Bw ry -& fikojs !mj lims ADS. NEWS rv BUSINESS IS BLOW, Al ! THAT IX TAYS IS EVL GET IT WHILE IT IS NHW 9X READING THE COOS MAX TIMHS. ALL THE NEWS AIaj THE TIMJi TERSELY TOLD t: :: :: t CED ' SUCCESSFUL BUSI- I jlOUSEo n,van.iirwi . MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established in 1878 n Tlio Coast Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1910 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall and Coos Ray Advertiser. 113- STEAMER PLANT PICKED UP STER AND RIS WIFE IN DISTRESS OFF fll IF BREED MURDERS ESCAPE RUMOR PROVES UNTRUE INDICTED FOR LARGE GRAFT keeper's Son, Confesses , Heinous Crime at Dutch Neck, N. J. I; MOTHER WAS IN HOUSE AT TIME ifced House After Slaying Aged Couple In the Evening. fAMOclated ProsB to Coos Bay Times.) IrRENTON, N. J., Nov. 25. Tho tj have arrcsieu juuu ouurn wtlon with tho murder or ltev; 1 1-Armstrong and wife in their i at Dutch Neck, WedncBday. t li half-breed negro nnd son pt INICRCVi'LT "" t...i.v.wMO i..a..a n. iIim A.moti'nniv , The couplo wore killed with n t nn and tho gun which Sears rroied from a neighbor was found lie kitchen nt tho Armstrong .'t. Scars claimed nt first that ho !J establish an alibi but tho au- Itritlci ay they can prove, ho was Dutch Neck. Tho mother of tho :( man Is being watched by do rim. Later ho confessed his FUtST STORY OP CRIME. TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 24. Rov. far Armstrong, tho olghty-ycar- Jputorof tho PrcBbytcrlnn church (Dutch Neck, 10 miles cast of hero I tit wlfo, wero murdered last lit la their homo by burglars. Thq I couple wero shot and it, 1 ibe,- they died Instantly.. Tho paB- ktni bis wlfo had not retired when ilnrglars entered their homo. Tho nipt was hoard by Mrs. John i, an aged woman housekeeper ! tie Armstrong family. Sho re nted upstairs nnd wuh so afraid ttould bo shpl that sho hid undor ! M until tho arrival of her son kio also lived In tho house but who upending tho evening away. iBwhllo tho burglars rnnsacked liihotue and carried away tho Jewel- 7, coney and other articles. Ifine House On North River Burned Late Yester day Afternoon. Te W. B. Piper homo on North to River was totally destroyed by to tat evening. Tho homo was ono " the best In that section. It is fcoojnt that tho flro started from OTerheated stovepipe Tho fam- fiy had taken Thanksgiving dinner at 1 Claude Piper homo nnd tho men to returned ahead of tho women W started a flro In tho front room trm tho house. Thoy then went b the barn to care for tho cows. Tho taea folk returned soon afterwards 'r to find tho house In flames. Practically all of tho contents were '"yed. Mr. Piper could not be "Aed today to ascertain If there y Insurancp on tho property,. " It Is understood that thero was t any. Thn Inna Will 1i nnvnrnl ftcasand dollars. ON'LOOKERS ARE SHOT. OCent llvutmwln. Vlntlma of Wots In Chicago. yT Associated Presa to Coos' Bay Times,) CHICAGO, Noy, 25. Threo per- ""U Were Bhnt nna wnnniliul nfirl. Ca'y and mnnv nthnrn tnhlpctoil to rala of bullets In a riot and clash "een Btrlklnp imrmnnt TOnrkfirS I 4 non-union worijers on tho north- wae of the city. A non-union 'rker and nta wlfo were arrested. least two of the wounded had taB to do with tho strike. ji . - iT' DAY' "Presenting tho Cham- i Tam Medicine Comnanv of Des , !ues, is making his annual trip l rOUBh thin GOnHnn FEU'S HOME -1-4-1- r "' Coos SUFFRAGETTES ARE MILITANT Large Bands Attack Homes of Government Officials In London and Do Damage. ARE SENT TO JAIL. f : , . .4 (Dy Associated Press.) LONDON, Nov. 2G. Twonty suffragettes arrested for smash- Ing windows In tho government ofllccs Inst night woro sentenced to two months each. In pro nouncing tho sontonco, Sir Alb ert Do Rutzon, chief mnglstrnto, Bald, "You dlsordorly women hab been trcntcd with too much lcnloncy in tho past." (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmcB.) LONDON, Nov. 24. Tho activities of tho Suffragettes continued throughout tho night nnd a militant band undor tho cover of tho fog cir cumvented tho pollco and stormed Promlor Aequlth's residence Thoy hurled stones and motal weights at tho Ifouso, breaking tho glass In tho lower windows. After night fall wo men also smashed tho windows in tho homo of Sir Edward Grey, foreign secretary, Louis Harcourt, secretary of stato for tho colonies nnd WlnBton Spencer Churchill, homo secretary. Augustlno Dlrroll, chtof secretary of Ireland, was tho victim of n vlclouB bodily assault nnd Is confined nt homo under tho enro of physicians. WEST WINS IN Railroads Refused Injunction to Prevent Reduction In ' Freight Tariffs. (Dy Associated Proas to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Rul ing that none of tho allegations of tho rnllrond companies wero proved, Judges Ross, Gilbert nnd Morrow, on banc, In tho United States Circuit court declined to enjoin tho Inter state Commerco Commission from re ducing freight rates on commodities between Missouri rlvor shipping points and tho terminals In Washing ton, Oregon, Nevada nnd Arizona. Twenty-two western roads objected to tho reduction as unreasonable. MANY BIG CITIES. Population of Portland, Seattle nnd Spokane Not, Announced Yet. (By! Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C Nov. 25. With only Portland, Seattle, Spo kane. Duluth nnd Superior missing the cities of tho United States of 25,000 or over have nn aggregate nonulatlon of 27.80D.836l Portland ntwi Rnnttin will bo added to the class of larger cities. In 1900, Port land had 90,420 and Seattle 80,671 so thero will bo at lqast 49 cities in the country of mQre than 100,000 each. QUIET IN BRAZIL. "IV Naval Mutineers Surrender On An nesty Terms, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. T7Tn m TAWEiim. Nov. 25. The naval mutineers surrendered today, congress voting amnesty to them. PARLOR LAMPS at MILNER'S, .- BUTE MP Frank Garrison, Murderer, Didn't Get Away His Statement. A rumor that Frank Gnrrlson,tho convicted slayer of Roy Perkins, who is being taken to Salem to bo hanged, had escaped was untruo. Tho rumor had It that ho hnd broken away from Sheriff Gngo near Gardi ner and got away In a fishing boat. Nobody know whero It started. Tho (statement of Garrison's to tho court concerning J. W. Carter and J. 12. Graham lins oxcltod much comment. Marshal Carter says that tho statement is a vtlo outrago ns n mnn of Garrison's calibro woulJ my anything. In proof of this ho ooIimj opt that Deputy Prosecuting At'or noy Llljcqvlst received a lottor from Gnrrlson'B mother iu which sho ex pressed no sympathy for htm In his prosent prcdlcnmont but told of other crimes ho had committed. Mr Carter will got this lottor and havo It .published. flnrrlhon's Statement. Tho detailed stotoment of Frank Garrison, sentenced to bo hanged for tho murder of Roy .Perkins, rondo to Judgo Coko at Coqulllo thla week Just prior to being sentenced was ns follows: "I wish to atftto that I havo no 111 will concerning tho Judgo and Jury, nono whatovor. I do not blamo tho prosecuting attorney or doing his duty, that is his business to pro secute, thpso who vlolato tho law. But I bollovo ho exceeded tho virtues of his offlco to eocuro my conviction. But if ho bollovos, every means wero fair, thon I forglvo him. Now as I renllzo tho fact that I will soon go beforo n higher judgo than our Jud ges horo on earth, I dcslro to mnko an ausoiuto uomai oi somo siaio- monts mau boforo tljp court by Mr. J.. E. Grnham. First, that ho did not know what gayo mo tho Impres sion of mob vlolonco. Mr. Graham called mo asldo at tho tlmo I was arrested and told thnt thoro was greatest oxcltoment and Jhat It I did not tell what I know I was llablo to suffer -vongenco of tho people. 'Then aftor I was placod into tho city Jail of Marshflold, ho got him self locked up In tho co)l with mo saying ho, hlmsolf was undor suspi cion, and that it I would toll what I know about tho disappearance or itoy Perkins It would get him released, to which I said, Mr. Graham, I know nothing, I do not know If you do or not. "Aftor that ho mado sovoral trips to sco mo always trled to got mo to make a confession. "But I always told him tho uamo thing, that I know nothing at all. That tho last tlino I had boou Roy Porklns was on tho ovonlng of Aug ust 31, 1910, when ho left thp boat landing going toward S.umnor on tho handcar and that I had novor seen him since. After I was brought oyer horo to Coqulllo, Mr. Graham has mado two trjps horo to got a confes sion from mo, but ho has never been ablo to do so, and that ho told a dirty llo; that ho purgured himself. And about tho statement which ho said I mado tho morning of Septem ber 1st, ho said, "what is tho mnttor with you, you. look llko you had been drawn through n knot holo." 1 said, "I had a bad attack of indi gestion." Ho thon asked when I came from Sumner. I told him the ovenlng bofore. He, asked me how I got across, I told him I borrowed a boat and tied It up at tho stave mill. I will stato hero why I decid ed to take tho wagon road to Marsh field. I had given my dogs Borne raw cornmeal in milk that morning and It mado ono of them ,slck, and I did not want to dirty up the boat, Not the fact that I knew anything of Perkins' threat of having me nrrest ed. Now tho things tho prosecuting attorney accused mo of stealing wero my own. They were turned over to Roy Perklus and Wm. Hower to sell and glvo me credit for on our accounts but thoy never dono so, so I took, charge qf tho property after It stood out in tho weather two months. Now, it Is a fact that a person going by on the wagon road from Sumner to Eastsldo on account of the thick brush between tho land- ling ana wskuu fuu uuuui w j.iu. - thorugh. But I did ask Mrs. IBnW- thorugh. Former Illinois Central Offi- cials Held For Car Repair Frauds. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, Nov. 25. Frank B. Harrlmnn, John W. Taylor, and C. L. Swing, farmer official employes of Illinois Central, nnd Joseph E. Buok cr, wcro Indicted todny by tho Cfok county grand Jury for con-tptracy In connection with tho frauds inid to havo been practiced against the rnll rond In enr repairing. total of $4,825,650, It is chnrged, vab illegal ly taken from tho Illinois Central for tho four men named in company w)th tho Osterman Manufacturing Com pany, tho Blue Island Car and Equip ment Company, tho Memphis Car Company nnd the American Car and, Equipment Company, which nro also mentioned in tho Indictment. Tho loss by tho alleged fraudulent deals Is estimated nt 11,500(000 but tho wholo amount Involved In tho vnrlous transactions Is named In tho indict ment. Black Pugilist Is Charged With ," Assaulting VVhlte Girl In' ' 1 His Troupe. (By Associated ProBs to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 25. Jack John son, tho champion, was arrested for assault on Emily Cooper, a whlto girl mombor of tho theatrical com pany In which tho prlzo fighter was appoarlng. burg if sho had seen somo ono go down tho road but I did not ask her to doscrlbo tho party as sho stated, but flho did tell mo a little old man wltjh a beard .had gone down tho road. That would never glvo to me tho idea that Perkins was tho man as he and I woar thq same elzd clothos, and I am not email at all as I wolgh 185 pounds. Now what made mo ask nor tho question I saw tho tracks of somo ono going down tho rond and I thought I might havo company n part of tho way down. "Now, 1 will go back to tho state ment I nm alleged to havo mndo to Jack Cartor of Marshflold. Aftor I was put into tho city Jail Jack Car tor tried every moans ho could to get mo to confess but I will sny first ho tried by tolling mo it would bo th6 best thing for mo, then ho plead ed that It I would toll him all about Porklns nnd where Perkins could bo found, it would put n feather Into his cap. I told him I did not know whero Perklus was. Then ho told mo next that thoro was talk of lynching and If I would toll him what I know he would put his long overcoat on mo and take mo out tho back way and up to his homo, but I said I know nothing. Then next ho camo Into my cell, offered to gjvq mo, a key to tho lock, give mo my gun with a lot of ammunition and grub If I would tell him whero Perkins body could be found. I told blm I did not know as, tho last time I saw Porklns he was oi tho handcar going from the land- Jng toward Sumner. Thqt wa,s Men day night., After my arrest Tuesday morning they took mo across the bay, trying to break me down they showed me what thoy called blood. t looked llko It but I stljl told them I did not know anything about It. That night about 10 or 11 o'clock Jack Carter came into the cell where I was, pulled out a slxshooter and says, "now" you Damn - if you don't toll mo you killed Roy Per kins, I will kill you and throw you Into tho bay. He pointed the gun at mo and what, I told him was told to savo my life. What I told him was a He forced at thp point of a .gun. Not a confession obtained as ho has stated on tho witness stand in the court." ANDIRONS and flrjs sets at MJLNER. JACK JOHNSON IS ARRESTED WWSVVWVtS F PLAN IS LAID ON TABLE North Bend Council Doesn't Approve Proposition For ' Waterfront Road. Tho North Bond city council nt its meeting this week laid tho peti tion of Chas. II. Kopf and others pe titioning a chnngo in tho routo of tho proposed waterfront road be tween North Bond and Marshflold on tho tnblo Indefinitely. Mr. Kopf and his associates asked permission to doplnt sovoral blocks of their hold ings In Plat B in ordor to donnto a right qt way for tho proposed road. Tho proposed chnngo in tho plat would, according to tho vlow tnkon by tho .North Bond council, result In Uio road'a courso passing through tho Porter mill. This routo was con sidered previously but owing to tho fact that It would cut through tho Port Mill site, it was given, up. Con sequently, it was. stated, thq North Bend council will probably not grant tho potltlon of Mr.Kppf and bis as sociates. Iiicmuio Tax Lory. Manager R. M. Jennings of tho Coos Bay Gas nnd Electric Company, nppcared boforo tho North Bond cPJtn?H.RPd. Rod tl,Bl. tlW, tak0 stops to bring their warrants up near par. Hp said that his, company was receiving about $270 per month In warrants for city lighting and ac cording to tho presont financial sta tus pf North Bond, thq warrants will pun between two and throo years bo foro thqy can bq cashed. Ho Bald it was hardly fair for his company to bo expected to carry tho paper that long. Ho suggested that tho council, In vlow of this situation not only for his own company but for tho benefit of other holders of North Bend war rants, provldo In jtho noxt tax lovy so that the warrants can bo redeemed at an career date. Somo of tho cqunclj concurred in M,r. 'Jennings' ylewt and it Is npt unlikely that an additional three mlli ,lovy wl.l) bo made, next month for this purpose Ojtfecr, BiMiBfsit. Contractor, Horn, was allowed more tlmo in which to flnanco his proposed contract pn Shorman avenuo. A Inrgo amount of bonds will bo tnkon on tills strcot and It will bo necessnry for him to find a market for thesa boforo ho closoa IiIh contrnct. City Rccordor Dqrbynhlrq was no tified to glvo duo notlco of tho North Bend city election which will bo hold December 13, City Rocordor Derbyshire wbb In- Btructcil to sco that City Engineer Brlgham files all profiles and data of North Bond surveys in his offlco nt onco. An nasesamont was levied to carry out tho Dolawaro street improve ment. OREGON MIDGET HEAD. (By Associated Press.) . OANYONVILLE, Ore, Nov. 24. Mlnulo Pickett, aged thir- teen and weighing. only four 4 teen, pounds, died here. Sho Is 4 believed to haye been tho small 4 est person in the world of her 1 t age. t , v DENY STORY OV TROUBLE. (By Associated Press to Coos Baj Times.) EL PASO, Nov. 25. C. M. New man of El Paso, declares American residents of Chihuahua havo signed a public statement requesting tho press associations to deny tho re ports that thero has been fighting in Chihuahua. Newman arrived to day but did not havo a copy of tho statemont but quoted one lino as fol lows, "Thoro -has never been a dis turbance of any nature in the city of Chihuahua." Reports from various points in Mexico Indicate almost normal con ditions prevail. Steamship Bound From San Francisco to Coos Bay Meets With Accident. UNKNOWN VESSEL IS TOWING HER NORTH Two Lumber Schooners Re spond to Distress Signals of Plant. TROUBLE OVERCOME. About 3:30 this nttornoon, Agent F. S. Dow recolvod word from tho Bandon llfo-savlng Btntlon that tho Plnnt was passing thero under her own 4 steam. Sho had ovldently ro- 4 4 paired tho dn,inngo thnt cnusod 4 4 her to fly tho distress Blgnalo. 4 Mr. Dow hnd arrnngod to tnko the Columbia out to mcot hor 4 but when ho heard this decided 4 4 it Avas not necessary. It is not likely that tho Plant will cross in boforo morning. (Special to Tho Tlmos.) BANDON, Ore, Nov. 25. Tho stenmor M. F. Plant, bound from San FrnnclBco for Coos Bay, was sighted off Capo Blanco early today flying distress signals. After a fow hours, two lumber schooners responded ta hor calls and ono of them took -her in tow. Thoy thon started towards Coos Bay. This nows was received here from tho Dandon wireless station shortly after noon. Tho sea Is very smooth off here and It Is not believed thnt tho unknown lumbor schoonor will havo any dif ficulty in taking tho Plant Into Coos Day. ALL QUIET III 1U f Restored Peace Diaz's Country No Trouble At Parrel. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 25. All was qulot botwoen El Paso and Moxlco City whon tho train camo through which reachod horo todny from Mexi co City. All tho tolograph linos aro In operation and thoro Is no fighting. Passengers from Parral declare thoro was no fighting thoro yesterday. AMERICAN 18 SLAIN. Shot Down By Policeman In City ot Mexico Sunday. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW ORLEANS, Npv, 25 James M. Rold, ot Houston, Miss,, a civil onglneor, was killed In Mexico City Sunday by a policeman who sought to avenge thp burning ot Antonio Rodriguez in Texas, nccprdlng to a Mexlpo City dispatch rocolved here today. Rold had Just stopped out ot a restaurant when Sebastian Vordel, a policeman, fired two bullets Into his body. When Rcld fell, Vordel ox clalided "I h.avo killed tho Gringo because tho Grlngoes burned a Mexi can." Verdol Is In. Jail. Tho United States ambassador Una Instituted an investigation and will mako de mands for Indemnity from tho Mexi can government. Meet Todny, A meeting of the old and new committees of the Marshflqld Chamber of Commerce la being bold this afternoon, A now homo win have to bo secured and arrangements made for perfecting tho organization for thq ensuing year. RAZORS, HONES, strops and soap at MILNER'E. OLD MEXICO t In a jJUjiJJUA r