. respondent, appoalod from the Circuit Court for Coos county, J. W. Ilainllton, judge, 1b affirmed In an opinion written by Associate Justice Slator. I Arm Broken. Irene Klllott, tlio daughter of Milton Klllott of South Inlet, who sustained a broken arm while playing at their homo aovornt days ago, has recovered sufficiently ,to leave, lercy hospital whoro bIio wag cared for. " Temporary Quarters. Th'o Marsh field Chamber of Commerce: has tnkon temporary quarters lu offices' on the second floor of tlio building now occupied, Col. Grimes donating! the uso of tho roons until tho now quarters in tho First Trust and Spv Ingf Uank building will bo ready for occupancy, about Jnnunry 1. Oixnul.c Club. Hugo Qulst and a number of tho other ofllco em ployes of tho C. A. Smith Lumber Company are organizing a hunting and pleasure club. They propose to build, a boathouse, secure a gamo preserve where the clubhouse will bo anchored in hunting soason and dur ing thb summer months It will bo taken up Coos Illver. IHv DoIiir Well. Dr. Geo. E. DIx who underwent nn operation for ap pendicitis yostordny at Mercy hospi tal, was reported getting along nice ly today. Ho was a little restless last night but this was not takon as an unfavorable Indication. Yestor day was his birthday and ho prob ably doesn't wnut any moro opera tions as birthday prosonts. ::t!:::::::::i::::::;ttM::: I Tie Liimbor. A big wave struck a scow load of lumbor' which was being; towed to the South Slough camp of the Smtth-Powors Company and washet." oouslderable of It out over the bar. The low was not great. GSiristmast Gifts !n the Busy Corner's Leather Store TO 95.00 I TO ijJ.'S.OI) B tveen the hoars of nine o'clock A ui.d six o'clock P. M. That J. It. LI, 'Inner, J. II. Mi'.ner Riid A. D. Wnlcott have been her persons Interested IJont Sunk. G. A. Brown's launch was discovered sunk lu his boathouse this morning:, tho high tide having submerged It. II. J, Mc Keown nnd W. V. Kkblari who had It up too alow CUID CASI3S FROM .. COIN CASUS FItOM ... HILL AND OTIIKIt CASUS FHOM iNOTIS AND MI0.MOUANDU.M UOOKS FItOM . .91.00 . ...10c T( ..SLilO TO $0.00 . ,'J.le TO 91.00 I'OCICKT FLASK FHOM $1.00 TO ?.()() HAND HAGS, TUB MOST CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK FItOM THE WORLD'S REST MAKERS, FROM $1.50 to $2.1.00 Lockhart - Parsons Drag Co. "The Busy Corner" spectlon therein. Rids will be recolved for tho wholo work necessary to completo.t .., ,..,,.,..,.,.,,.., tofore by the Common Council of (the propoied Improvement nnd also amj cnuge,j u,e trouhlo, It la thought, Hai.l city appointed im Jtiugw or sain ror oncli claas or woric juciuueu tuere- elertlon, .and Hoy Lawhorn, J. C. in . 0., for tho bulkhead nnd piling, .Merchant nnd C. II. Marsh as Clerks for tho grading, for curbing nnd pnv- of said olectlon. . lug tho roadway and for. tho sldo- Dated this 25th day of November, walks. .0 ' i. ....-.. A cortliiod cnecic or nvo por cont 1010. JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder of tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon. Marshfield, '------------ -- 'THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY" Oregon ----- 1 i 1 1 1 it-. STEAMER ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. WILL SAIL FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS HAY AND EURflKA, ON A TEN-DAY SCHEDULE, CALLING AT MARSHFIELD BOTH WAYS. SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR EUREKA, SATURDAY, DEC. 3, AND FOR PORTLAND, DECEMBER 0. Our Market Basket WHILE FRESH EGGS ARE HARD TO GET, WE ARE ABLE ,TO FURNISH YOU WITH STRICTLY FRESH EGGS. OTHER GOOD THINGS IN STOCK NOW INCLUDE PICKLED PIGS FEET; FINE HONEY IN NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY C. l- McGKORGE, Agent. COMBJ FRESH NEW DATES; PRESSED FIGS; LARGE RAISINS; LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON PEEL, NUTS OF ALL KINDS, I SWEET CIDER IN KEGS, THE BEST MINCE MEAT THAT IS MADE, HOME-MADE KRAUT, RICHELIEU COD-FISH, THE BEST ON THE MARKET, RIPE AND GREEN OLIVES; SWEET, SOUR f.AND DILL PICKLES IN BULK, iu of tho amount of tho bid must ac company oncli bid, to bo forfeited to tho city of Mnrshflald, In cnso tho contract Is awarded and tho contrac tor falls to enter In n contract with in flvo days from tho tlmo tho con tract Is awarded him. Tho Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 2nd day of December, 1010. JOHN W. BUTLER. Recordor of tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Orogon. SALAD Sins Chocolato Sots, Fancy Bread Plates nt MILNER'S. Hoar Juvenile Cntio. Today County Judgo Hall In l)ls chamber In this city Is honrlng lu juvonllo court tho ohnrgns that .ln Ross bnf preferred against tho sons of Dave Wnllaco of Catching Inlet. Robs al leges that tho boys attacked him Bonio months ago mid boat him, 1 --.-- -- ------oft FOR HEXT Two front rooms fur nished for light hou9okoplns lights and baths. CloSo In and reasonable, Phono 239 J. FOR SALE Saturday, furniture for flvo rooms $50. Houso rents for $10.50, has eight rooniB, closo In, 545 Second St. N. care for oldorly Invalid. Apply Mrs. Sengstacken, Marshfield, Or. FOR It EXT Stoi room occupied by Mrs. Aiken's millinery, on Decem ber 1. Apply Eugeno O'Connoll. FOR SALE Small violin, Wngnor, North Boud. dipt, FOR RENT Furnished room with deep closet, olectrlc lights, tele phono and bath In connection. F. W. Estberg. WANTED -Waitress Hotel. . at Chaiuller FOR SALE Furniture of 0-room house, As a whole or to suit pur chaser. Gas, electric lights, gas range, etc. Chickens for sale'. All first class, 252 So. Brondway. FOR SALE Cheap, boat livery, two launched, one launch hull, 10 round bottom row boats, shop floats, tools and patterns. For particulars call at Allgor's Boat livery, North Bend. FOR UEXT Furnished rooms 101 South Third Street. I Oil REXT Two nice furnished house-keeping rooms, Phone 49-L W.VXTED Strong woman or girl to FOR SALE Best fivi.li apple elder In quantity. Phono J. E. Fitzge rald, 3045. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF MARSHFIELD. Pursuant to the direction of the Common Council of tho City of Mnrshflold, notlco is horeby given that on Tuesday, the Cth day of De comber, 1910, there will bo hold In the Council Chamber In tho City Hall of tho City of Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, a regular goncral election, for tho purpose of electing two members of the Common Coun cil to servo for a terra of three years each, commencing tho first Monday, In January, 1911, and of electing a Recorder to serve for the term of one year, commenclng tho first Monday in January, 1910. The said election will be held bc- 1 AND ALSO THE BEST OF CANNED GOODS. OUR LIST OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR SATUR DAY: COOS BAY CAULIFLOWER, CELERY, GREEN ONIONS, LET TUCE, CARROTS, BEETS, PARS NIPS, CABDAGE, SWEET POTA TOES, CRANBERRIES, KALE SQUASH- AND PUMPKINS. BANANAS, ORANGES, GRAPES, LEMONS, COCOANUTS. Fancy Apples. NUTMEG, SPIES, BELL FLOW ERS, SPITZENBERG AND BALDWIN. Send In your entry shoots for tho Coos Pot nnd Poultry Show quick bo tho COMMITTEE can cstlmato the necessary spaco required, ALLIANCE sails for PORTLAND Tuesday, Dec. 0, Rosorvo passago now OLLIVANT & WEAVER The Pure Food Grocers A. good placo to trade. Phono 275. Corner 3rd nnd Central Ave. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notlco la horoby given that soal ed bids will bo recolved by tho Com mon Council of tlio City of Mdrsh fleld, Coos County, Oregon, until half past seven o'clock P. M. Tues day, tho 13th day of December, 1910, for tho Improvement of that portion of Front Streot North from tho north lino of Alder avenuo east to the south lino of Elm avenuo oast In the City of Marshfield, Coos Coun ty, Oregon, according to thte plans and specifications on fllo In tho office of the Recorder and open to the In- "The Quality Store." HAS AN ASSORTMENT OF ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS THAT ARE itEALLY QUALITY GOODS, AND AT THE SAME TIME WE SELL THEM AT VERY MODER ATE PRICES. CALL IN AND INSPECT OUR L I N E S. M A N Y THINGS ARE ON DIS PLAY NOW, MANY OTH ERS LATER. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE WHITMAN CHOCOLATES AND CON FECTIONS, FAMOUS SINCE 1S42. Mother Dead. Justice Ponnoclt recolved a telegram today announc ing tho donth of his mother, Mrs. Ponnock, nt his old homo In Ontona gon, Mich. Sho was eighty-six yenrs old nnd was onjoylug oxcollont health until a fow weeks ago when sho sustained n stroko of paralysis. Move Camp. BUI Nowmnn, who Is from tho Smith-Powers Logging cnmp'on Isthmus Inlot, roports thnt tho old logging road of tho company up to Cunulnghnm Camp No. i. which was recontly vncatod on nc count of all tho timber there being cut, Is being torn up to bo romoved to Bonvor IIIII camp. To Ornde Pine Street. E. K. Jones stated today that another ef fort was bolng mndo to try nnd got Pino street grndod, doaplto tho fact f Personal No ::::::::mm:m:m:mmm:m::mm::KU II. G. HOY wont to Coqulllo today on builnoBH. 13. W. KAMMERER and wlfo will ontertalu a nutubor of friends nt their home this ovenlng. MRS. J. T. McCORMAC will cntor taln the Evergreen whist club nt hor home Saturday afternoon. ELIJAH SMITH of tho Southorn Oregon Company, wau up froT Empire yesterday on business. i GKOJUJH HAINES, son of Mr and Mm. Haines, returned yostordny from a throe months visit with relatives In Oklnhoiun. 1 MRS.' II. II. McPHURSON and eon, Howard, will leave next week for San Francisco whero they "will spend the winter with relatives. II. ,C. DIERS of North Bend, Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. Ho has. Bocurod most of tho necessary data -to compile a dotnllod statomont of Coos Bay's traffic and frolght which is desired by tho United Stntcs Englnoors for tho special rocommondntloii' thnt they aro to mako to tho government for tho Improvomont of Coos Bay harbor nnd bar. ALONG THE WATER FROXT. Tho BrcAkwator will sail at 0:30 tomorrow morning for Portland. Tho Alllnnco will arrlvo tomorrow morning from Portlnnd nnd will sail lnnr In I li ilnv fnr Hut-nun. tV "v ""' '" - -1 The Rodondo will salt Saturday afternoon from San Francisco nnd will roach horo early Monday. CUT GLASS at MILXER'S. GET MARBLE. Tho Breakwater yostorday brought In a big shlpmout of innrblo for the Coos Bay Monumont Company, In- Brown Drug Co. GRADUATE CHEMISTS "The Quality Store." nun mo mnuor wnH iaiu over Dy thojuludlng some columns for tho now council n fow wcoks ngo for at least buildings at Coqulllo which Manager nnouior sonson. A countor potltlon Wilson will novo placed at once. "n-K-tt-H-tt-H-M-H.H.H-tt.H.ajj.H-ea. T a 1 u 1 ? a ti-K-n-s-8-J Best, by Every Test Spfcrry's Best Drifted Skow Flour For 58 Years the Standard B-n-B-H-B-n-n-n-u-u-n-n-u-tt-B-a-ti-n-n-n n-n---'tj-ii n M , 8 n n n Coos Bay Roseburg Stage Line j Dally stugo between Roseburg and Mnrshllcld. Stago leaves dally Sunday at 7 p. in. Fare, $U.OO, OTTO SOIIETTER, Agent, O, P. BARNARD, 120 MARKET AV., ofarstilleld. Agent, ROSEBURO, CRK. PUONE 11